
Long Time Member
Let's Tell Some Stories/Lies about Rare/Once in a LifeTime Experiences in the Woods/Field!

This ones True!

I Ain't Proud of it but it Happened!

Several Years ago I decided I'd see if I could Shoot a BlackTail Jack Rabbit on the Run!

I Pulled Down & Boom!

Big ole Thud/Thump!


A GUT Shot!

Immediately I hear a Bunch of Squealing!


I Blowed several Baby Rabbits out of the Guts of their Mother!

Must of been within just a day or two of being Born!

They are Squealing & I Ain't too Impressed on what I've got to do next!

Figure I'd best get My Clip loaded back Up & go do what I gotta do!

Just getting ready to Hike over there & SOB!

A Coyote came screaming in for Dinner!

I let him eat his last Meal!

Like I Said!

I Ain't Proud of it but it Happened!

Ain't One F'N Thing I can do about it now!

Let's hear some of the Weird/Rare/Un-Believable Stories of things you've seen!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
That would have been a crappy moment!

Saturday, my sled tried out for the x-games. result was my left arm broken in three places, and a longgg slow ride out. buddies called 911 without asking me, paramedics were not happy when i refused a ride at my halfway point to the truck. I didnt call them and was not about to get a ride in the wagon for only my arm...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Come on Mnt!

They wanted to Give you an Invoice!:D

How's your Arm?

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
They sure did, probably will get one from them anyway simply for showing up...
The park ranger wanted to give me a $300+ ticket too!

crappy, need to see a surgeon this week. snapped it off at the wrist and a couple other breaks in the forearm :-(


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Had the same experience (minus the coyote part) in 1971, east of Eureka on a midnight/spot-light black-tail jack rabbit hunt. (That yote did you a favor BC, trust me.) I was more than disgusted with myself. I've shot very few jacks since that mind bender. 43 years later I still carry that sorry image in my mind, apparently you live with the same. Those crappy ones stay with you a while!

A more pleasant memory was the day a red tailed hawk picked up a cottontail off the two track up on the Flat Ridges. Or the day the eagles attacked the young mule deer buck out on White Pine. Epic!

I was sitting in a treestand and....

"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-14 AT 11:00PM (MST)[p]Remember the hawk picking up that rabbit and seeing it kick like no tomorrow! Also remember the seeing an owl hammer a little bird out of midair out in "the lanes". But my fav was jumping a couple mergansers off the Sevier River down by Marysville, I heard him coming and looked up to see a big golden engulf one of those mergansers and pound it to the ground!

As far is shooting jackrabbits, took the 17 out over Thanksgiving and popped a couple. After a few I remembered that it's not so much about the killing like when I was kid. It'll probably be a few more years before I pop a bunny! However rockchucks... Now that's another story. Those youngsters seem to get curious once the shooting starts, and I like that.
Jackrabbits? THAT'S what makes you squeamish? I must be a sick bastard. Next you're gonna tell me I shoulda cried all those times I bopped a gopher with a shovel. Or threw some day old kittens in a feed sack and whopped it on the concrete floor til they quit moving. My god!

I do remember once though, when a jackrabbit tried to swim the irrigation ditch and as it was pulling itself up onto the bank I used a steel flashboard hook like a nine iron and golfed her down the bank. Same thing happened to me as did to Bess. Baby jacks started spilling outta her guts. I just kept yelling "fore" and teeing off!

Jesus boys, if you can't handle a little messy death you need a new hobby!

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]
We are what we are Bighorn. I appreciate your honesty. Your style, maybe not so much, but like I said, we are what we are. I'm okay with I see in the mirror and you must be too. Sweet dreams.

Yes Sir Lumpy!

That Yote Did Me a Favor!

Then I did the Wildlife in the Area by taking the Coyote!:D


You Didn't tell all the Ladies here on MM about the Time you Drowned all them Kittens!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Here's another Weird one I seen several years ago out South!

