

Very Active Member
Anyone know the skinny on the modify/withdraw app? Asking for a friend of a friend...

Truthfully, I wanted to make one change to one of my choices and found the modify/withdraw deadline posted on the g&f site at June 1, but there's no option in my applications. I'm near cross-eyed now.

Any G&F guru's who can shed some light on this would be cool.
It's there but hard to find. I went thru the process this week. There is a step that asks to apply and that is what you have to check. Doest not say modify which would make it easier. Good luck.
It’s quite easy to modify. You just log in again as if you were starting all over then when your choices you selected appear click on the Change option.
"It's there but hard to find. " - yeah, that's what the old timers told me about snipe hunting...

This is what I see...


And there ain't no button...

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