New SFW President


Long Time Member
SFW Names Troy Justensen President

North Salt Lake, UT ? July 13, 2016 ? Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife (SFW) has named Troy Justensen President. He begins immediately overseeing day-to-day operations and management of the Utah-based non-profit wildlife conservation organization.

Justensen has been with SFW since 1994 when the sportsman?s group began organizing state and local chapters to raise funds and grassroots support for its mule deer recovery and elk expansion programs in Utah. He is a life-long outdoorsman and advocate for responsible, science-based wildlife management. He brings an understanding and love of wildlife, hunting and agricultural to the position.

?Mr. Justensen has been an important part of SFW from our beginning when he helped organize sportsmen who gathered on the steps of Utah?s capitol to express frustration with Utah?s then dwindling hunting opportunities,? said SFW Founder Don Peay. ?He is a passionate warrior for sportsmen and conservation of wild places and wild things. His efforts and influence have been in play on the western wildlife front for more than two decades, and our membership can expect many additional and significant contributions from him in the future.?

Mr. Justensen has helped raise over $13 million for Utah wildlife alone ? money that has been committed to on-the-ground projects to specifically benefit big game, upland game and fishery resources. Among his most recent accomplishments is an ongoing $360,000 SFW investment in a pheasant raising program designed to augment wild populations of the birds and give youth hunters throughout the state opportunity to experience pheasant hunting as he did as a young hunter.

Most recently Chairman of the SFW Fulfillment Committee, Justensen has successfully led a team of extremely dedicated hunters in the development and execution of a wide variety of programs and initiatives to protect and enhance wildlife populations.

?The success of SFW?s programs has been possible only through partnerships with local and state wildlife and land agencies, private landowner and livestock associations, and other non-profit wildlife organizations ? partnerships Troy has helped foster and maintain on behalf of SFW,? said SFW Board Chairman Dave Woodhouse. ?I have worked closely with him for fifteen years and have every confidence in his abilities to get things done for SFW and wildlife.?

Mr. Justensen will be responsible for ensuring the success and growth of SFW and it's various programs, subsidiaries and ventures, including 17 local chapters, the annual Western Hunting and Conservation Expo, Arctic Red River Outfitters in the Northwest Territories of British Columbia and the Full Curl Society.
>He will do great things...

Far as I'm concerned The greatest thing he can do is keep his ass out'a Idaho!
>>He will do great things...
>Far as I'm concerned The greatest
>thing he can do is
>keep his ass out'a Idaho!

He was a likely choice since he seems to fit the Peay mold from his past involvement with the organization and I don't think there would be too many people in the other states that would disagree with your comment!
The best bing he can do is shut down $.f.w. he would have alot more friends and be doing the whole country a huge favor!
I wish he would stay out of Idaho too, but it's too late . The CANCER got a foothold this year,with some landowner state senators getting two of our F&G commissioners fired because they would not cow tow to them. It is going to be a real fight in 2017, if we want to keep our hunting rights,and it will have to be a concerted effort with all licensed hunters to crush these VERMIN!!
Now Who would take that Job!:D

Well Troy!

Prepare for your first few 100 Ass Chewins right here on MM!

Not surprising. SFW has no desire to change or address the concerns of the public. Troy is a nice guy and a passionate sportsmen. However, he is a safe bet to continue the status quo. Best of luck with a very difficult job.

I don't know a damn thing about Idaho, but I can guarantee you that Troy is NOT Dons whooping boy. He is his own man and is passionate about his endeavors..right or wrong. Best of luck to a top notch individual.
He will use this to help out his guide business.
Here are some tags for sale, by the way, need a guide?
The 2 orgs, guiding and sfw leadership play nicely together.
Good move by Troy.
I see this as shocking news.

First, we have been assured and explained to, and lectured, and..... that $fw was going in a new direction, that the old line, old blood was clearing out to make room for a new generation of leaders that have seen the light.....

Second. If I had a dollar for everytime I have heard that THE DON has nothing to do wit $fw, that he has moved on, is just a paid lobbyist.....Imagine my surprise to see that he is the one making the announcement, and is the one doing the press.

La Cosa Nostra in wildlife, once your "made" your set for life.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
>Troy is a good honest guy
>with passion to improve hunting
>and wildlife populations. He
>will do a good job.

