Missed opportunity


Very Active Member
While out on the Utah muzzy deer hunt last week.
My cousin and I jumped this bad boy from its bed.
It stayed at about 50 yards for about 20 minutes before it ran over the ridge top. We called the DWR to see if they wanted us to shoot it, so it wouldn't move to an area where the bighorn sheep reside. Long story short, the DWR wanted to come and kill it themselves but by time they got into the area, it was almost dark and we couldn't locate it again.
The next day another hunter found it, called it in and they let him shoot it.
In hind sight, I wished we would have just shot the thing because my cousin really wanted to get it mounted.
A Corsican ram was about the last thing I would have expected to see up on the mountain that day.
The DWR has no idea where it came from.

Thats crazy!
I am guessing the DWR was not 100% sure it was a corsican when you called them.

They don't know that you are smarter than to mistake it for a rocky.

Too bad. Its definitely the state record!

Would have had to come from a game farm right? High fence exotics.

Theres a good chance it came off the Fremont island, as there is now a pretty good land bridge for the animals to leave. They've already killed one russian boar that made it to the island, and I know for a fact that there are several others still on AI


The most important thing is that Corsican ram was exterminated. It's even more encouraging to see that you are still out there looking out for that little band of wild sheep! They have so many cards stacked against them that we all need to keep an eye out for any wandering domestics.
Good on you my friend.
I'll tell you what's crazy.
It seemed like the DWR had no plan for something like this happening.
They were unsure if they should or could give us permission to kill it.
Then had no problem letting someone else kill it the next day.
I think it should be standard procedure to kill these type of animals on sight, if found on public land and maybe a reward for doing so.

There's always next year
I would imagine that being 100% obvious and positive it wasn't a bighorn, you could shoot it legally without calling the f&g, and report it after? They are not protected game in Utah right? Maybe the default is that new species are protected until stated otherwise?
Good for you to call and wait for permission, many of us may have asked for forgiveness.
Interesting. Where was it... General location? Sheep like this are not protected by DWR. However the Brand inspector may have a say in the matter. I know a buffalo got out of a owners pen DWR showed up and where going to kill it. Brand inspector showed up, everything changed real fast. The brand inspector explained that even though a animal may not be where it is supposed to be. shooting the buffalo would be no different than shooting a guy's cow or horse. And brand inspector can and would have the right to arrest anyone who shoots buffalo except for owner. I would proceed with caution.
>lol....corsican rams are out of the
>brand inspectors jurisdiction wantabee...

"Utah's brand inspectors have five main tasks:
Verify proper ownership of livestock before they are sold, shipped out of state, or sent to slaughter.
Verify proper ownership of horses and other equidae before they are sold, shipped out of state, or sent to slaughter.
Respond to reports of lost, found, or stolen livestock.
Inspect and license elk ranches and hunting parks.
Inspect and license farm custom slighter"

"Cattle and sheep must be branded only if they forage on open range (Government land), although it is recommended that all livestock be branded to prevent estrays and theft. If ownership changes, cattle must be rebranded with the new owner's brand within 30 days. Branding of horses is not required, but is recommended. Hogs are not required to be branded."

Well "lol" apparently I don't understand the law. ? When I have read and spoken with state brand inspectors, if the animal has proper identification and is lost stolen or harvested by anyone other than owner. There may be consequences. Not to say the owner will not have restitution for damages of lost animals. I run into sheep often when hunting....does not give me the right to shoot them.
Corsican sheep fall into same category as any domestic sheep.

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