I Screwed Up


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-04-09 AT 06:59AM (MST)[p]But not that bad. Had a late rifle NV tag. I put a real nice 5x7 to bed. By the time I got over to within about 100 yards, just got ready to pop over a gulley, it was snowing hard (flurries off & on) and visibility sucked. Saw (barely in the snow) a big buck, for sure 5 points just going out of sight 200 yards above me. Now how many big 5 points can there be in one spot? Was sure it was him. Wrong.... Wouldn't have shot if I hadn't put?the one I thought he was?to bed....

Anyways, he a old regressed buck, two front teeth left, backs worn badly. Really cool looking crap over the palmated left side and bases. Shredded ears and scared face from past years fights. I wasn't upset at all, actually happy to be going home with an old cool warrior after a month. Won't score squat, but I always thing getting an old buck past his prime is way cool. Not many live that long.

I did try backpacking over the top a couple of days earlier, but a blizzard kicked my ass. Was on my way back up for a second attempt after regrouping.

Was a great hunting year, but really, I'm glad to be home. It's been a long time since I have had four out of state tags in one year. Had more zero draw years than four draw years:)

Not a screw up at all in my book . . . I'd take a cool old warrior buck like that any day. I gotta say, though, what if is right side matched his left?!! Darn cool buck!
Some screw up?? Of all the ways to screw up, i'd have to put shooting that buck near things like tripping and landing looking at a pile of hundred dollar bills. Aside from those that are like 300 inches, that's my favorite kinda buck right there! Congrats

I too would have to say Nice screw up, I just love those old buck antlers they have Class.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Do you have some side shots of that brute? How about your other tags? How did you do? Great job on the ol' warrior.
wow, nice buck. If I seen a buck I liked better than a buck that would score more, I'd take the buck I liked more. great buck, thanks for sharing
Great buck elmer... An old mature buck is much harder to come by... He looks great! Would love to see other pics of the bases and palmation you were referring to.
Thanks guys. Although there was some ground shrinkage, the more I looked at it, the more I thought what a cool old buck. Not the kind you tape and score, just the kind you look at and say cool. I'll have to go by the taxidermist to get antler close ups.

BTW, here are the two non-deer tags I had, if you have not seen them. Got an OK elk and antelope too:

Wow, thats another great buck for you. I remember your nice WY buck from a couple years ago.

I like old bucks to.
Real nice 'Screw up Buck' Eric!!

You have a great collection of dandy muleys from many states.



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