
Long Time Member
The Changes are Many & Some of you will Think they are HARSH!

You're Right!

The Extended Archery Hunt will Come To an End & Now!

The Late Muzz Tags are Gone as Well!

For CFS We Don't have the Deer Numbers for these kinda BS Hunts for GAWDS Sakes!

Hunting Big Game Continuously & Overlapped From Mid-August through January/February with No Relaxation Time for the Deer Herd No Longer Happens!

Not Every TARD in this State Gets a Tag Every Year!

I Hate it as much as anybody,but the Inflation of Hunters outnumber the number of Harvest-able Deer we can Harvest each year!

It is Now a 50,000.00 Fine on the very first offense when you're caught Off-Roading Your F'N Wheelers & Side X Sides in Closed Areas/Primitive/Private Property without Permission!

On Your 2nd Offense 150,000.00 Fine,Confiscation of your Wheeler/Side X Side,Your Rig/Truck You Pulled it to the Mountain With & 1 Year in Jail and Your Hunting Rights are Revoked 50 States wide for Life!

Trespassers get the same Treatment as Listed above!

Poachers on the very first offense will be Fined 150,00.00,pay full replacement price of the Animal they Illegally took,All Hunting Gear/Vehicles Confiscated & Auctioned off with that Money going back to the DWR to Help Prosecute more Poachers & Fencing,Hunting Privileges Revoked forever in all 50 States with 2 Years of Free Meals down at the Local Jail Cell!

I'm Helping PUNK on this one:Baiting Deer/Big Game of any Kind Lands you a Free Stay with Bubba for 6 Months,You'll be Banned from all Hunting in all 50 States for Life along with a 25,000.00 Fine!

Wasting Deer/ Wildlife of any Kind will get You the Same Treatment as Listed above!

Deer Management Will be Based on Total Number of Deer & Not Buck to Doe Ratio's alone,Deer Counts will be Proven to the Best We can Count them,Not Guesstimated,Not Exaggerated And NOT Lied about Fake,Phony,F'N Elevated Numbers of Deer that Don't Exist!

When We Notice Deer Declining in Units below satisfactory numbers,there will be Tags/Permits Cut Immediately,not years down the road when it's too late!

There Are No More Antler-less/Doe Tags anywhere in the State,When Problems arise,The Does/Deer Will Be Captured & Moved!

Legal Archery Equipment will be Limited to Recurves Only!

Legal Muzzle-loaders will be Hawkins & Flintlocks only!

Legal Rifles will only Have Scopes with a Maximum Magnification of 4 Power!

Rangefinders are Not Legal & You Won't need them with the Down Grading of all Weaponry!

Trail Cams are Strictly Prohibited on all Public Ground & it is Legal for any Person to Tear them Down & Destroy them at any time!

Drones are legal for Target Practice year around!

Outfitters & Guides Can Not Surround/Herd or Camp on any Big Game Animals!

Camo Clothing of all Types is Prohibited so Dig Your Red F'N Shirts out!

Spotting Scopes of any kind/Size are prohibited from using during any Hunt,with the shorter Range Weaponry you won't need them!

No Units will be Mismanaged so Poorly that they have to be Closed!

There Will Be 5 Units around the State in a few places known as
Opportunist Units/Hunts,When They've Pounded These Out they can NOT start BAWLING wanting to Pound the other Units out!

All Units excluding the 5 Opportunist Units will have Antler Restrictions of 4 Point or better to be a legal Buck!

Anybody Shooting Sub 4 Point Bucks in a 4 Point or Better Unit will pay a 35,000.00 Fine on the 1st Offense,Lose their Hunting Rights for Life in all 50 States!

Any Hunter Entering Great Grandpa or Great Grandma/Etc in to the Draws just to Hunt on their Permits will be Fined 40,000.00 & Banned for Life of Hunting Privileges in all 50 States!

Paraplanes/Shoot-Planes are Outlawed during any Hunting Seasons and if Caught you'll Pay 25,000.00 & Confiscation of your Shoot-Plane!

Several Roads & Trails will Be Flat Ass Closed,You Get Caught You'll Pay Dearly,Get Your Boots Oiled up!

SpotLighting will Be Outlawed 1 Month Before Bow Season through January 31st in all Big Game Units/Areas,Break this Law & it'll Cost You 30,000.00 & Loss of Hunting Rights in all 50 States for Life!

Each Year We will do More Deer Fencing along Highways,It'll take several years,We should have been doing this 50 years ago!

No More Cow Killer Hunts Running From August Through Jan-Feb,Yes People this Adds Pressure on the Deer Herd They do not Need!

Managing for Strictly Money is Over with!

Nobody can Outguess Weather/Drought & Management will be Tweaked accordingly by the Year!(NOT By saying:Oh We've got a 5 Year Plan Locked in & We can't do anything!)

Forest Service/BLM/DWR will Start Enforcing Existing Rules & Laws before Making More which have only Hurt the Honest Sportsmen & they Do NOT Enforce them!

Radio's Used to Help Kill Deer will Land You a 30,000.00 Fine & Confiscation of all other Hunting Equipment on you at time of the Arrest!

The Dedicated Hunter Program will Continue,It Will Be Mandatory all Projects will be 'MULE DEER' Related & You have to put in your Hours,No More PAY for your Hours Type of BS unless an Emergency comes up!

All LE Buck & Bull Tags will Be Once in a F'N Lifetime!

I Could go on & on But I Won't!

Niller wanted 1 or maybe 3 Things I'd Do If I Could Change the Management for the Better!

Listed above is a Few!

There are Many,Many More that could be added to Help a Suffering Deer Herd!

This Ought to be enough though To PISS The Pope Off & Most other TARDS of this State!

If You Think the Past Deer Management Plans have Helped anything you are WRONG!

If You Think this Last WB Meeting & Changes will Save the Deer Herd You are WRONG!

So I'm gonna Name My Plan HELL-RIGHT,HELL-F'N-RIGHT!

Blast Away!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Hmmm. No arguement here

If I posted pics of some general season rifle monster bucks would it make things a bit better. Better not, I might get Lavoyed.

EFA, will chime in shortly with a report from MuleyFreak to say it's been done before and doesn't work...
Holy $hit bess calm down buddy!

I like it.

>Holy $hit bess calm down buddy!
>I like it.

You Ain't Seen Nuttin Yet HornKiller!:D

They Asked!

I Told!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>******** Retarded!!

I Didn't Mention anything about your FLATTY!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>******** Retarded!!
>I Didn't Mention anything about your
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

******** flatties!!!
>EFA, will chime in shortly
>with a report from MuleyFreak
>to say it's been done
>before and doesn't work...

