No Hunting for me


Long Time Member
We'll I am again frustrated that I won't be able to hunt in my own state again. For the 37th year no antelope tag and no elk no deer no sheep.
Last week I called this outfitter in Idaho that I had talked to earlier this year and he told me he only had openings for two guys left this year.
After my son and I thought about it for two days we went ahead and booked the hunt not knowing of we would draw a tag or not. And it was either this or another general elk hunt in Utah or Colorado.
Who else is in this boat and what are your plans
Frustrated and ticked off
I did NOT draw General Muzzy Deer, LE Deer, and Buffalo in Utah as a resident. A little shocked I didn't draw the Muzzy Deer tag. My plan is to put in for Cow Elk, and Doe Antelope, hopefully I draw one of those tags. Plus I will help my big brother with his Late LE Elk tag in November.
You could buy a Any Bull Elk tag or Spike elk tag. Still plenty of opportunity to get out and hunt-Sorry you didn't get what you wanted though-- I'm pretty much in the same boat. 16 bonus point for deer on a unit that in 2015, everyone that had 15 pts or more, drew out under the 50% bonus point rule. Luck of the draw-- Have fun anyway--
You have every right to be ticked off if you have that many "max" points and cannot draw a tag. Something seems weird here. You obviously have not been dedicated with your applications or you would have drawn a couple of those critters you mentioned.
There's always spike or general elk ....or even antlerless, provided you have 3-4 points. All great hunts!

Yeah I know that there is the general elk and spike elk hunts same general season elk in Colorado is available too. We have been on those hunts for the last three years and one score between the two of us.
I don't have 37 points I have been putting in for 37 years for antelope in California and that was long before they started the point system. I have the max points in antelope deer and elk two shy on sheep but still can't draw a tag.
Oh well glad we booked in Idaho for that elk hunt the outfitter says he is taking us to a great spot.
Hopefully we have a good hunt and see some game.
That sounds like you're in for a great time in Idaho and it will probably come with higher odds of success than "general" spike hunts!
Well done,
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-16 AT 04:33PM (MST)[p]53,can i ask the outfitters name, i live in Idaho,and might be familiar with them. Are you hunting private land or back country. Good luck!
It is tough coming or going to a State that you do not know the area very well..Sometimes you get a good piece of advice from someone on this forum that makes the trip successful.. I live here in Colorado and it took many trips in the same unproductive spot to learn it so well that I know where the elk are and will be once the pressure starts. But that is difficult for a DIY person that is from out of State that doesn't come every year and we all want to be successful and when we are not we tend to go to a new spot and start all over..Good luck in Idaho.
Doesn't living in CA reduce your odds of hunting even more so than the rest of us..?? There can't be nearly as many tags for game there... Are there..??

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
There are plenty of deer tags if you are willing to hunt non-premium zones (you can pull tags and still keep your max points). You can hunt deer every year. The list of available tags is up now and there are over 100,000 tags left. Lope, sheep, and elk are another story.
Sorry to hear of your struggles. You might want to pick a state that has a hunt that's available every year or every other year and build a rotation. There are several deer regions here in Wyoming that will work. And you can pick a spot in CO and go on a pretty good deer hunt every other year. Using a muzzleloader or bow will also enhance your odds of drawing a decent hunt. Idaho might be your place, too. You can draw a general elk license here in Wyoming regularly too.

I hunt every year and get a quality hunt every few years. But I sometimes kill my better critters on the regular hunts.

Best of luck.
I'm often disappointed but there is nothing to get mad about. the supply does not meet the demand so you sit on the sideline sometime.

The only solution is to apply in more states and figure some years you're either going to have to pay up to buy a hunt or settle for lower quality ya'all come hunts . I won't do the later.

Upland bird hunting has become my go to hunting sport. big game tags are just a bonus.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
My son and I put in for tags in four different states Utah nothing not even a general deer tag, Colorado nothing California nothing Wyoming draw still hasn't come in for Deer so I don't know.
But with our luck and not taking a chance for Wyoming to come through we had to book last week to get our spot in Idaho.So if we draw we will turn the tag back in because the hunts are at the same time.
I have tried everything buying the extra chances on tags super hunts etc etc so hopefully next year we get a tag and can hunt without breaking the bank
I really want to be like the other guys on here and get the tag I have been waiting for. In another words I want the letter to say successful too.
There is always next year but I am not getting any younger
So as a CA resident do you have to store your guns in Nevada and pick them up on your way east? My suggestion is move. The governors of UT, ID, NV, AZ, NM, are working on a deal to trade California back to Mexico for a case of Modelo, a fifth of Hornitos, and a virgin strawberry daiquiri(Utah governor). Sad to see what has become of that state, even more sad that it exports its dumbazzery east!

Spike only tags are pretty available, and there is still a lot of good land to hunt them, on pretty well mapped and documented areas, making it more accessible to out of staters.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
No draw for me in Nevada so I booked a northern Idaho hunt with an outfitter for combination Elk/Deer early Oct. I booked a single which costs $4000 but 2 on 1 is only $6000 (eg $3k/hunter). If anyone else wants to join let me know and we can both save $1k.

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