Living in or near Star Valley


Active Member
I've been in an around the area a few times. Have elk hunted it. My son will be a Sr in HS this year. Once he's done I'm wanting to move to WY for many reasons. I have worked remotely for 20 years so employment is not an issue. My girlfriends kids are way into competitive skiing, so being within driving distance of Jackson for them is kind of important. With all that said, what do you guys think of the area? I already know about the hunting, so that is not really what I'm asking. More of what it's like to live there? The other area I've looked at is Whitefish MT, but my preference is still with WY.
Everybody will tell you the exact same thing. If you don’t mind living amongst LDS people, and 9 month long winters. It’s a pretty decent place.
Remember the Billionaires took over Jackson and ran all the Millionaires south into Alpine, Star Valley, Afton......

Homes are Pricey.....

Wife and I bought a lot in Alpine a year ago. We intend to retire there in a few years. Much to like about the area. Some aspects are less than ideal. Same as everywhere I suspect. If you like mountains, snow, hunting, fishing and hiking then it seems like a good place for that.
PleaseDear, it's cheaper than where I'm at right now ;) I own a couple properties hear so I should be able to easily swap one for there and come out alright.

Mulecreek, yes all those things are the draw.

Yes. This question has been asked a lot of times on a lot of different forums. The answers are the same. The LDS church has a great deal of sway on what goes on in the valley. Both politically and economically. I personally don’t care at all. But there are people take issue with that. And as someone who’s a third generation native. I can confidently say that the winter there is harsh and never ending.
Yes. This question has been asked a lot of times on a lot of different forums. The answers are the same. The LDS church has a great deal of sway on what goes on in the valley. Both politically and economically. I personally don’t care at all. But there are people take issue with that. And as someone who’s a third generation native. I can confidently say that the winter there is harsh and never ending.
I'm not Mormon, but I'm glad to hear "you don't mind living amongst LDS people". Here's your sign Chester.
I've lived here (SV) for 23 years. It's a great place to live. Yes, the winters are loooooong, but the country is beautiful. People are friendly. How much LDS influence there is depends on who you ask. More in the south end of the valley than the north. They are all good communities.
I'm not Mormon, but I'm glad to hear "you don't mind living amongst LDS people". Here's your sign Chester.
Jeff, a systemic culture of exclusion exists in the valley due to religion, or lack there of. Ask anyone who’s lived, or currently lives there. It’s irrefutable. An idea which I would think you would find repugnant given your woke nature. Especially considering how triggered you were that women were not allowed to participate in the one shot antelope hunt. But I digress. You continue trying to paint me a separatist, I’ll just be over here doing my thing with the “sign” you gave me.
Jeff, a systemic culture of exclusion exists in the valley due to religion, or lack there of. Ask anyone who’s lived, or currently lives there. It’s irrefutable. An idea which I would think you would find repugnant given your woke nature. Especially considering how triggered you were that women were not allowed to participate in the one shot antelope hunt. But I digress. You continue trying to paint me a separatist, I’ll just be over here doing my thing with the “sign” you gave me.
Ok, I don't know anything about Star Valley other than it's "beautiful" and apparently, according to you has "a systemic culture of exclusion..due to religion". Do I find that repugnant? You're damn right I do, as repugnant as the exclusion and treatment of women at the One Shot. As far as Star Valley, I'll have to take your word on that one. I'm sure many more disagree with your take on it, but who knows, you could just be a separatist. I judge that by my experience with many good friends who are Morman, some from over your way. Anyway, you have your sign, might as well keep it.
I’m sure we could go back and forth for several pages here. But I don’t think that would benefit the OP in any way. But I will offer you a parting bit of advice. You shouldn’t call your ”good friends“ Mormon. They disassociated from that moniker a few years back.
JM77 has it right, I never did see why people have a problem with towns in WY, Star Valley included, that are LDS centric.

Its ridiculous, any small town in America, no matter the dominate religious affiliation ( or complete lack-there-of) is going to feel cliquish. Lots of people that live in small towns grew up there, had family grow up there, they all know each other. Many aren't real keen on outsiders, again nothing to do with religious beliefs.