No, he won't! He'll just quietly slip out of the hunting picture just like his 3 or 4 neighbors and most of his family have done.

The challenges of life (and death) he's dealt with the last few years have already pushed hunting way down on his list of priorities and almost any one of Bess's suggestions would be the final straw. So have fun on that uncrowded hillside without him.
I got a idea elkassassin...
why don't we convince anyone that gives two sh-ts about this deer herd to not buy a tag next year..... We all wants change and healthy Deer herds but at the end of the day would we really be willing to sacrifice???
Now you got me started.... We all want to killed monster bucks and turn down 170?+ deer, but I know without a doubt that next year there will be just as many guys out hunting with the same ##### next year, same old story, until we all really get together and actually do something nothing will change and we'll be talking about this year after year after year after year after year after F?Ning year.
>I got a idea elkassassin...
>why don't we convince anyone that
>gives two sh-ts about this
>deer herd to not buy
>a tag next year..... We
>all wants change and healthy
>Deer herds but at the
>end of the day would
>we really be willing to

Even if You could get people Not To Buy Tags for a couple/few years the DWR would take advantage of it & Sell even more Tags!

I'm Willing to make sacrifices!

Sportsmen Best Start Thinking it over!

We've seen it Happening for years!

Here We are!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Now you got me started.... We
>all want to killed monster
>bucks and turn down 170?+
>deer, but I know without
>a doubt that next year
>there will be just as
>many guys out hunting with
>the same ##### next year,
>same old story, until we
>all really get together and
>actually do something nothing will
>change and we'll be talking
>about this year after year
>after year after year after
>year after F?Ning year.

Several People Asked!

Several will Hate what I Posted!

I Agree!

It's Past Time for an Up-Rising!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>EFA, will chime in shortly
>>with a report from MuleyFreak
>>to say it's been done
>>before and doesn't work...
>No, he won't! He'll just quietly
>slip out of the hunting
>picture just like his 3
>or 4 neighbors and most
>of his family have done.
>The challenges of life (and death)
>he's dealt with the last
>few years have already pushed
>hunting way down on his
>list of priorities and almost
>any one of Bess's suggestions
>would be the final straw.
>So have fun on that
>uncrowded hillside without him.


You Can't even give on one item I Mentioned?

Do You Really Think the very few Changes the WB Mentioned/Passed is gonna Fix the Deer Herd?

I'm Willing to Make some Money Bets with you on it?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>And you find it just bad
>luck that you can't draw
>your super special elk tag?
>Keep bitching plumber boy.

Keep your FLATTY On!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Do You Really Think the very few Changes the WB Mentioned/Passed is gonna Fix the Deer Herd?

Bess. You should know that every damm time you post ANYTHING about the WB, "saving the mule deer", or anything similar your gonna see the same question from me.


From the party of HUNTIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>Do You Really Think the very
>few Changes the WB Mentioned/Passed
>is gonna Fix the Deer
>Bess. You should know that
>every damm time you post
>ANYTHING about the WB, "saving
>the mule deer", or anything
>similar your gonna see the
>same question from me.
>From the party of HUNTIN, PUBLIC

And Hoss!

You'll get My Same Answer every Time!

It's the Only Legal Gambling I can do in TARDville!:D

All You gotta do Hoss is get the EXPO Stopped!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Come on guys, who's really willing to sacrifice a couple of years and not hunt deer, it's definitely not a fix but its a start and would send a message to those math flunking, money hungry liars. It's would take all of the sportsman not just a few, who's really willing to do it??? Hell, my bet is that I can't get anyone to make such a commitment, all talk!!
>Come on guys, who's really willing
>to sacrifice a couple of
>years and not hunt deer,
>it's definitely not a fix
>but its a start and
>would send a message to
>those math flunking, money hungry
>liars. It's would take all
>of the sportsman not just
>a few, who's really willing
>to do it??? Hell, my
>bet is that I can't
>get anyone to make such
>a commitment, all talk!!

I'm In!

But It'll take more than just me & You!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>Come on guys, who's really willing
>>to sacrifice a couple of
>>years and not hunt deer,
>>it's definitely not a fix
>>but its a start and
>>would send a message to
>>those math flunking, money hungry
>>liars. It's would take all
>>of the sportsman not just
>>a few, who's really willing
>>to do it??? Hell, my
>>bet is that I can't
>>get anyone to make such
>>a commitment, all talk!!
> I'm In!
>But It'll take more than just
>me & You!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

??, that's two, I guess we'll soon see who gives two sh?ts about this deer herd!
It's not about not hunting! I enjoy my time in the great outdoors hunting. It's about setting a goal in a general unit and not shooting just any buck. Remember the three point or better units. Do we need to make units 200 inch or better. If we did you could hunt all you want. Just not kill anything on that unit until it starts producing 200 inch bucks. Ok maybe 200 inch sets the goal a little high. So i guess we could go 180 inches or better. Really do we need laws made or can we just police ourselves? Ya I guess we no that's not going to work for most out there. It's go to take a lot to help our herds. As far as old school muzzleloaders . I would go back any day just level the playing field. I love shooting my patch and ball muzzleloader. A iron sight lever action rifle is what I started with. How?s that JT ! Every time I see you post something I think it's me. ???
And Not a Peep From Niller!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Did you find a Moonshine still
>out on Seep Ridge??


Wait till you see My 'SHINE' Deer Management Plan!:D

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
> And Not a Peep From
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

Yet! You knew it was coming. I wasn?t on the interwebs yesterday. Had a busy one that went from 0630 to beyond 2100 hours. I'll give my thoughts on your proposal throughout the day. Man, it would make it easier and so much cleaner if the ?quoted text? formatting on this forum didn't suck so bad! It's going to make discussing this laborious and down right clumsy.

One thought: You?re ?taking a bite out of crime? with this proposal. I like it! You?re speaking my language. But man, some of the inconsistencies in the penalties are crazy. It was a good old college try though bessy, regardless of how I feel about the proposal, I'm proud of ya!

Stay tunes for 17 different replies on different portions of the proposal due to the crappy quote formatting.
>>Do You Really Think the very
>>few Changes the WB Mentioned/Passed
>>is gonna Fix the Deer
>>Bess. You should know that
>>every damm time you post
>>ANYTHING about the WB, "saving
>>the mule deer", or anything
>>similar your gonna see the
>>same question from me.
>>From the party of HUNTIN, PUBLIC
> And Hoss!
>You'll get My Same Answer every
>It's the Only Legal Gambling I
>can do in TARDville!:D
>All You gotta do Hoss is
>get the EXPO Stopped!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

And there it is.

