Newer Crotch,,,,aka, Never Catch ????


Long Time Member
Well,.........we're waiting!

Are you going to be with us, even short of a couple of "macadamias", we still miss you here.

Hope all came out OK.....that's just wrong, ain't it?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I was thinking Neuter Crotch Nickman.

You okay out there buddy.

Hope you didn't bleed out or switch to a website discussing Cher ,Elton John and musicals.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
I was wondering where Catch was to. Then he sent me and email and told me he is doing fine and really nothing has changed since the emasculation. He even sent me a picture to prove it

Dear Mr. Nickman
Thank you for your kind words. I feel much better now since my surgery. I've been getting around fairly well and getting back to my life in general. While out for a walk the other night I broke down crying at the sight of a double rainbow! It was such a magical moment! I'm rather heartbroken now since finding out Oprah retired.:-( Sorry, I haven't been spending a lot of time on here anymore. I just don't see why you guys are so mean to each-other all of the time! BTW, if you see Flounder or Rug, could you have them e-mail me please? I have some questions about eligibility to the clubhouse. Again, thank you for your thoughts, and I will check in now and then.
The artist formerly known as ~Z~
LMAO Feleno!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I must have missed something. I'm guessing n_c had THE operation. I didn't think he'd actually go through with it. Figured it was just a mid-life crisis or something. When he told me he didn't feel complete as a man, I just threw up and told him those feelings would pass. I told him to stop hanging out with Stinky so much and he wouldn't have the urges as bad. (You all know Stinky has quite the GQ bod). I hope his gash isn't too tight....but a few trips to the secret clubhouse and it should stretch out fine. Hopefully they added a few stitches to his butthole. From what I hear, it was pretty loose. LOL!!

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Nickman, I'm alive and well...well sore anyways!! I'm going on Day 15 of agonizing pain but I think I'm starting to recover...definitely hoping so!! I'm tired of icing my boys already!!

The second surgery they made a 2" incision and removed my nut only to find out I don't have a vas on that basically I was done after the first whack which sucks!! Still don't know if I have a right kidney, will find that out next week.

F-er I sent you that pic in strict confidence that you wouldn't throw me under the bus and show everyone on MM...WTH man!?!? I'm glad you didn't show the pic when I moved the pink pillow though, I think you can see the incision on that pic??

Zekers you're a funny guy so I'm going to give you some good advice buddy...if you want to get a V done, don't do it thru the VA!!

Thanks for the heckling fellas!! :) I should be on here again more and more...I'm sure you can imagine how many fights I woulda got in on here while icing my boys...I just decided to take a break for a minute lol.[/IMG] ~Z~
I bet he ain't got the balls to go through that again Haha j/k after my wife's last miscarriage in which she lost 3 units of blood from hemorrhaging and had to be hospitalized we have been talking about me getting snipped but after following your story IT AINT HAPPENING.
Zekers and Wiz you both owe me a new putter!!!! Holy chit you guys kill me.

Funny thing about the club house hike is ~Z~ was going to go with us that day. He "backed out" the day before. lol

~Z~ I love the picture you sent F-dude!! Be sure to return Wiz his bedding back soon, it was nice of him to loan it to ya!!! lol
The worst discomfort is yet to come neutercrotch....when that indian blanket grows back in.
LMAO!! You're all great guys, thanks for the kind words...plicks!![/IMG] ~Z~
never_catch, you have a great attitude about it. That's good to see.

Plus, there is a lot more to love than just sex. Keep your chin up because that's about the only thing up from now on.:)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-01-11 AT 09:27PM (MST)[p]>never_catch, you have a great attitude
>about it. That's good to
>Plus, there is a lot more
>to love than just sex.
>Keep your chin up because
>that's about the only thing
>up from now on.:)

eel first, he is now known as never-crotch.

second you kill me!!! Chin up, LMMFAO!!!
every time I hear stories like yours, I am soooo glad mine went well. a weekend of laying around watching hunting shows and I was good to go.

I hope you recover quickly.
Heard it only took one stitch.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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