
Long Time Member
Well this would be the best thing they could do. If you are a bow hunter and want to hunt archery then the extended archery hunt is the only bow hunt in the state! You guys already have got 5 month's to hunt for the last how many year's? You want to make it fair then 5 days to do get it done just like the rifle hunter's is that fair?
No probley not because your a bow hunter huh!
Back away from the keyboard. You are drunk! Probably the most worthless post I've seen. Congrats!

Athens Archery Field Staff
Wicked1 Bowstring Staff
Nope not drunk just hate bow hunter's and finaly you guys dont get what you want! I knew a bow guy would say something because your all pissed sorry about your luck!

Did they give you 2 shirts for you know both staff programs?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-10 AT 07:25PM (MST)[p]Nope, I'm not pissed. And for you to state that you hate bowhunters shows how truly ignorant you are. I dont hate rifle guys, and if anything right now we need to stand together. "Divided we fall" remember? As far as my staff programs they are 2 new companies that I believe in, and I try to help get going (and no my bow is set at 62lbs because hunting mulies in Nov. gets real cold!). Take shots at me all you want, but you dont know me and you started this stupid thread bashing your fellow hunters.

Athens Archery Field Staff
Wicked1 Bowstring Staff
Relax Hornkiller...Shouldn't we try to unite as hunters and put our heads together and figure out this Deer problem? Step away from the ledge...I surely don't "Hate" rifle hunters and I really doubt you "Hate" us bowhunters...

Badlands Prostaff
Hornkiller, why all the animosity toward bow hunters? I am a rifle hunter but, I will not bash my fellow hunters for the method they choose. After all we are all after the same thing, are we not?
Hornkiller, I am a dedicated hunter and love all 3 types of weapon, Why bash just archery hunters? I have never hunted the extended archery season and if I had I wouldn't be crying about the changes. We need to be united in these crazy times!!!!
He is pretty funny though:) kinda thought the same thing a few times stafff this.. pro staff that...blah blah blah give me a break
hornykiller, how do you know what the DWR will do with todays directive? What if they give 75% archery tags to 15% muzzy to 10% rifle on each of the 29 units and increase the total tags by 100% back to 200,000 total. The deer herd will still win, archers get to hunt every year and you'll still be a sorry sap trying to divide us in our common goal of building back our deer herd :)
make the state archery only then you'll see the herd comeback!!!
just think how fast the herd would comeback if they did that.
>He is pretty funny though:) kinda
>thought the same thing a
>few times stafff this..
>pro staff that...blah blah blah
>give me a break

What is that supposd to mean? Notice my sig, doesnt say pro staff. I'm a guy who hunts with a bow that I believe in. So what? Have I ever pushed anything on you, or done you wrong in some way?

Athens Archery Field Staff
Wicked1 Bowstring Staff
No if the state was archery only we wouldn have any deer left at all. All the stick flippers average something like five or six wounded and unrecovered deer before they actually get one.
Ok sorry i didn't mean all bow hunter's and no i'm not trying to break up hunter's. But all i hear is we lost the state wide archery! We lost the dedicated program! How long is the bow hunt going to be? Because if i can't have a month then i'm just going to go rifle! I mean really it doesn't matter a weapon is a weapon aint it? fair is fair rifle hunt 9 days muzz hunt 9 days bow hunt 9 days. Ya bow hunting is tuff but isn't that why ya archery hunt anyway? You got the best time of the year for 2 month's prior of the hunt to find and pattern and have a hell of alot better chance to kill a deer than on the general rifle hunt! Granted some area's are better than other's but you see alot more buck's in velvet than hard horned buck's in oct from the road or 5 miles off it.

Trent Ya i had a bookcliff's bow tag and got lucky!
I don't hate the bow hunt i love it just wish i didn't get buck fever so dam bad!

I am sorry about what i said about all bow hunter's!
because there are alot of stand up guys that i know that bow hunt. I just hate the ones that just keep wanting more and more!

I might be a ##### but i'm not drunk not right now anyway!!!
Good to hear man! Having bow hunted yourself, you must know how hard it is to get that close. A 9 day rifle hunt compared to a 9 day archery hunt, the success rates would be tiny for the archery guys. As far as bow hunters wounding a lot of animals, that is something that WE need to do away with as hunters. I know if I draw blood that is my animal. WE are the only ones that can weed out the un-ethical hunters. That said I have seen a few rifle hunters shoot 500-1000 yds at deer and not go see if there was blood. There are bad apples in every group, but dont clump us all together as wounding tons of deer. I shot 2 arrows this year, and I hunted the Front 30-35 days. I arrow killed my bull and the other was a clean miss on a buck.