Seen a Golden Eagle Flying along And another Falcon/Hawk was Flying/Diving at the Eagle!

They were Flying parallel with me & I got to watch it for a while!

Then I seen the Falcon(Or whatever kind of Bird it was!) gain Quick Altitude!

Next thing I seen was Feathers Flyin!

That Falcon hit that Golden Eagle like a Bullet!

Feathers Flew & the Eagle fell to the Earth at a high Rate of Speed!

One of the DWR's Favorite Birds Died that day!

First & Only time I've ever seen that happen!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Lol're gonna start the tears a flowin this morning when the ethics police wake up.
>Lol're gonna start the tears
>a flowin this morning when
>the ethics police wake up.

Now that's funny

"I've hunted almost every day of my life, The rest
have been wasted"
While hiding in some chamise and manzanita these two dope growing cartel workers stop within 15/20 feet in front of me. Of course I'm packing heat and I figure I'm busted when all of a sudden both drop their pants and precede to pinch a loaf. DISGUSTING to say the least. They were only a few feet apart from each other! Once they finished their duty they both grabbed sticks and started dissecting their trophies. Not sure what they were looking for, but about four months later their garden was busted. It had about 15k plants.

Back in high school I had just finished washing my basketball uniform and tennis shoes. Being in a hurry I threw everything into the clothes and all...and 40 minutes later I opened the dryer door and to my surprise there were three dead kittens and one nearly dead kitten. The stinch was unbelievable. The lone survivor never could walk straight.
I once killed a prairie dog with a chunk of sun hardened clay. Shooting a 220 Swift at it and missed but hit the mound just next to it. A chunk flipped up and brained it.
Hunting quackers at Redmond when I was maybe 14 or 15.
Had one bird short of a limit. I really wanted a bull wigeon
to fill out the bag. After passing up several birds in the deke's
here comes a flock of baldpates. First shot miss, second shot
hit at a distance of about 20 feet. I could see daylight through that bird. It was moving fast enough that it just cleared the top of my head and smacked my dad right in the face. Just knocked the sh!t out of him. He had duck intestines hanging off the bill of his hat and a mouth full of feathers.

After a fishing trip down to 7 mile and UM creek we had about 30 brookies and cutt's we planned on smoking. My dad brined the fish overnight and had them laying on the kitchen table drying. We made a 20 minute trip over to the neighbors house to grab some wood and got back to the house to find one fish and the sickest puking black lab you've ever seen. By the time we got the dog out of the house, it was a mess. Dad thought it would be a good idea to break out Mom's brand new Kirby vacuum to deal with the mess.
Vacuum and dog and dad were never the same.

Watched several buddies get the green stripe of stomach
when cleaning deer or elk and every time is as funny as the first. Nothing like puking and gagging on the hill.

Jesus NV ya got any little kids tied up in the basement??

"The future is large scale auction tags.
The majority of the tags should go up
for auction anually. It MIGHT even be
good to allow second sales of auction
tags as in outfitters purchasing tags
and then re-selling them to the public."
TRISTATE 8/17/2012
I jumped a brace or mallards out on the Green and just as I swung ahead of one for the shot, a falcon took the greenhead out of the air and rode it to the ground. I thought I'd been robbed and started toward them to reclaim my duck. After a couple steps I figure out that the falcon won the duck fair and square. I just walked away and thought how cool it was to see what a falcon could do.

Was pheasant hunting found a hawk that was cought in a barb wire fence. Was in mid flight trying to catch something. It let my buddy and I free it and it flew off.