I've traveled a lot over the years for work, take about any small town in AZ, UT, NV, NM, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA, etc. and the scenery changes but the people largely don't.

As to Star Valley specifically, I have an office there and get along fine with the people who live there. I don't ask if they're LDS or not, and frankly, don't really care. I wouldn't want to live there, just a bit too small of a town and I like a bit more culture. Its a beautiful part of Wyoming though, no doubt. Tough to top the scenery and the summer and early falls are very pleasant.

Whitefish Montana has the same feel...great place to spend summers and early fall. But, its a cliquish town as well...just a common trait of small town USA.
I’m sure we could go back and forth for several pages here. But I don’t think that would benefit the OP in any way. But I will offer you a parting bit of advice. You shouldn’t call your ”good friends“ Mormon. They disassociated from that moniker a few years back.
Part if you like, but according to my "good friend", while the church is moving away from calling themselves Morman, he is not offended by it. In fact, he is far more offended by your claim that that a systemic culture of exclusion(by LDS) exists in Star Valley.
I was in Alpine on a hunting trip about twelve years ago. A town of about 500 people had five bars and one of the bars had strippers on Saturday night. What am I missing on the LDS and bars and strippers thing.
Part if you like, but according to my "good friend", while the church is moving away from calling themselves Morman, he is not offended by it. In fact, he is far more offended by your claim that that a systemic culture of exclusion(by LDS) exists in Star Valley.

Why keep busting the guys balls over his opinion? Its just that, an opinion. If the OP wishes to include it in his decision making, so be it. Just because it does not align with your experiences doesn't make it right, wrong, or anything else.

You seem to just hang out ambushing everybody that has a view you dont agree with. Back off a little, damn.
Why keep busting the guys balls over his opinion? Its just that, an opinion. If the OP wishes to include it in his decision making, so be it. Just because it does not align with your experiences doesn't make it right, wrong, or anything else.

You seem to just hang out ambushing everybody that has a view you dont agree with. Back off a little, damn.
You're right, I've never seen back and forth on here about opinions. I'll keep that in mind.
5 posts from you on this thread and not a single piece of advice to the OP, just condescending, holier than thou BS to other people offering their experiences. Think about that for a minute. It holds true on about 90% of the threads you comment on. We all realize you're WAY smarter than everybody, how about use your infinite wisdom to help people?
I've been in an around the area a few times. Have elk hunted it. My son will be a Sr in HS this year. Once he's done I'm wanting to move to WY for many reasons. I have worked remotely for 20 years so employment is not an issue. My girlfriends kids are way into competitive skiing, so being within driving distance of Jackson for them is kind of important. With all that said, what do you guys think of the area? I already know about the hunting, so that is not really what I'm asking. More of what it's like to live there? The other area I've looked at is Whitefish MT, but my preference is still with WY.

Im sure you know how the winters can get, with that being said if you're into small town life and enjoy the outdoors its a great area. Limited shopping and "go out to eat" places, if thats important. Most hunting fanatic type people would absolutely love it there.
5 posts from you on this thread and not a single piece of advice to the OP, just condescending, holier than thou BS to other people offering their experiences. Think about that for a minute. It holds true on about 90% of the threads you comment on. We all realize you're WAY smarter than everybody, how about use your infinite wisdom to help people?
Oh please, get a grip...
5 posts from you on this thread and not a single piece of advice to the OP, just condescending, holier than thou BS to other people offering their experiences. Think about that for a minute. It holds true on about 90% of the threads you comment on. We all realize you're WAY smarter than everybody, how about use your infinite wisdom to help people?

What did this post add?

Think about that for a minute.
Alpine would be best as it’s closer to skiing and Jackson for weekends. Another part of the state you might want to look at is Evanston. Homes are 25% the cost as Star Valley. 30 minutes to Park City and an hour to SLC. SLC airport and big city amenities but living in a small decent sized city. Not as beautiful but the Unitas 30 mins. south rival the Wyoming Range.
Evanston isn't bad but I too looked over in Bridger Valley (Lyman/Mountain View/ ect)

Nice area's but wouldn't be very close for skiing.