I'm sure you're correct, but the only problem with that is just as Hawkeye stated in that it will be the same old SFW with no attempt to address any of the problems that have been discussed at length on this site and exactly why he was hand picked for the position.
>>Troy is a good honest guy
>>with passion to improve hunting
>>and wildlife populations. He
>>will do a good job.
>I'm sure you're correct, but the
>only problem with that is
>just as Hawkeye stated in
>that it will be the
>same old SFW with no
>attempt to address any of
>the problems that have been
>discussed at length on this
>site and exactly why he
>was hand picked for the

And you know this how TOPGUN??? Ohhh that's right what ever Hawkeye says is gold you can take that to the bank...
>And you know this how TOPGUN???
>Ohhh that's right what ever
>Hawkeye says is gold you
>can take that to the

Easy there Tikka, didn't you know that he knows everything because he read it on the internet so it has to be true!

You either live it or read about it. Some cannot grasp that it's two different things!

I don't know Troy but I know of him so I have no opinion one way or the other. For those who say it'll be the same party line, maybe. For those who say there will be changes for the better, maybe.

The jury is still out and I suspect most of us "outsiders" are willing to give him a chance but it's obvious the anti's aren't waiting to see what he does and already have him tried and convicted.

Do good things, Troy!

LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-16 AT 10:41AM (MST)[p]I agree that Troy is a nice guy and he is passionate about hunting but I think it is fair to say that he is not likely going to take SFW in a new direction. Why do I think that? Well, consider the following:

1. He has been with SFW from the beginning. How long has SFW been around? Would he have stuck around if he did not agree with the direction SFW was headed?
2. He has held a leadership position with SFW for most of that time (most recently VP of SFW). As a result, he has certainly played a role in the "success" of SFW.
3. He has been a paid employee of SFW for many years.
4. He has been spokesman and representative for SFW at banquets, public meetings and other events.
5. He has been outspoken defender of SFW and the criticisms expressed on these forums. In the good old days, he used to post under the user name Xtreme. I appreciated his effort to engage and discuss tough issues.
6. Most of us who have been involved in these issues have had personal conservations and interactions with Troy over the years. I know I have, and although we have disagreed on many issues, has always been respectful and professional.
7. He was chosen for the position of President by the SFW board, which includes Don Peay and others. They know him better than any of us.

I could keep going but that is a pretty good list. I am not attacking Troy or his character. I am just simply stating that he has been a major player at SFW for a long time and is a logical choice to keep moving SFW in the same direction. As I said before, I wish him the best of luck in a tough job. I echo Zeke's comment, do good things Troy!

If you think Troy is going to shake things up and move SFW in a new direction, please explain why. I would be interested in your thoughts and comments. You are probably more of an insider than me.

I have no idea if he'll "shake things up" or not and I said so in my above post. You have him convicted and made your case. I said the jury is still out but the few things I know is that he's a man of character and principles so we'll see what he does with that.

I SUSPECT we'll see less controversy than we've seen in the past but you still may not get everything that you want and I may not get everything that I want but you know how life works.

I also suspect that he will not roll-over and bequeath the expo to RMEF... which is your ultimate goal,,, so right there is something that you'll probably not get right away.

Yep, do good things, Troy!

I find it hilarious and completely telling of the mindset of the usual suspects.

To even think that the SFW would place anyone into the position that was not THEIR choice is comical. You all act like they should have made a decision that would have made all of you happy. It's their and their supports organization. Too funny!!!
>So SFW will continue to take
>the expo $ and run?

As opposed to RMEF taking the money? Do you think RMEF wants to have the expo and LOSE money?

RMEF wants the expo because someone else build it into what it is today and it would be sweet for them to roll into town and take it. They're not dumb!
Well, quite frankly either org would complain if they were running the expo and didn't have OUR tags (although that seems quite possessive since the game is owned by the State and not any individual or group). You really think RMEF wants to come to town w/o those tags? NO SIR
LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-16 AT 02:06PM (MST)[p]>>>Troy is a good honest guy
>>>with passion to improve hunting
>>>and wildlife populations. He
>>>will do a good job.
>>I'm sure you're correct, but the
>>only problem with that is
>>just as Hawkeye stated in
>>that it will be the
>>same old SFW with no
>>attempt to address any of
>>the problems that have been
>>discussed at length on this
>>site and exactly why he
>>was hand picked for the
>And you know this how TOPGUN???
>Ohhh that's right what ever
>Hawkeye says is gold you
>can take that to the

No, I know it because he's been one of the top leaders in SFW for a long time and if he had any different ideas to make things better IMHO he was already in a position to do it or at least get things started! You didn't see him on here ever telling anybody that he would try to make some positive changes now did you? Time will tell and if we're wrong we'll say so, or at least I will, but I'm not going to get in a pissing match with the rest of the SFW crowd because it's already been useless and no sense wasting time now.

