Muley crazy sheds (mag)



Did anyone else see the nice sheds found in Oregon there is pics of the buck alive as well, I saw them in the back of the muley crazy Magazine.... Very nice, I have a theory where they came from but I could be way off!!!!!!

What's your theory? Several of us here on MM are familiar with that buck. The photos were from 2005, when he was in his prime. He's now ten years old and has regressed quite a bit.
The theory on where he is located, Maybe I'm wrong.
Do you have anymore pics... If this is the same buck he really has gone down hill, I can see how this might be the same buck.
Oh and is he located near a refuge?

Your theory is probably correct, he's a local celebrity. He was the boss of the refuge in 2005, not sure how much longer he'll be able to fight off the cougars and coyotes.

While he has regressed quite a bit, he was actually better in '07 than in 2006.
I don't have many still photos from his best year as I had just bought a new camcorder and all I took was video. Here's a screen capture from my video.
If I ever figure out how to download my videos onto my computer I'll share some of it. We always see some good bucks over there during the rut, its nice to know there are still a few big ones around. They know where the refuge boundaries are, and seem to enjoy taunting hunters.
How many do you think stay there all year????
The few times I have been there I think most either go back and fourth across the boundaries, or they leave and have a real nice spot that know one knows about....

That buck is nice, but isn't that big IMO. I've seen much bigger off the refuge and during hunting season.
We usually spend a week in July photographing the deer and then try to go back two or three weekends in November. All I can say is we do see some bucks in summer that are still there during the rut but I've been told most of the deer winter elsewhere. IMO very few spend the entire year on the refuge.
For example, we saw this very recognizable buck in July and the first two weekends of November, then he disappeared.

This buck spent the majority of November in the middle of the refuge but crossed the boundary when the rut tapered off and was harvested by a lucky muzzleloader hunter.
You guys better keep quiet, most people think OR doesn't have good mule deer. Let's keep it that way.

The Real Outdoor Pro
Your correct all of these pics were taking in another state!!!!!
We are just joking about them being from OR.....LOL
I went out this weekend to a couple of winter ranges and ended up seeing some nice bucks, but my camera didn't have the memory card in it so no pics sorry, didn't see as many big bucks as I usally do, but it could have been an off day also....... I was with in a 3-5 of Klamath Falls....

Hay Wanted Lets see some pics.
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