I spent two years working in WY and the country was pretty and the hunting was good but those winters go on and on. I’d call home (NM) in say December or February and talk to my brothers and they would tell me it was 60’s today at home and it would be -10 in WY. and started snowing in September. Nice place to visit and hunt but wouldn’t want to live there. I thought we had big wind in NM....
DBR, I live in the Columbia River Gorge, windiest place in america! :) The one thing I have going for me is I can live/work from anywhere in the world at anytime so I don't really have to be any certain place during any certain time of the year. Yes, the SW in the winter and WY in the summer sounds pretty good!
I love places like WY but I just don’t have enough Eskimo in me to live there again. Now Wyoming from May to August and southern NM the rest of the time....I could go for that.
I love places like WY but I just don’t have enough Eskimo in me to live there again. Now Wyoming from May to August and southern NM the rest of the time....I could go for that.
Yeah to live in Wyoming full time you gotta be a man. Wyoming wasn't tough enough for me so after 22 years in WY I moved to Alaska.
I know some old people that moved to NM. NM is nice.
I spent two years working in WY and the country was pretty and the hunting was good but those winters go on and on. I’d call home (NM) in say December or February and talk to my brothers and they would tell me it was 60’s today at home and it would be -10 in WY. and started snowing in September. Nice place to visit and hunt but wouldn’t want to live there. I thought we had big wind in NM....

How's the WY wind compare to NM? I lived below ABQ for a little over a year (and worked in SE NM for 2.5 years). Outside of spring the wind in NM wasn't too bad.
There’s days you'd think you were in Wyoming here but most of the time it’s just sunshine.

I lived in NM and spent another 2.5 years working in the SE portion of it. Haven't lived in WY though so wondering how much worse it is in WY?
Locations in the Start Valley will often be amongst the coldest in the nation if you watch for national weather highs/lows....beautiful in Spring/Summer thoug
There is a reason lots of billionaires live there. They can afford to be elsewhere in the winter.
You have to deal with the sisters if u live there.

Would be beautiful to live there if you farmed, did road construction, or worked the soda ash mine. Not much else

Evanston isn't bad but I too looked over in Bridger Valley (Lyman/Mountain View/ ect)

Nice area's but wouldn't be very close for skiing.

It's a beautiful place and if you like the outdoors no better place I can think of. Yes it's spendy, but it is cheaper today than it will be 2,5, or 10 years from now. If you can swing it move on out and see for yourself. If you don't like it your property will be worth more than what you paid for it if you decide to leave. Please just enjoy it for what it is and don't bring your politics in and try to change it. Living in Wyoming is a privilege and don't forget why you wanted to move here in the first place. Enjoy...
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I don't believe I have ever been to a place where the wind blows harder and as constant as Rawlins, WY. We love hunting and spending the 8-10 days a year in WY, but whoever said you had to be a man to live there....nailed it.
As far as religion goes...I know a few "Mormons" or "LDS" from MM and it just dawned on me that none of them ever pushed religion on me.
I like Star Valley and live close by but in Idaho. Houses and land are significantly more expensive in WY vs east Idaho, but the hunting is significantly better in WY. East Idaho hunting is starting to get crowded. Lot of hunters in WY too but more game.
I like Star Valley and live close by but in Idaho. Houses and land are significantly more expensive in WY vs east Idaho, but the hunting is significantly better in WY. East Idaho hunting is starting to get crowded. Lot of hunters in WY too but more game.
I lived just east of Cheyenne for 9 years.
Great place to live, hunt, fish ? & enjoy overall. Winters not really bad either, summers nice ?. Only 90 miles to DIA airport & Denver. Great location !! Windy at times, but no big deal either. I had to move to Colorado- because my new wife lived here, my 1’st wife of 40 years died in Cheyenne &’buried in Cheyenne. I’ll be beside her there. Wyoming is redder than red !!!! Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado ???????
Wife and I bought a lot in Alpine a year ago. We intend to retire there in a few years. Much to like about the area. Some aspects are less than ideal. Same as everywhere I suspect. If you like mountains, snow, hunting, fishing and hiking then it seems like a good place for that.
Have you seen the prices of the lots you bought now? You’d puke! You bought at the absolute best time. Now your need to get on a builders list. Most are out two years minimum.
Boy, there sure is a lot of interest in Wyo since the 90/10 deal erupted! Get used to it Wyo! Is taking just a few limited tags from nonres really worth it? I see a lot of changes coming to Wyo in the coming years!

