I wonder.....


Active Member
Lets be honest here folks.

I wonder how many people would be against HB2072 had AZSFW presented it to all their membership first and asked for their opinion? What if they asked for some input or constructive criticism? What if they did this before they asked Weiers to push it through in the middle of the night?

To be honest, I think many people just felt left out of the process and we reacted emotionally. I do not agree with everything they recommend such as the privatizing of big game tags. I also think 350 tags is too many and another outdoor expo is not necessary. However, I think they bring up some valid arguments for change.

I'm not so sure G&F has done or is doing the things necessary to grow our herds. Short of making it rain, I think they could be more proactive in communicating important issues, growing herds, controlling predators and recruiting our next generation of hunters. I believe they have lost thier way a little over the last 15-18 years and it is up to us to bring them back.

I'm not so sure we would even be having this discussion had AZSFW opened HB2072 up for discussion/rebuttle and suggestions to improve. I definatley think they bring up things that should be addressed by our dept and commission.

I'm sure many out there will be against anything that has SFW in the name. I also believe there are many people that would be open minded enough to at least listen to what they had to say.

If it has done nothing else, at least it has brought out the passion in people again.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-12 AT 01:28AM (MST)[p]I have listened to what they say (and DON'T say) for 10 years. I've heard all I need to hear. I've seen all I need to see. I belong to 3 good orgs, and was a board member on a 4th. None of these had any corruption issues nor unethical issues nor controversial issues. Never bought any politicians. Fully disclosed all expenses. Zero relevent violations............not 15 or 20 events like SFW.

Also, You are going waaaaaay out on a limb to include the word "honest" in the same post with "SFW" or "HB2072".
huntazido---Change is one thing and people may have listened up to the point of the 350 tag rape. At that point IMO it would have been enough to convince them it goes against everything we stand for in conservation and there would have been a majority of nea votes on it.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-23-12 AT 08:30AM (MST)[p]>>I do not agree with everything they recommend such as the privatizing of big game tags. I also think 350 tags is too many and another outdoor expo is not necessary. <<

Hmmm. Without those two elements, there is little left of the original bill and its proposed "remedies." And that's exactly how it should be -- dead and buried. Unfortunately, it isn't.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Game & Fish already has everything in place to do what AZSFWC claims they would do, and they do it without paying 70% or more to a third party. Our previous chairman of the Game & Fish Commission hit it right on the head last night when he said this was all about personal gain, not wildlife.

Anyone that thinks G&F is lax needs to see what they are doing with the Habitat Partnership Committee. The public is invited to bring forth proposals on any topic that will improve our wildlife, water projects, predator control, invasive weeds, non-native species, fire recovery, forbe restoration, riparian recovery, youth camps, hunter recruitment, you name it. There is a formal process to review the project for approval and funding. The entire process is subject to the Open Meeting Law and every project is monitored for completion and success. Every project is subject to a financial audit when completed. All with full openness and transparency.

If anyone has an idea or suggestion, they simply need to attend the Local Habitat Partnership Committee meeting to get the ball rolling. Game & Fish has been doing this for years. The only fault I have with them is not beating their drum loud enough so every citizen in the state is aware of the fine work they do.
I stopped into the region 1 office yesterday and got the contact numbers for me to call and join the hpc here
>why hasn't azsfw thrown the nonresidents
>under the bus?

Anyone who has followed SFW knows they try to rape tags from everyone first, then when they get enough resistance, use greed to turn the residents against nonresidents by stealing the nonresidents NR tags and raffling them to the residents.

They have moved to that stage in Idaho right now. Utah, of course, is well documented.

God help us. Write all your legislators.

Memeber RMEF, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
If I was Founder I would delete the question ! Nothing gets under my skin like SFW does. If they had gone to the members and let them vote what does that have to do with the majority...the average joe sportsman ? Nothing !
LAST EDITED ON Mar-25-12 AT 02:57PM (MST)[p]Knothead, The only people being dishonest here are those associated with this bill. First for the way they tried to pass it through the backdoor as an emergency measure and secondly for the reasons they are stating it needs to be passed. And yes, take away the smoke and mirror games these clowns played and I would still be against this Bill in any form.

Hunting has always been, and should always remain a Heritage sport. One where Grandfathers and their sons, and Fathers their sons can pass on traditions of ethics and woodsmanship. One where respect for nature, and a true understanding of our role in it, is lived. One where life lessons are taught and learned and carried out of the woods and into every day life. Building a foundation of character that will last a lifetime

It should not be about awarding the best opportunities the state has to offer to the highest bidder so they can bypass a system and jump ahead of those who make up the heart and soul of our sport. We should never allow our sport to be taken over by elitist trophy hunters who look down their nose with disdain at the average hunter. It only takes a quick look to see that the folks associated with this Bill only represent a fraction of a percentage of all Arizona Sports men and women. It takes even less time to see these career "conservationists" have only their own best interests at heart and could care less about our heritage. It is all about inches and dollars to them.

I hear folks talking about how this bill will take 350 tags from the general pool. What I don't hear is people talking about the fact these tags represent the top trophy animals Arizona has to offer. These guys are not interested in auctioning off opportunity at 300 class Elk, 150 class sheep, or 135 class mule deer. With the 365 day hunting opportunities the Elite who buy these tags will be given,on a silver platter, the best animals our well managed program has to offer.

These people will tell you that the poor management by our game and fish department has lead to the "need" for this program. Really? If our program was as bad as they would like you to believe there would be no value to the auction tags they stand to make millions from. I call B.S. maybe our program is not as good as it could be but from experience I can tell you it is a far site better than any other Western program I've seen. Let's give credit where credit is due.

I like the idea of a heritage stamp and hope the guys working on this get it passed. Don't think for a minute you need lobbyists and big money to get legislation passed. I personally have been through this and know it can be done. Keep fired up and thank you for taking up the fight!!..... Terry

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