If you could re-live one day hunting


Founder Since 1999
So here's one that'll get you thinking about past hunts. If you could re-live just one exciting, fun, awesome day of your past days of hunting, which would it be?
Tell the story......

(I'll post mine in a bit, I have to think about which was funnest and most awesome. Been a bunch!)

Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]I went on a Dall sheep hunt a few years ago with a friend of mine. We had decided previously to the hunt that we would alternate days of whose turn it was to shoot or pass on a legal ram and also if you missed twice it was anyone's sheep if he was still presenting a shot opportunity. We never saw a legal ram until the last day and it was his day. He shot at 70 yards and missed. The ram stopped again at 250 and he missed again. The ram ran and didn't stop again until he was 525. I ranged him, dialed in, and squeezed the trigger. Turns out that we both shot at the exact same time and one bullet hit him right in the shoulder, knocking him dead where he stood. My friend didn't know the range, didn't know how high to hold for that range and went home with the ram because it was his day.

If I could have that day back I would've let him miss his 3rd shot and then put the ram in the dirt. That one will haunt me forever, I want that day back!!!

Edit: sorry you wanted our best day and I gave you my worst.
I have a bunch of "re-live" hunting days. There are too many great ones (to me they're great but maybe not to anyone else) so it would be hard to pick just one after 45+ years of hunting big game. The recent ones would have to include hunting with my kids! I have 5 kids so I've been on 5 "1st deer" hunts. Priceless!

I also have a few "re-do's" that I'd like to get a "do-over". Maybe the outcome would be better! haha I think it would be fun for us all to share our re-do's sometime too. (Not trying to jack the thread)

I'll think of one which would be worthy of sharing with my MM friends.

Funny thing marley. I was posting at the same time about some do-overs that came to mind. I remember hearing about yours. It's one which I'm sure you've re-lived a million times! Sorry.

I'm still thinking Mr Founder.

If I could re-live any hunt, it would be any of the hunts I had with my dad. He passed over 2 years ago, and it's just not the same without him. I'd give anything to have any one of those days back.
Desert sheep with a bow. Stalked a sheep in his bed. Mixed up landmarks and crept in on top of him at 8 yards. Saw the whites of his eyes as he turned and looked at me. He came out of his skin to leave town. Jumped a ravine and stopped at 56 yards. I cut a perfect shot that he just barely ducked. I'd love to have that do-over!
Like already said I have many "re-do's" I'd like to have back. However just the one, it would have to be last year in Alaska with my Dad.
It was our second trip up there and Dad really wanted a 50"+ moose (life long dream). The 2nd or 3rd day I shot a bull winkle off the lake camp was on so we could concentrate on his bull (don't regret that at all). Dad passed a low 50" bull the first day due to being a 300-350 yard shot and he was facing us. He couldn't get steady so he passed. On the last morning we were eating our breakfast and making our plans for the days hunt when I heard moose walking in the water of which our camp was on. We dropped our food, grabed his gun and my binocs and ran to the edge of the lake. It was too dark but I caught a glimpse of a paddle along the edge of the lake. I started calling and he immediately answered. We thought he was coming towards us so we waited right there. We were wrong, he had two cows with him and was headed right past us. Once we figured that out we had to run to get in front of him.
While we were calling to him we had another bull answer behind us at another lake, I could hear him thrashing around in the water too. The wind was blowing right to the 2nd bull but I wanted to see what he was if we could so we headed to that lake, only to find out he was gone (i knew it too, stupid :-( ) So we ran back over to cut off the first bull at the third lake. Dad was 64 and running across the tundra in hip boots over a half mile is no easy task for anyone. We beat bull #1 to the lake by only about 20-30 seconds and the shot was around 400 yards. No rest and winded, dad tried but missed 4 shots on that big bull. I so regret going after that 2nd bull, if we had just stayed with bull #1, he would have had him due to being closer and not winded... Dad knows he was big just not how big. I couldn't tell him he was probably pushing 60" maybe more. I just told dad he was a nice bull around 50". Over a year later and he still don't know how big that bull truly was...

"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Growing up in SE Idaho there were two huting seasons. One was for Sage grouse the other Mule Deer. If I could relive one day hunting it would be the opening day of either on any given year from the time I was 7-16. My Dad, Grandpa all his brothers and their sons along with some cousins loaded into an Old Dodge 2 wheel drive and a fancy Ford 4 wheel drive and drove to the top of the hills. Everyone spread out and pushed to the bottom of the area. We would eat the snacks our Mothers, Wives and Grandma's had prepared. Soon another drive would start and end. Lunch time was always by one of two or three springs where you drank right from the trough. I still make trips to the troughs just so I remember the stories told there and fortunately still dare fill my water bottle.

If I could change the day it would simply be to take my kids and grandkids with me.
Amen Tax, Amen! Been 2 years for me as well. While I still love hunting, it'll forever be bittersweet with him gone. Oh how I'd just give one more day with him period!

Sorry, didn't mean to change the subject... Carry On!