"I'm pissed about the RAC($fw controlled), and the WB ($fw controlled) destroy the deer hunting(except in the places $fw sells)!!!!!"

But, I got a .00000000015 chance of winning a lotto tag soooooooooo, I'll support em year after year.

You ain't getting NONE of your plan. You ain't got deep pockets, you aint a guide, and you and 56,0000 other jokers line up to "kiss the ring" every February.

As long as $fw can show those attendance numbers and revenue, the governor(regardless of who it is) will keep them in charge.

You talk some loud, big game.


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
My next question would be, if your not willing to give your tag up for a year or two, then what then hell would you give up to possibly help the herd out...
-Shorter seasons?
-Smaller units and more of them so they could actually be managed?
-cut tag numbers?
-some units shut down temporarily?
The list could go on and on, I say all of them!! The fact of the matter is, when I want to loose weight I stop putting things in my Pie Hole!! And get my ass to work!! The sad thing about this is that it isn't going to fix itself and I don't think the DWR is much of a help. As a consumer when I get bad service I just don't go back and I quit giving them my money. I really don't know what the magic pill is??? It's sad, this deer herd is in deep sh?t!!
>>>EFA, will chime in shortly
>>>with a report from MuleyFreak
>>>to say it's been done
>>>before and doesn't work...
>>No, he won't! He'll just quietly
>>slip out of the hunting
>>picture just like his 3
>>or 4 neighbors and most
>>of his family have done.
>>The challenges of life (and death)
>>he's dealt with the last
>>few years have already pushed
>>hunting way down on his
>>list of priorities and almost
>>any one of Bess's suggestions
>>would be the final straw.
>>So have fun on that
>>uncrowded hillside without him.
>So EFA?
>You Can't even give on one
>item I Mentioned?
>Do You Really Think the very
>few Changes the WB Mentioned/Passed
>is gonna Fix the Deer
>I'm Willing to Make some Money
>Bets with you on it?
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

What would be the point? You and your posse made up your minds some time ago and nothing I could offer or have offered would make any difference. When you're willing to dismiss or ignore a perfectly sound study or data based on it coming from a source you don't like, then my input is just trash to you. Thanks for the offer of MONEY being made on wildlife, but I think I'll pass. I'll just continue to take or send my info to the RAC's and Wildlife Board where it could make a difference.

However, I will say this about your plan!

"Long live the King".
>The fact of the
>matter is, when I want
>to loose weight I stop
>putting things in my Pie
>Hole!! And get my ass
>to work!!

I like this analogy. It works really well for the situation here. If you want to lose weight, you watch what you eat and get more active. That is a very effective way of accomplishing that desire.

You know what wouldn't do a dang thing for you to lose weight? Me watching what I am eating and me getting more active. The reason why this analogy works so well is you are asking others to do something that they may not agree needs to be done or want to do it to accomplish what YOU want. You are talking like everyone here agrees that 1- there is even a problem; and 2- that they agree what the problem is. If you've been reading you'll see that opinions on these things vary widely.

I'll say it again, I want to know what the problem truly is before I try and come up with a fix. That said, I do not believe hunting is the limiting factor for Utah's deer herds.
Alright elkbessy, here it goes. And for the record, the quote feature on this forum is terrible. I'm doing it my own way to try and make it intelligible.

"The Extended Archery Hunt will Come To an End & Now!

The Late Muzz Tags are Gone as Well!

For CFS We Don't have the Deer Numbers for these kinda BS Hunts for GAWDS Sakes!"

If the numbers do not support these hunts, I agree 100% they should be eliminated. (Along with any other hunt, for that matter. If the hunt is not biologically sound, it shouldn't happen. Period.) But there is where it gets sticky. We need much better data than we have, for sure!
"Hunting Big Game Continuously & Overlapped From Mid-August through January/February with No Relaxation Time for the Deer Herd No Longer Happens!"

"No More Cow Killer Hunts Running From August Through Jan-Feb,Yes People this Adds Pressure on the Deer Herd They do not Need!"

One theme is we need to cut back on the time people are chasing animals. I agree our seasons put a strain on the game. I think that's an easy issue to identify. The solution is not so easy. How would you structure the seasons to change this? Saying we shouldn't hunt them from August to February is not really an idea, it still falls in the just complaining category. Let's hear your idea for how the seasons would be structured, and then I can decide if I agree with that structure or not.
"Not Every TARD in this State Gets a Tag Every Year!

I Hate it as much as anybody,but the Inflation of Hunters outnumber the number of Harvest-able Deer we can Harvest each year!"

I've already stated I do not believe that hunting is the limiting factor for mule deer in Utah. I don't agree with cutting tags just for the sake of cutting tags. Utah used to have WAAAAAY more hunters than it has today, and give out more than double the tags it gives out today. Bessy, you remember those days well. Cutting tags hasn't helped us yet over the last 40 years of crappy mismanagement, so why do you think it's all the sudden going to have an impact?
And there it is.

"I'm pissed about the RAC($fw controlled), and the WB ($fw controlled) destroy the deer hunting(except in the places $fw sells)!!!!!"

But, I got a .00000000015 chance of winning a lotto tag soooooooooo, I'll support em year after year.

You ain't getting NONE of your plan. You ain't got deep pockets, you aint a guide, and you and 56,0000 other jokers line up to "kiss the ring" every February.

As long as $fw can show those attendance numbers and revenue, the governor(regardless of who it is) will keep them in charge.

You talk some loud, big game.


Hoss this is so TRUE!!
"It is Now a 50,000.00 Fine on the very first offense when you're caught Off-Roading Your F'N Wheelers & Side X Sides in Closed Areas/Primitive/Private Property without Permission!

On Your 2nd Offense 150,000.00 Fine,Confiscation of your Wheeler/Side X Side,Your Rig/Truck You Pulled it to the Mountain With & 1 Year in Jail and Your Hunting Rights are Revoked 50 States wide for Life!

Trespassers get the same Treatment as Listed above!

Poachers on the very first offense will be Fined 150,00.00,pay full replacement price of the Animal they Illegally took,All Hunting Gear/Vehicles Confiscated & Auctioned off with that Money going back to the DWR to Help Prosecute more Poachers & Fencing,Hunting Privileges Revoked forever in all 50 States with 2 Years of Free Meals down at the Local Jail Cell!

I'm Helping PUNK on this one:Baiting Deer/Big Game of any Kind Lands you a Free Stay with Bubba for 6 Months,You'll be Banned from all Hunting in all 50 States for Life along with a 25,000.00 Fine!

Wasting Deer/ Wildlife of any Kind will get You the Same Treatment as Listed above!

