Not Ready to Quit


Active Member
I will turn 81 this hunting season but still not ready to hang it up. The most frustrating thing to me about getting this old is you out live your hunting buddies. I am still physically able to walk into the area I hunt but have to admit that some adjustments have to be made. I still am able to gut my animal but on elk I have to use a rope to tie one of the rear legs back but come to think of it that was the way I always gutted my elk. I have a cow elk tag this year, didn't hunt elk last year as I had enough meat from the elk taken in 2018. I shot a nice 4 point buck last season - I will try and post the buck and some of the other animals I have been able to harvest. I have been hunting since age 13 when my father took me squirrel hunting in Kentucky. I have a lot of memories from past hunts Hope all of you are able to enjoy hunting as much as I have and still do.

2020 Buck
Here are a couple of pictures
I'm really impressed that your still at it. I'm thinking real hard about hanging it up at around age 60 or when I draw my Utah LE deer and pronghorn tags and Colorado deer tag. Which ever comes first.
Nice collection of critters.
Keep on fighting the good fight ! Looks like you have an impressive collection , and I’m betting you earned em ! I’ve got a lot of respect for the older guys that are still getting it done !
I will turn 81 this hunting season but still not ready to hang it up. The most frustrating thing to me about getting this old is you out live your hunting buddies. I am still physically able to walk into the area I hunt but have to admit that some adjustments have to be made. I still am able to gut my animal but on elk I have to use a rope to tie one of the rear legs back but come to think of it that was the way I always gutted my elk. I have a cow elk tag this year, didn't hunt elk last year as I had enough meat from the elk taken in 2018. I shot a nice 4 point buck last season - I will try and post the buck and some of the other animals I have been able to harvest. I have been hunting since age 13 when my father took me squirrel hunting in Kentucky. I have a lot of memories from past hunts Hope all of you are able to enjoy hunting as much as I have and still do.

2020 Buck
I have a cousin in Alaska that's 82 that's still a hunting machine. I will quote my 12yr son that went up there to visit him. Ernie will out run me up the mountain. Keep on going it's what keeps us young.
Awesome on still getting after it and your collection of great animals.

I'm sure you have some great stories to tell.

Keep hunting ??
I hope I can still do it at 81. I'm right behind you as I turn 75 next month. I also have an elk tag this year. AZ archery bull tag in Sept. I forgot how hard it is to pull back a bow and hold it steady as you get older and the damn hills just keep getting steeper. The mounts on the wall bring us back to our younger days and the times we shared with our friends.
This year my two oldest grandsons, ages 10 and 12 will start hunting with me so it will be a new adventure.
And like Critter said, I'd love to sit down with you and swap stories. Hunting was a lot different when we started.
You have some really nice trophies there aceman iam sure they are highly coveted..Iam 72 and I hope iam still going at 81 hang in there...
Thanks for sharing, it’s great that you are still hunting and enjoying it. You also have a fine collection of critters
I'll join with everyone else in congratulating you on still being after it. It has been a bit tough for me to see my father retire his hunting boots. He's still about a decade younger than you. I have another friend who is still hunting and hiking well into his 80's as well. You guys are my heroes.

So.....what's the secret?
It's very impressive that you are still able to get after 'em ! Wish I could do more. At 70, my legs are pretty much shot. I can't do the big mountains anymore and my meat packing is limited to 30 lbs a trip. I'm envious of all your trophies ! I'm sure there are lots of memories to go with them. Best of luck this fall.
Glad to hear you're still out there Ace ! I'm almost 63 and I'm wondering what my hunting future will hold. All my old sports injuries are coming back to haunt me but I've been able to adapt so far. I'm almost as excited for my Arizona Archery Elk tag as I was for my last one 13 years ago ! I think thats a good sign :)

I'm glad you're still able to do what you love and I know there's intestinal fortitude involved. I'm equally or more impressed with your technical savvy! I can't teach my Dad how to operate a cell phone much less post photos on a website?
"Enjoy it while you can" should be the battle-cry for us all.
I know that the outdoors will always be a priority for me even as I slow down.
I've lost 3 of my older siblings now (1 just this past week) and they were younger than Aceman. Keep up the good fight!
My grandpa was just like you! So awesome to hear your enthusiasm. My grandpa killed his biggest buck at age 82. This is what I love about hunting. Nothing seems to keep a person excited like a little kid quite like hunting.
I love to see this. Good going. I'll be almost 78 come this hunting season and i'll never quit.