Was fishing in Alaska for redds when a HUGE brown bear came out of the brush with in 20 yards of me and jumped in the river and started fishing. Was one of the best thing (and scariest) I have seen in the outdoors.
>Jackrabbits? THAT'S what makes you squeamish?
>I must be a sick
>bastard. Next you're gonna tell
>me I shoulda cried all
>those times I bopped a
>gopher with a shovel. Or
>threw some day old kittens
>in a feed sack and
>whopped it on the concrete
>floor til they quit moving.
>My god!
>I do remember once though, when
>a jackrabbit tried to swim
>the irrigation ditch and as
>it was pulling itself up
>onto the bank I used
>a steel flashboard hook like
>a nine iron and golfed
>her down the bank. Same
>thing happened to me as
>did to Bess. Baby jacks
>started spilling outta her guts.
>I just kept yelling "fore"
>and teeing off!
>Jesus boys, if you can't handle
>a little messy death you
>need a new hobby!
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,
>I just stir it.[/font]

When I first read that I was worried about your 9 iron.... Not a good way to treat your golf clubs... now that I re-read it, I feel much better.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-14 AT 08:48AM (MST)[p]Driving up an old single track a few years ago with my brother. It was during the archery hunt, hot, dry and dusty as helll. I see something waddling up the road and realize its a big old beaver miles from any water. I bail out and walk up to it to snap a pic or two. Well that didn't last long as the beaver slams its tail into the road creating a mushroom cloud of dust and bust out of the middle teeth snappin and chases me all the way back to the truck. My brother starts laughing and telling me I'm wuss. So he jumps out and walks around the truck to show me how its done. Sure enough another dust bomb explodes right out my truck window as I hear him squeal and dive back into the truck. We laughed and discussed this situation and others from the past as we drove off the mountain that night.

We came to the conclusion that messing with a dry beaver aint ever a good idea.
I was riding in my cousin's truck one morning in central Kali. We had his dog Rex in the back. We're on this back road and we see some jackrabbits out in this field.

My cousin decided to let Rex get some exercise.

My cousin lets Rex out and says "Sic 'em Rex!" Rex never caught a rabbit in his life but liked to chase them.

Rex gets to chasing one, and the rabbit makes a big circle. About that time, here comes a car. We could see it coming. That rabbit crossed the road with Rex 20 feet behind. The rabbit makes it and Rex gets splattered by the car.

To this day my cousin says that's the smartest rabbit he's ever seen.

Bess, I never said I drowned any kittens. Even I have my morals.

Lumpy, I have no problem looking in the mirror. I'm probably one of the most compassionate people you could ever meet. But I grew up on, and lived 50 plus years on a ranch where life and death were a part of every day. Death is easier from a distance. But sometimes it happens right in your hands. I've cried over dying baby calves and laughed at golfing baby magpies. But death is always the same in the end. It just strikes me odd when I see guys on a hunting site get squeamish over the death of an animal.

But back on topic, I watched four coyotes sort one domestic ewe out of a little band one time. They worked her like stock dogs and then did a relay on her until they caught her and after a tumbling mass of wool and fur, they tore that poor sheep apart and ate her alive. Now THAT was interesting to watch.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]
shot a cow bison the last weekend in january of the reservation there in the basin. wasnt a good feeling seeing that calf in her...
I knew it would be there and would do the same hunt again but still dont like seeing that part of the kill.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
Thanks for the laugh man I am still cleaning tears out of my keyboard.

Reminds me of the time I learned not to give a blacktail jack rabbit the coup de gras with a 12 gauge from close range. I was a young and stupid college freshman with only beginning physics under my belt. I thought naturally the blast would direct the rabbit equal and opposite direction (Newtons law) when putting it out of is misery and having been wounded by a 22. Apparently I had not not acquainted with Murphy's law. I proceeded to put the rabbit out of its misery from about 5 yards and I really liked magnum loads at the time for some reason. Well instead of sending the rabbit to its maker in the opposite direction it proceed to come apart in all directions covering my me, my brother, his 2 kids, and his best friends in rabbit goo. I can still to this day see the rabbit intestine still re-entering the earths atmosphere, tumbling end over end in slow motion heading towards me. I turned just in time for it to hit my head. Boy it stunk. I spent the next 10 minutes scrubbing it out of my hear with a snow ball.
>elkassassin. falcon/? didn't you
>tell me that was the
> name of your new

Remember elkun!

kitties are not the only Deer Eaters!

