Jack O'Conner's sheep book


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I guess you could call this a mid-winter bored post recently I've been checking out book stores on the web looking for a out of print reloading book and I've been noticing Jack O'conners Sheep and Sheep Hunting books for sale at some crazy prices like 70 to 200 bucks a book now I don't know if they are selling for these prices but I don't get it..why are these books priced so high? Are they that rare? I owne a copy of this book its a first edition that I bought forty some years ago for ten bucks and it's a well written book of course like most of O'Conners books but I just don't see it being worth that kind of money..anybody know why these books are valued at these prices??
As with anything that was limited or fairly low numbers, things are collectible anymore. When you get someone with a following like his, then people will collect them. Even tho that one has been revised and reprinted again, prices below $100 are rarely seen. Some of his older ones like GAME IN THE DESERT are well over $200
That's sort of what I was thinking blank..thanks for replying..by the way I have that book too..it's a classic
Ebay prices are mostly a joke, price high and hope for a buy. Picked up Calvin Coziahs book for six bucks not long ago. Some good deals every now and then but most prices are ridiculous for anything decent.
I own several of Jack's books. I found most of them online for pretty reasonable prices but, as with everything, they are inflating in value. I was also bored recently and pulled out my copy of "Sheep and Sheep Hunting". It is a classic and reading it usually brightens a gloomy winter day for me.
It's kinda like going to the movies. Admission costs a lot more than a quarter, like it did when I first went.
Forester: You got ripped off if you paid $6 for Cal Coziah's record of poaching. I wouldn't wrap rotten fish in it!! :)

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