OK, he scared me a little


Active Member
I about stepped on this guy. Boy did I jump and throw out some profanity.
HOLY $#!% You are crazy. I hope the crap you used your zoom, rather than trying to get a close closeup shot. Crazy!!

But Very cool pic anyways.

You must have caught him sleepin. Same thing happened to me 2 yrs ago, still have nightmars... Nice Pic
No holes were made in my body. The camera was probably 3' from the snake when I took the pic, but my arms were extended as far as they would go. ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-04 AT 10:37AM (MST)[p]I was hunting quail last year and ran into one of those serpents. I still haven't gotten over it. Made me invest in Snake Boots. I just can't get used to them.
I killed one of those just the other day on my walkway about six feet from my back door. I walked right past it at about six inches and on my way back into the house i saw it at my feet not more than a foot away. Like you I jumped about six feet in the air and said some colorfull medafores. Who said white men can't jump?

Great Pic! Had the same thing happen to me and 2 friends while walking to find a good fishing spot around the lake. Here's the story....

Ok, we get to this lake, and we're seeing good sized rainbows swimming all over the place, but the problem is that the lake is FULL of that thick slimey seeweed. So we decide that we're going to walk around the other side of the lake, that has about 10 yards of sage, then rock shale, and huge rock cliffs. So we start walking, and naturally I'm in the lead w/ my fishin pole. Now, there are tons of muskrat hole leading into the water. They begin right at the surface of the water, and head back into the land. They're so abundant that you're walking up and down over these mounds constantly. So all the sudden, in between one of the "woop-de-woops" a 3 1/2' BLACK rattler pops his head up really PISSED! I jumped back, said a few choice words, and just stood there shocked. So my friends start chucking rocks at it, and my friend pins the middle of it's body under water. Now the snake headed up the hole until he got trapped by the rock. So, now we have a snake that isn't visible because his body is trapped under water, but we can't kill it because his head is in the muskrat hole. We JUMPED over him and kept on walking. Kind of creepy when you could step on the mound and feel/hear him rattling underneath!!

My dad's friend later said that he looked over and saw my two friends throwing rocks at something, and I was just standing there statue like.

It made for a good memory to laugh at now, but oh man it was scary!

Michael~All Gods creatures welcome... right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy.
What an intense pic.

I have had the same thing happen to me while rabbit hunting in the northwest desert of Utah. We were walking along brushing for rabbits when I heard that distinct sound of a rattle going off. I couldn't tell what direction the rattle was coming from, when a friend saw movement in a near by bush. I jumped when he shot his 12 guage and he killed a 4' great basin diamondback. I couldn't say anything; however I needed to change some clothing (if you know what I mean).
'Artificial Flies & Lures Only'
Beautiful picture. I live in Tucson and I run across diamondback rattlesnakes every year while hunting. Last Friday actually I stepped upon one. here's the story

My hunting buddy JR and I went out bowhunting Friday morning. Well we didn't see much deer but we did see 2 rattlesnakes and a bull snake(in the morning). So as dumb teenagers being bored, we were pokin them with sticks to see them strike, well we KNEW the strike was coming but we still jumped out of our shorts when they did strike lol. Well we went back out in the evening and after chasing some deer around, we saw another 3 rattlesnakes. The last one we saw is the interesting one. As some of you know, rattlesnakes can only strike half of the length of their body, and they have to be coiled..there are exceptions, but thats the usuall ordeal. Anyways, we were walking up to a mountain and had to enter a prickly pair patch in order to get across this wash...well our hearts were already beating 300+beats a minute because we saw a beautiful rattler about 5 minutes before. Well we weren't paying attention all that much and thats when I STEPPED ON A 3' DIAMONDBACK RATTLESNAKE THAT WAS SLEEPING. I KID YOU NOT...EXACTLY I STEPPED ON HIM. Right as I felt somthing move under my foot, he rattled at the exact same moment, I jumped a good 12' in the air landing 2 feet from the snake. He ended up striking at us about 20+ time...he was PISSED. And I was so scared I turned to JR and said..."LETS GO HOME!!!" lol. To say my life flashed before my eyes would be an understatement lol.

Note: Every Rattlesnake we saw, was within 2' of us when we noticed them!!!

Just for some more info...my dad had caught rattlesnkaes alive for years, so I have quite a bit of knowledge of them. I see about 15+ a year, and they are always seen when I'm hunting with JR lol.

Another Note, I killed a 5'6" diamondback rattlesnake with 12 buttons in my back yard 2 weeks ago...too dangerous for my dogs...PLUS THEY ARE VERY TASTY!!!

Thanks for the stories guys!
I've got a couple of stories I'll share too.

I was on the highschool golf team and our home course was at Ft. Carson. So everyday we'd play nine for practice. There is a par 3 on the back 9 that plays over a big ditch. The cart path dropped down through this ditch to take you to the green. So I'm walking down the cart path when just out of the blue I look down at my feet and see a baby rattler coiled up just beneath me. I freak out, jump, curse, and just about wet myself. Well after i get my senses back I notice that the rattler hasn't reacted to any of this, turns out it was dead as a doornail. Still freaked me out a bit but was cause for a good laugh after all my buddies gave me chit for it for the rest of the 9.

Second story I was a little younger and on vacation in Phoenix. My uncle took us fishing at Lake Pleasant. I had wondered of a little and was making my way back to where my uncle and cousin were when out of no where I here a rattle and a strong hiss, as I look down I see it's a 4' rattler striking at me!! Luckily I was able to jump out of the way, pulling my groin in the process. My uncle hears me scream and comes over to see what all the fuss is, and pursues to tease the rattler so that he can "GET A COOL PICTURE". This whole time I'm insisting that we need to kill it. Well it turns out my uncle is a little soft at heart for snakes, and says "no just let it be it wont hurt anyone", as he is saying this the snake is heading underneath a rock that would be perfect for someone to sit on while fishing. Probably the stupidest thing he could've done but I was too young to argue with him.

Awesome picture by the way!!

I was fishing just after dark at Minersville on the river in Southern Ut. a few years back. I was on the other side of the stream from my truck and it is only about 5 yards wide there. I had jumed it to get across earlier but had to get a running start. Now it was dark and I was going to make about another 10 casts when I heard the rattle about two feet away and immediately jumped the whole ditch without a running start. The greatest broad jump of my life. Never saw the snake - never wanted to. Awesome pic. You either have some real cojones or a great telephoto lens!

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