new rules for turning in tags


Active Member
so now to keep our bonus points after turning in a tag, we have to do it no less than 30 days before the hunt starts? (groups included) and we'll loose all points if we are later than 30 days, AND we cant get a point for that year anymore. i can see the point so that a surrendered tag can be given to another hunter and they will have a little time to scout but i dont agree with not getting a point after turning it in, what do you think? maybe im missing the bigger picture here
Go watch the video from DWR. There have been hundreds of unused tags because people wait so long to turn them in with no repercussions. One guy has turned in a Henry's deer tag like 10 times and it was only possible to reissue it twice. Two Zions sheep tags were unused this year because of it. They have to stop the abuse of the system.
Or do what Colorado has done and put them on a reissue list. They still have a 30 day relatively pain free cutoff, and then medical reasons after.
Other than medical issues or deployment etc. I don’t think tag returns should be allowed. You applied for it in the first place then you must have wanted it. Now you got it, whether you choose to use it or eat it is up to you but your points are gone and a new waiting period applies either way.
After seeing how bad the rule was being abused the past 10 years I am in full support of the new rule. They only showed the numbers from the past 3 years and it was over 1000 LE/OIL tags that went unused just in that 3 year time frame.

They obviously needed to make it less appealing to turn the tag back in, and if its a medical or deployment issue it doesn't change anything, most of the time they give you an extension to hunt it the next year.
I don’t think they should allow tags to be returned except for medical challenges. If you put in for 8 tags around the world and draw them all, well you get to choose which are most important to you.

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