I have extra WYO elk points...


Active Member
I have extra wyo general season elk points if anyone is interested in putting in with me? We can work a price out. It will be cheaper than the special draw if you are thinking about that. We won't hunt together. Send me a pm and we can discuss.
I just screen shot this, it will make great conversation at the next Commission meeting.
K guys, sorry for the stupid question...

We all know people share points in Wyoming. Some people like it, others don't, but I think we can all agree it is legal. And would be impossible to prevent anyway. Maybe I'm wrong though. Feel free to correct me.

My question is, "Does the exchange of money change anything in the eyes of the Commission?"

It seems it wouldn't be a guiding violation since there is no expectation of spending time in the field, or even scouting, it is merely for the benefit of applying together.

Thanks for your input in advance.

I'm curious as to how sharing hurts draw odds.

If this guy is successful with his plan, It puts 2 hunters behind me in points if I'm unsuccessful in my draw.
I'm curious as well. I looked at the wyo proclamation and searched around and found nothing saything I can't do what I asked. If I'm wrong I'd love to be corrected and not do it. It seems as though I've seen this on here before. I have extra points and don't want to see them get thrown away. If someone was putting in with zero points or a point and wanted to draw then why not? Maybe the money part was the wrong thing to say.
One of the Wyoming guys were on here a few months back saying he was going to get point sharing outlawed, cause he didn't like that I did it and wanted to show me. I haven't heard anything about it being outlawed. Of course, they were going to outlaw sharing information too, but that first amendment thing got in the way.

Seriously, I don't see what the big deal is. You pay plenty for those points and if the state doesn't have any hunts worth burning them all on, then you should be able to share them for a candy bar or whatever.

I don't think I care enough to pay cash to share points, but I have no problem sharing highly valuable information in exchange, or even going hunting with whomever I share points with. It's been a great win/win. It sure bothers some of those people though. It's funny. jm77 must be one of those guys it bothers so much, since he's going to take this thread to the commission. You?ve got to laugh.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
" Of course, they were
>going to outlaw sharing information
>too, but that first amendment
>thing got in the way. "

No it wasn't the first amendment that got in the way, it was Buzz and Jeff. We fought the bill to ban selling wildlife info because it did just the opposite; it made it legal. All you had to do was buy a license or be a landowner. It was a badly written bill, but that doesn't take away the ugliness that guys like you, who sell wildlife locations to lazy hunters, brings to our tradition.

"I don't think I care enough
>to pay cash to share
>points, but I have no
>problem sharing highly valuable information
>in exchange, or even going
>hunting with whomever I share
>points with. It's been a
>great win/win. It sure bothers
>some of those people though.
>It's funny. jm77 must be
>one of those guys it
>bothers so much, since he's
>going to take this thread
>to the commission. You?ve got
>to laugh."

>Brian Latturner

Wrong again Brian. I could care less about what nonresidents do with their points. Technically, what guys like you and jims do when you point share is illegal. Look it up. When you receive something of value like points, (and please don't try and make the argument that points aren't worth anything, the OP is selling his on this post) and then help the person or guide them to game, you are violating the law unless you have an outfitters license. Pesky laws.

And as far as the Commission meeting I mentioned, that last time I spoke to the Director and Chief Deputy about point sharing, neither believed that they were being offered online for money. Well now I have the proof and it will be a good laugh when they see this. The truth is, if the Commission finds out, and they will sooner or later, that could put and end to your gig about hunting G every year. Again, you're taking someone else's nonresident tag and it doesn't bother me at all. I buy mine over the counter and the last two years have been banner for me.

You've got to laugh.
If it's "technically illegal" already, then what is the point of doing away with point sharing for everyone?

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
>If it's "technically illegal" already, then
>what is the point of
>doing away with point sharing
>for everyone?
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

I don't know, that's not my hill to climb. But what I hear on these forums from most NR is that they don't like the point system. I bet you have a whole other opinion on that, don't you Brian? As long as guys like you and jims can use the system to your advantage, you never want to see it change.

Meanwhile the rest just complain about point creep...
Had you not stated "We can work out a price" many would not have jumped in the fray.
Offering to "sell" the PP to share is the issue.

And yes the commission will love theses posts.
It should get some discussion at the meetings now.
"No it wasn't the first amendment that got in the way, it was Buzz and Jeff. We fought the bill to ban selling wildlife info because it did just the opposite; it made it legal."

You're so full of yourself. Last year you were spewing about how solid the bill was, and you were wrong because it got kicked out for being dumb and unconstitutional. NOW you're claiming you were against the bill? Funny. You can sell it, but I ain't buying it. You think I'm clueless and didn't communicate with legislators? I know a couple things.
Maybe the new bill will get passed this year? huh? Or is there no new bill at all? ha ha

And as far as the guys buying information being lazy, you have no idea what you're spewing. Blah, blah, blah. You should work for Trump. ha ha

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
True, I like the point sharing, as do many people, that's why it exists. I do share points, because I can. It's allowed, even if I take the other guy hunting with me or even tell him where I saw a big buck, it's legal. How do you expect the point sharing to work? Only dad gets to share points with their son? Or only a couple guys who have known each other for many years should get to share points? You guys want to eliminate point sharing for everyone just to try and keep me and a couple other guys from doing it. It's silly. I'd just take other people up there to shoot the bucks I find and it would be fun. Then what you going to do from keeping me out?

>>If it's "technically illegal" already, then
>>what is the point of
>>doing away with point sharing
>>for everyone?
>>Brian Latturner
>>@mm_founder on Instagram
>>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>>on Facebook!
>I don't know, that's not my
>hill to climb. But what
>I hear on these forums
>from most NR is that
>they don't like the point
>system. I bet you have
>a whole other opinion on
>that, don't you Brian? As
>long as guys like you
>and jims can use the
>system to your advantage, you
>never want to see it
>Meanwhile the rest just complain about
>point creep...

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I am going to share my antelope points with my brother, he has one less than me. I have enough points to hunt the unit we want and he is .5 short. My deal with him is that we will drive his truck. In a sense he is paying me for that one point I am sharing.

