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I have Neuropathy in my feet. I guess it is getting worse as it feels like I have sand in my socks which is dead nerve endings.
I have a scrip for Gabapentin but I only take two at bedtime. My feet get cold and it takes soaking them or something really warm to get them warmed up quicker.
I hear lots of people have it.
I have been dealing with neuropathy in my right foot for a number of years. It was the result of a back injury that chocked off a nerve root. I take nine 300mg tablets a day. Even with that amount, it only takes the edge off of it. When I wear shoes and socks, it feels like my foot is stuck in a vice. I always remove my shoe when I drive. It's not fun dealing with it.
I have been dealing with neuropathy in my right foot for a number of years. It was the result of a back injury that chocked off a nerve root. I take nine 300mg tablets a day. Even with that amount, it only takes the edge off of it. When I wear shoes and socks, it feels like my foot is stuck in a vice. I always remove my shoe when I drive. It's not fun dealing with it.
I hear ya. My Dad had it too. I had a couple seizures a few years ago. My Thyroid was removed due to Cancer. I want taking my Calcium for awhile which caused the seizures. I had a couple compression fractures and had to get Kyphoplasty. I make sure to take tge Calcoum and things improved but I developed Neuropathy after that so maybe a nerve caused it. I have back pain but I did stretching exercises which helps.
I've had it since 2007, spine fusion. The electric shocks make me feel like I have Tourette's syndrome.
I have one in the ball of one of my feet that feels like a lump and hurts when on my feet all day. I feel for yours…sound way way worse than what I have. They tried to remove the nerve that was bulged but didn’t take the right one out. Now I just deal with it….not fun!

For younger guys be sure to wear good boots that fit with the best insoles that work for you. Your feet will be a lot happier later in life!
Everytime I take a hot bath my lower legs and feet itch like crazy to the point I take a fingernail brush to them. I told my doctor about it and he said it's neuropathy. Not sure if his educated guesstimate is right or not but it's annoying as heck.
Everytime I take a hot bath my lower legs and feet itch like crazy to the point I take a fingernail brush to them. I told my doctor about it and he said it's neuropathy. Not sure if his educated guesstimate is right or not but it's annoying as heck.
I had that at first. Then I got numbness , pain, tingling. It depends on the day . I'm going to get another Diabetes check. The last one was neg.
Yes, neuropathy can be different. I suffer from peripheral neuropathy in my right foot. It feels like it is burning, 24/7.
I can take a needle and poke areas on my foot and I will not feel it, and you know how sensitive the bottom of your foot is to such things. The medication (Gabapentin) only helps take the edge off it. I will be dealing with it for the rest of my days. Sucks getting old!
As you all are well aware I'm sure, Gabapentin can be a nasty medication. Avoid mixture with alcohol at all costs. My grandfather (who is an alcoholic) was prescribed gabapentin for shingles in the eye. Over the course of 2 weeks he was found on the floor 3 different occasions. His whole attitude, speech, etc. changed when he was on the stuff (not to mention Jim Beam as well).
My wife had to go through chemo for cancer a few years back and neuropathy in her feet hit her pretty hard. She went to a massage / chiropractor lady who had also been through cancer years earlier. She told her about a product called Yoga Toes that you put on your feet and then soak feet in warm water. She bought them on line and instructions on how to use them are included. She said they really helped.

Unfortunately cancer has returned and she has had two chemo treatments again. A friend of hers gave her a book on battling cancer and it includes a home brew remedy for neuropathy in the book that she is currently trying. It's a mixture of Blackstrap Molasses (which I never heard of) and raw organic apple cider vinegar. I'm sure the proper mixture could be found on line. There were some pretty good testimonies about it working so she thought what the heck. Too early to decide whether it will help or not.
Damn Hornhunter I'm sorry to hear it came back. I hope it is one that you can fight well and that She is doing ok. I've had cancer twice and am ok but I listen to my body and I don't shy away from Dr visits even though it costs alot.
I know Organic Aplle Cuder Vinegar is supposed to help many things even guy health. I've never taken it for more than a couple days twice. We keep it for adding to tge water for our Chickens to drink adding a couple tablespoons each time we fill their bowl, so I have some on hand. Not sure what Molasses would do but I Def will look it up. Nerves can regenerate but very slowly.
Thanks for the info Hornhunter. We have sun and warm weather coming up and I feel that Vitamin D makes lots of things better.
She's a tough gal and her faith never wavers regardless of the
circumstances. Her Dr. visits have been every three months for the past three years so we keep on top of it. That's how we caught it this time. Almost hard to believe the number of people we know that are fighting it in one form or another. Sounds like you're doing your best to kick it in the bud. Good for you!!

Enjoy some sunshine for us as it's pretty much been rainy here the last two days with more to come. Rivers are a rising.
I had my arches break down some since last summer. Just enough that all my size 13 shoes are too small. I backpack for fishing which of course helps for hunting fitness. I found Altra Lone Peak shoes at Al's sporting goods in size 14 today. They have a wider toe box also. Sharing this because they are renowned for hikers for trails. You can use them if your pack is less than 25 lbs .
Mine developed in my feet after chemo as well. I got myself a foot massager and use it almost daily and I don't cheap out on socks and it seems to help. Ymmv
I had my arches break down some since last summer. Just enough that all my size 13 shoes are too small. I backpack for fishing which of course helps for hunting fitness. I found Altra Lone Peak shoes at Al's sporting goods in size 14 today. They have a wider toe box also. Sharing this because they are renowned for hikers for trails. You can use them if your pack is less than 25 lbs .

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