Athens Archery Field Staff
Wicked1 Bowstring Staff
I was being sarcastic. Like you said there are bad apples in every group. I used to hunt with a guy who feels taking a four hundred yard shot with his muzzy is ok. All he was ever out was a round thats what he would say anyways. Needless to say I don't hunt with him anymore. But it doesnt matter what he uses to take game with he always pushes the limit.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-02-10 AT 10:46PM (MST)[p]Hornkiller your an idiot. The reason I dont argue with idiots is because they drag you down to their level and beat you with EXPERIENCE!!! :) Stick with your rifle, we dont want you polluting our ranks!

And learn how to spell, if your wanting people to think your educated and not a drunk, learn some basic grammar! :) And sell your bow, I dont want people to think your the typical bowhunter!!!
I agree, equality would be a great thing. Allocate tags according to the burden on the resource, 7000 harvested deer per weapon. This would equate to about 40000 archery tags, 24000 muzzy and 21000 rifle. Done deal.

Pitting hunters against each other is counter productive and will get us nowhere. We are ALL HUNTERS.
I love to hunt with whatever weapon is in season at the time so I was a little disappointed that the ammendment was passed to limit archery hunters to a unit. I supported option 2 but I also want to see opportunity increase. Rifle hunters may have to bite the bullet because, lets face it, our rifles and optics are a lot more effective killing tools than archery. Although I have rifle hunted with people that I wonder about that statement. I still would like to see archery be the weapon of choice for increasing opportunity.

It's always an adventure!!!
Oh just great! I was just starting to like myself. Because I hunt with a rifle, muzzleloader, but also archery, I must now hate myself. I'm so confused now. Mommy!
Coyote-chaser I dont need to know how to use proper grammer to see what's going on in the mts of UT! I bet you a pay check i spend alot more time out than you do? As for me being an idiot why the hell did respond to my post? Dont be sad that your one of the guy's that paint your face up for the bow hunt strap the string flipper to your new atv and haul ass up and down every quad trail to see if you can get a road shot! you are the type of bow hunter i was talking about GOD'S GIFT!

I stopped bow hunting cause i lost a couple animals and was sick off killing and not being able to use the meat horns and cape! I shot alot feel i am pretty good at a target. But as soon as i got a buck in the peep it all went down hill! So mybe i should be an idiot and buy another bow kill 3-4 deer a year mybe that will help are deer heards out coyote-chaser!
NO you made the right choice, realized you were a horrible hunter/archer that was not willing to put the time in to become an effective hunter..... Stick with the rifle..Its easier.. :) I dont own an ATV but could I borrow yours? It would be alot easier than trudging up the snow slopes on the front chasing bucks!! Like I said stick to the rifle, they will gladly accept you in their ranks, as for bowhunters we dont need idiots like you giving us a bad name!

And its "our" not "are"....
Come on hornkiller. Come to the archery side...or are to to scared of the challenge? If you're so bitter about the amount of time archers have to hunt, why don't you try it. You know it's open to everyone right?
bow hunting should get the same amount of time as the rest. bowhunting was started for the hunter who wanted a bigger challenge. i think bow and muzzy hunters have forgot that......
funny how people are mad that archery guys get from aroud august 20th to nov. 30th to hunt bucks and 15 days to hunt just does. i'd say over 90% of the extended guys would never shoot a doe, but with that being said, august to sept to oct to nov to the 15th of december is actually less than 4 MONTHS of hunting.
Dont forget that we only got the 20 some odd days state wide, but the other 3 months is all dedicated to hunting the FRONT.

Why is it my fault that you can't shoot a bow? why should i get punished because you want to hunt with a rifle? i rifle hunted for a while, shot a few deer and switched to the bow about 6 years ago.

One of the perks of hunting with a rifle is being able to shoot longer distances. its easier to kill a deer with a rifle and we all know it.

one of the perks of hunting with a bow is being able to spend more time in the field.

Archers wound bucks, rifleman wound bucks, muzzy guys wound bucks. cougars wound bucks, cars wound bucks.