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
Without any consideration there's no doubt in my mind it would be a past hunt with a friend who's been gone a year now. There were many many great days afield together and I dare not try to pick one over any others as I find them all very special.
Miss you terriblely big guy....

Semper Fi
2009 found my oldest daughter with a desert sheep tag in her pocket. We were excited, to say the least.

After scouting with a good friend, brother and daughter, we were ready for the hunt.

Three trips later and she had her chance.

My brother spotted a great ram and the short stalk was on. When we got into position the ram was walking at about 100 yards and at the shot my daughter didn't remember to make sure the barrel actually cleared the rock. The ram hit high gear and was making his way to a different zip code. We were sick!

I told my daughter that there might be a chance albeit slim.

We hiked/ran all the way back to the quads and drove for almost a mile. We jumped off and ran/stalked over to the edge of the canyon that should contain the ram. After a frustration half hour we located the ram. He was only 320 yards away and 1 shot from her 300 win mag did the job this time. Her yam was a 12 1/2 year old ram and scored 163 2/8". We were pleased!

It turned from good to bad to great all in a matter of an hour!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 12:34PM (MST)[p]2007 LE archery elk hunt. I made what I thought was a perfect shot. The arrow lodged in his opposite shoulder. I had awesome blood for 80ish yards until I found the broken arrow from the fletch out. After that there was no blood and I never found him. He was a legit 380+ bull.
A couple days later I was sitting in my treestand over water not more than 100 yards from where I shot him days earlier. I heard him coming up the drainage. I knew it was him because of his unique bugle and I could hear him wheezing every step he took. I gambled thinking he was coming for water. He never did. By the time I got my harness off and out of my stand I couldn't catch him.
I stil have nightmares about that bull and a huge pit in my stomach!
That one hurts more than the good days that were good!

Traditional >>>------->
LAST EDITED ON Dec-05-12 AT 12:37PM (MST)[p]Like anyone who has hunted very long, I have a good list of Zeke's do-overs that would have a much happier ending.
I now spend every hunting day with my son(which is the best of times), but I would love to go back and hunt again one more time on one of those amazing deer openers, in the late 50s-early 60s, with my Father. He has long since passed on, but I still cherish the memory of constant rifle shots sounding all morning long. Exciting times for sure!

By the way Zeke,
One of my do overs would be to have been with my son and his desert tag a hundred yards down the hill from Jess when she missed that pig so Spence could have killed that ram! JK
I do exactly as Founder suggested year after year and twice this year. I've killed a lot of deer probably most on here have killed bigger deer than me. I do well for the time my work schedule allows me to hunt. So my best memories aren't about the biggest deer I've killed rather the excitement of taking kids out to hunt and take their first deer.

I started taking kids out 32 years ago when I started teaching to go hunting if their parents didn't hunt. It started with a kid that was well on his way to becoming a criminal. He wanted to hunt but came from a broken home with an alcoholic fathers and no mother. I made him a deal for every week he'd stay out of trouble he got a day pheasant hunting. The next year 31 years ago he was the first kid I took deer hunting. He then graduated and made a career of the army recently retired. The next year a different kid. Before long parents were asking if I would take their kids hunting which I did along with my own kids. They all grow up some stay as hunters some lose interest.

Every year is my favorite hunt because the excitement makes it seem like the same day over again for them. (Groundhog Day the Movie.) This year was a son of one of the first kids I was privileged to take, next year his daughter will hunt and kill a deer and this year will be relived again.

I realize this is a little different than most but its like having your own kids always getting their first buck. More exciting and gratifying than killing a big buck myself.
Hey Justr, I wish you could have that day also!
I would give up lots to make that happen.
You know you will have others like it in the future. Hang in there my man!
Justr...... I would give up every one of my hunting days for you to have that one day back. Something tells me you've lived that day many times over and hope you will live it a million times more with the fondest memories.
It would be the day I took my first buck. I was 12 and anxious. My dad was feeling bad that day, so I talked him into dropping me off at the trailhead and going by myself. I got a nice buck that day, but deprived him of seeing me take my first buck. I'd have him with me if I could do it over...
Been so many of them there's no way I could ever narrow it down to just one day!

One that I'll never forget was the New Millenium,the Year 2000 as far as Buck Hunts go!

My Nephew taking his 1st Buck and other Family Members taking Nice Bucks all Happening the first 2 days of the Hunt!

That kinda Crap don't happen often in the NE Region!

Seein a couple of My Friends Sons take their first Bull/6 Point Bulls was perty Awesome this year as well!

Several of the Lion/Bear Hunts will never be forgotten niether!

It'd take more than a Day!

