Mt. Emily Elk


Very Active Member
Just rolled into La Grande after driving 27 hours from Indiana. So nice to see some elk country after no tag last year, and slaving on our new fixer-upper home all summer!. Setting up a camp on the North side to scout/hunt a while. Will try the South side later in the hunt. Since I work for USPS I had several last minute supplies off Amazon shipped to the Elgin post office for me to pick up. Not far away. Brought three climbing tree stands to site water especially the first week. Hunt begins tomorrow. :)
Good luck on your hunt- that is some spectacular country you will be hunting. I think you should do well where you are starting from!!
Best of luck! You'll have a blast, especially when the rut kicks into high gear! I'll be in the Wenaha for archery w/ friend and then late Oct for a rifle hunt. Headed over next weekend...

Post pics!

First two days scouting for water to set up on has not gone well. All 5 springs and tanks dry. Found one huge wallow also dry. Took day off to recharge batteries and resume tomorrow. Quite a few hunters in the first areas I picked. But one bonus is cell signal is very good. Making life easy.
It's still very early and the rut most likely won't start to kick in for another week and then keep intensifying. Don't get discouraged as it will get better as the season goes on and you'll start to figure it out, it can take some time because it's a big unit. Also cover country quickly until you find out where they are which means actually seeing them, hearing them or at a minimum seeing lots of sign. Don't hang around hunting the same area over and over again if the sign isn't there. I'll PM you with some more info.
Had a great day of scouting all day yesterday. Finally found some water to set up on. ? Relocating camp this morning, then the serious hunting will begin.
If you can use this early, hot part of the season to find where the elk are, you will have more productive hunting when it cools down in the next week or so.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-10-19 AT 04:57AM (MST)[p]Reporting in from Nine Mile pond: Heating up. Got into four screamers last evening. Started with a grunter about an hour before shooting light. Tried to lure him in with a couple cow calls which ignited the other three. The thermals would have shafted me if I dropped down so I stayed put and listened which direction they disbursed. One came up to me but just after shooting light. None scented me so I'll return tomorrow at a lower elevation with wind in my favor. Just great to finally hear some action.

Also heard my first wolves howling on hike back to truck.
It will just get better from her. Try on the West side of Mt. Emily itself. Huckleberry butte is good also. South end of unit can be good with typically less people the north end. Keep at it your getting closer every day. Good luck I'm off to Idaho.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-19 AT 01:57PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-19 AT 01:56?PM (MST)

It was rough scouting/hunt for my first three weeks with so many other hunters to compete with, but finally found success yesterday morning. Actually had a solo 360? bull at 50 yards but he did not give me a good angle. Bumped into this guy a half hour later. The bulls were going nuts which allowed me to circle ahead of their paths.


Tines aren't long but great mass. Very thankful for cold front which aided in meat handling and hauling.
Awesome bull.

Length gets the score, but mass is much cooler to look at and put your hands on.

I really like that bull.

>Length gets the score, but mass
>is much cooler to look
>at and put your hands
I keep telling my wife the same thing.

Nice bull.
I will stay in camp until end of season while waiting for meat processing. Hope to help a few others fill their tags these last few days. Got a few cams out over wallows.
That is a great bull and congratulations for holding out and taking a really nice bull. Hope is was a great experience for you!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-19 AT 03:33AM (MST)[p]I feel very fortunate to have harvested a good bull. However, if I had it all to do over again, hands down I would pick up the phone and call outfitters to shop for a drop camp deep into some canyon like Fiddler's Hell or similar. This to escape the obscene spike hunter pressure. Their intense pressure pushed the biggest bulls off the easy access tops very quickly. Then began a game of musical chairs with all the other big bull tag holders to scrounge up any unpolluted areas. My first two weeks of dedicated scouting turned out to be wasted time. Wolves also had the bugling to a bare minimum. In 25 years I've never witnessed so much competition on an elk hunt, save for one OTC Montana hunt. Success rates on top were dismal. Success rates in the inaccessible bottoms seemed near 100% from the feedback I got. So this makes a drop camp the best option for a DIYer after waiting for 21 years.