Why are you jealous that we get LESS than 4 months to hunt? I'm not jealous that all you have to do is pull the trigger...\

there is give and take in everything...
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-10 AT 10:59AM (MST)[p]>Hornkiller your an idiot. The reason
>I dont argue with idiots
>is because they drag you
>down to their level and
>beat you with EXPERIENCE!!! :)
>Stick with your rifle, we
>dont want you polluting our
>And learn how to spell, if
>your wanting people to think
>your educated and not a
>drunk, learn some basic grammar!
>:) And sell your bow,
>I dont want people to
>think your the typical bowhunter!!!

*you're an idiot.....*you're wanting.....*you're educated...*you're the typical..

sorry, had to do it...haha

Bowhunting is harder, it takes time for things to line up to allow you to get the shot you need. It goes beyond just getting within 400 yards and pulling the trigger. Even with 3 weeks success rates are still low. Hell I cant even begin to imagine the success rate on the Front, it would be very low. And bowhunting and primitive weapons are used as a way to give lots of tags and control success rates. Hell if you think we have it so easy with archery, why not come on over?
>Bowhunting is harder, it takes time
>for things to line up
>to allow you to get
>the shot you need. It
>goes beyond just getting within
>400 yards and pulling the
>trigger. Even with 3 weeks
>success rates are still low.
>Hell I cant even begin
>to imagine the success rate
>on the Front, it would
>be very low. And bowhunting
>and primitive weapons are used
>as a way to give
>lots of tags and control
>success rates. Hell if you
>think we have it so
>easy with archery, why not
>come on over?

Don't you just have to laugh when people chastise others for their grammar and then butcher the English language themselves?
There should be a period after "Bowhunting is harder" not a comma. There should be a comma after "3 weeks". There should be a comma after "Hell". But, the best of all, you should never start a sentence with the word "And"
Isn't saying "Bowhunting and primitive weapons" being redundant?
Ok, enough of that.
We should make everything fair 33% of the tags to the rifle guys, 33% for muzzy guys, and 33% for archery guys. Say we all get a 10 day hunt. But wait there ARE more rifle hunters in the state so they will give more rifle tags, and the weapons are completely different. Some bowhunters choose to shoot at stuff at way to far, some muzzy hunters shoot at deer at 400 yards and some rifle hunters that think they have a sweet setup try and kill deer at 1000 yards. But most "hunters" are good sportsman and they know their abilities. The hunts should be different because the weapons are different. As an archer I choose to limit myself to a weapon that I cant shoot as far, its harder, things happen that are out of my control, but I choose to do do that because I love to bowhunt. As far as wound loss rate I agree archery definately has a higher wound loss rate. Lets say thats 1 wounded deer for every 2 archers. Thats probably close, now how about 1 wounded deer for every 3 rifle/muzz hunters. Do the math 60000 rifle tags 16000 archery tags. The point is there are vast differences in the choice of weapon that a sportsman chooses to take into the field. There are tons of deer wounded and killed on the roads and by predators every year, there is a huge problem with shrinking winter range. We all want more deer and bigger deer, look at a lot of states and I hate to say it but they use archery as a tool to give more people an oppertunity to go afield and have less deer harvested.
Hornkiller pick up a bow and try it, or dont, we dont care just stop being a jacka$$

Shoot em till their dead
>>Bowhunting is harder, it takes time
>>for things to line up
>>to allow you to get
>>the shot you need. It
>>goes beyond just getting within
>>400 yards and pulling the
>>trigger. Even with 3 weeks
>>success rates are still low.
>>Hell I cant even begin
>>to imagine the success rate
>>on the Front, it would
>>be very low. And bowhunting
>>and primitive weapons are used
>>as a way to give
>>lots of tags and control
>>success rates. Hell if you
>>think we have it so
>>easy with archery, why not
>>come on over?
>Don't you just have to laugh
>when people chastise others for
>their grammar and then butcher
>the English language themselves?
>There should be a period after
>"Bowhunting is harder" not
>a comma. There should
>be a comma after "3
>weeks". There should be
>a comma after "Hell".
>But, the best of all,
>you should never start a
>sentence with the word "And"
>Isn't saying "Bowhunting and primitive weapons"
>being redundant?
>Ok, enough of that.

That is funny!!!!!!!!!!
Well i'm glad you guys didn't read what i said before you started talking.