Please let your legislators know the story so they can prevent this evil. Of all the things we could be trying to change - loss of habitat for example - this seems really petty.
The issues were to be discussed at the last Board of Outfitters and Guides meeting, the Deputy Chief is a board member. I'll keep our conversation private but the issue of offering the sale of points in exchange for hunt logistics and/or in person help is getting noticed.
As a nr I don't think it's in our best interest to sell points on the Internet. They can stop "averaging" a parties points if they want to, then all of us with kids or friends are screwed.
I like points (although most of mine are gone, thanks Wyoming) and I like points sharing and averaging (with family although I've never done it).

What I don't like, legal or not, is for strangers to "trade" or "sell" their points. While this might be "legal", it doesn't ring right with me for some reason. I've heard the arguments on both sides and "selling" points leaves a bad flavor in my mouth.

Just another opinion from an NR dude.


I believe if "anything and everything" is going to be considered "payment" for points, then anyone and everyone who shares points will be guilty. No two people applying together are going to have absolute equal contributions in the eyes of those judging.

If I share points with someone and we go hunting together, then some call that "technically guiding", while others call it two dudes applying together and going hunting. For whatever reason it really bothers some of the "judges" out there that a few guys apply with others and share information. It's not everyone who shares points with their buddies that has them wanting to outlaw it, it's just those few that they have issue with and want to do away with it in hopes of punishing those few at the cost of all.

I would sure hope the important, smart people who make the decisions can see that those lobbying to eliminate point sharing are doing so for ridiculous, selfish reasons and want to punish a few at the cost of many.

>The issues were to be discussed
>at the last Board of
>Outfitters and Guides meeting, the
>Deputy Chief is a board
>member. I'll keep our conversation
>private but the issue of
>offering the sale of points
>in exchange for hunt logistics
>and/or in person help is
>getting noticed.
>As a nr I don't think
>it's in our best interest
>to sell points on the
>Internet. They can stop "averaging"
>a parties points if they
>want to, then all of
>us with kids or friends
>are screwed.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
For me its a double edged sword. I would rather you can't share points because of point creep. But my boy is also going to be 12 in 2 years and I am planning on sharing antelope points with him.

I also don't differentiate between me selling my points or sharing them with a friend or family. Its either wrong or its right. Whether I get money for my points, camaraderie, someone to help pack my elk, my boy getting to hunt a better area/unit, I am getting compensated for sharing my points. Why does it matter what form that compensation is?

At this point I don't care if you can share or not. Both benefit me in some way.
It is going to suck when I can't share my points with my son in 2 years when he turns 12 because of a few who are selling them or "guiding" and putting that on the internet!

I don't know what is right or wrong in these scenarios, they can be easily debated on both sides...I just worry the legislators won't like the idea that people are selling their points on the internet and then for all who are using them the way it was meant to work to go on hunts with friends and family won't be allowed to do so. Wyoming is awesome that you can average versus Colorado where you can't...it makes a big difference for those coming out west to hunt with friends and family for a week.

If you are all taking screen shots of some of these posts to show to legislators, make sure you take the screen shots of the ones that want to share their points with their 12 year old to hunt antelope as well! That's what I want to do.
I see nothing wrong with point sharing in any way. Points are simply an investment towards a future opportunity. Either way the State gets money for whoever bought the points and I just don't get how there is anything ethically wrong with sharing them with whomever.
I should mention, I have 12 points for deer, elk and antelope. One short of max for all 3. In fact, wish I had a solid plan for my elk points right now. Still looking at options. My Strategy is one out of state hunt a year and I've been hunting Colorado and Nevada last few years.
This has cost me over $1,400 to the State of Wyoming in just buying these points and the 12 years of time and i have no regrets at all. I'm grateful for the way it's set up. An investment that when my work schedule allows, I look forward to some great hunts. If I can leverage them and maybe even help someone else out along the way, how is that a bad thing?
I haven't talked with Founder about Region G but I wouldn't be against it if it made sense. Even if it didn't make sense for me, I certainly wouldn't judge someone who did. I have talked with JimS over the years on elk and antelope and although we haven't worked anything out or hunted together, I think he's a good guy. Never met Buzz but he seems like a good guy too. Really, anybody on this forum obviously has enough passion about hunting that we should realize we all need to stick together. That's my take.
>If you are all taking screen
>shots of some of these
>posts to show to legislators,
>make sure you take the
>screen shots of the ones
>that want to share their
>points with their 12 year
>old to hunt antelope as
>well! That's what I
>want to do.

The G&F Commission decides on point averaging in regulation, not the legislature.
>If you are all taking screen
>shots of some of these
>posts to show to legislators,
>make sure you take the
>screen shots of the ones
>that want to share their
>points with their 12 year
>old to hunt antelope as
>well! That's what I
>want to do.

I might be talking out of turn here but I don't think that most people, myself included, that have an issue with point sharing have a problem with the scenario you describe. I am confident your scenario is exactly what point sharing was intended to do. Provide an opportunity to a family member, new hunter or long time friend. The problem develops, for me, when points or licenses are turned into a commodity that can be bought and sold on the open market. This is exactly the problem that I have with Founders scouting service. It is just one more opportunity to turn hunting or worse yet individual animals into a marketable business venture.

Now I know that this post will be followed by several that say this has already happened or that Outfitters have been doing it so what's the harm. Well, just because something harmful to the activity I enjoy already happens doesn't mean I should encourage more of it.
>"No it wasn't the first amendment
>that got in the way,
>it was Buzz and Jeff.
>We fought the bill to
>ban selling wildlife info because
>it did just the opposite;
>it made it legal."

>You're so full of yourself. Last
>year you were spewing about
>how solid the bill was,
>and you were wrong because
>it got kicked out for
>being dumb and unconstitutional. NOW
>you're claiming you were against
>the bill? Funny. You can
>sell it, but I ain't
>buying it. You think I'm
>clueless and didn't communicate with
>legislators? I know a couple
>Maybe the new bill will get
>passed this year? huh? Or
>is there no new bill
>at all? ha ha
>And as far as the guys
>buying information being lazy, you
>have no idea what you're
>spewing. Blah, blah, blah. You
>should work for Trump. ha
>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

Wow, touched a nerve Brian? If you go back and read those threads on selling wildlife locations, you will find I posted I had reservations on the issue over free speech. When it came to light it really wasn't outlawing the practice, yes Buzz and I opposed it, first by me at the Conservation Roundtable, put on by G&F and then by Buzz testifying in TRW Committee hearings at the Legislature. You put your foot in your mouth on this one Brian. As far as legislators you talked to about this, well let's just say a couple weren't too convinced that I spoke with. They couldn't get by what you were actually doing to support your cause.

