New outdoors show


Long Time Member
My brother in-law is a documentary videographer. He specialzes in sports teams. He approached me a few months back about gathering enough material for an outdoors show. We have been video taping a few fishing and crabbing trips. We are starting next month video taping my and some of my cousin's hunting excursions. His background: He grew up wourking in his families fishing charter business and lodge in Alaska. He has tons of time on the water and can catch a king salmon in a bucket of p!ss. This show will be from the common guys perspective with NO canned, high fenced, corn flinger or private ranch hunts. All fishing and hunting will be done legally and ethically on public land and waters. We want to make it fun and goofy while being straight forward at the same time.

My question to all of y'all is what would you like and not like to see in a new outdoors show?


Some of the preperation you go threw before you ever reach the woods. The backpacking or hiking in. The misses, the sweat, the jokes/fun played with each other.

I think todays shows while are intertaining give a false impression of just how hard hunting and fishing is. All they show are kill shots and reeling in the big one.
"All fishing and hunting will be done legally and ethically on public land and waters."

That's no good!. Not interesting! (Yawn!) Show something exciting!

Just kidding.

Pbear, with your humor and wit, it should be a riot!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-08-06 AT 08:39PM (MST)[p]KTC. I think that at this point she is more a carrier than a recipient!!!!
We have actually discussed occasionally having scantily clad women doing some fishing. It has'nt been ok'd by the wives yet, but it is looking good! We are talking about having all kids, old folks and women shows. Yesterday we filmed our fishing trip at Grays Harbor. We did'nt catch any fish but I did demonstrate how to properly cut herring to get the righ "death roll", tie leaders and rigging. We also filmed my main outboard going t!ts up and me trying to fix it and the importance of a kicker motor, not only as a trolling motor but as a back-up for emergencies. We are going to try again this week to get some fish on tape!
Keep on with the ideas no matter how goofy they may seem.
I hope there aren't any plumber crack shots working on that boat motor !!!!!

One thing I really get sick of seeing is all the "EXPERTS" plugging for this product or that. As far as doing all your hunting and fishing on public land (and waters), its about time someone got that idea ;). Watching a video full of monsterous bulls and bucks is entertaining for awhile but once one comes to the realization that they are hunting on ted turners ranch or pitching a bucketfull of cash to USO, it gets old. Looking forward to see how your show is recieved.
As long as it is hunting and fishing I'll watch it. I get tired of watching dudes who can't hike, sit in trees and shoot deer. That is so old. If I never see another guy sitting in a elevated blind and shoot a deer over a food plot, it will be too soon.

I love to see guys go after Elk and Muleys on public land, do it yourself, without a guide.

I hate 25 minutes of commercials and 5 minutes of action.

I like seeing dudes catch Rockfish, Lingcod, Halibut and Salmon. I like seeing dudes catch big Sturgeon.
how about preparation. how do they find where the big ones are? not the whole show just on preparation. how about alittle of the entire hunt. how you located. planned the hunt. the hunt itself. and finally packing the meat out. oh, and also the hunting camp. seems like alot of the best times are at the hunting camp.
Yes DIY public land western big game hunts. Sitting in a tree over a feeder is over done. Spot and walk with glassing would do the trick for me. Also with out giving away your honey hole give out some information on the GMU being hunted if the GMU is OTC or draw. I don't think this would create a mass run on the GMU.

Take bess on a wheeler tune-up trip. Now that could be on pay-per-view! Head out in Nomad country opening day. bess should bring his .50 sniper rifle. I sent him some great footage of Taliban tune-ups! I think he is ready.
Kids, or kids with parents. Tradition, respect, and understanding wildlife, not just the kill. Thats only a very small part.

life IS good
We plan on doing a lot of family stuff. We are waiting for the ok to film a WDFW decoy deer poaching sting. It is opening weekend of rifle deer and we should find out tomorrow if we can film a decoy set up in a popular area.

Thanks for the ideas folks, keep em coming!
I and Bobcat could do a unsucessful hunt for Big stinky bulls in the nomad unit. Title How not to hunt Elk.


Women love me!! Fish shudder at the mention of my name!!
It's not the quack but the flight of the wild duck that leads the flock to destiny!!
Quack Away!!
sounds like a real great idea PB.. I hope it works well for you. Maybe you can come film us getting the damn packstring ready...that is a show all in itself. Those with mules and horses know what I mean.....
All cool suggestions for hunting shows, especially the public land concepts, but how about a bassin' trip in the spring/summer. I have some spiffy ideas to make that interesting enough. There are some pretty nice locations in WA to make the backdrop and some pretty darn good fishin to share.
I was thinkin' about a show with Hunter Harry and His Son teaching us how to catch slabs and one with Bessy showing in-field tune-ups! I'm sure that I can come up with plenty of "the big one that got away" footage on my own, unfortunately. Maybe a salute to cornflinger rednecks that drink beer, fart and piss out of their treestands. Just for fun.
It looks like we are going to be able to film some poaching stings, just not until later in the year. I cant wait!!!!

awesome!! keep us updated on how everything goes. And i would say come and film my rifle hunt but i tagged out on opening day. but i cant wait to see some of this film!!! let me know if there is anything i can do!!

Fishing and hunting in Washington is all I need, it seems there isnt to much of that on TV these days, our state is pretty underated. Defenitly more camp time setting up camp and preparing for the hunt, animal field care, pack outs, high fives, normal guys telling why the love to hunt and fish, and just plain old beautiful senery video. I have been wanting to do the same thing for awhile, but its hard to fiqure out on a limited budget. Let me know if you need help. I live on the skagit and know all the great fishing holes. Congrats garrett on your buck, lets see some pics.
The only thing that I would really suggest is putting in some useful information instead of substituting graphics and kill shots for it.

I can count on one hand the number of hunting shows that actually make you a better hunter. I'd love to see a show that shows HOW to hunt, not just you sitting on stand, or a quick shot of guys glassing, and then a kill shot. I'm sick of all those shows.

Show proper techniques, add hints and tips, and of course, show REAL hunting.

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