PS: MY first post was a good 4 hours before Hawkeye even made his and he stated exactly what I did, so I wasn't following him or anyone else! Maybe you should go after him instead for repeating what I posted!

Oh, and for Zeke, I thought you were just a little bit smarter than to post all that BS you just did today about the Expo and RMEF. Apparently I was wrong about you on that too!
As a State and wildlife management/funding, there was and is way more to it than just the % on the expo tags. Some can accept that and other cannot and that's okay if we don't agree on everything.

They (RMEF) were willing to come because the expo was already built and the lean years and all the work had already been done by SFW. Would have been a sweet deal for RMEF for sure.

If the tags aren't important to RMEF then why don't they come and build their own elk camp expo? I'm sure we'd all go, right?

Well topgun, I was right about you from our first encounter but tried to make you a friend anyway but with all your narcissism, back-stabbing and follow-the-leader, I came to my senses.

Oh please, don't send another PM. My little heart cannot possibly take it! TIC

""""leave me the
hell alone!""""

I'll try, topgun, I'll certainly try.


PS: Is "not PC" your special code for internet omniscience?
>PS: You aren't trying hard enough

You're definitely correct. I could go on and on about you but will show some restraint. Try it some time.

Forget it Zeke, as I'm more than showing restraint from what I'd really like to say, unlike yourself that just keeps keepin on!
Troy will do a great job for Utah SFW. Congratulations Troy.

Just for the record RMEF was involved in the initial talk about the EXPO. It was their decision to walk then, as it was their decision to try to take the EXPO from SFW & MDF.

I have often wondered why no one is asking what Fallen, NV does with the fees they collect for running their portion of the UDWR drawing. How much of the money they collect comes back to Utah's wildlife or conservation efforts in Utah. I no longer live in Utah, so maybe someone else can answer that question.
I never suggested that SFW should have consulted me or anyone else before selecting their new president. They can promote/hire whoever they want. I merely noted Troy was a logical choice if the board/decision makers are happy with the current direction of the organization. Several folks asked why I would say that so I explained my comment. Just stating the obvious.

Jon Larson certainly had realtionships with folks at SFW prior to being appointed President at SFW but he was not a long time employee of the organization. Somebody like Jon, who was hired from outside the organization, would be more likely to promote change. But he did not last very long in his position.

As a side note, lots of SFW members have stated over the last few years that SFW was undergoing change and responding to the concerns of sportsmen -- a changing of the guard so to speak. I personally have not seen it. Perhaps some of you guys could point out what changes have taken place.

Just to clear the record . . . again, RMEF was not trying to take or steal the expo away from SFW and MDF. The DWR's own administrative rules provided that the expo tag contract would come up for renewal every 5 years so that any interested conservation organization in the country would have an opportunity to pursue it. The goal was to ensure competition so that the state, sportsmen and wildlife would get the best bang for its buck. There is nothing nefarious about RMEF submitting an application as allowed under the DWR's own rules.

Fortunately, the DWR and the groups recently amended the rule so that they can now lock the contract up for 10 years at a time. Now, they don't have to worry about competition again until 2025.

>Troy will do a great job
>for Utah SFW. Congratulations Troy.
>Just for the record RMEF was
>involved in the initial talk
>about the EXPO. It was
>their decision to walk then,
>as it was their decision
>to try to take the
>EXPO from SFW & MDF.
>I have often wondered why no
>one is asking what Fallen,
>NV does with the fees
>they collect for running their
>portion of the UDWR drawing.
>How much of the money
>they collect comes back to
>Utah's wildlife or conservation efforts
>in Utah. I no longer
>live in Utah, so maybe
>someone else can answer that

Last I Heard(Just Hearsay!)the County Commissioners are putting it all in their Back Pockets!:D

>Troy will do a great job
>for Utah SFW. Congratulations Troy.
>Just for the record RMEF was
>involved in the initial talk
>about the EXPO. It was
>their decision to walk then,
>as it was their decision
>to try to take the
>EXPO from SFW & MDF.
>I have often wondered why no
>one is asking what Fallen,
>NV does with the fees
>they collect for running their
>portion of the UDWR drawing.
>How much of the money
>they collect comes back to
>Utah's wildlife or conservation efforts
>in Utah. I no longer
>live in Utah, so maybe
>someone else can answer that