Birdies can be a Problem too!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
There is nothing like ranch life to harden one to the realities of critters dying. Some hurt ya, some not so much. mtmuley
We had feral cats in the old neighborhood. One of the regulars discovered the hornets nest hanging low in some of the branches of our neighbors lilac bush. Started pawing it around like a pinata. Turns out them hornets don't like that kind of action. In a blink of an eye the poor little kitty was covered with 60-70 stinging, angry hornets. I don't think it ended well for our furry friend.
I remember the first time I shot a living creature with a gun..... I was 6 (long time ago) I was walking home from the sagebrush flats by our home. I shot at a bird that was in the neighbors crab apple tree. Don't know who was more surprised me or the bird when he fell dead out of the tree. I was so excited that I picked up the bird and ran home to show mom. She really let me have it.... Such a pretty creature, such pretty feathers, and I killed it for no reason....... I learned TWO things that have stayed with me for over 50 years 1. Don't tell mom! 2. Women just don't understand men!
In my teens I went out chasing turkeys one spring morning. Walking down the two track into the hills, I startled a cow that ran on down the road 100 yards and around the bend, only to be amazed by my sudden and miraculous reappearance two minutes later. So, off she ran, again, raising hell and scaring any thing for the next 1/4 mile. This continued for about fifteen minutes and finally I approached a bend beyond which I could hear, but not see, the shuffling of hooves beneath an oak tree. I grabbed up a grapefruit-sized cobble from the roadside and pitched it as high as I could, hoping to flush her out in a different direction. To my surprise, I heard a very solid "knock", almost like the sound a four-pound rock striking a dumbass cow square on the forehead. In fact, EXACTLY like that sound of a rock... I had no problem getting past her that time.
Was teaching a Hunters Ed class with my wife, it was the shooting range day. She was helping a 12 year old gal who was having trouble with her prone position stance. while my wife helped coach her as she was shooting, A big tiger swallow tail butterfly came gliding along about half way to the target. Pop and there were just too wings swirling towards the ground. A little boy ( about 10 years old) said holy $hit did you see that! Everyone started laughing except the young mans mom who gave him a lesson on cussing right in front of 15 other students and their parents. Another time my wife shot a cow elk with her bow, She has been hunting all her life, she shot high and uncoupled its spine, down it went but got back up on its front legs. She was so shambled she missed the next shot as the Elk tried to crawl away. She calmed down and caught up to it and shot it again in the lungs, she said it was "horrible the damn thing GURGLED to death" I told her that everything she had taken with her bow had died the same way, but that she had been far enough away she hadnt heard it before. Am happy to say it didnt turn her away from hunting with her bow.
>Was teaching a Hunters Ed class
>with my wife, it was
>the shooting range day. She
>was helping a 12 year
>old gal who was having
>trouble with her prone position
>stance. while my wife helped
>coach her as she was
>shooting, A big tiger swallow
>tail butterfly came gliding along
>about half way to the
>target. Pop and there were
>just too wings swirling towards
>the ground. A little boy
>( about 10 years old)
>said holy $hit did you
>see that! Everyone started laughing
>except the young mans mom
>who gave him a lesson
>on cussing right in front
>of 15 other students and
>their parents. Another time my
>wife shot a cow elk
>with her bow, She has
>been hunting all her life,
>she shot high and uncoupled
>its spine, down it went
>but got back up on
>its front legs. She was
>so shambled she missed the
>next shot as the Elk
>tried to crawl away. She
>calmed down and caught up
>to it and shot it
>again in the lungs, she
>said it was "horrible the
>damn thing GURGLED to death"
>I told her that everything
>she had taken with her
>bow had died the same
>way, but that she had
>been far enough away she
>hadnt heard it before. Am
>happy to say it didnt
>turn her away from hunting
>with her bow.