Also, for anyone planning a hunt here, I highly recommend taking your meat home and processing it yourself or at least having it done in your locale. Seems like Hines Meats is the only game in town, so their prices are grossly inflated. Can you say $593.00 for one elk? That's what they charged me for very basic processing, including a $75 "expediting fee" to process my elk in a full week (7 days). I've never waited so long in my life, and it was not even frozen solid as I requested. Add to that 3 days to drive back to Indiana = 10 days. Is the meat even any good after so long??? Plus they failed to return any of my game bags. So add another $60 to that = $653 to process one elk. Are you kidding me? Zero star rating. I feel they just took advantage of me being so far from home. I did my job. Took responsible shot. Found bull immediately. Field dressed same day. Drove it to their locker the next day. And they let it rot for 10 days, and charge an obscene fee? Really? I'm not happy. I like my elk meat.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-26-19 AT 06:21PM (MST)[p]

I drove from Wyoming to Hines meats on Friday morning, dropped off clean muscle to be ground into burger, and they called me to say it was done that afternoon. Charged me around $0.70 pound, ground and wrapped because all they had to do was toss it in the grinder. I think regular was like $1.25.
Ace hardware sells dry ice. 10# would have kept your meat frozen in coolers for the whole trip.
If you iced it for the trip home it?ll be just fine.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-19 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]That afternoon!!!??? I must have got the ?nonresident special???? And $75 extra fee to ?expedite? the order to only a 7 day wait??? Anyone got an explanation for this?

.......for my meat to be ?kept frozen? that would have meant it would have been frozen in the first place, as promised. It was a long shot. Luckily yes I did have the sense to go to Ace and buy extra dry ice. Then replaced it half way at Rawlins WY Walmart (where it was much cheaper). Got 15#/cooler there which did freeze 90% of the meat by arrival home. A kid there helped do that for me after I strained a muscle in my back something awful. But I'm home and meat got put in ice box promptly.

>I drove from Wyoming to Hines
>meats on Friday morning, dropped
>off clean muscle to be
>ground into burger, and they
>called me to say it
>was done that afternoon. Charged
>me around $0.70 pound, ground
>and wrapped because all they
>had to do was toss
>it in the grinder. I
>think regular was like $1.25.
>Ace hardware sells dry ice. 10#
>would have kept your meat
>frozen in coolers for the
>whole trip.
>If you iced it for the
>trip home it?ll be just
After a year and a half, and several covid postponements, I finally got my bull measured and entered in Pope & Young. To my surprise, his mass carried the gross score to 332"+. I for sure thought he would only be 310 or less. By far the stubbiest but massive rack I've ever taken on an elk. So I feel better about the end result of my long hunt. Still not a monster, but not bad at all.
zim thats a great accomplishment great work on a solid bull. I know several people that are local that dont touch a bull that big.
Can't yet because I guess the scorer has to take it home to verify and mail in to P&Y HQ. However, I did just get an email from my USPS informed delivery that shows I got a letter from the scorer in today's mail. So I expect that is my copy of the score sheet? If so, I'll post it here. I'm eager to see it myself.
Will you post up a picture of the score sheet? It's always cool to look at the pictures and the score sheet to get an idea of what a person is looking at for field judging.
Well it wasn't the score sheet I got in the mail. Just a receipt for the P&Y fees. Will have to wait a bit to get sheet from Chatfield.
Glad to see that not all your memories from Oregon are negative.
Visiting Crater Lake & Yosemite with the wife were highlights of the trip and great memories. Reno Peppermill Resort (& pools!) were a low cost rare treat transition point. Plus the one great day of DIY elk hunting. Knowing Jason Phelps got one only 8" bigger than mine despite a posse & horses makes me satisfied in the harvest.
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