You could leave Wyoming and head back to Utah any time and I'd bet there would be a lot of cheering in Cody and at other SFW Chapters!
Hawkeye was the RMEF not one of the initial groups that worked on the EXPO; yet, they chose not to participate in the original EXPO? Now they didn't come back with a proposal to partner with the existing groups that took the risks and made the EXPO a success. This would seem as though they were attempting to take the EXPO away from what was initially their partners in the EXPO. I agree that the UDWR administrative rules allowed for a bid to be submitted and since it was not in partnership with the two existing groups, I used the term "take" as that is what they were attempting to do.
For the record, I didn't say they was anything nefarious about the RMEF attempting to "take" the EXPO away from SFW and MDF.
Change what???? Into an organiztion that you and handful of haters are more happy with. I sure hope not. Trying to cater and appease individuals like yourself Jason has only weakened the SFW.

Like I've stated many times. They are the best group available. But I sure liked it better when they where more willing to use their teeth. Catering to the whiners is what has put the country as a whole in a horrible place. This issue is just a perfect microcosm of it.
>>>Troy will do a great job
>>>for Utah SFW. Congratulations Troy.
>>>Just for the record RMEF was
>>>involved in the initial talk
>>>about the EXPO. It was
>>>their decision to walk then,
>>>as it was their decision
>>>to try to take the
>>>EXPO from SFW & MDF.
>>>I have often wondered why no
>>>one is asking what Fallen,
>>>NV does with the fees
>>>they collect for running their
>>>portion of the UDWR drawing.
>>>How much of the money
>>>they collect comes back to
>>>Utah's wildlife or conservation efforts
>>>in Utah. I no longer
>>>live in Utah, so maybe
>>>someone else can answer that
>>You could leave Wyoming and head
>>back to Utah any time
>>and I'd bet there would
>>be a lot of cheering
>>in Cody and at other
>>SFW Chapters!
>TG you could leave this forum
>and well nobody would miss
>you... So don't the door
>hit you in the azz... >

I'd send you a PM to keep this off the Forums, but I see you're another CS that has his profile disabled and is a real tough guy who can't even put his name up so someone knows who he is!
Just Gettin My First CHILLED DEW Out for the Day!

I'll Check back in Later!

Troy and I have certainly had our differences over the years.

I do feel he has a true passion when it comes to his leadership with $FW.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-16 AT 11:49AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-23-16 AT 11:39?AM (MST)

>Troy will do a great job
>for Utah SFW. Congratulations Troy.
>I have often wondered why no
>one is asking what Fallen,
>NV does with the fees
>they collect for running their
>portion of the UDWR drawing.
>How much of the money
>they collect comes back to
>Utah's wildlife or conservation efforts
>in Utah. I no longer
>live in Utah, so maybe
>someone else can answer that

We don't have to ask 'cause most of it's in their contract which I GRAMA'ed 2 years ago and which I have often quoted. But for your sake, I'll summarized it again. (This will be long, be patient.)

Per the Statement of Work:

Task #1 - DWR provides camera ready art work for reminder postcards.

Task #2 Contractor (Fallon) will prepare a reminder database by merging/purging data files received from DWR.

Task #3 Contractor will print and mail approximately 182,000 postcards to remind hunters on the database that the draw is coming up. Also print and mail 4,000 letters to lifetime license holders. (The postage fees are paid for by DWR.)

Task #4 Contractor will establish and staff eight 800 trunk lines and 1 fax line to provide hunt application information to prospective applicants, 24 hours per day/7 days per week including holidays/from Jan 30 through Dec 31 each year.

Task #5 Contractor will receive applications via internet and will transfer credit card deposit information to the DWR on a daily basis. After the drawing they will attempt to collect the application fee, a minimum of 5 times and any applicant whose credit card is declined will be contacted up to 4 times. (DWR pays credit card fees.)

Task #6 Contractor will process and sort applications in preparation for the drawings.

Task #7 Contractor will attempt to correct all applications with errors or missing information per the database. They will provide an online mechanism for application withdrawals and resubmissions.

Task #8 Contractor will conduct the drawings. This task is 7 1/2 pages long so it's difficult to summarize, but know that there are many different drawings and considerations with lifetime license holders, dedicated hunters, youth, Limited Entry, CWMU, General, Once-In-a-Lifetime, resident, nonresident, up to 5 choices, waiting periods, group applications, bonus and preference points, separate weapon seasons, etc. It's this part of the process that many on this forum have questions about and where some of the most adamant discussions center around.

