Is this your treestand???


Active Member
Been up on the front doing a little scouting this summer and came across this tree stand a couple weeks ago. Can anyone claim it? Just curious who else is hunting the same area. This person had a trail camera up last year under the tree stand and I didn't see it up this year. Just curious is all.


Ummm, ya it's mine. ummm, I forgot where I left it so please pull it down and bring it to me. I'll PM my address to you.
Obviously JK man.

Hey, the pine needles look pretty dead. Has the stand been there for awhile or is he just using the same tree over again? I think it's taboo to leave a stand up for too long. Some FS or F&G rule. Maybe I'm wrong again though.

Good luck in your quest and during the hunt too.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-14 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]I hate it when guys claim a spot on Public land as there's by leaving a hang-on in place. Just asking for an argument in the woods one day. By the way it looks like it may be an older Loggy Bayou.
That is not my tree stand but I know where it is hanging. There were several trail cams in that area last year.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Bowtech Destroyer
Winchester Apex .50 Cal

I know it was in there last year and had a trail camera set up,but this year I don't see any trail cameras but the stand is still up. I may have to let the FS know and come remove it. Better yet i just may use it myself. A couple respectable elk coming in just below it each day.
Just use his stand.if a confrontation arises from that then you call the forest service to have them remove the stand. I have quite a few stands set up that I leave up all year. It's not necessarily to reserve the spot for myself but rather to keep others from hanging stands to "claim" the spot as there's. ( I had a bad experience with this once) In my opinion if I hang a stand all year and I am not hunting in the area and it's on public land than anybody else has every bit of right to sit in that stand as I do regardless of me being the owner of the stand. It can be a touchy subject for some people. Just leave a note on the stand telling the owner of the stand you are planning on hunting there during a certain time and leave your number with it, If nobody responds by the time the hunt comes around, chances are they are not going to be hunting it. Notes on tree stands and trail cameras are really good way to meet new people as well as avoid a contentious situation due to lack of communication. This is obviously just my opinion and the way I handle things but from my own experience 90% of the time the people you talk to are not out to fight and are usually pretty good about working with you if you go about it the right way. Be careful with the other 10%...... That can get ugly

"Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you
down to their level and beat you with experience."
LAST EDITED ON Jul-18-14 AT 02:05PM (MST)[p]Goat thanks for the info, I know right where that stand is. Now that I know there are a few decent bulls in there this year I will be purchasing a tag. Haha sometimes things are better left unsaid, why bring attention to a spot you are hunting? Why worry if somebody has a stand in place? Also do you know the combo to the gate? I quit hunting that area because guys were driving down the ridge in their pickups just above that stand made, it tough for the hike in guys.
>AT 02:05?PM (MST)

>Goat thanks for the info, I
>know right where that stand
>is. Now that I know
>there are a few decent
>bulls in there this year
>I will be purchasing a
>tag. Haha sometimes things
>are better left unsaid, why
>bring attention to a spot
>you are hunting? Why worry
>if somebody has a stand
>in place? Also do you
>know the combo to the
>gate? I quit hunting that
>area because guys were driving
>down the ridge in their
>pickups just above that stand
>made, it tough for the
>hike in guys.

thanks to both of you!!

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