How many days in a row have you spent hunting?

How many days in a row have you spent hunting?

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Question of the Day .... How many days in a row have you spent hunting?

Full days, hunting morning and evening. Camping in the woods, not driving from home.

Let's hear about it. Were you ultimately successful?
Did 16 days picking blueberries in the tundra west of Lake Clark with my dad on a 12 day trip hunting caribou once upon a time. We popped a couple ptarmigan in the head with .270s and got a nice wolf. It was pure misery in that rain and relentless wind (major typhoon hit the west coast of Alaska the day we flew out), and I loved every second of it. It's been almost 17 years since that trip and despite having had many more tundra adventures, I think about that one all the time and smile.
The Gila, Trinchera and my uncles place outside of Afton, Wyoming. BTBTB.

3 nice bulls, a buck and a lion.
8 days in a row on my dad's LE deer hunt in the Book Cliffs. Though, twice we drove into CO for gas and a meal in a Cafe... It was tough cuz I did have a wife and young baby back home. Cell phone helped quell the homesickness Id say.

On two other hunts I spent 6 days in camp each... Same hunt, different years. I'm like others here. I used to only have time away from work for like 2 days, plus a weekend, so 4 days was tops all through my 20s...
Dall sheep hunt in the field two day previous to the season starting and then killed on day six then another two days to get out. So ten days of actually being gone if you count the travel days there and taking care of the meat, hide, horns, etc it would be 13 days. Great hunt! Can’t wait to go back
4 weeks starting on waterfowl in alberta than moving down to montana deer hunting and after filling throws tags, pheasant and grouse, and then finish elk hunting. they were always great adventures and I would do at least 3 week doing that for like 12 years straight. bird hunting probably is about at least 1/2 of that time
Many years ago when you could just buy a tag over the counter here in Utah and Colorado.. One year I spent the whole rifle hunt here in Utah and ate the tag and went over to Colorado and hunted the season out there and ate that tag too..just couldn't get on the right buck in either state that year.but still have some great memories of that year all my hunting that year was done off horse back and a sheepherders tee-pee tent..
My longest consecutive days hunting in the field was a backpack Stone Sheep hunt in northern BC. Non-stop backpack hunting for 14 straight days. The country was beautiful, but it was brutally steep with bear encounters and a wasp stinging me in my eye. Unfortunately during that two weeks we didn't find a single legal ram. A wild adventure indeed, but not my favorite hunt.
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3 weeks every year for elk, 8-10 for deer and lots of 3-4 day trips here and there. I’ve got a pretty good set up at work so I tend to use all 5 weeks pto plus some
Always on the mountain with my brother for the deer muzzleloader last week of September and stayed through general season elk until Wednesday before general deer hunt in October. Usually always got at least 2 elk and was not uncommon to fill all tags in camp. Numerous family members in and out of camp all through both camps.
Many memories, all good but tearful. He passed in June of 2020. Don't think I've hunted since, maybe one time with my son and other brother. Anyway, keep your powder dry and the sun at your back.
I have spent 15 days straight hunting in Alberta twice. I have also hunted CO 1st, 2nd and 3rd all in one season with family. I spend about 45 days in the field in September, October and November. Might be more this year as I will be chasing blacktails. Lots of travel days in between those hunt days also.
16 days straight hunting desert sheep.
15 days straight hunting coues deer.

Lots and lots of times hunting 10-12 days straight.

Non consecutive days 26 days Wyoming Sheep.
A monkey could have done my job, but it gave me tons of time off to hunt/fish. Always counted success by how many days I spent in my walltent. Retired and moved to my favorite hunting area. Now I just hunt all day and drive home. Kinda miss my walltent.
It never ceases to amaze me how much time guys can dedicate to hunting, shed hunting, fishing, scouting, etc... 100% kudos to those guys but I must be doing something wrong.

(I know everyone's job and family situations vary greatly)
My wife is pretty understanding and I work for myself. A couple of the longer trips I've gone on are:

Last year I left for the Pauns on 9/16 and returned on 10/7 = 21 days.

In 2018 I had a CO archery deer and ID archery pronghorn tags that I combined into one trip. Left on 8/8 and returned home on 9/5 = 28 days

These are single trips without coming home, but if you add up total days for all trips for a single year it can be as much as 30 to 45 days in total for a specific year.
Longest continuous stretch in a tent was about 2 months while guiding. Personal hunts a few of 20+ days chasing coues with a bow. 6 months straight twice out of a hunting lodge guiding...
Hunted whitetail rut in Iowa when in lived there Oct 28-nov 12th one year except Sundays. Most years in Iowa I was done by Nov 7th.
Back in my High School days, I made it a goal to hunt ducks every day of the season. 90+ days!