As far as point averaging, I commented above that it's not my hill to climb. Don't blame me for your methods being under scrutiny, because you've handled that one all by yourself, whether it be selling big buck locations or averaging to hunt Wyoming every year. You did this, no one else. This being a hunting forum, one can only guess the differences in response you will get, as shown by this thread.

And really, you infer I am selfish? What you do doesn't effect me at all since you draw from a different pool of licenses and I don't hunt G&H. But don't expect not to hear my opinion on what I think is right and wrong.
I'd guess the screenshots they share will only be those that support their agenda. However, they'll probably take credit for whatever happens. Ha ha

>It is going to suck when
>I can't share my points
>with my son in 2
>years when he turns 12
>because of a few who
>are selling them or "guiding"
>and putting that on the
>I don't know what is right
>or wrong in these scenarios,
>they can be easily debated
>on both sides...I just worry
>the legislators won't like the
>idea that people are selling
>their points on the internet
>and then for all who
>are using them the way
>it was meant to work
>to go on hunts with
>friends and family won't be
>allowed to do so.
>Wyoming is awesome that you
>can average versus Colorado where
>you can't...it makes a big
>difference for those coming out
>west to hunt with friends
>and family for a week.
>If you are all taking screen
>shots of some of these
>posts to show to legislators,
>make sure you take the
>screen shots of the ones
>that want to share their
>points with their 12 year
>old to hunt antelope as
>well! That's what I
>want to do.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-19 AT 02:38PM (MST)[p]>I'd guess the screenshots they share
>will only be those that
>support their agenda. However, they'll
>probably take credit for whatever
>happens. Ha ha
>Brian Latturner

Just be aware Brian that with you being who you are on your big website and doing what you're doing openly on it selling big buck packages along with hunting G pretty much every year by sharing PPs with people who are near or at max and you have none is not going to help your cause if the Commission takes this up for a vote! I'd hate to see point sharing go away for friends and family, which was the intent of it, because of people like yourself and jimss that appear to not care about others as long as you can benefit from a system that was not meant to be used like the two of you are. If jimss comes on and makes one more post about sharing others points because he likes to help them and see their smile I'm going to puke!

I also see post #4 on this thread is a first post on here by a person that I'm guessing is openly scouring the net for something like this and had to register on the site in order to send a PM to the OP!
So it's only OK to apply with guys who were friends before they apply together, huh? We?re friends now, but that doesn't count? I love all the little rules some have to make it wrong.
And ?not care about others?? I'll bet this friend I applied with would disagree. Biggest archery buck of his life, best archery hunt period.
Yeah, what a jerk I am for applying with him and going on a great hunt while not having known him for the time you think is appropriate. The wildlife commission should be freaking out and calling it a national emergency and ending all point sharing!


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-19 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]You're now stretching things regarding close friends and family that the system is designed for and it's going to be your rants trying to justify sharing like your last one that eventually ruin it for families and close friends. At least you didn't end it with a "ha ha" like most of them when you're discussing this subject that isn't one bit funny! PS: I had to look and make sure that post wasn't made by jimss since he also has a lot of those type of "friends" he's hunted with that weren't friends at all until AFTER he used their PPs!!! I'm done here because you and others like jimms just don't get it and don't give a damn about anything other than their own self satisfaction or gratification. That seems to be the common thing in our entire society as a whole the way things are going nowadays!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-19 AT 04:12PM (MST)[p]Just a thought...
So WY charges a fee every year for an individual to BUY a preference point but that individual can't share,sell or do with whatever he or she chooses, even though he/she spent their own hard earned money on them?
I would never sell my points but I would certainly share them with a family member or a friend be it new or old if the situation was a good one.
I have no problem with point sharing and hope to share my antelope points with the kids one day. Outfitters do the exact same thing by applying their hunters with ones at higher point levels to ensure they book a full camp. I don't see anyone jumping up and down over it. I guess since they have an outfitters license it's all kosher if they make a little coin off of it. I'm not outfitter bashing at all I've met some good people who are in the business.
When randy newberg drew multiple 19-2 tags a couple years ago, wasn?t that compliments of points sharing? If so, might as well add him to the list of evil doers....
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-19 AT 05:55PM (MST)[p]>When randy newberg drew multiple
> 19-2 tags a
>couple years ago, wasn?t that
>compliments of points sharing?
>If so, might as well
>add him to the list
>of evil doers....

I wondered when you'd post some of your BS and there it is! Randy has come out right on a thread on his website and stated that he has never shared PPs with anyone but family and close friends to draw a tag in any state that he has ever hunted! Some of those party applications were ones that he had more PPs than the others in the party. He also doesn't give anyone that is on his show anything to keep as some have alleged, but does have them wear and use the various items that his sponsors require of him as a sponsor of his show. His sponsors even do a yearly inventory of their stuff that he keeps in his basement for others to use just on the hunts with him and then it's returned to his basement. Why do you think many of his shows are of other people hunting and him just tagging along? If he shared PPs with everyone that wanted to hunt with him like he could with his notoriety just like Brian does he'd be hunting premo units in many states for a lot of his shows.
So are you guys also going to share screen shots from last year where I was begging anyone to share a point with my daughter so she could hunt without paying for the special? You know we had offered information on the area in exchange for allowing us to piggy back on someone with just 1 more point. Am I evil for that?

Sorry but WY made the system as it stands and as such it should not matter one dam bit who I share my points with and why... It does not matter if they are old friends or new friends... I also have yet to see anyone prove how point sharing adds to creep...