Anybody Shooting Sub 4 Point Bucks in a 4 Point or Better Unit will pay a 35,000.00 Fine on the 1st Offense,Lose their Hunting Rights for Life in all 50 States!

Any Hunter Entering Great Grandpa or Great Grandma/Etc in to the Draws just to Hunt on their Permits will be Fined 40,000.00 & Banned for Life of Hunting Privileges in all 50 States!

Paraplanes/Shoot-Planes are Outlawed during any Hunting Seasons and if Caught you'll Pay 25,000.00 & Confiscation of your Shoot-Plane!

SpotLighting will Be Outlawed 1 Month Before Bow Season through January 31st in all Big Game Units/Areas,Break this Law & it'll Cost You 30,000.00 & Loss of Hunting Rights in all 50 States for Life!

Radio's Used to Help Kill Deer will Land You a 30,000.00 Fine & Confiscation of all other Hunting Equipment on you at time of the Arrest!"

These all fall into the "get tough on illegal acts" category. I like getting tough on law breakers. Maybe not to the extent you are saying, but I like it. Enforce the laws we have and we can fix many issues we are seeing. I laughed that you have the fine for those in paraplane and shootplanes less than the person that drives off a trail on an ATV. Bessy must be one of the 1%ers and wants to go easy on his boys that can afford planes!
"Legal Archery Equipment will be Limited to Recurves Only!

Legal Muzzle-loaders will be Hawkins & Flintlocks only!

Legal Rifles will only Have Scopes with a Maximum Magnification of 4 Power!

Rangefinders are Not Legal & You Won't need them with the Down Grading of all Weaponry!

Trail Cams are Strictly Prohibited on all Public Ground & it is Legal for any Person to Tear them Down & Destroy them at any time!

Drones are legal for Target Practice year around!

Camo Clothing of all Types is Prohibited so Dig Your Red F'N Shirts out!

Spotting Scopes of any kind/Size are prohibited from using during any Hunt,with the shorter Range Weaponry you won't need them!"

This is the "we need to restrict equipment" category. Meh. This isn't as big of a concern for me. I'd rather have people have good equipment and be able to make clean kills than fiddling with junk. And you can take my camo out of my cold dead hands, bessy! Just come and try me!!!!! :)
I hit some of the points, not all of them. So much of what you are talking about here, though, is hunter management, not game management. You can manage the people all you want, and it will likely have very little overall impact on the game if the herd is not healthy.

One thing I really liked was the idea of more highway fencing. Fencing and over/under passes simply work for protecting wildlife (and cars). These are expensive though. Maybe we could ask "pretty please" to SFW to give a little more of those millions of dollars they get every year to do more of this work around the state?

Or maybe we can take the money the Utah legislature is Peaying BGF to fight against wolves and actually protect our wildlife in our state by building more over/under passes with that money? (See what I did there with pay?)
Allow cow elk hunts during the elk and deer hunts of all weapon's. Do away with the early rifle elk hunt that would allow a couple of weeks for the deer not to be disturbed and give out mature bull permits along with spike permits out for the regular elk hunt have a late season mature bull elk hunt (most large bull hunters are not going to be hunting aggressively more spot and stock so they do not disturb the deer as much). Give out cow permits during the months of November through January on an as needed base's for depredation permits alow hunters to put there names on a list first Signup first get called for these late season dates.
Make the early rifle deer season three point or smaller and the regular rifle season 3 point or bigger.
>I hit some of the points,
>not all of them. So
>much of what you are
>talking about here, though, is
>hunter management, not game management.
>You can manage the people
>all you want, and it
>will likely have very little
>overall impact on the game
>if the herd is not
>One thing I really liked was
>the idea of more highway
>fencing. Fencing and over/under passes
>simply work for protecting wildlife
>(and cars). These are expensive
>though. Maybe we could ask
>"pretty please" to SFW to
>give a little more of
>those millions of dollars they
>get every year to do
>more of this work around
>the state?
>Or maybe we can take the
>money the Utah legislature is
>Peaying BGF to fight against
>wolves and actually protect our
>wildlife in our state by
>building more over/under passes with
>that money? (See what I
>did there with pay?)

I like it, I bet it would blow our minds on how many deer are killed by cars, but I still think we as sportsman can do our part, what ever it may be. Every little bit may work.
So Niller?

You Wanted 3!

Then You asked for just 1!

You Happy Now?


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
> So Niller?
>You Wanted 3!
>Then You asked for just 1!
>You Happy Now?
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

I already told you I was proud of you!
>> So Niller?
>>You Wanted 3!
>>Then You asked for just 1!
>>You Happy Now?
>>I know so many people in
>>so many places
>>They make allot of money but
>>they got sad faces
>>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>I already told you I was
>proud of you!


It'll Take Major Change!

It'll never Happen!

The TARDville Deer Herd is FUBAR!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Yea we gotta do something, with the rough winters up north, deer are scarce, some clowns call them designer winters because that's what they googled up, but fact of the matter is, we are losing deer !!!
>Yea we gotta do something, with
>the rough winters up north,
>deer are scarce, some clowns
>call them designer winters because
>that's what they googled up,
>but fact of the matter
>is, we are losing deer

Like I Said!

We Can't Outguess Mother Nature & We Will adjust Tag Numbers as needed!

NOT keep them the same for 5 years No Matter what because of a Plan is Locked in for 5 years!


I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>"Not Every TARD in this State
>Gets a Tag Every Year!
>I Hate it as much as
>anybody,but the Inflation of Hunters
>outnumber the number of Harvest-able
>Deer we can Harvest each
>I've already stated I do not
>believe that hunting is the
>limiting factor for mule deer
>in Utah. I don't agree
>with cutting tags just for
>the sake of cutting tags.
>Utah used to have WAAAAAY
>more hunters than it has
>today, and give out more
>than double the tags it
>gives out today. Bessy, you
>remember those days well. Cutting
>tags hasn't helped us yet
>over the last 40 years
>of crappy mismanagement, so why
>do you think it's all
>the sudden going to have
>an impact?

And are You Old Enough to Know or Remember when We had WAYYYYYYYYYY more Deer?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>"Legal Archery Equipment will be Limited
>to Recurves Only!
>Legal Muzzle-loaders will be Hawkins &
>Flintlocks only!
>Legal Rifles will only Have Scopes
>with a Maximum Magnification of
>4 Power!
>Rangefinders are Not Legal & You
>Won't need them with the
>Down Grading of all Weaponry!
>Trail Cams are Strictly Prohibited on
>all Public Ground & it
>is Legal for any Person
>to Tear them Down &
>Destroy them at any time!
>Drones are legal for Target Practice
>year around!
>Camo Clothing of all Types is
>Prohibited so Dig Your Red
>F'N Shirts out!
>Spotting Scopes of any kind/Size are
>prohibited from using during any
>Hunt,with the shorter Range Weaponry
>you won't need them!"
>This is the "we need to
>restrict equipment" category. Meh. This
>isn't as big of a
>concern for me. I'd rather
>have people have good equipment
>and be able to make
>clean kills than fiddling with
>junk. And you can take
>my camo out of my
>cold dead hands, bessy! Just
>come and try me!!!!!