With that said, Wyo's a great place to live! The housing market is a lot cheaper than Colo to the south. Lots of space, fresh brisk air, and great fishing and hunting!
Yep, they are all coming due to the 90/10 talk. Either you drink too much, or you just don't pay much attention to whats going on in the world with people fleeing s#@! hole states. For a guy who lives in Colorado you sure shove your nose into Wyoming’s business. You remind me of that nosey neighbor who is always staring out the windows wondering what everyone else is doing. Close the curtains jims....
When we moved to WY, we considered ourselves refugees, not immigrants.

Anyone moving here should consider what that means.

Star Valley is nice, but no chance I would ever live there, housing cost too much for too little. If I have to weather the winters, I better have a damn nice place to make up for it.
Boy, there sure is a lot of interest in Wyo since the 90/10 deal erupted! Get used to it Wyo! Is taking just a few limited tags from nonres really worth it? I see a lot of changes coming to Wyo in the coming years!

With that said, Wyo's a great place to live! The housing market is a lot cheaper than Colo to the south. Lots of space, fresh brisk air, and great fishing and hunting!

Everyone is coming from California and other blue states to escape those states. Our neighborhood has several new people from California and they all say the same thing. Not one for a 90/10 split. But after reading what some non-residents say I am 100% support for 90/10.
It won’t be long before conservative hunters will be a minority in WY. The Californians are coming and it won’t take much to over come WY’s current population.
Here's my recipe for retirement: Purchase a small place in Clark, WY, and have the best fly fishing and waterfowl hunting right in my backyard. WY residency will afford us super benefits as retirees, so I think even at its coldest, the wifey-poo will have to agree that WY is the place to call home per IRS rules. Back to the waterfowl point: I've never seen so many wigeons in my life during a recent LE elk hunt there....And every other duck known to the western flyway for that matter. To make things even more attractive....I'll be one of the 17 duck hunters within 50 miles of Clark! When it comes to fly fishing....Well, its just the ****, and most anyone can attest to that. As it pertains to big game hunting?....Well, I'd have to imagine that the WYDFG will have eradicated the mule deer by my 2031 retirement, and the liberals will have killed off every elk and moose with an inability to recognize the wolf and grizzly bear as the #1 threat to these resources....So....I won't have to depend on WY to hunt elk and MD...or CO for that matter, as that state is next on the list of liberal takeovers. Once Oct 1st roles around, we will relocated for the winter to our $175,000 1,100sq' rancher in the Ft Meyers area so I can enjoy snook fishing and all things fun and exciting during the glorious S. Fl during winter months. I'm guessing the kiddos will stick close to home somewhere here in Maryland, so we'll need another $150,000 split level in the Baltimore suburbs, in the worst school district known to man, so we can have a super cheap existence here while I hunt 150" inner city whitetail deer during our 5-month bow season. Lastly, I can assure you this much....I won't care which religion my neighbor believes in, just so much as that they vote republican and believe Jesus Christ is the son of god that died on the cross for our eternal salvation.
Here's my recipe for retirement: Purchase a small place in Clark, WY, and have the best fly fishing and waterfowl hunting right in my backyard. WY residency will afford us super benefits as retirees, so I think even at its coldest, the wifey-poo will have to agree that WY is the place to call home per IRS rules. Back to the waterfowl point: I've never seen so many wigeons in my life during a recent LE elk hunt there....And every other duck known to the western flyway for that matter. To make things even more attractive....I'll be one of the 17 duck hunters within 50 miles of Clark! When it comes to fly fishing....Well, its just the ****, and most anyone can attest to that. As it pertains to big game hunting?....Well, I'd have to imagine that the WYDFG will have eradicated the mule deer by my 2031 retirement, and the liberals will have killed off every elk and moose with an inability to recognize the wolf and grizzly bear as the #1 threat to these resources....So....I won't have to depend on WY to hunt elk and MD...or CO for that matter, as that state is next on the list of liberal takeovers. Once Oct 1st roles around, we will relocated for the winter to our $175,000 1,100sq' rancher in the Ft Meyers area so I can enjoy snook fishing and all things fun and exciting during the glorious S. Fl during winter months. I'm guessing the kiddos will stick close to home somewhere here in Maryland, so we'll need another $150,000 split level in the Baltimore suburbs, in the worst school district known to man, so we can have a super cheap existence here while I hunt 150" inner city whitetail deer during our 5-month bow season. Lastly, I can assure you this much....I won't care which religion my neighbor believes in, just so much as that they vote republican and believe Jesus Christ is the son of god that died on the cross for our eternal salvation.
I think you overcount the duck hunters up in NW Wyoming by about 16. Though, by 2031 todo se necessita hablar Espanol en Los Estados Unidos .
Sounds like an incredible game plan! The fishing and bird hunting in that corner of Wyo alone would be worth living there! You have a well thought out plan for retirement. The cost of living is definitely a consideration and you've chosen some great locations to use your budget wisely.

