Lost my Hunting Companion


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-09 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]well tues the 20th I took my loyal friend and hunting compainion, Bud, out for an outing which we havent done for some time. I saw so deer and decided to glass to see if any bucks were amongest them and let Bud out to potty (before you start Bud dont chase deer and besides they were over a mile way)

He went around the front of the pickup while I was glassing and when I was ready to leave he was nowhere to be found. I searched for over 3 hours found nothing. He is greatly missed missed by me and the best dog I have ever owned

Rest in Peace, BUD April 17, 1995-January 20, 2009


after a long day of hunting Chucker,

Sorry for your loss. Let us know what area you were in so that we can keep our eyes open.

Sorry for your loss, my hunting companion passed away 2yrs ago this January and I still miss him. I had him for 16yrs, before the wife and before my kids. There is no remedy for the pain your feeling, again truly sorry.

I am dreading the day when mine are gone, dang 14yrs and 16yrs, For some reason did not think shorthairs lived that long.

When you have them in the house they become your kids.

Sorry for your loss.
30inbuck, i was always told that shorthairs live between 8-9 years so after that time I sorta retired him from hunting as much but I did take him out after pheasants and such, just no more chucker. I let him live like a king then arthritus set in and other health problems and 3 years later this happens, glad he was where he loved to be out with the chucker and i didnt have to have him put down like I thought I might he is in a better place I hope
My dog was a Fox Terrier he passed away just shy of 16yrs. I got him for my b-day when I was 20, all I did then was hunt, hunt and hunt that dog went everywhere with me. I have gotten a new dog dince then, I will never compare the two dogs but my ol dog will always be something special and there will never be another.

Wow, I am so sorry to hear that. I really feel for you, but if you want and it's possible, I will go help you try to find him. I just could not leave my dogs out there like that. It sounds to me that if you had him for that long, he is worth far more than 3 hours.

I was never a dog person. I would not allow my kids to have a dog. Then after my kids were raised one of my daughters broke up with boy friend and got really depressed. So as a Dad I told her I wanted to help her and ask what could I do? It ended up all she wanted was a dog, and since I had put my foot in my mouth and told her I would do anything she wanted, I ate crow and told her to go get the dog she wanted and I would buy it for her.

Long story short, she went on with her busy life, dropping that unwanted dog in my lap. It was the last thing I wanted, but little did I realize, he was what I needed most. From a guy who just could not understand why people have dogs, that dog taught me far more about myself and my needs than I ever thought possible. He is going on six now and I ended up getting him a sister who just turned 3. We are inseparable now. They are my best friends, and they both have taught me so much. I dread the day when something happens to either. So from a guy who six years ago didn't have a clue, I can assure you I truly understand now. If you need help finding or looking for your dog, I know there's plenty of help out there should you decide to call upon it. You may not want to, but Bud deserves it, believe me he does.

My dogs are basically first cousins to your dog. They are weimaraners.

I'll be happy to help in any way I can.

Come back Bud, come back. BB
well to much time may have gone by for this to work but, when i lose a bird dog or hound, take off your shirt, coat, or somethin that smells like you and leave it on the ground the last place he was seen.

I have done this a half dozen times, and even what i considerd to be the dumbest of dogs were curled up in a ball on top of it the next mourning.
I wouldn't give up on him yet. Been back to loof for him again?


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
Any wolves in the area? Happens here all the time where we now have a runaway population of wolves!
reddog I took an old towell out of my pick that he used to lay on placed it about 40 yards off the road where it harder for others to find weent back at daylight he was not there, which I have done in years past but this time no luck.

