Oquirrh-Stansbury Bucks


Active Member
Went scouting last weekend and found this buck feeding with 2 other bucks and 7 does/fawns. Wondering if anyone has some dead or alive buck photos from this unit they'd like to share?



This buck is an Oquirrh/stansbury buck... sad it was stolen from the hunter who killed it. Problem with the unit is.... most the unit south of Kennecott is locked up, posted and/or is private property. I'm just lucky enough to know someone who has a key. Will try and post more that I find.
Seriously??? That buck was stolen from him... That SUCKS!!!

Could you provide more info. on the stolen buck??? Maybe it could have a happy ending like the "Stolen Mule Deer" post...
Can you explain the stolen buck? Was his mount stolen or did the fish cops take it because he shot it on private property?
His mount was stolen from his vehicle in Sandy, UT the night he picked it up from the taxidermist. As far as I know it has not been recovered.
Here is the '12 story from 'Klunk' : As many of you know, I shot a rather large buck this year with my bow. On Thursday evening, I picked up the buck from the taxidermist. We spent the night at my in-laws in Sandy. Sometime Thursday night, my car window was broken out, and the buck was stolen.

As you can see from the picture, there are matching kickers, a 16" inline point, and only one eyeguard. I was having artificial velvet put on it so when it was stolen, it was just a cleaned up skull and all the velvet is off the antlers. Right now, the antlers and skull are washed and bleached white.

I know it is a long shot, but if you could forward this message and picture to your hunting friends along the Wasatch Front, just maybe someone will come across my buck. thank you for forwarding this email to anyone you know that may come across it.
Thieves suck, I hope you get that buck back!

I have drawn the general hunt for this unit. Can anyone give very general info about it? I assume it is crowded, but are there decent bucks to be had? Not afraid to pack in and stay a while if you can get away. So what is hunt like?
Thanks ahead of time and if anyone has any questions about az I would be happy to help. Yes I'm a non res.... Long story of how I have this hunt....
I don't know much about the Stansbury range but the majority of the oquirrh range is private, at least the areas in utah county and Tooele county. As far as deer quality goes it seems to be improving a little but it is way crowded.
I recently moved to Tooele. My daughter and I have drawn this tag for the first time. We will do some summer scouting and hopefully turn something up.
We're pretty excited about the late hunt dates. Unfortunately the summer scouting won't help us find the transition zones where you will typically find the animals in late October early November. I have found in the past that it takes me about 3 seasons in anew area before I really start to understand the deer movement and preferred areas.
Any pointers on where to start would be very appreciated.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-16-16 AT 12:34PM (MST)[p]
slcmuley and nonet,

With all the tags this unit has now, giving you any pointers to my areas would just send hundreds of hunters my way. :)

But I would suggest three things...

1) get in shape, or in more shape;

2) figure out the water puzzle (I mean for watering yourself...the deer do just fine but you will need to have water in areas with little to no water);

3) get a Utah chip for your GPS and learn how to get to public land. On the Oquirrhs, the CWMU and private land is extensive, and you have to know how to work around it. And believe me...don't mess with the CWMU...they mean business! Stay legal. The Stanburys have less private land issues, but more rugged and dry.

Good luck!

"edited" in order to remove GPS coordinates of trophy bucks I included in original post...(j/k)
Tikka, thanks for the info and I look forward to talking to you more about Utah and AZ.

Sherlock, thanks for the advice. Definatly looks like some steep country! Training has already started. And being a backpack hunter from AZ I know how critical water is in areas where it is limited!
I just opened a PM that I received as a result of starting this thread and I am a little taken aback. In summary, this individual said that "it is people blabbing like this that ruin units" and that "every bone head in Utah will be putting in for that unit." They also asked that I "keep things to myself" from now on.

The funny/ironic/hypocritical aspect of this PM is that this individual started a thread 2 weeks ago asking for pictures of animals from a unit in which someone they know drew the tag.

So I come to the masses to ask a few questions because I was under the impression that the reason we all come to this forum is to share stories and help one another out:

1) Is this sentiment felt by the community?
2) Is it because I named a general season unit (or OTC tag) and posted a picture that I single-handedly ruined an entire unit?
3) Is photo sharing only allowed on LE units?
4) Can sharing photos only be done if you name the state in which the creature exists? Or is that too specific, maybe we just specify the continent?

Is this not the reason we have the HAC? I was planning on putting one together with all of my activities but if I am going to be receiving messages like this from fellow hunters on this forum then what is the point?
If I am not mistaken the unit sells all its tags every year, so there will be the same number of hunters no matter what is posted where. There are few secrets in hunting anymore, especially in Utah.
I drew that unit also for the rifle hunt. Kind of sad I didn't pull an archery tag so I cant hunt the extended but hopefully I can turn up a bruiser. Seem to be a lot of snakes up there, I've seen rattlers on every trip out so far this year.

And I agree with whoever sent you that message. Keep it to yourself! If word gets out about there being deer and elk on the front and people start hunting MY hills, I am going to be so mad at you!
I don't necessarily agree with there being few secrets hunting spots anymore, seems like I have been hearing that a lot lately. Maybe not secret units, but definitely still plenty of secret spots inside of many units. Not a huge fan of just spewing specific info for the world to see. But throwing up a picture of a nice buck from a general unit doesn't seem like to big of deal. Most units in the state have potential of producing great bucks, just have to know where to look. Seems like those damn rattlers are getting easier and easier to find. Hate em
As a land owner on this unit I will say that it is frustrating that there are so many people who do not respect private property. It must be the utard way of thinking to think that the rules don't apply to you. Just this past Saturday I watched two guys park in someone's grain field and drive all over it trying to find a way around a locked gate.
Nice buck pictured above, I guess whoever PM'd did not have the ballzz to post openly on this thread...
People usually get uptight about that kind of stuff only when it's "their" unit being talked about.

