Options when you can't have firearms in house?


Long Time Member
So it is a weird question. But my wife and I have free housing for a year as we move from Colorado to WY. That is a huge bonus to our family and our budget. The only really sticker in the deal is due to the house location at a state run facility there are no firearms allowed. So we are trying to figure some options... As for personal protection there is 24 hour professional security on the campus and my dog is currently finishing up $3,000 worth of "Guard Dog" training. He is finishing out nicely...

With that being said, I am not sure what to do with our guns. Nearest Friends are 2.5 hours away, which is one option. I am not friends with anyone in the area yet, so not sure i want to ask a stranger for storage options. We are going to rent a storage unit but hate the idea of leaving them in a unit.

Anyone have any thoughts? I can leave them with my dad here in CO for a little while while I make a friend?

Crazy I know, but with the savings we have and a year of not mortgage or rent we will come out next year with the money needed for our dream home.
I'd leave them with your dad until you make a good friend. That may take months but better safe than sorry.

Or, I'd take your most useful gun and put it in the locker.. Just 1 though.
I agree with MT. Leave them with your dad.
Maybe take 1 do all caliber rifle and keep it locally in a locker or with someone you meet or can maybe find from this forum.
Some of the gun shops might do short/long term storage for a modest fee for you. My local shop does this. Since they are in the business of storing guns and are licenced to do so, and probably have better security systems and surveillance than any general storage unit, might be worth the peace of mind.
Some of the storage units due their small bonded and secure indoor storage. Often reasonable charges, or you can put a safe in one.
What Katoom said! My sister and brother in law own a gun store in PA and they provide storage for customers who can't have their guns with then in nearby big city.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
Don't put them in a safe in a storage unit. 10 years ago I got divorced and put a bunch of stuff in a storage unit for about 6 months. Well when I went get it some ##### had cut the lock and stole everything. You had to have a code to get through the gate but somehow it happened. We and asked the manager what he was going to do about my stuff. His answer was claim it on your home owner policy. I was like if I had a home my crap wouldn't have been in storage. PS I had a safe in there and they stole that too.
chat said what I was thinking...

There likely will not be a way for you to anchor the safe in a storage unit. It's just too easy for. Someone would just lift the safe on to a truck/trailer and open it later.

Seems like leaving them with your pops is the best option.

?Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. "
no connections in Lander.

Storage shed is OUT. Find a new friend, but only inundate them with the basics: 1 Big game caliber, Shotgun, and 22.

Perhaps the state has a law that allows to keep guns in your vehicle, like a couple behind the back seat of a truck.
The state, as we speak, is being challenged over firearms not allowed on UW campus. Who knows what will happen with that. I have my own thoughts about "gun free" zones.

Are you getting in a house or apt?
>The state, as we speak, is
>being challenged over firearms not
>allowed on UW campus.
>Who knows what will happen
>with that. I have my
>own thoughts about "gun free"
>Are you getting in a house
>or apt?

It is a house. I do not want to be in any gray areas etc. I am not wanting to press the issue etc. We are getting free rent for a year as long as we keep up the groundnuts and utilities.

I am hoping to leave my fire arms with my dad until I make a friends. I do not have a massive pile, but enough.

This happens to be a state ran facility for people with disabilities. I completely understand the reason for the rule and since there is 24/7 armed security on the grounds the place is safer than the school I work at.

Just in a wierd spot trying to figure out how to retain access for all my hunting this fall, follow the rules, have my kids shoot recreational etc. I am guessing not much trigger time in the next year.

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