NO NM apps for me this year


Very Active Member
Because I booked my AK Brown Bear Hunt!!!!!
Sept.21-Oct.2nd with Wade Renfro out of Bethel, Ak.
Why post here? Because here is where I get the most
harassment(feels like home). And NM is about the only
state i apply for anymore.Too old for the points game.
I turn 45 this year and been dreaming of this since I was
a kid. -----My ears are open, never been to AK. Advice?

* I might apply for Ibex.
Advice? Shoot straight.

Sounds like an adventure.

I've only been to Alaska fishing for Kings and it was adventure in itself...Perfect Storm type stuff (to me anyways [18 foot swells in a 28 foot aluminum boat]). Don't think I've ever been so sick in my life, but we caught a boat load of fish.

Please keep us posted on the details of your story, and be sure to take lots of pics.
Congrats. That is my dream hunt. I've been to AK twice. Here's the best advice I can give you - give yourself plenty of time to get there. It's an adventure in itself trying to get to your hunt. If you plan things too tight, you could be exhausted by the time the hunt starts. Try to plan it so you get at least one good nights sleep, and a couple of good meals in your belly before heading out to the field.
If you dont apply in NM how can you be the evil NR anymore????

Actually, NR do not compete for our tags so I dont know why anyone cares about Res or Non Res.

Definetly apply for ibex. I was in AK in 1990 and fished. Loved it. Would love to go back there and shoot something.
Well, Paul non-residents do compete for some our tags such as sheep,oryx and ibex.
Which are non quota tags and all tags can go to res or non-res. Which of course is jacked up.

Congrats, that ought to be a great hunt and that is a good time of year to be up in that country (if you are hunting around the Kuskokwim river area). The flight from Anchorage to Bethel is a pretty painless one so if you get into Anchorage at a reasonable hour you might be simply re-checking and flying right out. If you come in late you will need to get a hotel room and I would definitely sleep in as much as possible wherever you are before you catch your next flight or a bush flight.

Get in good shape and invest in good gear (waterproof, durable, breathable, comfortable clothing etc..) as it will make or break your hunt. Depending on where you hunt with Renfros you should be able to find a good bear. Also, and again depending on where you will actually hunt, think about what you will do on down time or if you tag out early. Hunting or fishing wise(There is some excellent fishing on the rivers in that area and big 'bows will chow anything that late in the season). I also recommend showing up to any camp and/or lodge in AK with some tobacco or other "treats" for staff. That or call ahead in Anchorage and see if there is anything anyone needs you to pick up while you are in town.
Good luck and shoot straight,
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-11 AT 04:52PM (MST)[p]Absolutely right NmBighorn...we get jacked big time by them 'evil' NR's on all non-quota species

i particularly like it when one of them out of towners snag our single desert tag...or like a couple different years now when NONE of the wheeler tags have been awarded to a resident of this great state; that's always real cute

but don't worry, i don't just idly complain...i hammer 'em about it every chance i get...always very diplomatically of course ;)

say, you're not ABC Isaac are ya?
>Well, Paul non-residents do compete for
>some our tags such as
>sheep,oryx and ibex.
>Which are non quota tags and
>all tags can go to
>res or non-res. Which of
>course is jacked up.

Ha!! NMbighorn, your right about that. EVILNR, you can keep your title. And if you put in for ibex, apply for the archery ibex.
I dont apply for that one. LOL
I hereby donate my elk tag to PhantomHunter and my antelope tag to NMPaul. But I'm keeping any Ibex tag that comes my way!!!
thanks to all for the responses,

ah hell! that didn't come out quite right

i hammer G&F about the issue, NOT them 'evil' NR's...its not their problem, they're just taking advantage of a great opportunity...i'd do the same

i generally like my out of towner cousins anyway, i don't like running into them or anyone else out in MY woods, but what can you do? :)

i still got quite a few public land jewels stashed, anyway
Dont forget , our tag fees are about 8 times higher than residents. Not like its a steal. I mean 1600 bucks for an oryx or ibex, .......dang!! - and look at those NR bighorn tag fees,
Thats why I feel like an "EVILNR"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-11 AT 10:59AM (MST)[p]ah, ENR my friend...them fees aren't NEARLY high enough ;)

seriously, i'd heartily endorse doubling ALL non-quota fees for you 'evil' out of kidding

the full fee up front took a few years to get established, but it IS a decent start in the right direction

of couse, the most honest and honorable thing to do would be to just establish a damn quota!

oh ya, Good Luck with the big burr up north!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-14-11 AT 05:54PM (MST)[p]Shoot man, I ain't seen ya in probably 10 years but we've talked a few times there at your shop

i think you used to guide with my uncle Frank?

anyway, good to see ya!
Congrats on your bear hunt! Good enough reason to pass on other hunts I'd say.Advice??? Don't miss and carry a big,big,BIG gun!And have a blast take lots of pics...

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