Wisz was a Hell of a Sport this year even if He did tell the UDWR to F-Off during the Phone Call!:D
15" Bases?
30" 5ths?
Missing 450" Bull!
The next 4 years is Slicks Fault,again,GEEZUS!
I would love the chance to relive a hunt I had with my dad on the bumblebee about 20 years ago. We got there and it snowed so bad we couldn't get up the mountain. Snow above the bumper of the truck in the flats. Got stuck and I through out my back the second day. Spent most of the hunt in the trailer with dad. It was his last year, he died the next summer. That was one awesome hunt eating tag soup with dad for a week.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-12 AT 08:29AM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/photos/user_photos/58382012_buck.jpg

This one is easy. It happened this season, because of work I missed opening weekend for the first time in 37 years, my 12 yr old son was upset, worrying that we might not be able to make it up north for any part of the season. Work would allow me to hunt only the last 4 days of the season. We made it up to the cabin on Wed. night, my son and I were both excited to finally be with the gang. Back in June my son was diagnosed with epilepsy, until we know for sure we have seizures under control(he's only had 1 witnessed seizure) I won't allow him to carry a firearm and he walks with me in the woods. Hunting whitetails here in the big timber area of northern wisconsin, we make drives to posters as our method of hunting. Its more of a still hunt to predetermined spot where we have posters on stand. On the second to last day, my son and I were moving through the timber, when suddenly there was movement to my front right. Scott saw the buck at the same time I did and we both froze. I was so proud of him, he didn't move or make a sound after we spotted the buck. The buck had no idea we were there and stopped after a few steps, I squeezed the trigger and he hit the ground in a heap. "YOU GOT HIM DAD, YOU GOT HIM"!!! he kept hollering. Scott was more excited than I had ever seen him. We walked over to where the buck was laying and we hugged and hi-fived until our hands hurt. He's not the biggest buck, but to Scott and I, he's the greatest trophy ever taken. I have relived that moment over and over, having my son right beside me while taking my best buck ever, is a memory I will treasure forever. As a bonus, we have another young man hooked on the outdoor experience.

I hope your moments are as special as ours. Happy Holidays to all.

Back in 1983, a friend and I planned a scouting trip for Sat/Sun. My grandma asked me to go to church with her and I told her I wouldn't be back. Her words were, "Larry, you know where you're suppose to be on Sunday". Sunday at 11:00 am I wrecked on my bike, and have now been in a wheelchair 29 years. I'd like a do over. Now your worse day don't sounds so bad, huh Marley. :)

I, like a few of you, have lost a hunting buddy in the past. For me it was my brother. He died in February 2011. I would give anything to relive any hunt with him.

Larry, I feel for you buddy. When I am rich enough to buy the AI tag, I will donate it to you, that's a promise!

Yelum.......sorry to hear your story. Puts things in perspective a bit. And I will now never hunt another Sunday again.
20 years ago I took my son Elk hunting! We were in the thik of Bulls bugling and tearing it up! He was 8 We had 4-5 bulls around us. I gave a bugle on a mouth dighaphram. A Bull bugled at 40 yards and was busting brush comming our way fast. My son was sitting in front of me! It scared him so bad he screamed turned around and climbed right up over my head and hid behind me. Needless to say the comotion spooked the bull! That and he knocked my gun off my lap! 10 years later he wanted me to go call him an elk in his first elk hunt. Bulls were making a ruckus. We were set up in the pines in a small clearing. I started playing the love song. First bull comes in holds back all we can see is antlers and a leg. Second bull comes in same story. Bits and peices! All of a sudden this bull busts into the clearing and it is standing 3 feet from my son. He was so worried about getting trampled he didn't even get his gun up. What a excitement. He swore he would get even.
Wasn't till this year he finaly killed his first elk. Just to be part of it and haveing a great friend along profecting the Hat trick! Is one of many great times.

This is really a cool thread....If I could get a few days back it would those spent on this hunt in Nevada with my uncle. He was the funnest person in the world to be with. We hunted hard and didn't see a lot of deer but we had the best time. He has since passed and I think of the time spent with him every day. If there ever was a man that knew how to hunt deer it was him.
Hands down easy. On that fateful day when I was hunting for a wife in 1984, I so wish I'd have just walked past that apartment door and never looked back. Could have retired 15 years ago.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Easy the day in 2000 my son killed a mid 150 whitetail in kentucky.Rattled it in himself and shot him at 20 yards.I thought it would the first of many big deer he would kill,but we lost him in 2006. this is a hard time of year for me with christmas and hunting season running at same time.If you have a child that wants to be with you never be too busy or too tired.you never know what the future holds.be thankful for each day with your kids and hug them as often as you can.
I was going to post a cool story of some kind or other about a big one that did or didn't get away but after reading some of these posts about loved ones now gone I seem to have gotten something in my eyes...

NRA Life Member

Leftys are the only ones in their right minds--and I ain't talkin' politics!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-11-12 AT 07:28PM (MST)[p]



The day my dad shot his biggest buck with me next to him.

Ha! I have 52 years of memorable days afield.

I would like to do some of them over with friends/relatives, long since gone. I could not single just one day out.....it would slight all the others.

That is the great thing about memories......you can relive them whenever you want.

"I could agree with you, but then we would both be
wrong......and stupid"
As I get older I just laugh now at the "missed opportunities" I have had at bucks! Having another hunt with a family member or a friend, who has passed on, would be at the top of my list!

When I was 17 I had a nice four point just about run me over. I stood there and ejected all the shells out of my gun. At the time I probably thought it was the end of the world, now I just laugh about it!

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