
Long Time Member
A Couple Years ago KSL Stops Guns from being Sold,Bought & Traded on their Site!

Today I Hear Our Friend/MM'er Announce on the Classifieds on Our Local Radio Station they won't accept any Calls for people Selling Guns!



This is the Basin for GAWDS Sakes!

No I'm Not Mad at Our MM'er Friend!

But You can See what's Happening!


But Damn Surely!

They're gonna Work it just Like Taxes!

A Little at a time!

And Since Nobody will Stand up to getting your Ass Taxed to Death I'd bet the same Thing is gonna Happen on the Future Gun Control!

I'm Telling You Right Here & Right F'N Now Boys & Girls You'd best get what you want now while you can get it!

I Feel Changes coming on!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>You should get Facebook and cry
>on your personal page. Don?t
>let that big blue sky
>land on ya.

Coming Right out of the Mouth of a FLATBRIMMER!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Don?t think the hat thing works on this one pal. Keep crying though, I think you are really making a difference for society.
We have a local 1 hour Tradio show here in Cedar City and St George area which would probably shut down if they stopped taking phone calls, emails, Facebook, mail-ins for gun sales. BUT, ya never know what they would do with enough outside pressure and we're getting more of that from new move-ins all the time!
Why is this shocking? Folks been hiding from lawyers for decades.

Btw, how is this possible? Utah voted for Mike Lee, Mitt Romney, Rob Bishop, Chris Stewart, John Curtis.

Them is rock ribbed, conservatives who will FIGGGHHHHHTTT, for gawd, guns, Apple pie, the flag.......

Kinda makes you wonder how a radio show or KSL has to protect itself from lawsuits in a state, and country with so many strict constotutionalists in power?

But then I doubt there 1 gun owned between all of them. So why should they care? As long as the blow the "Utah values" dog whistle at election time, they don't actually have to DO any of that "conservative" stuff.

Bess, you voted for Romney. You were happy to do so. Where is Romney's bill stopping lawsuits on websites, radio, stores from lawyers for crime done with a gun they advertised or sold legally?

I'm sure he, or the rest of tgem will send out a strongly worded press release. Mike Lee will go on FOX. But NOT ONE will actually DO anything. But, "guns, gawd, abortion, utah values"!!!

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
So I gather you'd of rather banked with Misty Snow then Hoss? And what is gawd?
I like Tradio. The prank calls are the best to listen to. Richard and Sal make a lot of them to Tradio stations across the country and they're down right hilarious. They, from time to time, call up to sell a Westinghouse shotgun along with other items I can mention here.
1911 I am starting to think hoss is Misty Snow. I have asked that exact question for hoss and he really never answers he just wants b$%&h about the current Republican guys in office.
First. What has Mitt done on guns? So how is he better than anyone?

Second. This is MM. So, I betting the demographics in here are, public land hunters who own guns that were born and raised in the West.

So, 1911, which of your senators represents you?

The one raised in Washington DC next door to Harry Reid?

Or the one from Michigan, who has never to this day lived a single year in Utah?

So? Maybe at some point we quit the "it could be Misty Snow", and actually ask. "Why isn't it Mitt, or Mike"?

I still am waiting for Mitts big bill on wild horses he talked about.

But hey. We are all safe. I see Huntsman jr., and little Eccles are running for gov.

2 more rock ribbed, conservatives who have .0003% in common with any of you, whose daddies bought them political sway.

Can't wait to hear all about their "Utah values".

While you all look past that Cox kid from Fairview. I mean his daddy owned a gazillionaire. His daddy didn't live in DC or Michigan. What could he know about Utah, or its population?

But hey. "Misty Snow".

Im sure that will protect your guns, and abortion, etc, etc

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Well, Hoss did quit BHA because they came up with a reasonable plan and guide to renewable energy on public lands. He's so conflicted and confused. Can you imagine having a picnic on BLM land and seeing a solar panel?
I am not looking past anyone, Spencer Cox is the guy I will be voting for unless hoss, you can in lighting me of some candidate that is better. I am sure Cox won't take a stand on one thing that concerns you so he too will be labeled by you as big oil and against public lands.
That is problem with you, you think you are the only one that knows better.
No. The problem with me is I'm simple.

