Motivate my first marathon


Active Member
I am attempting my first marathon trying to raise some much needed funds for a camp for families that have lost children called Parker's Place. It is the only grief camp in the west for families, and they literally saved my own family. The first year we went my wife still wasn't getting out bed as the depression and pain was overwelming. So with three other little girls still in a new world they weren't quite sure of without thier oldest brother, I made everyone go. It was amazing, and gave us friends support and healing that we wouldn't find any other way.
The race is october 18th, but I know I am late getting this out (imagine a hunter procrastinating in the fall, I'm sure I'm the only one that's ever done it) so the link will stay open till the end of October. 100% of money raised is going directly to Parkers Place. Just click on the link and scroll down to the donate button near the bottom of the page. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.
This is most definitely a noble cause. My daughter has been in the hospital this week for a pretty "routine" ruptured appendix operation and has never been in any real danger of losing her life (though there is a remote chance it could happen) and I have been extremely emotional! I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to lose her! I don't know but a fraction of your pain, and will happily support this cause for you and your little family.

Run like the wind good brother!


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:
Didn't quite run "like the wind" especially from miles 22-25 I really srtuggled. But I finished! I even think I can walk enough to make it to church today. Looking back not running at all in September wasn't a good choice, but as an archer I'm not willing to spend any of the already short season to run. Might have to find another one with different dates and a flatter course for next year.
Definitely a good cause to donate to! I can't imagine what you've gone through. Glad there was a place you could go to for help. I looked through your blog...what an awesome little boy Conner was! Sounded like he was quite a lil' personality and a huge light in your lives. What an amazing spirit. :)

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