Task #9 Contractor sends out emails to all applicants to tell them the results of the drawings. They also print and mail the permits.

Task #10 Contractor will provide an inquiry program which will be able to look up individual hunters, applications, and results. (This is the program you look up for your personal drawing history.)

Task #11 Contractor will provide 2 electronic files of the drawing results. (This is the information DWR needs to produce the Draw Odds Reports.)

Edited: Sorry, I was interrupted by an attempt to install malicious software. Norton blocked it 3 times.

Tasks #12, #13, #14 do not apply to the Bucks, Bulls, OIAL Drawing.

Task #15 Contractor will provide electronic file of the application mailing database in a format and on a medium specified by the DWR. Contractor will provide a final reconciliation of credit card receipts to DWR. Contractor will provide a complete list of alternates for each hunt.

Task #16 DWR will reimburse the Contractor for the exact cost of mailings.

Task #17 Contractor will print and mail courtesy reminder letters for mandatory report hunts 4 weeks prior to the hunt seasons. Also materials for hunts requiring tooth samples.

Task #18 DWR will provide necessary info to Contractor for CWMU private hunts, Landowner hunts and Conservation hunts for future databases.

Task #19 Contractor will print and mail species ineligible letter for clients who failed to report or reported late for huts requiring a harvest report. They will also collect and submit to DWR the late fees.

The Contractor will be paid $3.01 per application based upon a guaranteed application pool of 330,000 and then $1.25 for every application processed thereafter.

330,000 apps at $3.01 = $993,300
Postage = $132,641
Surrender letters = $250
Add'l apps at $1.25 = $62,500
Survey letters = $18,000
Total cost not to exceed $1,206,691

11/15/13 = $180,000
12/16/13 = $160,000
01/15/14 = $160,000
02/14/14 = $154,000
03/14/14 = $154,000
04/15/14 = $120,000
05/15/14 = $65,000
07/16/14 = Final Reconciliation
Postage per invoice
Surrender letters per invoice
Harvest Report Processing per invoice.

Note all the work that is done for $3.01 that isn't done for the Expo draw. More importantly, the Fallon company (Systems Consultants, dba Utah Wildlife Administrative Services) is a private for profit company that does not market the permits. They only provide a contracted service and have no way of manipulating nor increasing their profits through the Utah system. They do not and cannot make proposals through the RAC's or Wildlife Board that would increase the number of applicants or applications and thus, increase their profits. In fact, the only known time they attended a Wildlife Board meeting was to get some clarity on the 50% maximum bonus point rule order to program their system. How much of that $3.01 is actual profit is not publically known, but they obviously use what little is left to grow and maintain their business just as any business would do.

What comes back to Utah? Reminder post cards, answers to questions about the draws 24/7, your result emails, your permits, phone calls to correct your application errors or denied credit card charges, letters to remind you to report results of some of you hunts, the draw odds report so you can find the loopholes and DWR can determine future tag numbers, and a site to review your personal draw history and bonus points. Maybe that money doesn't hit the ground or grow herds directly, but it saves the DWR enough business expenses that they can do more of it themselves. Plus, how would you like manage your little hunting hobby without those services and/or information?

I hope this answers your concern. You're welcome to do what you want with it.
>>>>Troy will do a great job
>>>>for Utah SFW. Congratulations Troy.
>>>>Just for the record RMEF was
>>>>involved in the initial talk
>>>>about the EXPO. It was
>>>>their decision to walk then,
>>>>as it was their decision
>>>>to try to take the
>>>>EXPO from SFW & MDF.
>>>>I have often wondered why no
>>>>one is asking what Fallen,
>>>>NV does with the fees
>>>>they collect for running their
>>>>portion of the UDWR drawing.
>>>>How much of the money
>>>>they collect comes back to
>>>>Utah's wildlife or conservation efforts
>>>>in Utah. I no longer
>>>>live in Utah, so maybe
>>>>someone else can answer that
>>>You could leave Wyoming and head
>>>back to Utah any time
>>>and I'd bet there would
>>>be a lot of cheering
>>>in Cody and at other
>>>SFW Chapters!
>>TG you could leave this forum
>>and well nobody would miss
>>you... So don't the door
>>hit you in the azz... >
>I'd send you a PM to
>keep this off the Forums,
>but I see you're another
>CS that has his profile
>disabled and is a real
>tough guy who can't even
>put his name up so
>someone knows who he is!

Oh no the dreaded TG pm... Please no...

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