I have been told that many dogs just up and leave when they are gonna die. I have had cats do this and find them later dead under a bush with the help of my dog

another reason I only searched for 3 hours was there was no other place for him to be all flat grass maybe 6 inches tall and few big rocks he was all stoved up from Arthritus and other health problems he could harldy move but he did get around when he wanted to. he go about 30 feet and stop but he was always ready to go when i started my pickup
fatrooster, ty for the email it was good.

no there are no wolves in the area besides the ground is flat with a few minor drainage washes nuttin I wouldnt cross with my pickup, I looked everywhere he woulda been hid. there was no tracks at the water either

I did find where someone got some chucker and took breasts only that was not disturbed when I went out yesterday
Gonehuntn, all is not lost yet. I have an adopted abused lab/heeler mix who is terrified of guns. On a fishing trip to MT last year she took off when my nephew started target shooting his .22. She is the size of the heeler and she ran out into coyote infested eastern MT. I thought she was coyote crap for sure after 2 days but she returned on the 5th day at 4AM, our last morning there.

Prayers out there for finding that beautiful dog.
I failed to mention that I did fire my rifle 7 times to see if he come back to it, he is kinda deaf and cant hear you call him but he hears the sharp crack of a rifle or shotgun or a clap
DAM, sounds all to familiar. 7 years ago I had my 2 labs (1 black, 1 yellow) out hunting, and after a couple hours of having them couped up in the back of the truck, I let them out for a few minutes. Within 30 seconds they were gone, my only assumption was they took off after a rabbit, as I was several hundred yards away from the river I was waterfowl hunting on. After searching for the rest of the day, and the entire next day with no luck, I resorted to hanging REWARD posters where I could. Unfortunately a few days later I got a call saying there was a black dog dead on the side of the road about 2 miles from where he was lost. After a few more days I got another call from a fellow sportsman who found my yellow lab, and picked her up for me, (and I still have her to this day).
There was nothing worse than that 'empty gut' feeling I had every night, not knowing where they were at.
And trust me I bawled like a baby when I took my black lab up to our favorite grouse hunting ridge to bury him. Shortly after, I got his name tatooted on my left shoulder (I'm left handed), so I know he will be there with me every shot I ever fire the rest of my life. As he truely was my best hunting companion ever.
Good luck in trying to find your shorthair, I know what your going through.
well just got back in from looking for Bud, no luck finding him but as I was walking around out there I remembered that was the first place i took him hunting. what memories those are
This is heartbreaking and I feel for you... I had to have my shorthair put down last January. He was 15.5 years old and one hell of a dog! He looked fairly similar to Bud as well. Losing my dog (Leo) was the worst thing I've ever had to deal with. I balled like a baby at the vet's clinic. I really hope you find him one way or another for your comfort if nothing else.
I certainly can appreciate the loss. I good dog is better than almost any human. Sorry to hear about what happened, and you are right, a dog will just sneak off sometimes to die. My story is very similar to SHEDSTALKER. I had a drahthaar for 15.5 years and sobbed like a little kid while carrying her off the vet's table to my truck. My best friend and everything I had at that time now lifeless. We had hunted most every state for something at one time or another, and it was all we did, our whole lives. I'm a loner and so was she, only clinging to me. She was tougher than any human you've ever known, more stoic, loyal, protective, loving and resilient. She was an expert on birds, and during our hunts also killed loads of raccoon, a few coyotes and took on several bears. Even when torn up she never whined or even seemed to be the least bit concerned. If buying a drahthaar, get one from stichelhaar lines. They are the dog of the hard old days. Like back when our country meant something, people died for what they believed in, and freaks weren't everywhere you turned. I'm sorry for your extreme loss.
i recalling the memories of him and this one still brings a smile to my face even after hes gone. One day in precicely the same area where I lost him he went out while I helped my dad do something cant remember what, but he came back 10 15 mins later carrying a redtail hawk, we figure he found it dead somewhere. farther investagation found he had scratches on his nose and back from the hawk I guess he figured he needed to take care of that chuckar killer

we cant figure out how he got him but he did somehow. later that same year out hunting with him I heard alot of sqwaking coming from a bush where he went in later he out carrying a magpie, now how can you scould a dog for those deeds????LOL
Leo was ONE HELL OF A DOG... hunted with him for years,by far the best dog i have ever hunted behind! I feel for ya man, hope you find your dog.

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