Ah the Hunter Safety Class Stories!:D

I Helped a little the year Jr decided it was time to GIT-R-DONE!

The Last Class before the Shoot We talked about the day of the Shoot & I Nicely told the Kids to make 100% sure they were Shootin at their own Tagets!

Several Kids broke out Laughin!(Little Smart-Ass Punks!)

The Morning of the Shoot Roles around one Cold January Morning and it's -10 degrees below Zero!

I knew the Temps would take it's Tole before the kids got all their Shots in!

Jr was doing quite well but by the 3rd stance which was Standing,most kids were getting Cold & Shaking a little!

It's Finally done,Kids gather their Targets up!

On a Quick Glance I told JR He kinda got a little Wild while standing & Shootin!

As we were in line to turn the Targets in & get their Scores A Gal taps me on the Shoulder,She says:I'm Scared,on them last 10 shots I think I shot your Sons Target!

On closer Inspection,Sure Enough,there's 20 Rounds through the Target,She did take Credit for the Wild Shots on Jr's Target!:D

Still kinda Chuckle over that one!

Lol Stonefly,that's Funny!:D

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
Back in the Day when it was legal to Shoot Magpies!

Me & My Friends all Had Automatic 22's with High Capacity Clips!(You hear that RUS & 440?)

We'd Find a MagPie or two & We'd all open up on them Hoping somebody might get Lucky & Knock one out of the Air!

We were Blazing away one Day & Sure as Sshhitt,Somebody knocked one out of the air!

The one Friend Immediately Yells:You see that,I took him out of the Air!

Me & My other Friend just kinda look at each other & Grin!

Like Who knows who's Bullet Got the MagPie!

I Won't tell you how much Ammo We Wasted when I was Younger!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
I've shot two different ducks on the fly with my 22, i was so proud over those two shots! I also used to go around shooting the eyes off dragon flies with the 22 also. That was stupid though cause they eat the worst insect ever!!!!! mosquito.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
When we irrigated there would be tons of seagulls that would come to the fields and look for whatever the water would push out. I was packing my brothers Remington nylon 66 semi auto 22 one day when I was about 16. You do the math... Young kid, easy flying targets, semi auto 22, no one around. I shot a couple out of the air and then immediately started worrying about getting busted by my dad for killing a protected bird!. So I dug a hole and buried them. The damn dog dug them and I reburied them two times! Every time I would dispose of yhe evidence he would dig it up! I finally took them out to the sandhills and dug a deeper hole.

Sorry fellas for shooting your state bird!

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup, I just stir it.[/font]
Pheasant Hunting when I was 17.....

I came over a hill with my group and spooked a doe. You could tell she was barley able to run and stand up. I watched where she had gone and followed her. When I came up to her she couldn't even stand up anymore. Just layed there and looked at me wit great big "Bambi" Eyes. One of her back legs was almost completly off. I called over to one of our group who also happened to be the Judge for the area and he said to shoot her, it would be more humane then letting the yotes get her first.

Having to shoot a deer with 6 shot at close range was not fun and after I unloaded my gun and walked back to the truck.
Now the Funny Story

We were Goose Hunting in Central Utah out in the fields. We had set up along a fence line in the ditch and had the Decoys set out before us. The Geese came flying over and when in range we shot. Well one of the geese didn't fall out of the sky right away and made it to where were at in what I believe was a final khamakize attack and managed to take out one of my buddies breaking 4 of his ribs in the process.

Needless to say we all laughed pretty hard (except the one that got hit)
>When we irrigated there would be
>tons of seagulls that would
>come to the fields and
>look for whatever the water
>would push out. I was
>packing my brothers Remington nylon
>66 semi auto 22 one
>day when I was about
>16. You do the math...
>Young kid, easy flying targets,
>semi auto 22, no one
>around. I shot a couple
>out of the air and
>then immediately started worrying about
>getting busted by my dad
>for killing a protected bird!.
>So I dug a hole
>and buried them. The damn
>dog dug them and I
>reburied them two times! Every
>time I would dispose of
>yhe evidence he would dig
>it up! I finally took
>them out to the sandhills
>and dug a deeper hole.
>Sorry fellas for shooting your state
>[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,
>I just stir it.[/font]


Sure looks like shooting the Family Dog woulda been easier?

