New world Record?


Active Member
Just got an email with some pictures of a buck that could be a possible new world record. I tried to post them but it said the file size was to big.
[email protected] I can help if you email me the pics.


Later, Brandon
What a total HAWG! Maybe a south of the border buck? Thanks for posting such great pics of a fantastic buck. Very nice.
Sure would like to hear the story behind that buck.
Great buck! It was featured in Muley Crazy earlier this year. Yes, it was shot in Mexico. Did I mention, great buck?!
mule deer hunts are 5-7K in mexico, I dought this hunt was any different.


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Jason Gisi from Phx shot that buck last year. I think it grosses 227". I think they're claiming it's the SCI world record not B&C. I think it nets 221" B&C though.

Well, "221 is good enough for 2nd place all-time, so thats no too bad....maybe on the last day.
It nets either 207" or 209", cant remember. Its a STUD! Jason hunted his tail off for that deer, it was not "bought".

Definately a MONSTER BUCK!!! I would guess that since the SCI score system has no deductions that 221 would be darn close to what most of us would call the Gross score. A TOAD no doubt!!!
help, me understand - "not bought" when you pay 5K to shoot a deer it is bought.
If you know anything about hunting mule deer you would know that when hunting a deer of that quality with thousands upon thousands of acres of raw desert at your disposal and no high fence or natural barriers to keep them confined to a particular area then you are buying an opportunity to hunt and nothing more. Seriously, everytime I hear an arguement similar to yours I want to vomit. You should give these deer a lot more credit.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-05 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]tgmulie

Does that mean every animal that is taken under a guided hunt or when paying access fees is "bought"? That's painting with a pretty broad brush. I doubt that it's a high fence or deer farm deer so it wouldn't be any more "bought" than any Stone ram killed by a US citizen.

That is my dream buck. Well, one of them. Awesome animal.
To add to Drumms post.....the hunter didn't pay 5k to kill a huge buck, but to only have the opportunity to hunt an area known for producing big bucks. The rest is up to the hunter, IMO. It takes a lot of dedication AND luck to kill a buck of that caliber.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Any animal that is taken with a guide is bought. The guide 99 out of 100 times wants to give his client a quality hunt, so he's going to know where the deer are and their patterns on his property.
That is pretty hard line. So then if a guy purchased property, keeps people out, patterns the deer and gets a nice buck. Is this deer bought also, or if he brings a friend along who shoots a deer is it a purchased deer? These guys, who think hunting with a guide in open country is similar to hunting high fences need to get a life. A lot of the resentment stems from something, maybe envy??? I just don't get the attitudes.

Agreed, people only pay for the opportunity to hunt the land.
Besides, is it possible to kill a monster buck if there isn't any on your hunting grounds? A customer obviously can't scout the land (to my knowledge), so it would seem natural that the outfitter would try and get their customer on some deer.

I hope that one day I can get in on a hunt in BC, or Sask, or Mex. I know that in BC, you're required to hunt with an outfitter if you're from out of "providence". Probably the same in Sask. So what is one to do then?

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
How are they only hunting the land when they have a guide in their back pocket?
I recently got back from a guided hunt in Nevada. Hunted hard for 6 days and didn't see a buck I wanted to put a tag on. Why didn't I get a refund?????

I paid to HUNT. Not to KILL. If I bought a buck, I would have just stayed home and had him mail it to me!

Of course you're not going to get a refund. You paid for their services - to show you the bucks they have, food, boarding, etc.
So in other words tgmulie if my buddy scouts all year, knows where the deer are and I go hunting with him or for a 1st time hunter hunting with a long-time hunter seems the same as being guided to me?

I agree, however, you're not paying for it/your buddy isn't charging you thousands of dollars to shoot a nice buck
I'll be the first one to admit that SOMETIMES all this guiding for dollars gets out of hand but to make a blanket statement that all animals taken on guided hunts are "bought" is a foolish statement. I'm sure some of these guys on here that actually go on giuded hunts could tell lots of stories where they didn't shoot anything. Every year I go on hunts with people that are maybe less experienced or less familiar with the country or animal than I am. I am not a guide. Never been paid a dime for a hunt. When it gets down to making that last ridge and pulling the trigger it's not about me, it's all about the hunter, just like a guided hunt. He's got to close the deal.

Sounds like jealousy to me.
I guess the overall point I'm trying to make is that the only monster muleys that I think are legit are the ones that hunters take without spending thousands of dollars on. This puts us all on the same playing field. It's kind of like Barry Bonds and steroids. No steroids - no home run record. No thousands of dollars - not many huge bucks taken so often.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-08-05 AT 08:31AM (MST)[p]Just want to add a little to this...

tgmulie, where is the cut-off for spending money for a hunt? i.e., how much does one have to spend to get the label of "buying" the deer?

What if it takes me 14 years to draw a big buck tag on the "Strip", and I decide to go at it without a guide? I've spent $1650 in licenses over the years applying, in addition to the price of the deer tag. I've got nearly $2000 into the hunt, and I haven't even left home yet. Now, I go down there and shoot a 265" non-typical buck on my own...did I buy him? I've paid the G&F for the right to hunt an area that produces big bucks. What if my neighbor puts in for the same hunt and draws his first year, and goes and shoots my 265" buck without a guide. He had less than $500 into the right to hunt that area. Did he buy the buck? You said "I guess the overall point I'm trying to make is that the only monster muleys that I think are legit are the ones that hunters take without spending thousands of dollars on."