Longmain_beam go read what i posted it isn't hard for me to get into deer that is the easy part for me dildo!

coyoteGOD'SGIFT_chaser i'm glad you call me a horrible hunter cause i never did! IF YOUR NOT A FRONT MAN IN SNOW then you suck at hunting right? You really think your speacial with your bow post up what you have killed with it or STFU!!!

Ihuntthereforiam you also need to read what i said! The pissed off bow hunter's that have posted on this thread your the type of bow guys i'm talking about your proving my point for me.

I'm not one of those guys that say "I bet i have killed a bigger deer with my bow than you" but i'm going to go out on a limb and say i probley got you 3 smoked even with a bow yes i said BOW!!!!
Hornkiller...You are one of those guys that is always picking fights with everyone. You're TRASH...Do us a favor and don't give us anymore of your idiotic opinions...I am confident most people on this board would agree with me. Between trying to decode your mastery of the English language and following your distorted logic I think we are all just a little tired of your comments.
I bow nunt myself and would prefer it over rifle/muzz if the time of the season was different. However, I think what hornkiller is probably griping about, is the fact that the last few years rifle hunters have been getting hit in the shorts and archery hunters keep getting more percs. In fact at the Board and the RAC's I continually hear bow hunters asking for more and more. In fact, I keep hearing that they have the answer to the whole deer situation......make it all archery or give more tags to archers and take them away from rifle and muzzleloaders. Lets think about that for a minute. The harvest success rate for rifle is about 28%, for muzzle it is about 27%, and for archery it is about 20% (DWR's stats, I know some of you don't believe those stats). Though there is a difference in the stats between rifle and archery, do you really think you would save that many bucks. Really, 20% is not that far from 28%. So if we take tags from the rifle hunters and throw them over to the bow hunters, the overall buck harvest would not change all that much. Thus, you really would not save that many bucks.

So, if you don't like hornkillers griping, then you might want to quit trying to take his opportunity to hunt away from him. There seems to be a "lets take it away from the rifle hunters and give it to us bow hunters" mentality among bowhunters. Now I'm not saying thats all bow hunters, but there is a good # of ya that have that attitude.

Now as for myself I pick up a bow and hunt during the extended, because bucks have hard horns at that time. If bucks had hard horns during the regular archery season, I would do more of that, and would join you guys on the regular archery season as well. But takin a velvet buck just isn't my thing.
LOL, you are good entertainment horndude! The problem with arguing with a pig is ya have to get dirty and he enjoys it!! :) Keep rifle dude, we dont want or need ya!!

My Front reference was to you thinking I ride around on a four wheeler. But since I hunt the Front, not really alot of four wheeler trails around..... so.... not sure where your going with that!
coyote lets see your bow buck since yous so ****** gifted with it.
mybe i should shove my rifle up your *** see if you still want me to stick to my rifle?

I really am glad what they have done with the 29 units.
I'm sure half you guys talking **** are just mad because you cant go to so,UT for a weekend then somewhere in central the next! It really isn't as hard as people are saying it is to kill a deer with a bow or this peice of trash 'me' wouldn't have what i have on my wall so coyote stick in there you might get lucky to kill one with a stick if you get a tag.

For the rest of you bow hunters out there that dont think your god's gift good luck this next season.

it might have somethin to do with the amount of tags given to the rifle hunter's vs the amount given to the archery hunters? Or ya know it might be due to the fact that Utah rifle season should be called Firing squad for Deer. I enjoy both, rifle, muzzleloader as well as archery. But for some reason i have no such problem when hunting in nevada. Maybe Utah will finally learn something and change their system to save their deminished deer herds.

Hey Hornkiller I just figured id keep this going so you could have some more attention......***** those are big words: we all enjoy hunting and your an idiot..
see ya

Shoot em till their dead
I think its funny how some people can get on a web site and talk trash, but face to face that person would not even open his mouth.

Ive hunted all 3 hunts in Utah. Ive killed many deer with a rifle , and killed with a muzzy. Ive hunted with my bow for 5 years and have yet to kill. I like bow hunting becouse you have to get up close and personal with that animal you are stocking. With the rifles, inline muzzleloader and ammo out now 400 yards isnt a hard shot.

Archery hunters should get the same amount of time , muzzy hunters should go back to the old cap and ball and get to hunt longer. We should have 2 rifle seasons, something like other states.