I'm in a similar situation trying to figure out a retirement strategy. The price of housing here in Colo is so expensive and is going up every day but boy the weather is tough to beat year-round and there is great bird and big game hunting as well as fishing. It's amazing what can be bought for the same price in surrounding states. You are wise to have several spots you can move around to during the year depending upon weather and outdoor interests at a reasonable price.
Here's my recipe for retirement: Purchase a small place in Clark, WY, and have the best fly fishing and waterfowl hunting right in my backyard. WY residency will afford us super benefits as retirees, so I think even at its coldest, the wifey-poo will have to agree that WY is the place to call home per IRS rules. Back to the waterfowl point: I've never seen so many wigeons in my life during a recent LE elk hunt there....And every other duck known to the western flyway for that matter. To make things even more attractive....I'll be one of the 17 duck hunters within 50 miles of Clark! When it comes to fly fishing....Well, its just the ****, and most anyone can attest to that. As it pertains to big game hunting?....Well, I'd have to imagine that the WYDFG will have eradicated the mule deer by my 2031 retirement, and the liberals will have killed off every elk and moose with an inability to recognize the wolf and grizzly bear as the #1 threat to these resources....So....I won't have to depend on WY to hunt elk and MD...or CO for that matter, as that state is next on the list of liberal takeovers. Once Oct 1st roles around, we will relocated for the winter to our $175,000 1,100sq' rancher in the Ft Meyers area so I can enjoy snook fishing and all things fun and exciting during the glorious S. Fl during winter months. I'm guessing the kiddos will stick close to home somewhere here in Maryland, so we'll need another $150,000 split level in the Baltimore suburbs, in the worst school district known to man, so we can have a super cheap existence here while I hunt 150" inner city whitetail deer during our 5-month bow season. Lastly, I can assure you this much....I won't care which religion my neighbor believes in, just so much as that they vote republican and believe Jesus Christ is the son of god that died on the cross for our eternal salvation.
Great idea, but just needs a little tweeking. To get that residency for hunting and fishing, you will be required to spend that first year(365 days) residing in Wyoming. No snow birding or months in Baltimore chasing suburban town bucks. After that, you will be required to spend the majority of the year in the state to maintain your residency status.

But you already knew that, right? You wouldn't want to pi$$ off your Christian Republican neighbors. After all, they believe in the rule of law! Welcome to Wyoming!!
JM77 has it right, I never did see why people have a problem with towns in WY, Star Valley included, that are LDS centric.

Its ridiculous, any small town in America, no matter the dominate religious affiliation ( or complete lack-there-of) is going to feel cliquish. Lots of people that live in small towns grew up there, had family grow up there, they all know each other. Many aren't real keen on outsiders, again nothing to do with religious beliefs.

