Lion hunt video


Very Active Member
Even though my friend knew this was a younger tom he decided to take him because he had a broken back with his spine actually sticking out of his skin. Here's the video link.

Marley, that was a good video & I like to lion hunt myself but I don't think that video does much for the sport. I don't mean to offend anyone, we just have so many groups against us. I think the video could of been edited to not show such a slow death. My intention is not to ruffle any feathers or come across like we need to bow down to the anti's, I just like to protect our sport. Sorry in advance if you disagree.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-12 AT 03:21PM (MST)[p]Your opinion doesn't ruffle any feathers and I understand what you are trying to say. However, I do disagree with you saying this was a slow death. He was dead in under a minute and a half. It's an archery kill. Animals shot with an arrow die by loss of blood not hydrostatic shock like a bullet. The only difference in this and another animal shot with a bow is that you normally don't see other animals die due to them running off. Think about should wait at least 30 mins. to track an animal that was shot well...this lion died in 1 1/2 minutes.

Also this video is not searchable on youtube, that's why I gave you the link as this is a hunting website.
Marley, you and mgd both have a point. I'll just say that's not a video I would have posted. Pretty gruesome. yes, I know sometimes hunting (and death in general) is that way. The irony is that as you mentioned the cougar had a back problem and maybe putting it out of its misery was the most humane thing.

What do you think happened to it's back? (I think i could see on a related video what you were talking about.)
I think that is a video that should be taking down. We have to many people against us, we don't need to give them the ammo to shut down our sport.
Congrats on killing a tom.

Congrats on the catch and harvesting a tom. I am not going to get on here and pick things apart, but for me it was tough to watch and I am in the business of harvesting animals. I have an editing program that I use for my personal stuff, by no means am I a professional editor but if you would like, I can edit your footage and clean things up so it shows your success in a more positive light. If you want just PM me and I can see what I can do.

Tee Hover

I did a couple hound videos eight or ten years ago and then was told by a friend that some of my video had been stolen by the Humane Society and was being used to collect donations to stop hound hunting. After watching this video I spoke to two lawyers who told me groups are protected under the "fair use act" to take snips of video to argue their position on an issue. My lawyer told me I could spend a couple hundred thousand dollars fighting them in court but in the end I'd lose, and recommended if I had that kind of money it would be better spent going on a couple really neat hunts...........

If I ever do another video there won't be any kill shots in it, and that is a damn fact!

You can readily see that the healthy dogs in the HSUS video are mine, and I about went through the roof when I watched it......
Thanks for sharing. However, that really was hard to watch, and I have killed a lot of animals. If I wasn't a hunter I'd donate to HSUS after watching that. I say take it down or clean it up, but to each his own.
>Thanks for sharing. However, that really
>was hard to watch, and
>I have killed a lot
>of animals. If I wasn't
>a hunter I'd donate to
>HSUS after watching that. I
>say take it down or
>clean it up, but to
>each his own.

Clean what up? Sorry but I don't understand........
I was talking about the Youtube video Marley posted which shows the lion stumbling around the branches of the tree with an arrow stuck in his brisket for a couple of minutes before taking the final nosedive to the ground. A nice edit would clean up the video such that it would be pleasant to watch9 show the shot, and then cut to the fall from the tree. No one likes to watch suffering. As is, that kind of video plays right into the hands of the antis!

Also, I watched that HSUS video Ike posted, and as I would suspect from such a group, they take the very worst examples of the worst hunters(ie. neglected hounds, starving dogs, beating dogs) and make them look typical. They could have focused on Ike's fine, healthy, fit hounds (that they actually showed in the clip), but that would not play to the emotional strings of their audience. Of coarse they raise more money showing abused, starved, dogs. They also call hound hunting the art of the "lazy hunter", and nothing could be further from the truth. I know several houndsmen, and they all great care of their hounds, and respect the game they chase.

Bottom line is that we are all part of the overall political battle to keep hunting legal, and as such we should keep the photos and videos that we release as tasteful as possible.

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