Just what I Figured!

You want it all Fixed but You Don't wanna 'Give' anything up!

You Ever hunted with any Traditional Weapons?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>"It is Now a 50,000.00 Fine
>on the very first offense
>when you're caught Off-Roading Your
>F'N Wheelers & Side X
>Sides in Closed Areas/Primitive/Private Property
>without Permission!
>On Your 2nd Offense 150,000.00 Fine,Confiscation
>of your Wheeler/Side X Side,Your
>Rig/Truck You Pulled it to
>the Mountain With & 1
>Year in Jail and Your
>Hunting Rights are Revoked 50
>States wide for Life!
>Trespassers get the same Treatment as
>Listed above!
>Poachers on the very first offense
>will be Fined 150,00.00,pay full
>replacement price of the Animal
>they Illegally took,All Hunting Gear/Vehicles
>Confiscated & Auctioned off with
>that Money going back to
>the DWR to Help Prosecute
>more Poachers & Fencing,Hunting Privileges
>Revoked forever in all 50
>States with 2 Years of
>Free Meals down at the
>Local Jail Cell!
>I'm Helping PUNK on this one:Baiting
>Deer/Big Game of any Kind
>Lands you a Free Stay
>with Bubba for 6 Months,You'll
>be Banned from all Hunting
>in all 50 States for
>Life along with a 25,000.00
>Wasting Deer/ Wildlife of any Kind
>will get You the Same
>Treatment as Listed above!
>Anybody Shooting Sub 4 Point Bucks
>in a 4 Point or
>Better Unit will pay a
>35,000.00 Fine on the 1st
>Offense,Lose their Hunting Rights for
>Life in all 50 States!
>Any Hunter Entering Great Grandpa or
>Great Grandma/Etc in to the
>Draws just to Hunt on
>their Permits will be Fined
>40,000.00 & Banned for Life
>of Hunting Privileges in all
>50 States!
>Paraplanes/Shoot-Planes are Outlawed during any Hunting
>Seasons and if Caught you'll
>Pay 25,000.00 & Confiscation of
>your Shoot-Plane!
>SpotLighting will Be Outlawed 1 Month
>Before Bow Season through January
>31st in all Big Game
>Units/Areas,Break this Law & it'll
>Cost You 30,000.00 & Loss
>of Hunting Rights in all
>50 States for Life!
>Radio's Used to Help Kill Deer
>will Land You a 30,000.00
>Fine & Confiscation of all
>other Hunting Equipment on you
>at time of the Arrest!"
>These all fall into the "get
>tough on illegal acts" category.
>I like getting tough on
>law breakers. Maybe not to
>the extent you are saying,
>but I like it. Enforce
>the laws we have and
>we can fix many issues
>we are seeing. I laughed
>that you have the fine
>for those in paraplane and
>shootplanes less than the person
>that drives off a trail
>on an ATV. Bessy must
>be one of the 1%ers
>and wants to go easy
>on his boys that can
>afford planes!

So Niller?

You Think Current & Existing Fines/Consequences/SLAPS ON THE F'N HANDS do anything Good for Our Game Herds?


And No I'm Not Giving 'POOP CHUTE PLANES' any Breaks,you wanna up the Fines,get after it!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
it looks like your plan is to get hunter success down to below 20% but hopefully closer to 10% and that multiple big mature bucks can be seen from the roads on most units.

Most of your list is about hunter management rather than deer management. I didn't see anything on your list about elimination of predators.
IMHO, predators are holding back the deer herds as much as anything.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-13-19 AT 07:07AM (MST)[p]Bess, I simply said I wasn?t concerned about equipment as much as you, but spoke against banning camo.

Here is the thing: we can debate about what the limiting factors are for our deer herds. People wearing camo is absolutely NOT one of them. Just like me eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on Tuesdays in April is also not one of them. Are you going to propose that next? Because it would have the same impact as banning camo.

Some of your ideas are really good and I think they might help. Some of your ideas have potential but are way too extreme to even be considered. Toned down they may have a chance, and they might help. Some of your ideas you typed are down right crazy talk, but you already know that.

And you're right, I'm not willing to give up camo. And the funny thing, I wear solids too! So it's not just that I want to wear camo, its that as I said above, you are not talking deer management in 90% of your post. You?re talking people management. And if we're going to add even MORE regulations, they should at least be worth something. You going to dictate which color of truck people get to go drive around the roads in looking for deer than pizz and moan about not seeing them? Let's see your truck and I'll add that color to the banned list! We'll be doing you a favor anyway.
Let's get the Pocket Constitutionalists to start doing something beneficial with their anti-Fed BS and start putting out poison again for predators. Or does their hypocrisy only go as far as not paying their grazing dues?

Other than predator control, we can work more on habitat but simply don't have the funds to buy up winter range (the limiting range factor in Utah) and prevent subdivisions. Winters kill deer here, unless they can survive the winter it doesn't matter how few tags are issued.

As to those that say Hunter Management isn't an effective part of the discussion... the only tangible difference between the Henry's and Antelope Islands of Utah and the GS areas is Hunter Management. DWR could relocate perfect genetics from those areas into the Basin and the herds would never improve if tags/seasons were left status quo. In the alternative, if Henry's and AI were opened up to GS hunters (or even just a dramatic increase in tags) the quality of the hunt, and eventually the herds, would suffer.



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
I think even you, Grizz, can see the difference in what we're saying about only focusing on managing people versus the example you cited.

But be you. No matter what, be you.
Looks like most of the stuff your ranting about are penalties about breaking laws, so why worry about those unless ???..
I agree about the winter range,lots of people have the mindset that the further up the mountain you build the more of a status you have, deer gotta live somewhere too!
>I think even you, Grizz, can
>see the difference in what
>we're saying about only focusing
>on managing people versus the
>example you cited.
>But be you. No matter what,
>be you.

The entirety of your persona here is picking on little intricacies of peoples overall objectives with the intent to distract and diminish, yet when its you who is being inarticulate the defensiveness comes out. Hmmm.

PS. It is nice to see you finally take a position on something rather than ride the fence while being an instigator, or as you say, "doing you"



Ask yourself if you agree with the following statement...