There are much huger issues facing WY than a couple guys sharing points and hunt cost...
Dang I have to agree!!!!
Bottom line is the G&F made the rules,people are going to figure out how to use any system to their advantage.
That's human nature.
Sorry to high jack the thread but,
If you guys are gonna screen shot and whine to the Commissioners about point sharing, make sure you snap a picture of mine.
Then have them discuss and explain how I can take a pack string anywhere I want in Wyoming anytime unless I have a hunting tag in my pocket.
Then I cant go into any "wilderness areas" which is code for outfitters locking the public out!!! Sorry but the Guides Association and the Commission are more corrupt than a guy wanting to sell the points that he bought.
Wait a min..Dont we pay a bunch of money for these points?. A person buys em, Wyo certainly takes the money, we should get to do whatever we want with our hard earned points.Ill share or sell or throw away MY points as I see fit. BH1
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-19 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]>If you guys are gonna screen
>shot and whine to the
>Commissioners about point sharing, make
>sure you snap a picture
>of mine.
>Then have them discuss and explain
>how I can take a
>pack string anywhere I want
>in Wyoming anytime unless I
>have a hunting tag in
>my pocket.
>Then I cant go into any
>"wilderness areas" which is code
>for outfitters locking the public
>out!!! Sorry but the Guides
>Association and the Commission are
>more corrupt than a guy
>wanting to sell the points
>that he bought.
I did that very thing last year. You?re welcome. I would have to say that corrupt is not the word I would use to describe the Commission in regards to Wilderness Area restriction. Ignorant is a better word IMO.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-15-19 AT 10:01PM (MST)[p]>Dang I have to agree!!!!
>Bottom line is the G&F made
>the rules,people are going to
>figure out how to use
>any system to their advantage.
>That's human nature.
>Sorry to high jack the thread
>If you guys are gonna screen
>shot and whine to the
>Commissioners about point sharing, make
>sure you snap a picture
>of mine.
>Then have them discuss and explain
>how I can take a
>pack string anywhere I want
>in Wyoming anytime unless I
>have a hunting tag in
>my pocket.
>Then I cant go into any
>"wilderness areas" which is code
>for outfitters locking the public
>out!!! Sorry but the Guides
>Association and the Commission are
>more corrupt than a guy
>wanting to sell the points
>that he bought.

The Commission has nothing to do with the wilderness guide law. If you want to whine about it, whine to the legislature. I will get the email addresses if you want them.
can't wait til to inherit points from the old man. since we bought n paid for em and can do whatever we want with em.

>I also
>have yet to see anyone
>prove how point sharing adds
>to creep...

There are 2 tags for unit 1. On average it takes 4 points to draw. With my 10 points without point sharing my points draw 1 tag. If I share with founder who has 0 points then we both draw the tag. You had 4 points but didn't draw because founder drew your tag. Instead of my points drawing 1 tag my points drew 2 tags. Now you have 5 points. Hence point creep.

Essentially one persons points are drawing two tags instead of one persons points drawing only one tag.

Again point sharing benefits me and also hurts me because of the creep. So I care less either way.

But why do you guys say it's fine to benefit you one way but not another? If I share with my son I'm happy because he gets a tag. If I share my points by selling them I'm happy because I have money for a scouting trip, extra whisky, a hooker, etc.

If it makes you happy to share with your kid, and it makes me happy because I can afford something I couldn't otherwise, we both get the same benefit. Happiness.
>Point sharing reduces point creep for
>harder to draw units.

Exactly my thoughts as well. There?s a log jam at the top tier units. It takes max points to even have a chance on 13 of the elk units. If some dude wants to squander over half a decade worth of waiting and fees, go for it, please.
Well I have a lot of points that I want to use in the next couple of years. Then I just want to get out of the point game, it is expensive each year to pony up for points in Wyoming, Utah and California as that is all I can afford.

The moose points are out of control and I just wanted to hunt moose once in my life, but at the price they are charging I am on the fence as to whether or not to keep them going.

When you add it all up for myself and my son to apply for points each year it adds up to a expensive hunt and that is before we actually hunt.

We have found a ranch that is in great territory and charges an acceptable fee to hunt. We are staying and not going anywhere else. So hopefully I can use those points or just keep on getting them until I can hunt whatever I want to and the year I want to.
Sorry Mule Creek
I don't give them the benefit of the doubt.They arnt ignorant.
They know exactly what they are doing.
They got public land locked up for their
Exclusive use.
JM77 You are wrong!!!
The Guide Ass. Pressured the Commission to lock up public land for their benefit.
The Legislature approved it because the
Commission wanted it to help out the good ol boys.If the committee didn't approve it would never have happened.
Everyone puts their hands up and says it was the other guys.
There are all corrupt...
LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-19 AT 09:52AM (MST)[p]I don't think point sharing will be changed in WY anytime soon. But I am hearing more of a push toward a sitting out period similar to what residents have for moose. For instance, if you draw a license that requires more than X preference points, you would not be eligible to draw the same license for X amount of years. This would allow points to be shared with your family but eliminate the selling of preference points to the same hunters year after year. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but this seems to have gained some popularity.
I think we should just do away with points period. It sure would get rid of a bunch of senseless whining and crying. ha ha
Point sharing adds to creep in the middle point units (the ones they are being used for) and reduces creep in the higher point and lower point units. The question is this negligible? You would only know if you had the full database available for analysis. It is probably not too much of a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
That is a great idea and would likely allow friends and family to share points and others to share points every X number of years, but not every year.
A waiting period. Yes! That's exactly what I had been thinking about that might be a solution to this issue.
>JM77 You are wrong!!!
>The Guide Ass. Pressured the Commission
>to lock up public land
>for their benefit.
>The Legislature approved it because the
>Commission wanted it to help out
>the good ol boys.If the
>committee didn't approve it would
>never have happened.
>Everyone puts their hands up and
>says it was the other
>There are all corrupt...

Unfortunately your skewed way of thinking has gotten in the way of common sense, but no matter. Here is the statute in Title 23 and the authority given the Commission under it (which does not include allowing nonresidents to hunt wilderness without a guide):


232401.??Guides required; exceptions; issuance of resident guide license.

(a)??No nonresident shall hunt big or trophy game animals on any designated wilderness area, as defined by federal or state law, in this state unless accompanied by a licensed professional guide or a resident guide. There shall be at least one (1) licensed professional guide or resident guide accompanying each two (2) nonresident hunters. The commission may also specify other areas of the state, or specific big or trophy game species, for which a licensed professional or resident guide is required for nonresidents, for purposes of proper game management, protection of hunter welfare and safety, or better enforcement of game and fish laws. The commission may allow licensed guides to accompany more than two (2) hunters but no more than six (6) hunters in specific areas.
>Sorry Mule Creek
>I don't give them the benefit
>of the doubt.They arnt
>They know exactly what they are
> They got public land locked
>up for their
>Exclusive use.