If you tell me your a LAND advocacy group, I expect you to be, thus my BHA exit.

If your a "conservative" I expect you yo govern that way. Not sign on to debt busters. Not sit around waiting for Alabama to challenge abortion. Not talk about pro gun while doing nothing about challenges to it.

Just simple.

I was listening to a show out of Houston yesterday. He discussed Huntsman Jr.

"Why is it that Utah seems to be the playground for rich kids whose daddies buy them office"? That was his question.

Living here 45 years, the answer is easy.

If you dare challenge the status quo, your a flaming lib.

So. Frank Moss, Orrin Hatch, Mitt Romney.

3 senators in 100 years.

Each still "saving HAFB, ending abortion, stopping out of control government."

After 100 years, is it too much to ask what we got?

Utah is the safest R seats in the nation.

Why is Bess worrying about gun talk on tradio?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hossblur is looking for political superman. The guy that will show up and vote exactly the way Hossblur wants him to every time and somehow his voted counts 500 times and all the other representatives still only count once.

Meanwhile he doesn't hunt.
The reason folks like Trump is because HE ACTUALLY DOES SOMETHING.

He is alone fighting China on trade, intellectual property theft. He's alone on border issues. He's alone, say after day. And he takes a beating from the other side,but fights back.

AOC is a blooming idiot. But she is the defacto Speaker of House. Because she fights.

Romney writes op eds.
Lee grandstands.

Bess is 100% correct. How does gun talk going away happen in the basin?

Bess, it's because no one in power gives a big enough chit to stop lawyers from frivolous suits. That's a very simple answer.

They don't live there, they don't live in Utah. They don't own guns. They don't run in circles of folks who do. They are more concerned with appearing on the Sunday shows, Jazz games, etc than your 2A.

Pretty simple answer.

TRI, KTRH, Michael Berry. Thats who was making the point about Utah politicians. Funny how a guy from your neighborhood gets it. Most here don't

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
I know why bess is worried take a look at Colorado it was not too many years ago Colorado politics was the same as Utah's Republican and now look at it, if you Google strictest gun law states in the nation Colorado is always in the top 5. Montana they have always been a little more democratic than Utah but it was old school Democratic but look at some of the politics that is going on in that state, long ways from what I want.
I will gladly support any candidate that better represent Utah values and way of life but what has ran in the past against the Utah congressional leadership is not the answer.

Rumor is now Greg Miller is looking to run for gov.


Huntsman jr
Eccles Jr

You think any of the 3 are interested in hunting, fishing, atv, grazing, logging?

Any of you got any example of any of these guys, or our congressmen leading any fight that matters to anyone who frequents MM?

OR, is this just a chance to make Utah, Massachusetts, and themselves a Kennedy?

(Hint. They each know they will win, they are an R. Results don't matter)

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>But then I doubt there 1
>gun owned between all of
>them. So why should
>they care?
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Just curious, do you know John Curtis' professional history? Probably not with a comment like that, which is not shocking you popping off with no actual knowledge of what you are talking about. Pretty much par for the course.
I heard Colorado wants to annex the basin and turn it into libtard instead of utard. Seems to be rubbing off some on KSL. Bess, we are coming for you too soon. :) :)

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
>>But then I doubt there 1
>>gun owned between all of
>>them. So why should
>>they care?
>>"I don't care if the season
>>is closed. Get off your
>>butt and go hunt them"
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>Just curious, do you know John
>Curtis' professional history? Probably not
>with a comment like that,
>which is not shocking you
>popping off with no actual
>knowledge of what you are
>talking about. Pretty much par
>for the course.

You mean the lifelong Democrat who had to change party affiliations to become Provo mayor?

