I am beyond P*SS*D off!!!!!


I'm in Scottsdale right now, coaching in a baseball tournament. We're staying at a hotel right across the street from the new Salt River complex where the Rockies and Diamondbacks play, and this morning when I went out to my truck, I found that some POS had picked the lock on the driver's door and stolen my Colt 1911 out from under the back seat. They must have gotten spooked, as they had my Springfield XD case out and sitting opened on the back seat, but never took that gun. They ransacked my entire truck, but didn't take any knives, even though they opened several of them, my GPS, my checkbooks or anything else, other than my 1911.

My Colt is a 1991A1, Series 80, stainless with black rubber grips. I'll have the serial number in a couple days when I get back home. They took the entire case, with the pistol, 2 magazines, my custom fitted earlplugs, and gun lock.

Man, would I ever love to catch the POS that ripped me off. He'd need the pepper spray that he left laying next to my pickup to protect himself from me. I'd like to get my 1911 back, stick it up his arse and pull the trigger. Damn, I am madder than a hornet right now. I HATE POS criminal thieves.
Damn, that sucks... I hope you get it back! (even though it's very unlikely)...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I hear ya bro. When I lived in Washington some pos cut the rubber seal on rear window of my truck and took window out right in driveway under my bedroom window. Then be stole the cd player damaging dash and stole my boat ghetto blaster. I never slept as sound after that and caught a pos mexi stealing the neighbors stereo next week. I wanted to drop him but called the heat i stead.
better be busting out some tracking skills and catch that worthless piece of crap............
Sorry to hear about your gun. I didn't realize that you needed all that fire power to be a good coach. Is it a prison team that you were playing against?
Bold SOB's. Sorry for the loss of your property. It could have been worst though. They could have ripped off your truck.

I feel your frustration.

NOTHING makes me more insane than being ripped off!

You are not in your home area, so you probably won't be lucky enough to get your stuff back.

I am old, so I can tell a tale on myself. Many years ago, I was packed up ready to go on an extended hunting trip and neighborhood dirtbags broke into my truck and stole my chit.

I paid a "bounty" for information and the retalliation I took, over the next six months, FAR exceeded the crime they committed. It cost me $600 to replace my stuff and pay the "bounty", but it was worth every penny!

The revenge was an adventure all it's own.

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Sorry to hear about it, tough loss.

I'm sure you realize this now, but I NEVER leave guns, cameras or other small valuables in my car/truck overnight.
Not at a hotel, not in my driveway, not unless I'm sleeping in the vehicle.
They are way to easy to break in to, and thieves target hotel parking lots.
i know almost the feeling to.

few years ago i got home late from a hunt and had to be at work the next day.i had a .300 mag, 30-06, and my .44 pistol in my truck along with all my gear.

next day walk out and my next door neighbor her car doors were all open and stuff everywhere. i told her something isnt right. they stole her cd's. they left her money alone. i got to my truck and it was unlocked. someone searched high and low and stole my cd's and thank goodness not my guns.

so we called the police and the lazy suckers said cd's get stolen all the time and nothing we can to catch them. they said its most likely that they wont come back so they are to hard to catch. well i told them thanks for wasting my tax dollars so you can sit on your butt not even try to help.

it was so frustrating. but loosing a gun would really tip me on edge.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-11 AT 05:20PM (MST)[p]NFH,

What would you expect the cops to do? Sit every night near your residence to protect your CDs. If they found the CD's I am willing to bet you could not identifly them as your personal CDs as compared to all the other thousands just like them. Maybe you should install a alarm on your vehicle to scare off would be thiefs instead of expecting miracles on finding thiefs that you were not able to proveide any leads too.

As for your guns, I hope you took steps to already have a list prepared and stored in a safe place that list the brand names, serial numbers and all other important information in the event they get stolen.

Being ripped off is the most helpless feeling...hopefully by some miracle you'll get your 1911 back...as for me thats the FIRST thing that goes into the hotel room with me when traveling..
well the cops said they were going to check a cd store, where kids take in cds and sell them. i called the cops and the cops and they never did check like they said they would do.

but after that i never leave a gun in my truck again. i was living in apartment at that time and my parents got me a gun safe. i also got renters insurance and for a few extra dollars a year they insured my guns to.
I'm really sorry to hear that you got ripped off and anyone that has had something stolen from them knows what your feeling.

Many years ago we had a S&W k-38 stolen out of the house and while we did not get the gun back we did find the bastard that took it(we knew him and he admitted he took it) and I can tell you and I am sure he would agree that he would have been much better off dealing with the cops.

I never leave any guns in my vehicle at a hotel and I don't even like leaving them in the room but sometimes when you go out it's a better option than leaving them in the car.

I sure hope you get lucky and your 1911 is returned to you.
It gets worse....

Now that I've gotten back home, I cleaned out my truck and discovered that they also stole my Zeiss 8x32 binoculars, as well as a Nikon digital camera.