No need to apologize. How many of them have you talked to face-to-face or even met in person? For me it would be all of them. There is not one of the current Commission that I would not say is a decent individual. I have strong differences with several of them on issues but I have not seen anything that would cause me to doubt their character. The ease with which you trample on their character tells me much of what I need to know about you.

Their exclusive use? I would venture to guess that almost none of them sets a hunting boot in a wilderness area.
I don't understand why all you guys want to give more control to the Wyoming rule makers than they already have. Just shut the crap up.

Stop complaining, stop going to
The commission, stop winning about this issue.

Look, you residents of Wyoming who are hell bent on making changes to how we non-residents hunt in your state are idiots.

I hope that your commissioner, legislators, G&F start making you all pay for points and then put all these restrictions on you so you can't enjoy hunting your units every year.

Maybe then you'll say huuuumm, maybe I shouldn't have made such a big deal about it.

Honestly, point sharing doesn't creep the points... what creeps the points is more applicants with points fighting over a quota of licenses. You can't ever prove that it creeps pts because you never are going to know who, from where, or how the pts came from for those who drew tags. The data shows 15 guys applied for 15 available tags with a range of 3-7 pts and all 100% drew. Everyone else with less than that didn't. The next year same thing but now there were 20 guys, maybe some jumped in to burn their pts.

You don't have a clue as to where those pts came from.

The more the states regulate the system the less opportunity we will all have.

You residents on here that are fighting with us non-residents on this just remember we pad your G&F?s books, you have different quotes or no quotes at all, we bring in money to your local economy, and lastly you are also non-residents in our states so if you ever want to come over, up, down, or out to our states you surely don't want all these regulations imposed on you do you?
Mule creek you are right.
I don't know any of the CURRANT
But I was around long ago when they
Thought it up.I don't see anybody
Standing up to fix it.ya Doesn?t matter we're you are from everyone is a non resident somewhere.
Stealing public land hurts all of us!!!
>Oh look another big mouth NR.
>Let me guess Utah? You
>sir are the reason I
>will not fight for the
>NR anymore.

Yeah, I wonder what the loudmouth's state has to offer the NR? Most likely a 90/10 split...
Typical/usual bunch of loud mouth residents spewing garbage. plus the usual loud mouth know it all NR, does it really matter to you what happens with NR's? What is your gain? jealous? I know you can buy the same tag over the counter..blah blah blah. who cares.

Screen print this and take it the commissioner and whine to him that your being called out as a whiner.

start your own metoo revolution. it worked for the last feminine group, I am sure you will be OK and have your 15min of fame then you can crawl back under your pet rock.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
>Typical/usual bunch of loud mouth residents
>spewing garbage. plus the usual
>loud mouth know it all
>NR, does it really matter
>to you what happens with
>NR's? What is your gain?
>jealous? I know you can
>buy the same tag over
>the counter..blah blah blah. who
>Screen print this and take it
>the commissioner and whine to
>him that your being called
>out as a whiner.
>start your own metoo revolution. it
>worked for the last feminine
>group, I am sure you
>will be OK and have
>your 15min of fame then
>you can crawl back under
>your pet rock.
>How to start an argument online:
>1. Express an opinion
>2. Wait


"Go hunt for meat at Walmart."
LAST EDITED ON Jan-17-19 AT 07:12AM (MST)[p]

>I wondered when you'd post some
>of your BS and there
>it is! Randy has come
>out right on a thread
>on his website and stated
>that he has never shared
>PPs with anyone but family
>and close friends to draw
>a tag in any state
>that he has ever hunted!
> Some of those party
>applications were ones that he
>had more PPs than the
>others in the party. He
>also doesn't give anyone that
>is on his show anything
>to keep as some have
>alleged, but does have them
>wear and use the various
>items that his sponsors require
>of him as a sponsor
>of his show. His sponsors
>even do a yearly inventory
>of their stuff that he
>keeps in his basement for
>others to use just on
>the hunts with him and
>then it's returned to his
>basement. Why do
>you think many of his
>shows are of other people
>hunting and him just tagging
>along? If he shared
>PPs with everyone that wanted
>to hunt with him like
>he could with his notoriety
>just like Brian does he'd
>be hunting premo units in
>many states for a lot
>of his shows.

Did you get promoted flopgun? Yer sounding a lot like newberg?s bee-atch...
Judging from most your posts, NR this NR that, you must need something to fill your day. Try knitting or some other task suited to your feminine nature.

For someone who says they are not concerned with NR issues, you seem to cry about it non-stop. your pretty much 0 for everything you have tried to stop us NR's from hunting in WYO.

How long before points for residents, a lot closer than you think.

How to start an argument online:
1. Express an opinion
2. Wait
If you can get a hold of the raw data you could figure out how much creep in the middle units are due to point sharing, how many of max points NRs are going with 0 point NRs. I doubt it is statistically significant, but I could be wrong and it would be pretty easy for the Game & Fish to figure out.

I think the bigger issue is when this sharing does occur and the 0 point NR who has hunted the unit every year has the advantage and could knock down two good bucks many years vs. the average non-resident that would only hunt every 5 or so years that may have a 50% or even 25% chance of knocking down a good buck. Once again, this is probably not that big of a deal, but it might be a bit higher than anyone knows.
>Judging from most your posts, NR
>this NR that, you must
>need something to fill your
>day. Try knitting or some
>other task suited to your
>feminine nature.
>For someone who says they are
>not concerned with NR issues,
>you seem to cry about
>it non-stop. your pretty much
>0 for everything you have
>tried to stop us NR's
>from hunting in WYO.
>How long before points for residents,
>a lot closer than you
>How to start an argument online:
>1. Express an opinion
>2. Wait

Ridiculing and name calling seems to be the substance of your last two posts, you obviously have nothing fact based to add to this argument.

What's troubling, is your continued reference to guys being feminine. Some suppressed thinking going on there?
There are no NR's with an advantage in the draw with sharing points. ANY NR can apply with someone with more points than them to better their odds of drawing a tag. This isn't an issue where a select few of us have an advantage.