My worry is that it turns into a rich mans game and our kids wont get to hunt in a good unit . Just like anything kids are. our future. We as hunters need to stand up and come together for the good of all.
>Nope not drunk just hate bow
>hunter's and finaly you guys
>dont get what you want!
>I knew a bow guy
>would say something because your
>all pissed sorry about your
>SET AT 103lbs STAFF
> Did they give you 2
>shirts for you know both
>staff programs?

Youre nothing but a punk azz lil biznatch! Just cuz youre not man enough to hunt like a real man doesnt mean you need to ACT tough behind a computer screen!
>Coyote-chaser I dont need to know
>how to use proper grammer
>to see what's going on
>in the mts of UT!
>I bet you a pay
>check i spend alot more
>time out than you do?
>As for me being an
>idiot why the hell did
>respond to my post? Dont
>be sad that your one
>of the guy's that paint
>your face up for the
>bow hunt strap the string
>flipper to your new atv
>and haul ass up and
>down every quad trail to
>see if you can get
>a road shot! you are
>the type of bow hunter
>i was talking about GOD'S
>I stopped bow hunting cause i
>lost a couple animals and
>was sick off killing and
>not being able to use
>the meat horns and cape!
>I shot alot feel i
>am pretty good at a
>target. But as soon as
>i got a buck in
>the peep it all went
>down hill! So mybe i
>should be an idiot and
>buy another bow kill 3-4
>deer a year mybe that
>will help are deer heards
>out coyote-chaser!

Before you reply to a post on this website, use checkspell! You drunk rifle hunt just like you drunk post on this thread...IDIOT
>AT 06:50?PM (MST)

>Hey ihuntthereforiam go back to tines
>up you dildo

You (hornkiller) and dildos have waaaaay too much in common....up too many bungholes!! Dude, relax. Breathe into the brown bag for a second. I hate to say this but you are coming across as a person with some anger issues. I'm old and have learned over the years that you will be taken more seriously and make a better point if you don't resort to profanity and or threats to get your point across. You will also appear smarter if you treat others, with differing opinions, like a gentleman. For what it is worth.

Hahaha I'm just fine. When 5-6 high school buddies get on here thinking there best bow hunters in the world and keep me going who know's how mad i can get! Like the one kid said i can get on here and talk bad but keep my mouth shut face to face well plenty of people know who i am on this site! Want to talk pm for my number. It just seems the only guys that get on here talk the big talk have 20-30 post's give it time you will see there true colors too. As for me being mad using bad words i said i was sorry to the stand up bowhunters that really dont care what weapon people use to hunt with they choose a bow and just want to fix the deer problem in UT. Like i said before i have bow hunted for 5 years have taken 3 bucks i love to bow hunt i just get buck fever way to bad when it comes down to crunch time and yes have lost a few deer so that is why the bow got sold!

if you dont like my grammer dont read it
>Before you reply to a post
>on this website, use checkspell!
>You drunk rifle hunt just
>like you drunk post on
>this thread...IDIOT

Curly, Read what you just wrote, then tell me how you can make fun of hornkiller!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-10 AT 09:02AM (MST)[p]I don't post much on this website because this is an example of someone expressing an opinion and what will happen. That being said, remember if anyone on this site books an out of state hunt either dropped or with an outfitter, regardless of weapon, he/she usually has one week or so to get it done. Everyone drawing or buying a tag knows that going in. Should one's home state have different parameters for residents?.....Of course, but this is just an example of a hunter who has the passion and knows what he faces before it commences. There's no complaining in those circumstances.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-10 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]Vectrix,

Give me a break on the muzzleloader thing!! Put up or shut up. You elitist bow hunters need to take your sites off, take the silencers off, take off the over draw, get rid of the compound bow, pick up a recurve, get rid of your aluminum/graphite arrows,go back to wooden arrows, etc., etc., etc. You elitists are quick to trash the muzzleloaders, but refuse to even admit how easier it is to harvest an animal with your high tech modern compound bows. That is why the harvest success rate for archery (20%)is not tht much lower than muzzleloader (27%)or rifle(28%). Don't be telling muzzleloader hunters to give up their modern equipment unless you are willing AND ADVOCATE bow hunters get rid of the miriad of modern equipment that you guys use. If you truly think you are so much better than muzzleloader hunters, because you hunt with a bow, then do it the true "primitive way". Don't be trashing muzzleloader hunters for using modern equipment just as you do.