Pretty much exactly what I said, isn't it. He's a great politician, headed a target company, even went to BYU. But....... he had to get rid of that D by his name to make him electable.

Is that the John Curtis we speak of?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Hoss you think Utah is the worst state in the Union for politics?
You name me one state that politics are not going down hill.
I have a friend that is a gunsmith in Nevada and he has a custom gun shop he is going too be forced too move because of the new gun laws in Nevada that will not let a gun shop do anything to a gun that might speed up the firing
of ammunition.
Yes hoss I am tired too see the constant sell of Utah public lands and anything that might be a product or mineral from are public lands. I saw this weekend on channel 4 a story about Kane county wanting too sell red/pink sand 9 miles north of Kanab.
But if you where from Nevada you would be tired of the gold mines, the Dakotas sell of natural gas and oil, any of the plans states big agg, Texas big oil, Wyoming coal, Idaho, Washington and Oregon power from the rivers, California Hollywood and I am sure I am missing a lot from these states and others. If it has value it is for sale and there is not a state in the union that is not controlled by millionaires or billionaires that are dirty and getting rich off of it.
My point too all of this is we can only go with the candidate that best represents are wants, needs and desires and for me the most important issue is not pro gun or anti abortion. The most important issue is the Electoral College, in my opinion the most important part of the constitution. If we lose the Electoral College we will never have someone in office of the President that represents the middle of the political spectrum and the right wing side would be completely wiped out and the left wing side knows it and is fighting hard to abolish the Electoral College.
Hoss I think we are a lot closer on the political side of the isle than we show by arguing. If you did a poll hear on MM I will guarantee Huntsman, Eccles and Miller would not win the election. Do not assume people support one candidate because they see the issues a little different than yourself.
Notice how I said ?professional history? and not ?political history??

Nice dodge of the question though.

On that topic, didn't Reagan do the same thing?
Wasn't Frank Moss a Democrat and held the office for 18 years. When he ran the first time and he ran against Watkins a close allie to the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints and he got elected.
I believe you said it is impossible to win in Utah against someone that is supported by the establish church and is a Democrat.
Frank Moss is the guy that got Medicaid passed in the Senate.
People will not fight back because they are afraid to lose their "soccer mom" Sequoia's, wake board boats, and Duramax's they pull them with. People are afraid to lose their worldly possessions.

That is why the govt's thug squad has so much power.

Something is coming down the line as stupid as it will likely be. Politcians have nothing to fear or lose. They have their millions and lifelong "retirement" salaries. They are fed off of contention and fear of the peasant crowd, aka the voting public. They know their subjects, tenants, and vassels will do nothing.

Nevermind any new law they pass only applies going forward. Who is going to fight them on this?

Who's dumb enough to roll over and go belly up 'cause it's the gov't and you gots to do what they says...?
Well said notdone, that currently is the greatest threat to our democracy. And its already happened here in Colorado. Most of us here want the same things, wild places left wild, and to be left alone to make our own way with limited government. CP&W is becoming a huge government beaurocricy in need of more of our $ to get even bigger, its not going to end well.....

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

>Why is this shocking? Folks
>been hiding from lawyers for
>Btw, how is this possible?
>Utah voted for Mike Lee,
>Mitt Romney, Rob Bishop, Chris
>Stewart, John Curtis.
>Them is rock ribbed, conservatives who
>will FIGGGHHHHHTTT, for gawd, guns,
>Apple pie, the flag.......
>Kinda makes you wonder how a
>radio show or KSL has
>to protect itself from lawsuits
>in a state, and country
>with so many strict constotutionalists
>in power?
>But then I doubt there 1
>gun owned between all of
>them. So why should
>they care? As long
>as the blow the "Utah
>values" dog whistle at election
>time, they don't actually have
>to DO any of that
>"conservative" stuff.
>Bess, you voted for Romney.

Right Hoss!
I Sure the F##K Didn't Vote for Obama!