The advantage I have is I know an area well, put in time to find big bucks, and some people with max points want to hunt big bucks in the backcountry. Anyone can have that advantage if they choose and a max point holder might share their points. It's available to all.

Many people have been buying points for many years and should be able to use them ALL to have the best hunt possible, whether it's to draw a very hard tag that takes max points and a lot of luck, or share the points and do a hunt with a family member, or share the points with a new friend that has knowledge of an area and go hunt one of the biggest bucks in that area.

I'm pretty sure that WY residents who lobby to do away with point sharing aren't doing it as a favor to non-residents. I would guess most want it in hopes of punishing a few NR's...at least they think it's punishment. We've even heard some of them state here on the site that that's the reason they lobby to get rid of point sharing.
It's part of a game. There are a few WY residents who have the end goal of keeping all non-resident hunters out of their state and killing "their" deer and elk. Most Wyoming residents aren't like that, but some are and they have some sense of ultimate ownership of everything to do with Wyoming....the game, mountains, the shed antlers, etc. It's weird.

>I think the bigger issue is
>when this sharing does occur
>and the 0 point NR
>who has hunted the unit
>every year has the advantage
>and could knock down two
>good bucks many years vs.
>the average non-resident that would
>only hunt every 5 or
>so years that may have
>a 50% or even 25%
>chance of knocking down a
>good buck. Once again,
>this is probably not that
>big of a deal, but
>it might be a bit
>higher than anyone knows.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
Maybe we have looked at what Utah residents have done to screw up their state and are trying to head it off here in Wyoming.

For the record I could care less if NR are screwing NR. It actually makes me laugh. I am just hopeful Wyoming will raise the resident prices and cut NR tags to 10% for all species. I was also against the NR wilderness law, but after hearing what some NR have to say I am glad it is in place.
>There are no NR's with an
>advantage in the draw with
>sharing points. ANY NR can
>apply with someone with more
>points than them to better
>their odds of drawing a
>tag. This isn't an issue
>where a select few of
>us have an advantage.
>The advantage I have is I
>know an area well, put
>in time to find big
>bucks, and some people with
>max points want to hunt
>big bucks in the backcountry.
>Anyone can have that advantage
>if they choose and a
>max point holder might share
>their points. It's available to
>Many people have been buying points
>for many years and should
>be able to use them
>ALL to have the best
>hunt possible, whether it's to
>draw a very hard tag
>that takes max points and
>a lot of luck, or
>share the points and do
>a hunt with a family
>member, or share the points
>with a new friend that
>has knowledge of an area
>and go hunt one of
>the biggest bucks in that
>I'm pretty sure that WY residents
>who lobby to do away
>with point sharing aren't doing
>it as a favor to
>non-residents. I would guess most
>want it in hopes of
>punishing a few NR's...at least
>they think it's punishment. We've
>even heard some of them
>state here on the site
>that that's the reason they
>lobby to get rid of
>point sharing.
>It's part of a game. There
>are a few WY residents
>who have the end goal
>of keeping all non-resident hunters
>out of their state and
>killing "their" deer and elk.
>Most Wyoming residents aren't like
>that, but some are and
>they have some sense of
>ultimate ownership of everything to
>do with Wyoming....the game, mountains,
>the shed antlers, etc. It's

>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

What I think is weird here are the comments, like Brian's above, and many of the incendiary ones that assume there is an active lobbying effort by residents to end point averaging. Brian thought this about selling locations too. Well here's the truth for all you worry warts: there is currently not and to my knowledge ever been an effort by residents to end either one.

It was G&F that went after the selling of wildlife locations, but because they sometimes cower to outfitters and landowners, they screwed up the bill. All this started with Brian "advertising" on this forum. Yes Game Wardens are watching here too.

As far as averaging, my screen shot comment was a joke, as they see what's here anyway. The G&F has known for a while, based on forums like these, some of you are selling points. Like I said and I'll say it again for those of you who choose to see only what you want to see, it is not my hill to climb or anyone I know for that matter.

If you want to blame me for anything, the aircraft for scouting regulation and the early elk draw were battles I fought. Both were the right outcome for the sake of wildlife management.

Dang, what a bunch a******s some people can be!
>Maybe we have looked at what
>Utah residents have done to
>screw up their state and
>are trying to head it
>off here in Wyoming.
>For the record I could care
>less if NR are screwing
>NR. It actually makes me
>laugh. I am just hopeful
>Wyoming will raise the resident
>prices and cut NR tags
>to 10% for all species.
>I was also against the
>NR wilderness law, but after
>hearing what some NR have
>to say I am glad
>it is in place.

You hit the nail on the head.
What do you mean by this:

"There are no NR's with an advantage in the draw with sharing points."

Whomever has less points and shares has a huge advantage if it is 0 sharing with 12. It is what it is, it is legal. I have done it and been on both sides of sharing...one where it was an advantage and once where it was a disadvantage, but never a 12-0 averaging. I am sitting on max deer points and have discussed with others about the possibility of sharing points in exchange for their knowledge of an area and scouting services. I understand why people are doing it on both sides and since it is currently legal, then it is currently okay to do from a legal point of view.

I think the issue is should you be allowed to sell your points for $ or something else of value (like a scouting service). If the amount of $ or value is less than what you put in for points over those 12 years ($480 at $40 per point) then I agree it is not as big of deal and possibly could be legally argued against a future law that would not allow a profit to be made on points sharing. Now when the value significantly trumps the amount spent on points (like a $1500 scouting package that improves your odds of shooting a nice buck by 4000% or a fully-guided hunt...or $1000 cash...) then I don't understand how the heck people don't see that the G&F won't like this.

It is basically for profit (even if $ doesn't change hands) and depending on the situation could definitely be viewed as outfitting or at the very least making a profit from advertising $ from a website where there are page views associated with the hunts from shared points.

I understand the "New Friend" point of view, I kind of want a "New Friend" as well if they know where a 200-inch buck is! I don't condemn Founder or anyone else who shares knowledge for points, I do it with family and friends all of the time and could easily be Founder's friend in the future.