"It's time to revisit the widely accepted principle in the United States and Canada that game is a public resource."
-Don Peay, Founder of SFW, as quoted in Anchorage Daily News
Elkassassin here is my conclusion

Can't grow a herd focus on the habitat

Can't manage a herd focus on the habitat

can't get a healthy herd focus on the habitat

Habitat is the biggest thing here we have had a lot of droughts over the years which that has taken a lot of nutrients out of the feed and this can also cause pregnancy problems for wildlife.

So the fix here is pretty simple






I feel the habitat is the biggest problem here because it makes it hard to manage and build a herd.

The other problem is not managing tags Accordantly during the droughts and harsh winters we all know the drought and the hard winter that followed it played a big toll this year.

That said all of us hunters need to be on the same page out of 80,000 plus hunters in this state and not one showed up to the Wildlife Board meeting to protect are deer herds I'M JUST AS GUILTY. If we want to be heard the board meeting is where it's at with enough people and it will be on record.

Now I know go to the RAC'S well what is the most complaints you here from the people that do go




This is what I hear all the time

I'll bet state wide there was less then 500 hunters that showed up total between all of them and I think I'm high look at the survey they sent out.

so they sent out 9,300 surveys to hunters and only 2,055 responded and if I remember right they just wanted more opportunity and they where satisfied with what the DWR is doing.

So what would the out come be if all 9,300 hunters responded to the survey if I had to guess by looking at the big game harvest data and everyone is about 70% satisfied give or take a few out of 80,000 hunters so nothing will ever change
we will just have to sit back and watch the show
> it looks like your plan
>is to get hunter success
>down to below 20% but
>hopefully closer to 10% and
>that multiple big mature bucks
>can be seen from the
>roads on most units.
>Most of your list is about
>hunter management rather than deer
>management. I didn't see anything
>on your list about elimination
>of predators.
>IMHO, predators are holding back the
>deer herds as much as

Work them Coyotes!

I'd Rather X a Coyote than anything-else!

You know what I'm Sayin Ridge!

It's Past Time for Major Change!

You'll Never See Multiple Big Bucks from the Road!

I Never Said My List Was Complete Now Did I?

I Said:There are Many More that can be added to the List!

So I'll Add this one just for You:

The Bounty on Coyotes will be 75.00 each & You Won't get 1099'ed on them!

If You Don't Think it'll take any Hunter Discipline You are Very WRONG!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Elkassassin here is my conclusion
>Can't grow a herd focus on
>the habitat
>Can't manage a herd focus on
>the habitat
>can't get a healthy herd focus
>on the habitat
>Habitat is the biggest thing here
>we have had a lot
>of droughts over the years
>which that has taken a
>lot of nutrients out of
>the feed and this can
>also cause pregnancy problems for
>So the fix here is pretty
>I feel the habitat is the
>biggest problem here because it
>makes it hard to manage
>and build a herd.
>The other problem is not managing
>tags Accordantly during the droughts
>and harsh winters we all
>know the drought and the
>hard winter that followed it
>played a big toll this
>That said all of us hunters
>need to be on the
>same page out of 80,000
>plus hunters in this state
>and not one showed up
>to the Wildlife Board meeting
>to protect are deer herds
>we want to be heard
>the board meeting is where
>it's at with enough people
>and it will be on
>Now I know go to the
>RAC'S well what is the
>most complaints you here from
>the people that do go
>This is what I hear all
>the time
>I'll bet state wide there was
>less then 500 hunters that
>showed up total between all
>of them and I think
>I'm high look at the
>survey they sent out.
>so they sent out 9,300 surveys
>to hunters and only 2,055
>responded and if I remember
>right they just wanted more
>opportunity and they where satisfied
>with what the DWR is
>So what would the out come
>be if all 9,300 hunters
>responded to the survey if
>I had to guess by
>looking at the big game
>harvest data and everyone is
>about 70% satisfied give or
>take a few out of
>80,000 hunters so nothing will
>ever change
>we will just have to sit
>back and watch the show

I Hear You Elkslayer!

And Like I Said:

My List is Short!

There are many more than can be added to the List!

Niller asked for 1 to 3 so I gave Him a few extra!

But I Surely hardly even scratched what needs changed!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I'll bet Niller Don't even know what I'm Talkin about when I Mention a Red Shirt?

Hint Niller:

They were worn with Pride!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
It's Your Turn Niller!

Post 20-30 Changes You Think are gonna Help Bring the Deer Herd Back!

No,You Ain't Got Time For Studies that Take a few Decades!

It's Past Time for Major Change & The Time is Now!

When the WB & the DWR doesn't Listen to their Own Biologists why do we need them?

Sounds like You're Perty Proud of Your Camo Clothing?

The Trash is about as Helpless as a FOX-PRO Caller!

They Were Perty Damn Good items when they First came out!

Now Everybody Has it & Has Had it for many years!

About Time for something New I'd Say!

Post em Up Niller!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Is the red shirt more than the classic red flannel! If it's different than that, you're right...I don't know what it is.

I don't believe the problems go as deep as you. I don't complain daily about poor management. I have been mostly satisfied with my deer hunting experience the last decade. Mostly, not all the way.

What I want to know is what are the limiting factors for our deer. If you don't identify those, anything you do is a waste of time and resources. Let's figure them out and attack them vigorously. Some I suspect will be things we can't change. Hoss has pointed out lacking winter range. We can't put that genie back in the bottle. If that's our real problem, we're screwed.
I asked Covy Jones a couple questions about habitat work. He had no answers.
He said the annual goal for habitat restoration is 100k acres and they do approx 125k per year.
I told him they need to double it!

After listening to a few speakers from the last WB meeting, Speaking in regard to wildlife management being based on revenue and tag sales, I understand why many say ?it's all about the money?

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt
>Is the red shirt more than
>the classic red flannel! If
>it's different than that, you're
>right...I don't know what it
>I don't believe the problems go
>as deep as you. I
>don't complain daily about poor
>management. I have been mostly
>satisfied with my deer hunting
>experience the last decade. Mostly,
>not all the way.
>What I want to know is
>what are the limiting factors
>for our deer. If you
>don't identify those, anything you
>do is a waste of
>time and resources. Let's figure
>them out and attack them
>vigorously. Some I suspect will
>be things we can't change.
>Hoss has pointed out lacking
>winter range. We can't put
>that genie back in the
>bottle. If that's our real
>problem, we're screwed.


HABITAT is another BIG Issue!

But Again Niller!

You're Trying to Blame it all on one Item!

It's more than One Item for GAWDS Sakes!

It's Amazing How Blind some are!

HINT Niller:

The List of Issues/Problems is way Bigger than the List I Started!