>You were happy to do
>so. Where is Romney's
>bill stopping lawsuits on websites,
>radio, stores from lawyers for
>crime done with a gun
>they advertised or sold legally?
>I'm sure he, or the rest
>of tgem will send out
>a strongly worded press release.
> Mike Lee will go
>on FOX. But NOT
>ONE will actually DO anything.
> But, "guns, gawd, abortion,
>utah values"!!!
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>Notice how I said ?professional history?
>and not ?political history??
>Nice dodge of the question though.
>On that topic, didn't Reagan do
>the same thing?

Prior to running action target, no. I remember the action target part from his "Take over" of Chaffetz seat.

Reagan isn't from Utah. Neither was Trump.

But I realize it sucks you thought you had me then was reminded Curtis changed affiliations to become mayor, thus supporting what I said.

No worries, your still the smartest guy to never make a point?

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Good job! My grandpa uses to campaign for him(a Democrat county ckerk in super Republican sanpete county). The piunt was 3 senators in 100 years.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Senator too. I remember giving you chit about voting for Don Peays water carrier.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-19 AT 09:53PM (MST)[p]I was actually laughing today listening to Sean Hannity. He went on a 10 min rant about the gutless, spineless, Republicans that talk about all they will do to get elected, then do nothing they promised after elected.

Made me laugh how me and Sean Hannity are both screaming liberals.

As always stuff goes sideways.

I have kids. You tell them over and over not to do something, they do it, you tell them again. Nothing changes until there are consequences.

Rob Bishop is Bess's congressman I believe. For how many election cycles has he "saved HAFB, stood up for 2A, been against abortion, etc, etc"

The 2a is under assault, abortion(including super late term) is legal, spending is through the roof. HAFB seems ok.

So, instead of "Misty Snow", how about Eric Ericson?

Only an idiot wouldn't try to keep HAFB open, the rest Bishop didn't fix.

Consequences? Maybe a foot in the butt to the other R who take their constituents for granted?

I agree with notdon. Politics has replaced sports as a national pastime. Pretty damn sad

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>But I realize it sucks you
>thought you had me then
>was reminded Curtis changed affiliations
>to become mayor, thus supporting
>what I said.
>No worries, your still the smartest
>guy to never make a
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

You?re too dense to even realize the hilarious nature of all this. Point was made, but you're the only one that missed it.
>I agree with notdon. Politics
>has replaced sports as a
>national pastime. Pretty damn
>"I don't care if the season
>is closed. Get off your
>butt and go hunt them"
>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,

Sports have become political ie:womens soccer, the NFL kneelers, did you see Steve Kerr chimed in on the latest shootings? I cut my dish over a year ago, miss baseball and hockey, not much else, certainly not the news stations. I'll listen to a baseball game while I do my paperwork, I dont miss the boob tube....

"Not sure I grasp BHA motivation".
Hossblur 7/25/19

>AT 09:53?PM (MST)

>I was actually laughing today listening
>to Sean Hannity. He
>went on a 10 min
>rant about the gutless, spineless,
>Republicans that talk about all
>they will do to get
>elected, then do nothing they
>promised after elected.
>Made me laugh how me and
>Sean Hannity are both screaming
>As always stuff goes sideways.
>I have kids. You tell
>them over and over not
>to do something, they do
>it, you tell them again.
>Nothing changes until there are
>Rob Bishop is Bess's congressman I

Once again You Believe WRONG Hoss!

How He Keeps getting in must have something to do with your Neighbors because NE TARDville has Never Got a Big Vote for Him!

I Guess We're Back to that Thing Called PISS POOR Choices!

Don't Tell Me I Voted for Obama or Bishop!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>>But I realize it sucks you
>>thought you had me then
>>was reminded Curtis changed affiliations
>>to become mayor, thus supporting
>>what I said.
>>No worries, your still the smartest
>>guy to never make a
>>"I don't care if the season
>>is closed. Get off your
>>butt and go hunt them"
>>From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN,
>You?re too dense to even realize
>the hilarious nature of all
>this. Point was made, but
>you're the only one that
>missed it.