My point is that everyone is paying to hunt, to some degree. Whether they are paying their own state for the right to hunt, whether they are applying out of state for the right to hunt that state, whether they are paying a trespass fee for the right to hunt an area, whether they are paying a guide for the right to hunt in an area that the guide has knowledge of, or whether they are paying $70,000 to shoot a tame elk out of a pen. Some people are at different stages of life and place different priorities on hobbies, which allow them the opportunity to hunt areas that you and I may not be able to hunt right now, or an area that we have no desire to ever hunt.

Making blanket statements such as "Any animal that is taken with a guide is bought" is arrogant and exposes envy. Just be happy with the animals you are able to hunt, and let the people who are hunting different areas be happy with the animals they are able to hunt. When you have to start comparing your animals or your hunts to others successes, you are missing out on the point of hunting, and hunting becomes a pressure rather than a passion. Set your sights on what you want to hunt and hunt hard to obtain that goal, but for crying out loud, be happy for someone else who is able to obtain their goals.

I'm with TG, the only way a buck is legit is if you don't scout, you walk from your house to the hunting area, don't talk to anyone who knows the area, you don't spend money on a weapon because not everyone can afford one, you kill the buck with a rock that you found, haul it all the way home on your back, and then maybe I'll consider it a "real" trophy.

You WORKED for your deer, put in the hours, scouted, etc. By paying the guide you forego all that. They show you where the deer are. All you do is pull a trigger.
Oh, and for the arrogant and envious comment - come on! It's going to make me puke. Paying thousands of dollars on a monster muley disgusts me.
From what ive heard, hunting Mexico isnt a walk in the park. There is nothing wrong with hunting with a guide on a fair chase hunt. Sure you will be shown (hopefully) some very nice quality animals, but ive never seen a fair chase guided hunt guarranteed. I have to agree with everyone that said that this buck is an awesome buck trophy buck! To say that this buck was paid for definately comes off as being envyous, ignorrant and even a bit pompus. Yes I believe that the cost of hunting is getting out of hand. I also am disgusted by any kind of game farm, canned hunting, ect. But a guided fair chase hunt on wild animals is still hunting! The odds of getting a real hog may be better, but so what. I dont know any hunter that wouldnt love to go on one of those guided hunts in Mexico, Canada or Alaska. Awesome buck, congrats to the lucky hunter!
Isn't the whole idea of recognizing a trophy or record animal to give respect to the animal? That buck is simply amazing! Who cares who killed it and where? As long as it was fair chase then it's legit! The majority of trophy animals killed on unguided public land hunts are pure blind luck anyway. Does it really matter if it was killed on a guided hunt? Would it make the buck anymore spectacular if it was killed by someone who didn't pay for the hunt? How about if it was killed by some slob roadhunter?

Last time I checked you can't hunt in Sonora without a guide and there is no public land. So I think you have to pay to hunt this kind of deer in Mexico. Part of the reason the deer are so big in Mexico is because they are extremely hard to hunt therefore most of them reach there potential.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-11-06 AT 07:01AM (MST)[p]Public land DIY hunts carry more weight with me also. I'm not a fan of guided hunts either. Don't care if other people want to do them, that's fine. But it's not for me. If that means I never kill a 200" buck, I can deal with it. If you want to hire a guide, if you need to hire a guide, knock your self out.

Private land DIY hunts, trespass fees, I'm all for also. Too bad you can't just pay a trespass fee to be able to hunt Sonora...

'It's all about the gut pile'
Trespass fee in Mexico is leasing up those ranches, kind of high, So tell me if you lease land that no others can hunt is that a "Brought deer" too. If you have ranches that in the 10 Sq. mile range, Guide's will not know where the deer are all the time. Because if they did you wouldn't have hunters coming home with empty tags.TG do you have money to hire a guide, I know I will hire one if a draw the tags I put in for that Might be once-in-lifetime type tag.I hope I buy a Big deer just like the one in the picture. VERY NICE DEER
I say to each his own. Just FYI this is the information the B&C club has posted on their trophy watch website.

Muy Grande
December 15, 2005
Jason Gisi was hunting in Mexico last season and hit the Mother Lode. This gorgeous typical is one of the largest deer ever taken in Mexico. The buck has been officially scored at approximately 206 by Jay Gates, but has not been entered. Congratulations to Jason on taking a trophy most people only dream of.

No matter how you look at it that is one awsome typical muley
I'm with ya on that one Manny.........if I could ever be so lucky to "buy" one of them fair chase deer, that be great!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-12-06 AT 03:18PM (MST)[p]LOL, I know that man, it was a joke, I never have had luck on my side, all I ever got outta life I had to work my tush off to get it...



here's a couple Cali. blacktails...
Just cuz a guy spends money on a hunt doesn't mean he didn't have to work for his buck. I know one thing for sure; 200 inch bucks are very rare wether your hunting a private fully guided ranch or a high profile public land unit. It's all about priority.If guys spent half as much time doing odd jobs to earn a little extra money, instead of complaing about rich guys killing big deer, they would be killing big bucks every year. With some planning, the average Joe can be hunting 180-200+ bucks every year in quality units. It will require saving 200-300 a month, but who can't do that. Years ago, I saved up and bought a rifle by donating plasma. I do alot of side jobs during the year as well. Bottom line--stop complaining and start saving.

TG Muley, you obviesly don't know much about guided hunts. The price a client pays is for the camp, the transportation, the food, the OPPORTUNITY to harvest an animal, And trophy care. NOT a guaranty kill. Any hunter that books a guided hunt is saying,"I want to better my opp's"THAT IS IT!

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