This trip started out helping a buddy on his archery elk hunt in unit 9, and I was going to go shoot at the Scottsdale Gun Club, which is one of the nicest indoor shooting ranges you'll ever see. That was the main reason I took the pistols, to shoot at SGC. Those POS's went through my daypack and took my binoculars and camera, but left my GPS, several knives and other valuable stuff, even though they opened the knives. Thankfully, they didn't take my Springfield XD, even though they pulled it out and opened the case.
Yes, I filed a report with Scottsdale PD. The officer said that with most everything being textured plastic and fabrics, that the chances of getting a good print were not likely. He did take a can of pepper spray that they dropped next to my truck. The officer said they carry it to spray people and then get away, said someone must have spooked them to leave the XD and drop their pepper spray.
Sorry to hear that. A friend of mine had a handgun stolen a long time ago. About 10 years later it surfaced. So as long as the police have the serial number, there is hope. His was a rare collector gun. Hopefully you'll get a call one day.


It will be very important to get all serial numbers to the agency that took the report. The faster they get it, the faster it gets entered into the NCIC computer system.
From what you said, the punks only took the items of great value that can be sold for the most cash. One reason they left behind the knives. There is a good chance they may use a pawn shop to dump some of the items. Here in CA. all guns going into a pawn shop gets a copy of the pawn/buy slip going to the local police dept. or sheriff's dept for a stolen firearm check. Your serial number has to be in the computer system listed as stolen for that to show up when checked by the local agency. AZ may do the same concerning pawn shops.
If strung out dopers took your items, it will end up in the hands of a local dope dealer that will trade dope for high value stolen items.

You're damn lucky they didn't bother to take the checks and items which could be used for identify theft. That is the crime that keeps on stinging. At least with the glass and 1911 what's done is done. Good luck getting it back. You might be surprised on the gun if you get them a good s/n.

Lessons learned. Criminals are opportunists who go for the highest ROI. Parking a rig with out of state plates in a hotel parking lot with valuables is a guaranteed way to get burned. If you insist on leaving a gun in the car make sure it is an XD because even dirt bags won't steal them.
I have to disagree with you 1911. Dirtbags are not noted for being able to judge quality on fine firearms. They will steal a XD or glock just as fast they would a fine 1911 or Browning Hi-Power because they do not know the difference between good quality compared to junk.


Now set back and wait for the heated replies from XD and Glock owners who also do not know the difference.
My favorite "dirtbag" thief story.

They break into a gunshop in So Cal.

They stole a Perazzi Mirage trap gun, that retailed for about $7,000.00, sawed the barrel and stock off, used it to rob a liquor store of $83.00......and got caught and sentenced to 28 years.

That there, is a prime example of diminished math skills!

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
>Uh nickman?
>You always take the Law in
>to your own Hands?
>There's a couple other Guys on
>here that do that type
>a thing too.

Sometimes.... I prefer to call it "Community Service."

It depends on my "ROI"....Return on investment. $100.00 worth of Gorilla Super Glue and spray can foam, I can make a dirt bag's life miserable for WEEKS!

"If God did not intend for man to hunt animals, he would have made broccoli more fun to shoot"
Nickman, I know of one case where the thief stole a double barrel Winchester Model-21 and sawed the barrels and stock off for a hideout sawed off shotgun. It even had factory engraving and was worth a mint.

Talking about sawed off shotguns. I had a dope dealer try to pull one on me during a traffic stop. Due to his overt actions, I jumped from my vehicle with 45 in hand and it unnerved him that as he was pulling it up from the floorboard, he hit the trigger as it was aimed at his own chin. We buried that dope dealer and one of his own relatives told us that he used to bragg about the "hair trigger" on his sawed off shotgun.

>Nickman, I know of one case
>where the thief stole a
>double barrel Winchester Model-21 and
>sawed the barrels and stock
>off for a hideout sawed
>off shotgun. It even had
>factory engraving and was worth
>a mint.
>Talking about sawed off shotguns. I
>had a dope dealer try
>to pull one on me
>during a traffic stop. Due
>to his overt actions, I
>jumped from my vehicle with
>45 in hand and it
>unnerved him that as he
>was pulling it up from
>the floorboard, he hit the
>trigger as it was aimed
>at his own chin. We
>buried that dope dealer and
>one of his own relatives
>told us that he used
>to bragg about the "hair
>trigger" on his sawed off



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I need your guys help right away. Do any of you live close enough to Phoenix to go take a look at a 1911 that matches the description of my stolen gun? If so, please message me right away. I have a guy who wants to sell a 1911 that matches the description of mine, and he won't give me the serial number. If someone can go take a look at the gun and get the serial number, then I can figure out if it is my gun. It just was posted at an online message board for sale.
I learned my lesson long ago. My vehicle is not a vault and I never store anything of value in it. When I get home, I remove anything I don't want stolen. I also leave the doors and glove box unlocked. I would rather have them rumage around and find nothing. That way I don't have to pay for new windows or locks.

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