I'm sure. Because everyone here did a deep dive into John Curtis former profession. Guess I'll break out tge Wikipedia to fina it.

Or maybe ill point out again how you defend him so vigorously now that he got off the other team(dem) and is on the right team.

Of course whatever he did prior to politics he did as a dem, but don't let facts like that break into your top secret knowledge.

Thanks as usual for poibting out how you know something no one else does, but you don't telling. It brings volumes to the conversation.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>>LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-19
>>AT 09:53?PM (MST)

>>I was actually laughing today listening
>>to Sean Hannity. He
>>went on a 10 min
>>rant about the gutless, spineless,
>>Republicans that talk about all
>>they will do to get
>>elected, then do nothing they
>>promised after elected.
>>Made me laugh how me and
>>Sean Hannity are both screaming
>>As always stuff goes sideways.
>>I have kids. You tell
>>them over and over not
>>to do something, they do
>>it, you tell them again.
>>Nothing changes until there are
>>Rob Bishop is Bess's congressman I
> Once again You Believe WRONG
>How He Keeps getting in must
>have something to do with
>your Neighbors because NE TARDville
>has Never Got a Big
>Vote for Him!
>I Guess We're Back to that
>Thing Called PISS POOR Choices!
>Don't Tell Me I Voted for
>Obama or Bishop!
>I know so many people in
>so many places
>They make allot of money but
>they got sad faces
>It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

There we 2 choices, and I don't remember who the dem was.

And you were real proud of voting for Romney. I got on a thread pointing out $FW was parading him around, and you pointed out he was better than the rest.

Utah voters get treated by Republicans like Black dudes get treated by democrats. Every four years they get told all about all the great stuff they are going to do, then get forgot about for 3 years.

Ever wonder what you might see if R in Utah ACTUALLY had to compete for your vote. ACTUALLY had to earn your vote?

You just might see a Utah rep leading the charge on spending, guns, abortion, etc, etc, etc.

But hey,Vanilla has some super secret info on John Curtis and what he did for a summer job that PROVES he really is different? Of course as usual only Vanilla is allowed to know.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
So hoss because Romney was seen walking around with SFW at the EXPO that means that we should not vote for him.
With that reasoning, bess you can never run for any political office we have seen you at the EXPO, I think there is pics of you at the EXPO.
>So hoss because Romney was seen
>walking around with SFW at
>the EXPO that means that
>we should not vote for
>With that reasoning, bess you can
>never run for any political
>office we have seen you
>at the EXPO, I think
>there is pics of you
>at the EXPO.

He was going to chapter meetings. So ya, if Bess dropped into the St George chapter, it might be suspicious.

Ya. If you have to be lead to a group of hunters to be told "he's one of us", perhaps MAYBE he's not one of us?

That, and we all saw his infamous "goose hunting "

Plus. I'm still waiting for his groundbreaking bill on wild horses he was so happy to publish a PR piece on.

"I don't care if the season is closed. Get off your butt and go hunt them"


From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
>So hoss because Romney was seen
>walking around with SFW at
>the EXPO that means that
>we should not vote for
>With that reasoning, bess you can
>never run for any political
>office we have seen you
>at the EXPO, I think
>there is pics of you
>at the EXPO.

Well notdon!

I Probably won't be Running for any Political Positions anytime Soon!

But it sure would be nice to CLEAN SOME F'N HOUSE!

Remember Hoss!

I Told You Decades ago I Was Tired of Voting for the Lesser of Two Evils!

Do You Remember that part?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
One more thing Hoss?

You Mad at Me because I Voted for Trump?

No,I Don't Claim Him to be Somebody that Really Qualifies For President of the Greatest Nation on Earth!

But Here We go back to the CHOICES We Had!

I've said this many a times:

Who Could We get that's SMART enough to do the Job that'd be DUMB enough to Apply for/Or Take the Job?

Answer PLEASE!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D

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