One more stupid law by ID Legislature


Active Member
House introduces bill to repay for wolf predation

The Associated Press

Posted: 5:33am on Feb 14, 2012; Modified: 5:38am on Feb 14, 2012

BOISE, Idaho ? A bill to help repay ranchers for livestock losses tied to wolves has been introduced in the Idaho House.

The House Resources and Conservation Committee on Monday agreed to consider a measure that would use revenue from wolf hunting tags to compensate ranchers for livestock killed by wolves.

Republican Rep. Judy Boyle of Midvale says federal resources for offsetting livestock losses are diminishing and it's time for the state to help producers.

Her bill would divert $8 from every wolf hunting tag sold in Idaho into a special account. Boyle says half of the money in that account would be help reimburse for livestock losses; the other half would be used on other wolf management programs.

Boyle estimates the bill would free up $320,000 annually for the program

The bill is by Senator Monty Pearce

Bill 544
WOLVES - Adds to existing law relating to wolves to provide for the deposit of certain proceeds; to provide for the wolf depredation account; to provide for the transfer of proceeds by the department of fish and game; to provide that moneys are subject to appropriation; to provide for the return of interest earned to the account; to provide for the division and use of moneys; and to provide for the administration of depredation payments to livestock producers by the Governor's Office of Species Conservation.

The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.
I would say they should be really careful to pass laws the first year back hunting the buggers, and expect it to last. What will the do if it is closed again and do not have the $320,000 to fund from wolf tags, because they can't be hunted.

They need to eliminate the problem and just have a free for all on them. obviously the coyote is not extinct. Shouldn't the wolf be able to fare better than the coyote.

My 2 cents
It is not a law yet I jerked the trigger on that one in the subject line sorry.But it could become law if we as Sportsmen don't try to stop it.Just think next we will be paying for the livestock that is taken by coyote.

The surprising thing about young fools is how many survive to become old fools.
heres an idea Dont pay any ranchers for lost livestock Period !! whos paying for our lost elk-deer & moose herds the wolves are eating ??? OH yeah Idaho Sportsman !!! why should Idaho sportsman pay anyone for animals We Dont want here anyways !! it has been a non stop battle & will continue to be..until wolves are treated like coyotes & are able to be hunted or trapped year round ...Also maybe if some of these ranchers opened up their land to hunters {some do } but I would bet more like 90 % DONT allow hunting or have their lands already leased out there might not be as many wolves around !!!!
I am so sick of the whole damn wolf deal that I could puke!!! If the big population centers want wolves let them live there and see how they like having them in their yard!! A few years back in Co. they did away with the spring bear season,that whole spring once a shift I would either shoot a bear or have to shoo one out of someones house or garage. It was a giant pain in the ass!! They want to "protect" them but god forbid they come anywhere close to them!! Then they must be killed by the proper authorities. I do not know why the people from the coasts of this country can't stay there!! Wildlife should be managed not legislated. Wait till a wolf takes a kid then they will have turned into satan!!! Ask any Ca. hunter about large predators, you can't get out of the car to pee and not see a lion kill. The coyotes are so thick that it is a wondr any fawns survive at all!
I think there going to raise the price of the wolf tag to offset the money lost to the rancher.
Yes....I believe there is another bill raising the wolf tag price to protect the loss of revenue for the IDFG.
HO545 Would raise resident tag prices $5.25 and NR tag prices $4. If this passes I wonder how much elk tag prices will go up next year to pay for the hay they eat on private fields. This is just one of many bad bills working through the senate.
Okay I only have one post but this really makes me upset. I love Idaho ranchers as much as the next guy but they are overplaying their hand on this IMO. The sheep deal also made me upset. Maybe there are more sportsmen/women out there who will speak out more often as this continues.
Unfortunately these are politicians introducing these bills. Most of our state is rural and most of the politicians are also and so the ranchers have a huge lobby.

We need to do a better job of being heard as sportsmen. There is enough complaining on this site, so if we all got a few friends and called our legislator maybe something would happen.
That politician needs to be voted out of office. If anyone of you live in the Midvale area or know people in the Midvale area, spread the word. He is either clueless or doesn't care how offensive this is to sportsman. Most ranchers realize they are on the same side as sportsman on the wolf issue and we need to work together.
This is as good of an idea as telling ranchers they all need to pay an extra fee to put in a pot. That money would then be distributed to all hunters who kill a wolf that year.
We need to work together instead of trying to pick each others pockets.

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