It will be interesting to see what happens, I am guessing they will outlaw sharing points.
I wasn't going to make any more posts on this thread, but after reading that last post Founder made I can't let it pass without commenting because his statements were just plain false! Any time points are shared at least one person has used the system to their advantage if they get a tag they wouldn't have been able to draw with their low or nonexistent points as a single person entrant. That tag would have gone to another person that had enough points to draw as an individual and didn't because of the point sharing that raised the points to draw to a higher pool. Yes, the high point holder is now out of the game, which benefits people that were at his point level to draw a tag quicker, but that point sharing definitely screwed someone who would have drawn a tag in the unit where those points were shared. Using a huge number of PPs that someone you don't even know has to draw a tag every year might be legal, but it damn sure isn't what the G&F had in mind to allow people to hunt together when the system was started in 2006!

I'm going to hazard a guess that most of the point sharing doesn't involve that many people that are doing what Founder and jimss are doing yearly with high or max PP holders, but rather they are guys that are friends and one has a point or two more than the other, so they go in as a party so they have a little bit better chance to draw a tag and hunt together. Doing what Founder and jimss do, along with a person who puts things right out on the net to sell points like the OP in this thread did is not what our hunting tradition/heritage is all about. Doing things like that IMHO makes a mockery of what the hunting tradition is all about and people like Founder and jimss just don't get it because all they're thinking about is their own self and nothing more! To make excuses that others gain and have big smiles on their faces when they give them a ton of PPs is just their excuse that it does no harm.
So, no 'party' applications and if you do apply with another person, they have to be immediate family...No distant 3rd cousin...

Unless she's cute...Lol Always a fun time of year...


Not in today's world George too many broken familys. But what about the resident outfitters that will give huge discounts on his services that help some of his other potential clients draw a tag?? Slippery slope.
What I mean is, we all go into the game equally, no one has an advantage, but the fact is, some try to gain advantage of getting tag, whether it be by sharing points or paying an extra $200. I do both sometimes. But everyone has both those same two options available, even guys with 6 points who share with someone with 12.
If the goal here is to eliminate everything that one person could do to increase their odds of getting a tag, then regular and special draws should be eliminated, because I have a better chance of getting a tag by applying in the special draw and guys who don't want to pay the extra $200 are at what some might call a ?disadvantage?. I don't call it a ?disadvantage?, I call it a choice not chosen.
That's what I mean.

>What do you mean by this:
>"There are no NR's with an
>advantage in the draw with
>sharing points."
>Whomever has less points and shares
>has a huge advantage if
>it is 0 sharing with
>12. It is what
>it is, it is legal.
>I have done it and
>been on both sides of
>sharing...one where it was an
>advantage and once where it
>was a disadvantage, but never
>a 12-0 averaging. I am
>sitting on max deer points
>and have discussed with others
>about the possibility of sharing
>points in exchange for their
>knowledge of an area and
>scouting services. I understand
>why people are doing it
>on both sides and since
>it is currently legal, then
>it is currently okay to
>do from a legal point
>of view.
>I think the issue is should
>you be allowed to sell
>your points for $ or
>something else of value (like
>a scouting service). If
>the amount of $ or
>value is less than what
>you put in for points
>over those 12 years ($480
>at $40 per point) then
>I agree it is not
>as big of deal and
>possibly could be legally argued
>against a future law that
>would not allow a profit
>to be made on points
>sharing. Now when the
>value significantly trumps the amount
>spent on points (like a
>$1500 scouting package that improves
>your odds of shooting a
>nice buck by 4000% or
>a fully-guided hunt...or $1000 cash...)
>then I don't understand how
>the heck people don't see
>that the G&F won't like
>It is basically for profit (even
>if $ doesn't change hands)
>and depending on the situation
>could definitely be viewed as
>outfitting or at the very
>least making a profit from
>advertising $ from a website
>where there are page views
>associated with the hunts from
>shared points.
>I understand the "New Friend" point
>of view, I kind of
>want a "New Friend" as
>well if they know where
>a 200-inch buck is! I
>don't condemn Founder or anyone
>else who shares knowledge for
>points, I do it with
>family and friends all of
>the time and could easily
>be Founder's friend in the
>It will be interesting to see
>what happens, I am guessing
>they will outlaw sharing points.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
You have a point sort of. I guess I could sell the house, get a new job, have my wife get a new job, move the family to Idaho or Utah, start a website, scout and then find a friend to share with. It seems like it is unfair based on where the non-resident lives, maybe that is fair and ok.
>You have a point sort of.
>I guess I could sell
>the house, get a new
>job, have my wife get
>a new job, move the
>family to Idaho or Utah,
>start a website, scout and
>then find a friend to
>share with. It seems like
>it is unfair based on
>where the non-resident lives, maybe
>that is fair and ok.

You could very well do that. Nobody including the WY commission or legislature would stop you.
Guess it's just a personal choice huh.

This whole debate is kinda ridiculous IMO. You can't debate what's legal vs moral ethics.

I agree with Brian in that everyone has the same options. Anyone could put up a post willing to share their points or honey hole in a certain unit. I assume many don't for a variety of reasons but that is a personal choice for everyone to decide themselves.
>>If you are all taking screen
>>shots of some of these
>>posts to show to legislators,
>>make sure you take the
>>screen shots of the ones
>>that want to share their
>>points with their 12 year
>>old to hunt antelope as
>>well! That's what I
>>want to do.
>I might be talking out of
>turn here but I don't
>think that most people, myself
>included, that have an issue
>with point sharing have a
>problem with the scenario you
>describe. I am confident
>your scenario is exactly what
>point sharing was intended to
>do. Provide an opportunity
>to a family member, new
>hunter or long time friend.
> The problem develops, for
>me, when points or licenses
>are turned into a commodity
>that can be bought and
>sold on the open market.
> This is exactly the
>problem that I have with
>Founders scouting service. It
>is just one more opportunity
>to turn hunting or worse
>yet individual animals into a
>marketable business venture.
>Now I know that this post
>will be followed by several
>that say this has already
>happened or that Outfitters have
>been doing it so what's
>the harm. Well, just
>because something harmful to the
>activity I enjoy already happens
>doesn't mean I should encourage
>more of it.

you mean a commodity such as in Utah where they are auctioned off? Or protected permits like the one shot antelope? I personally would not offer my points for sale, and I share points with my family so we can all hunt together but to be honest is the act of less than .001 worth the fight?
>you mean a commodity such as
>in Utah where they are
>auctioned off?