I did it (yeah?) and still managed good grades and church attendance to keep the parents happy.

Admittedly, I was pretty happy when the season ended. Whew

Tell us how many ducks fell after dark that year...with Art Henderson on your tail! :ROFLMAO:
30 consecutive days hunting a NF for Whitetails.
My truck stayed parked so long that someone called
the authorities. They thought I had died.
Must have ran the tag to see where I lived because they
actually came to the house and asked my mom if I was ok?
She said yeah, he's just hunting.
Dont think I could do it now, too many responsibilities.
drew 5 hunts one year the last 2 wasn't all that funny was beat down. 3 of them was on horseback the last 2 on foot.
Was diesel poor that year. Wyo Deer, NM Elk, NM Deer, then Utah Deer, Az Elk But I was slim and trim for a few months.
Didn't fill NM deer and Ut Deer tags.
Spent 20 days in a row camping/ hunting in 2020. Started on the Vernon muzzy hunt and my boy tagged out opening morning but we stayed the rest of the hunt just camping and looking at deer them went straight from there to the manti for the spike rifle elk hunt and spent another 10 days and killed a spike the 3rd day of the hunt.
I only hunt deer and elk. I am usually gone 15-20 days hunting. I would say about 15-20 scouting in the spring and summer also.

We have been married for 26 yrs. I have 2 boys out of school. As long as I make time for us and get my work done at home, I can be gone as much as I can afford to be.
Not the longest straight days, but one year I had a MT bighorn, hunted 3 days, no big rams, no rut, went home and hunted Utah Rocky sheep with nephew one day, killed the night of first day, the largest ram of the 5 on the unit that year. Then went Dolores Triangle rifle deer hunt with my cousin who had stage 4 cancer for 4 days. He shot a 180 buck, his best ever and his last hunt. Then back to MT Bighorn for 3 days self guided, and shot a 185 10 1/2 year old ram, the largest of 5 killed that year on the unit. A very busy 3 weeks to kill two sheep and a trophy buck! Got home the day before Thanksgiving. We had a lot to be grateful for that year. We got a little help from up above. Great memories.
Back in my High School days, I made it a goal to hunt ducks every day of the season. 90+ days!

I did it (yeah?) and still managed good grades and church attendance to keep the parents happy.

Admittedly, I was pretty happy when the season ended. Whew

Way to many years ago I had the greatest duck/goose lease about 15 minutes from college at a dirt cheap cost as I was poor but loved to hunt. I shot and ate so damm many ducks I rarely shoot them anymore. I didn't hunt every day, but I did hunt any morning or afternoon that looked good. I was called the duck guy in the dorms and had debreasted ducks/geese stuffed in anyones freezer that would allow me space and would give away as much as someone would take, until I got home to drop off another load. My whole class schedule in the fall semester was either classes from 10am-3pm or night classes. Possession limit never crossed my mine back then and I can't remember ever getting checked by anyone. Regardless none of them went to waste and we ate a ton of duck/goose jerky. Still today we have most of our geese turned into jerky or sticks.

Great memories nonetheless, I still remember the looks on my dorm mates looking at me dragging in pile of greenheads/honkers on the elevators. If hunting was good -which it usually was I would go straight from the field to class and clean the birds later in the day when I got back to the dorm room.
24 days. Had 423 miles on my watch that season. Killed a bull on day 22 and my buddy killed on day 24. Not my best bull but the one I'm most proud of.
Yep. Them hunts you work the hardest at and do things that others would never try make the best memories. The memories of them hunts and animals are the ones you remember and are most proud of. It is the memories and not the inches that really count.
2015 I had an archery LE elk tag in Utah, decided that it was either a giant bull or tag soup. Spent 16 days hunting and came home with an unpunched tag. I saw good bulls every day but just couldn't put it together. I will admit that it did get a little lonely at times but I would do it again tomorrow.
I do several 5 to 7 day trips every year when I draw tags.
24 days. Had 423 miles on my watch that season. Killed a bull on day 22 and my buddy killed on day 24. Not my best bull but the one I'm most proud of.
Good god man... that's an average of roughly 17.5 miles a day, that's a decent pace for the hiking the Continental Divide Trail.:eek:
Most I ever did was back when NM muzzy deer started on the tenth of September. Would get there two days early and hunt the whole ten days. So Twelve total out there. Ahhhh those were the days. Will be doing ten straight this year for elk in nm unless I tag out early.

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