That's Our State F'N Bird by the way!

[font color="red"]From My Smokin Cherry Red Hot Barrel & My Dead Cold Hands I Shall go down Fighting for American Pride & Rights!
I Know I'm Out Numbered by Pusssies & Brainwashed Democrats that'll Throw Their Hands in the air & I know I can't Lick the U.S. Military by Myself when they Turn on us but I'll make
you one Guarantee,They'll be Enduring a Situation where I Hope to Hell All Americans become True Americans once again & Stand up for their Rights!
killed sisters dog

One day i was out on the farm and my sisters dogs were chasing the colts, so i pulled up close and and put the 22-250 on him at about 30 yds and blew a softball size hole in him and he didnt know what the fetch happend and he ran under my truck and died, needless to say he ran for cover thinking i would protect him. i still have that look he made as he ran for the truck.
Well I was out one night spotlighting critters in BFE. My buddy and I were driving down a road and drove right past a Doe bedded a foot off the road. We flipped around in disbelief as she didnt move when we drove by. We pulled up to her and she still didnt move, we exited the vehicle and she attempted to get up, her back end draggin as she attempted to run. The noise i heard coming from her backend still plays through my head when i think about it. Every bone midway back in her had to have been shattered. It sounded like a bag full of bones just crackin together..... seeing how we were spotlighting we didnt have a firearm to do the right thing but we did have pocket knives, so we contemplated on what to do..... end of story
I may have told this story here before, i came upon a big 3 point muley buck that had been seriously wounded by another for some time. He was in a world of hurt, could barely walk, but i didn't have a rifle with me to do the right thing. I ran him down, tackled him into a choke hold, and killed him with my bare hands. It seemed to take forever, a thing that i'd rather not ever try again.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
The year after the Missionary Ridge fire near Durango my dad, younger sister, younger brother and I were up on Lime Mesa hunting elk. Had to enter from the east side because of the road closures. On the third day of the hunt dad, lil bro and I left the sister at camp cause she wanted to sleep in as we had just finished the final push on horses into camp.

We got up on top of a ridge, ran into a herd of cows and dropped two of em. I left dad and bro to start the job while I went back to get the horses and sis. On the way she got on the radio and let me know that she had just shot a bull and was right above me on the hill.

The bull ended up running right past me with her hot on his tail. We ended up following him to where he jumped into an alpine glacier lake. We tried everything that a 17 year old boy can come up with. Throw rocks, stick, shoot the water next to him, the thought of lassoing him out even ran through my mind. I just didn't want him dying in the lake and dragging him out.

That's when I had easily the most brilliant idea of my entire life. I stripped down to my underwear and with knife in hand jumped into the lake thinking that I would "scare" him out of the lake. Well anyone with half a brain would know what happened next. I lasted all of 5 seconds in the freezing water in October with a bull that squared off on me.

With a clear brain (and fully clothed), I had lil sis shoot the bull high and back to get him to "lurch forward onto the bank". Sure enough that's exactly what he did and proceeded to try to get back in the water. With the reflexes of a cat I ran down the bank, quit literally grabbed the bull by the horns, and fought with him as he tried to get back in the water.

In the excitement lil sis ran down the bank screaming "I WANNA STAB HIM, I WANNA STAB HIM". Once close enough and able to fully examine the situation she promptly let me know that it was in my best interest if I stabbed the bull. So in a moment that would have made Chucky proud, I rendered several wounds to the bulls neck and throat area.

This can all be collaborated by her and she still has the hide that has 9 holes in the neck from a buck knife. 11 years later there isn't any amount of money that you could pay me to re enact those sequence of events. Unless of course she asked me to...

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