But We can Tell You don't wanna Give up any of your Modern Day Technology Either!

I Had to Laugh & it still makes me LMAO!

I Know some people that were Told last year by some other Hunters that if they were Serious about Hunting they'd need to Upgrade all of their Hunting Gear!

So This Year they show up with all the High Dollar BS Money can Buy!

Long Range Guns!

The Best Optics!

The Most Expensive Camo Clothing Money can Buy!

And all the other BS that Goes with it!

Pre-80's it woulda been Good Stuff capable of putting things in your Favor!

They Spent all that Money & Never Shot JACK-SQUAT!

They Waited until everybody on Earth already Had all that Stuff before they bought theirs!

Just Remember Niller!

While You're Road Huntin in your 35K Side X Side You'll Look Good all Suited up in your Church Camo Huntin for a Mature PISSCUTTER Buck!

The Chance of you Finding another Buck Like You've already Got are Slim to None but ohhhhhhhhhh the Opportunity you will Have!

(((Gotta RAZZ You about your CAMO You're So Proud of,I Can Tell I Hit a Nerve,I'm Sure You Have alot of Money invested in it & You gotta fit in with the CROWD!:D)))

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>AT 07:35?AM (MST)


Come on Lee, I want to hear what you have to say.

see my latest wildlife pictures on I.G.
Follow me @ antler_chaser_
Bess. Got my BS in microbiology in 98'. A lot has changed, and I didn't use the degree, but I did do a lot of lab work.

Wildlife biology is scientific experimentation.

When you do an experiment you have to control for variables. Your 30 changes just throw it at the wall approach might work. But how will you know what does work vs what you wasted time and money on?

I watched the WB meeting. Eatch all of them, THANKS AMY.

I try to hit RACS(except cats, I'll mevercsit through one of them again). BUT. I have kids. I have a business.

I actually believe WB and RAC are done on days, and at times as to exclude average working folks.

5:00 in Brigham City means leaving work at 3-4 depending on where I am. My customers don't care about Bucks Bulls meetings. Jr. Jazz doesn't either.

There is ZERO reason WB meetings aren't on Saturdays, except that it being during a weekday keeps the crowds away.

Somehow $fw has figured a way to auction tags, and have folks contribute via phone/text/video, yet the DWR can't do the same with RAC?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>The Chance of you Finding another
>Buck Like You've already Got
>are Slim to None but
>ohhhhhhhhhh the Opportunity you will

That simply isn't true. They kill 20 bucks as big or bigger than mine on that unit every single year! And that was 7 years ago I killed mine. This year was one of the best years ever on the unit. It may have even surpassed the vaunted Henry?s For this hunting season. What you're screaming here is factually inaccurate. I've said this before, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you don't get to chose your own facts.

And I had a big post typed up but for some reason it didn't post. This forum kind of sucks.
>>The Chance of you Finding another
>>Buck Like You've already Got
>>are Slim to None but
>>ohhhhhhhhhh the Opportunity you will
>That simply isn't true. They kill
>20 bucks as big or
>bigger than mine on that
>unit every single year! And
>that was 7 years ago
>I killed mine. This year
>was one of the best
>years ever on the unit.
>It may have even surpassed
>the vaunted Henry?s For this
>hunting season. What you're screaming
>here is factually inaccurate. I've
>said this before, everyone is
>entitled to their own opinion,
>but you don't get to
>chose your own facts.
>And I had a big post
>typed up but for some
>reason it didn't post. This
>forum kind of sucks.

So Niller?

You act like 20 Big/Nice Bucks too many!

There should be more than that taken on General Units if they were Managed Right!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Nope, I'm not acting like that's too many. You?re making up my arguments and my feelings so you can declare some false victory here. We call that a straw man.
>Nope, I'm not acting like that's
>too many. You?re making up
>my arguments and my feelings
>so you can declare some
>false victory here. We call
>that a straw man.

Ain't Claiming any kind of Victory there Niller!

What Else you gonna do for the Deer Herd?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Here is my plan for the mule deer:

If you drive a white truck, $15,000 fine and lifetime hunting ban in all 50 states.

Only Winchester and Browning model firearms are allowed for hunting in Utah. $25,000 fine and lifetime ban in all 50 states for law breaking buzzards!

Anyone wearing red flannel into the field gets a tag automatically, but they can't fill it. Ever.

You can use a radio, but only on channel 3. $1,000,000 fine and 6 years in jail for a single violation.

You can only use a SxS to hunt with. No more sitting in a truck, and dang sure no hiking! Death penalty if you violate this one!

I know non-Utards won't like it, and there is more. But this is a start. We'll see if Bessy is willing to do what it takes????!!!!!!
>Here is my plan for the
>mule deer:
>If you drive a white truck,
>$15,000 fine and lifetime hunting
>ban in all 50 states.
>Only Winchester and Browning model firearms
>are allowed for hunting in
>Utah. $25,000 fine and lifetime
>ban in all 50 states
>for law breaking buzzards!
>Anyone wearing red flannel into the
>field gets a tag automatically,
>but they can't fill it.
>You can use a radio, but
>only on channel 3. $1,000,000
>fine and 6 years in
>jail for a single violation.
>You can only use a SxS
>to hunt with. No more
>sitting in a truck, and
>dang sure no hiking! Death
>penalty if you violate this
>I know non-Utards won't like it,
>and there is more. But
>this is a start. We'll
>see if Bessy is willing
>to do what it takes????!!!!!!

And if you hunt on a Sunday without a signed note from your bishop or minister, you'll have to attend church 27 times a year for 5 years!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-16-19 AT 09:45AM (MST)[p]>Only 27 times, that is less
>than my wife makes me

Yes! After all, we wouldn't want any church (or the DWR) to be sued for cruel and unusual punishment!
But what if:

I drive a white truck, BUT a hunt with browning a bolt.

I wear flannel with some red.?

I hunt WITH a Bishop, just not my Bishop?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>But what if:
>I drive a white truck, BUT
>a hunt with browning a
>I wear flannel with some red.?
>I hunt WITH a Bishop, just
>not my Bishop?
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I'll allow it, but only because it will help the mule deer!
>But what if:
>I drive a white truck, BUT
>a hunt with browning a
>I wear flannel with some red.?
>I hunt WITH a Bishop, just
>not my Bishop?
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Well, you can appeal any citations with the civil courts AND then, if you win the appeal, you can go with your lawyer to the Wildlife Board to get a variance and you're back in business! It'll probably only take about 2 years or so. That is, if Bessy doesn't show up at the Wildlife Board meeting to "comment" against you. AND, of course, the Bishop will also likely go through the same process, but he'll additionally have to go to a High Council Court to save his church membership.
>>But what if:
>>I drive a white truck, BUT
>>a hunt with browning a
>>I wear flannel with some red.?
>>I hunt WITH a Bishop, just
>>not my Bishop?
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>Well, you can appeal any citations
>with the civil courts AND
>then, if you win the
>appeal, you can go with
>your lawyer to the Wildlife
>Board to get a variance
>and you're back in business!
>It'll probably only take about
>2 years or so. That
>is, if Bessy doesn't show
>up at the Wildlife Board
>meeting to "comment" against you.
>AND, of course, the Bishop
>will also likely go through
>the same process, but he'll
>additionally have to go to
>a High Council Court to
>save his church membership.