Hunting keeps us old guys young. When you give up you have nothing to live for and die.
Dang some of these old-timers has BIG Iron-clad balls that they carry are in a wheelbarrow. Hope to make that group in 20 more years.
That’s impressive that you’re still getting after it. Good for you and them trophy are awesome.
Way to go! I'll turn 80 on my Colorado deer hunt this November. Yeah, it gets a little more difficult each year but the desire is still there and I plan to keep doing what I love to do for as long as possible.
I'm a couple years younger but keep thinkin' I have another sheep hunt in me. Still can pack out a quartered up antelope. Eat more backstrap and daily exercise. LOL

Bad on Ford and Chevrolet, good on You.
I will turn 81 this hunting season but still not ready to hang it up. The most frustrating thing to me about getting this old is you out live your hunting buddies. I am still physically able to walk into the area I hunt but have to admit that some adjustments have to be made. I still am able to gut my animal but on elk I have to use a rope to tie one of the rear legs back but come to think of it that was the way I always gutted my elk. I have a cow elk tag this year, didn't hunt elk last year as I had enough meat from the elk taken in 2018. I shot a nice 4 point buck last season - I will try and post the buck and some of the other animals I have been able to harvest. I have been hunting since age 13 when my father took me squirrel hunting in Kentucky. I have a lot of memories from past hunts Hope all of you are able to enjoy hunting as much as I have and still do.

2020 Buck

Aceman- I’m inspired & impressed!!! God bless you sir for giving it hell. Good luck to you on your cow elk hunt & stay safe out there. I hope you have at least one buddy or family member to give you a hand.
I will turn 81 this hunting season but still not ready to hang it up. The most frustrating thing to me about getting this old is you out live your hunting buddies. I am still physically able to walk into the area I hunt but have to admit that some adjustments have to be made. I still am able to gut my animal but on elk I have to use a rope to tie one of the rear legs back but come to think of it that was the way I always gutted my elk. I have a cow elk tag this year, didn't hunt elk last year as I had enough meat from the elk taken in 2018. I shot a nice 4 point buck last season - I will try and post the buck and some of the other animals I have been able to harvest. I have been hunting since age 13 when my father took me squirrel hunting in Kentucky. I have a lot of memories from past hunts Hope all of you are able to enjoy hunting as much as I have and still do.

2020 Buck
Thats a great collection of horns and mounts, i hope your still riding the motorcycles also , i have been riding and hunting for over 50 years, it keeps us young at heart ,, Ride on !!!!!
I hope I can still do it at 81. I'm right behind you as I turn 75 next month. I also have an elk tag this year. AZ archery bull tag in Sept. I forgot how hard it is to pull back a bow and hold it steady as you get older and the damn hills just keep getting steeper. The mounts on the wall bring us back to our younger days and the times we shared with our friends.
This year my two oldest grandsons, ages 10 and 12 will start hunting with me so it will be a new adventure.
And like Critter said, I'd love to sit down with you and swap stories. Hunting was a lot different when we started.
I miss hear the stories my grandfather would tell about his hunting adventures.
And here I am at age 42 thinking the struggle is REAL!

I ain’t got nothin to complain about!

Congrats on being the hard core hunter that I aspire to be!

At half your age, I’ll stop complaining about my sissy hunting lifestyle and take note from the REAL DEAL!

Aceman! You’re a LEGEND! An Inspiring LEGEND that can only be looked up to!

If I live to be 60, I hope I am still hunting!

If I live to be 81???.......

I hope I can still prop myself up around the campfire and I hope I can still hear well enough to swap a good hunting story or two!!!

Keep after it! You just gave me a reason to live past 42 LOL!
It's very impressive that you are still able to get after 'em ! Wish I could do more. At 70, my legs are pretty much shot. I can't do the big mountains anymore and my meat packing is limited to 30 lbs a trip. I'm envious of all your trophies ! I'm sure there are lots of memories to go with them. Best of luck this fall.
Just have to learn the "Six Pack" carry out method. After you drop that bull, grab a Six Pack of Beer, get to the nearest road, and flag down some Road hunters. Offer them the Six Pack if they help carry out your bull! Learned this from a 70+ year old. And No, I wasn't Road hunting!

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