I've traveled a lot over the years for work, take about any small town in AZ, UT, NV, NM, WY, MT, ID, OR, WA, etc. and the scenery changes but the people largely don't.

As to Star Valley specifically, I have an office there and get along fine with the people who live there. I don't ask if they're LDS or not, and frankly, don't really care. I wouldn't want to live there, just a bit too small of a town and I like a bit more culture. Its a beautiful part of Wyoming though, no doubt. Tough to top the scenery and the summer and early falls are very pleasant.

Whitefish Montana has the same feel...great place to spend summers and early fall. But, its a cliquish town as well...just a common trait of small town USA.
Buzz next time you are in Star Valley get ahold of me and I will take you out to lunch.
I've lived in Wyoming 45 years, in Star Valley 24 years. The winters tend to shock newcomers with a few that leave after the first one. It's not windy like many parts of the state and temps are reasonable. I haven't noticed it is exceptionally exclusionary, but I suppose you'll meet some of the type anywhere. Construction is going bonkers and the population here can be expected to continue to grow, as well as prices of real estate. You'll find the further north you go in the valley, the more expensive the housing, the further south, the less so. I like living here, but don't need the amenities and civilization that some need.
Have you seen the prices of the lots you bought now? You’d puke! You bought at the absolute best time. Now your need to get on a builders list. Most are out two years minimum.
Timing is everything. I think we could easily get double for that lot only a couple years in. I heard that about the builder list. We are now looking at 4 years until we move. Really need an economic downturn to bring down construction costs and timing. I’m confident Biden won’t let me down
Timing is everything. I think we could easily get double for that lot only a couple years in. I heard that about the builder list. We are now looking at 4 years until we move. Really need an economic downturn to bring down construction costs and timing. I’m confident Biden won’t let me down
When you get ready to build let me know i'll pass on some contacts that youll like
Yes. This question has been asked a lot of times on a lot of different forums. The answers are the same. The LDS church has a great deal of sway on what goes on in the valley. Both politically and economically. I personally don’t care at all. But there are people take issue with that. And as someone who’s a third generation native. I can confidently say that the winter there is harsh and never ending.
Everyone is coming from California and other blue states to escape those states. Our neighborhood has several new people from California and they all say the same thing. Not one for a 90/10 split. But after reading what some non-residents say I am 100% support for 90/10.
Yes Jerry we know, Rawlins!
You should enjoy the hunting & fishing
all around Rawlins every chance you get !
It’s fantastic when done right !!! Wind no big deal- get your shooting ear muffs on- wont bother you nearly so much ! Oh yes, snow goggles ? too to protect your eyes ? from the sand & dust. LOL ?
Jerry Gold in Windsor, Colorado ???
I've got an offer in on a parcel in the Star Valley currently.

If any of you who live there would be interested in chatting shoot me a PM and I'd appreciate any info. The lot is bare land so I'd be interested in chatting with builders, well drillers, etc.

I'll probably be out there the end of this week or early the week after.

Congrats! What’s the going rate (price per square foot) to build a house in Star Valley?

Will tell you next week after I go out there and meet with a few builders haha.

Realtor said ~$150 but I think that's going to be low based on material escalations. Wouldn't surprise me if it was over $200.

Many builders are focusing more on Jackson too as they can charge more which shrinks the labor pool a bit.

So I've got some research and planning to do if all goes well!
Timing is everything. I think we could easily get double for that lot only a couple years in. I heard that about the builder list. We are now looking at 4 years until we move. Really need an economic downturn to bring down construction costs and timing. I’m confident Biden won’t let me down
If it comes to it, let me know and I'll hook you up with the best concrete work in the valley.
I've got an offer in on a parcel in the Star Valley currently.

If any of you who live there would be interested in chatting shoot me a PM and I'd appreciate any info. The lot is bare land so I'd be interested in chatting with builders, well drillers, etc.

I'll probably be out there the end of this week or early the week after.

Message me when you are ready for concrete bids. I know the guy you want.

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