Hardscrabble CWMU

My buddys wife had the moose tag last year. He said he is willing to give you some pointers. Send me a P.M and Ill get you in touch with him
Never hunted it, but spent lots of time on top, lots to look at down there. I know they do migrate back and forth off the top down into mueller park canyon...

Good luck!

I hunted a different CWMU that the same Hardscrabble operator ran a few years ago. Collect as much info as you possibly can about the unit, boundries, and CWMU rules in general. We did not have a good experience with this operator. We know for a fact that a large portion and prime area of the ranch was intentionally and wrongfully with held from the state hunters. I hesitate to say much more on a public forumn, just do your homework, this is a once in a life time hunt,

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