Yes, that is exactly what I mean.

Or protected permits
>like the one shot antelope?

Once again, yes just like those. I spoke with the Comms about this and made my opinions known.

>I personally would not offer
>my points for sale, and
>I share points with my
>family so we can all
>hunt together but to be
>honest is the act of
>less than .001 worth the

All these things start to add up. I don't disagree that selling PP is probably not a significant problem. But at one time the set asides for one shot were not a significant problem. They ran unchecked for years if not decades. The Commission licenses went unchecked happened for years. The more we all allow these little bites at the apple pretty soon we have a shitty little core left. Kinda like Utah. Wyoming is always a bit behind our bigger neighbors. Sometimes that is a problem and sometimes it helps us see the unintended consequences of bad ideas.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-18-19 AT 06:52AM (MST)[p]All of us would agree that tags across the Western US are becoming tougher and tougher to draw. It's becoming super expensive to apply for preference points and hunters devote multiple years applying for high demand tags. I think it's great that Wyoming offers hunters the opportunity to share points with family, friends, and internet friends. Hunters have the option to do what ever they like with their hard earned preference points.

It's been mentioned several times that Founder, Jimss, and others take advantage of hunters that have accumulated pref pts by pt averaging with them. I'm sure Founder would agree that this has always been a win-win situation for everyone he's shared points and hunts with. Hunters that don't have time to commit to research and scouting may prefer to take advantage of sharing points with someone that is knowledgeable about field judging, hunting, and harvesting trophy critters in unfamiliar country. A hunter (from the mid-west or east as examples) may be totally lost hunting Wyoming and have no clue to all the logistics involved with a particular hunt. The hunter sharing points has the option of getting first-hand knowledge about a unit and what can be expected. Opponents to point sharing have no clue to great experiences I've shared with internet friends over the years. We may have been strangers prior to the hunt but are life-long friends after!

If you think about it, the WG&F is the biggest tag pimp in the state! Take a look at how many governor?s and commissioner?s tags are taken away from public draws and offered to those with high dollars? The state of Utah is the tag prostitute of the entire nation! New Mexico took a chunk of tags away from the nonres public draw several years ago that ranchers, outfitters, and tag pimps can sell as "landowner tags". They generally can ask what ever price they want for tags. In Colorado ?landowner tags? are offered for sale by tag pimps and sold for outrageous fees. In Colo, hunters can by-pass the pref pt system every year and purchase landowner tags. Hunters can purchase tags each year while they accumulate pref pts and don't even use pref pts.

What I'm saying is that point sharing is pretty much a mood point?.it's nothing in comparison to big money that transfers hands in Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Colo and other states for tags! Why the heck screw things up for those that prefer to share points with family, friends, and internet friends?

Take a look at just about every hunting website on the web. You?ll notice swap hunts and hunt/tag classified sections. I've swapped a few hunts over the years and have always enjoyed sharing hunts with those that are familiar with their little neck of the woods I'm not exactly sure how this is any different than a few guys sharing points. If Wyo eliminates point averaging..what's next'swap hunts? If they outlaw swap hunts?what's next?

The theory that point sharing is illegal and takes advantage of hunters needs to be put to rest! It may not be for everyone, but for the few that have taken advantage of it, it is a win-win situation. I know a lot of hunters that have joined me on hunts over the years that have great stories to share, trophies on their walls?.and of course smiley faces!
I don't think a guy could explain it or write it any better than you did!!!
Amazing job putting it into perspective.
If you point fingers at others eventually
They will be pointing at You!!!
Who gives a scheet if non rezi?s point share. They paid for um, knock yerselves out. I point shared with a Colorado resident to get one of their 44 late season deer tags. Would do it again in a heartbeat...
Good points. I'm a resident. Don't care if people points-share, don't mind non-residents coming to hunt.
>I don't think a guy could
>explain it or write it
>any better than you did!!!
>Amazing job putting it into perspective.
>If you point fingers at others
>They will be pointing at You!!!

No one here knows better than jims about what happened after he pointed a finger at Big Fin. It was an unforgettable, classic moment!!
>Who gives a scheet if non
>rezi?s point share. They
>paid for um, knock yerselves
>out. I point shared
>with a Colorado resident to
>get one of their 44
>late season deer tags.
>Would do it again in
>a heartbeat...

Interesting since Colorado goes by the lowest point holder in the party. That's some smart sharing going on there!
Interesting since Colorado goes by the lowest point holder in the party. That's some smart sharing going on there!

Described...? Yes
Real world info suggests otherwise.
NR here watching this topsy turvy thread. Prior to this, I was naive to the topic. At first read, I admit I bristled a bit at the idea of trading points for info but now I am not so sure. I am not persuaded that it really harms anybody or that it is damaging to wildlife management goals. My takeaway is that although something feels a little bit, i don't know, "icky" in making these kinds of deals, ...I am MORE uncomfortable with the very un-Wyoming-like frantic advocating for more regulations, more restrictions, more "legal intervention" in order to socially engineer the sport of hunting as is already being done everywhere with weird fee structures, point schemes, landowner/outfitter preferences, wilderness rules, etc. I'd much prefer the DFG&W(s) should conduct herd and range research, set quotas, fund their necessary budget and then let it go. Who cares if someone "profits" off of their knowledge, legally gained. Who cares if someone trades something of value for a point - why should WY care? They are not owed anything further. As long as the hunting is conducted legally, in line with management objectives, it would seem that it does not need to be their concern. Jamming the notion that people should be barred from "monetizing" their points will lead ultimately to only one thing - the DFGW deciding they THEY have not been monetizing them enough, then barring others from doing so and moving to charge even more in fees for themselves!

And as far as other NR's coming in and calling R's idiots, or of any R's painting all NR's as jerks, I'd rather see both sets take it elsewhere. It's the most annoying thing about these hunting forums, bar none. It's on every forum and to think it's grown men (mostly) acting so catty towards each other.....
I hope they don't eliminate point sharing. If they do, there goes grandmas, grandpas, the neighbor 3 doors down and the wife?s points that 99% of NRs have been stock piling!!

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