Pulverizer - It seems to me that I've heard a good deal of anger and profanity used from the elitist bow hunters. In fact, at the RAC's and the Wildlife Baord meetings I rarely hear a muzzleloader hunter wine and complain. However, the bow hunters are the first to wine and complain and then spout profanity if they do not fet their way. In fact, at this last Board meeting, when the Board made the decision for bow hunters to choose a unit like everyone else, they blurted complaints out without being recognized by the Board Chair. Very Unprofessional!

Now as I said before, I do like to bow hunt myself on the extended archery units, so I do not have anything against bow hunters. However, I have heard enough "give me, give me, and take away from everyone else" attitude from some of you bow hunting elitists.
Tines up???? I dont get it.
Hornkiller Im going to came at you like a spider-monkey!!!!!

Shoot em till their dead
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-10 AT 09:23PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-10 AT 09:15?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-10 AT 09:13?PM (MST)

Rackster, I never said bow hunters do not use profanity or trash others. I also never revealed that I am an elitist bow hunter. An assumption I presume. From what I see in your post addressing me, is that you are into muzzleloading since you defend it throughout what you wrote. That's cool. I took my Once in a Lifetime Moose this year with my Knight MK85. I am not an elitist muzzleloader. I took my Limited Entry Elk 5 yrs. ago with my scoped rifle. I am not an elitist rifleman either. What I am though is a simple guy trying to enjoy the sport of hunting that I have enjoyed since I was a kid.

I think that's part of the problem lately, too many people think they are elitists at everything they do. They think they are entitled to all that it takes to please them or make them happy without a care for their fellow man and at their neighbors' expense. Not with just hunting either , but all things in life. It's the "it's all about me complex" as I like to call it. People have got to learn to give and take. My favorite hunt used to be the November muzzleloader hunt that the DWR used to offer a few years back. When they stopped it and moved the hunt to September it made me sad. Did I freak out and throw a fit? No. I was disappointed but mulled over the reasons the fish cops decided it needed changed. They said too many big bucks were getting killed in the rut. I had hunted it for years and had only taken a couple of bucks so I did question the reason in my mind. I probably did not see the big picture though. Very few of us do because we are too concerned about how things just affect us. So I did what all good hunters do, or should do. I accepted the situation, collected my thoughts, did my research, and analyzed what was out there to best increase my chances to hunt as often as possible in the best areas. This involved taking up and becoming proficient in archery, putting in for more out of state hunts, scouting more areas, trying out of the way places etc. By doing this I have been able to keep the drive to hunt alive. Hunting is hunting guys and I do them all with all weapons in order to maximize the opportunity. I bow hunt the north so the dropping of the statewide is not a major issue for me. If it were I'd do the same thing I mentioned above. I'd do my homework and research and pick one of the twenty-nine areas and learn all I could about it in order to be as successful as possible. Who knows you might discover a new favorite spot.

Fellers, we must be willing to adapt. To accept the situation that is placed before us and do what it takes to make the best of what we have, not just sit around and complain about it. From what I see that must be alot easier. For what its worth.

I'll just spit copenhagen in your eye then throw you in a pond!

Now that is funny!!

Post of the year??
I think we should put all you guys in the octagon together, a couple cans of cope and let you go at it! Funny stuff here.

Wildlife managers use seasons to manipulate game. In areas such as the W. Front, they have determined that bowhunting will be used as an effective tool namely because of the other uses ie biking, hiking, bird watching, rock climbing, etc. They set seasons based on many criteria, two of which are trying to allow for as many "hunter days" as possible (many hunters want to spend as much time as possible hunting, even with a lower percentage of take), and another would be the kill quotas for the area based on population dynamics.
With that said, making things fair is not reasonable because of the higher kill rates of modern rifles. It takes much longer to reach a kill quota using primitive methods, this coupled with the fact that many hunters would rather have a long season to enjoy was part of the reasoning behind this and other archery hunts and the season length.
>I'll just spit copenhagen in your
>eye then throw you in
>a pond!
>Now that is funny!!
>Post of the year??

That got me to laughing to! Funny stuff.
Hornkiller, did we cross? You know if I thought you werent my friend I dont think i could bear it.
By the way I can swim.

Shoot em till their dead
We might have! Do you like coor's light and football? Hope you think Tom Brady has pedafile eye's like i do 2?

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