The bishop is my uncle. He isn't real keen on the beer I drink so he might roll on me?

However. I used yo hunt with Sanpete county sheriff, and still do hunt with the county jailer, so im at least half good?

With the WB I'd be screwed. But tgen who would listen to Bess?

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
It depends on manufacturer of truck and what county you are in, Ford or Chevy even thoe Dodge might be most popular in some county's no one will admit to that except maybe Wayne county Hell they just learned about fuel injection in the last ten years.
>>>But what if:
>>>I drive a white truck, BUT
>>>a hunt with browning a
>>>I wear flannel with some red.?
>>>I hunt WITH a Bishop, just
>>>not my Bishop?
>>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>>Well, you can appeal any citations
>>with the civil courts AND
>>then, if you win the
>>appeal, you can go with
>>your lawyer to the Wildlife
>>Board to get a variance
>>and you're back in business!
>>It'll probably only take about
>>2 years or so. That
>>is, if Bessy doesn't show
>>up at the Wildlife Board
>>meeting to "comment" against you.
>>AND, of course, the Bishop
>>will also likely go through
>>the same process, but he'll
>>additionally have to go to
>>a High Council Court to
>>save his church membership.
>The bishop is my uncle.
>He isn't real keen on
>the beer I drink so
>he might roll on me?
>However. I used yo hunt
>with Sanpete county sheriff, and
>still do hunt with the
>county jailer, so im at
>least half good?
>With the WB I'd be screwed.
> But tgen who would
>listen to Bess?

Who would listen to Bess? Apparently, anyone else who wants to remove some of us pisscutter hunters from the hunting pool so that they have a better chance to hang another trophy on their wall. Unfortunately for them, since the DWR needs our money in order to stay in business neither the Wildlife Board nor the DWR are likely to go along with his suggested policies. Oh well!
>Who would listen to Bess? Apparently,
>anyone else who wants to
>remove some of us pisscutter
>hunters from the hunting pool
>so that they have a
>better chance to hang another
>trophy on their wall. Unfortunately
>for them, since the DWR
>needs our money in order
>to stay in business neither
>the Wildlife Board nor the
>DWR are likely to go
>along with his suggested policies.
>Oh well!

This is my favorite post today.

PS- the quote function on this forum sucks.
Cmon Vanilla don't get your thong in a bunch over this forum, I think it's pretty great is how it is!! Are we gonna have another (designer winter) like last winter where we had only normal winterkill?
>Here is my plan for the
>mule deer:
>If you drive a white truck,
>$15,000 fine and lifetime hunting
>ban in all 50 states.
>Only Winchester and Browning model firearms
>are allowed for hunting in
>Utah. $25,000 fine and lifetime
>ban in all 50 states
>for law breaking buzzards!
>Anyone wearing red flannel into the
>field gets a tag automatically,
>but they can't fill it.
>You can use a radio, but
>only on channel 3. $1,000,000
>fine and 6 years in
>jail for a single violation.
>You can only use a SxS
>to hunt with. No more
>sitting in a truck, and
>dang sure no hiking! Death
>penalty if you violate this
>I know non-Utards won't like it,
>and there is more. But
>this is a start. We'll
>see if Bessy is willing
>to do what it takes????!!!!!!

Well I Ain't Got a White Huntin Truck!

I'd Hate To,But I Could Borrow a POS Browning From My Wife!

The Red Flannel Shirt Doesn't Fit in today's So Called Huntin World!

I Don't Own a Radio!

Don't Own a Side X Side so here comes Death & I Won't Have to Worry about the Deer Herd!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
I don't have a clue what kind of winter we'll have. But I hope it's one with lots of white stuff! Two good winters in a row would be fantastic for many reasons, including our fish and wildlife.
Yea, vanilla and his dream world, must be a nice place to visit, but we have too many random drug tests where I work
>Are you saying our fish and
>wildlife don't need water?
>That's a hot take!

Hey Niller?

Have You Ever Baited or Chummed with Water?

Or Should Baiting with Water be Outlawed as Well?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Hey Niller?
>Have You Ever Baited or Chummed
>with Water?
>Or Should Baiting with Water be
>Outlawed as Well?

I can't say that I have. But the places I've tried to fish or hunt where there is none at all haven't gone very well over the years. So you might be on to something Bessy!

I suspect deer like water. But Cooper can correct me if I'm wrong on that one.
Deer love water, and I suspect elk and humans do as well, do a google search, seems to be your go to!!! But as far as last winter being (designer) your words, not mine,winterkill don't seem to need much water.
Just FYI Niller!

The Year before this Last Hunt in Places it worked Fairly Well!

Problem was/is there Ain't nothin but PISSCUTTERS left in most Units now!

>>Hey Niller?
>>Have You Ever Baited or Chummed
>>with Water?
>>Or Should Baiting with Water be
>>Outlawed as Well?
>I can't say that I have.
>But the places I've tried
>to fish or hunt where
>there is none at all
>haven't gone very well over
>the years. So you
>might be on to something
>I suspect deer like water. But
>Cooper can correct me if
>I'm wrong on that one.

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 08:49AM (MST)[p]>Just FYI Niller!
>The Year before this Last Hunt
>in Places it worked Fairly
>Problem was/is there Ain't nothin but
>PISSCUTTERS left in most Units

Why is that a "problem"? Those PISSCUTTERS are the ones who make it through the hunt and the winter and more than 90% of the does are still being bred. Survival of the fittest!
Coop, you say those are my words, not yours. But I don't think that is factually accurate, and you are putting those words in my mouth.

I'm not sure I've ever used the words "designer winter" in my entire life. Not online, not in casual conversations, not even in my head. I googled it, since you told me to, and all I got was women's fur coats.
Are we trying to get this one to 100 ? Then will it be over. Because the state is go to do nothing about no matter what you guys say. They are just feeding the dragon !
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-19 AT 01:17PM (MST)[p]https://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos_2019/2741797b12b76393a4159a31a256a8a68694c.png
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