There's always next year
Hell with that type of buck I might need to get a clan of 10 non res to put in for his unit! %100 draw odds non res hahahaha.
Utahjimmy, honestly, I agree 100% with whoever PM'd you. In my opinion, it is a total lack of respect to everyone that grew up hunting the unit and regularly hunts it. The unit already takes 4 years to guarantee a rifle tag and then you make a public post, false advertising to the world, that a big buck is simple to find. Could easily make it an even harder unit to draw if the wrong people see a post like yours. I think most hunters know that easily finding a big buck is not the case in any general unit, but there's always a bunch of mooches looking for handouts.

You're going to piss people off when you make a post like this no matter what unit it is in, in any state. I've hunted in several different units around the state and have seen great bucks in all of them. Some have been stud bucks, but I'll be damned if I would ever go posting a picture of the bucks on a public site, stating the exact unit, out of respect for the locals and the guys that have been hunting there since they were old enough to hunt.

As I'm sure you know, anyone can get lucky and stumble across a good buck, but it usually takes a vast knowledge of the area, gained with years of experience, hard work and persistence. Some people don't care about that and just want it easy. A post like yours makes it seem like you are new to the area and that it's simple to find a big buck.
While I respect your opinion, the assumption that I easily found this buck is incorrect. I put in a lot of miles (on foot) and time under the stars to find this deer.

If you put the time in to research a unit, use the technology we have available to us, the resources of media to connect with others, and the rubber off your soles, it CAN pay off. I agree, a lot of people now a days do want the handouts, they aren't willing to put in the time or effort.

An undeniable reason this general unit takes a year or three to draw is based on its proximity to our capital, not because of the potential of big deer. Which is also why many people choose to hunt it year after year, its their backyard and they have every right to want to hunt close to home.

The DWR isn't going to issue more tags because I posted this picture, which nullifies the fact that I "ruined" this unit. In fact it should make everyone not hunting this unit happy because apparently it just got easier to draw tags in every other unit! You're welcome!

If you're upset about a big mule deer picture being posted to a website called Monster Muleys then I'm afraid you have bigger problems to worry about. We all flock to this site to fulfill our cravings for hunting while counting down the days until the seasons are open.

Let's be excited (together) that antler growth appears to be wonderful again this year and share some damn pictures!
Maybe I'm wrong, but is anybody really fool enough to apply for any particular general unit and think the unit is loaded with giant bucks based on one Internet picture? I certainly wouldn't. Pretty much all of the general units are a limited entry draw anymore and I personally don't think a picture of a deer is going to change the odds of drawing, much less any one persons odds of killing a good buck. For what it's worth, I think there's probably a buck just as big as the one posted here on any general unit in the state. Doesn't mean a thing though because big bucks don't get to be big bucks for being dumb. Finding them during the season usually involves a lot of luck in addition to knowledge of the area.But I guess I can understand someone being protective their favorite area at the same time. I don't tell all I know either. Sending someone a nasty PM over it? You'd think it was junior high school.
This thread really has taken a turn.... First... I have lots of access to the private on this unit... and being the son of a land owner(several hundred with cows roaming) I guess I really can't say I own land... BUT... I Do agree that it really upsets me(and my family) when people don't respect getting access to private property... because in reality... it is not hard to find a few land owners who are level headed individuals who will give you access if you are respectful... Asking is usually all they want.. You might not get a key to the kingdom, but you might get a written piece of paper giving you access.. One other problem I do have is this "OwnerShip" BS... most landowners in the unit owner less than 100 acres... and lots of them own 20 acres or so which prevents access to 500+ acres of blm/public land... and they act like they own the whole 500 public acres. They also act like all the deer on that public land belong to them too.. (I KNOW THIS IS NOT THE CASE FOR ALL LANDOWNERS BUT I KNOW MORE THAN I CAN COUNT ON MY HANDS). IF Jimmy found this buck on public land.... back off.... he has every right to post and share his pictures and experiences. He might just encourage someone who isn't a hunter or an active sportsman to live through him... and help support the future of hunting. YES... I hate that I have to wait 4 years to draw a general rifle tag to hunt on my parents property... but just because I have hunted my whole life on this unit doesn't give me the right... "to have the public land to myself".. If I want to hunt deer every year... I could learn the draw odds and put in for other units... It's just really nice going 30 minutes from my house to hunt and it's getting to be more about hunting with my boys more than shooting a big deer. I say awesome to Jimmy for finding an awesome buck on public land in a "General Unit". I too also enjoy coming here and looking/reading all the threads about deer in pumping myself up in anticipation for the hunt.... HELL I know I could post pictures of bucks on this unit that would draw a lot of people to put in for this unit... There sure are a lot of nice bucks on camp williams.. Pictures of those deer would definitely draw the masses to put in for the unit... doesn't mean they will see the bucks during the hunt... or be able to hunt them.. heck.. I was driving through Wasatch East and got pictures from the road of several nice ear width bucks... I was also in the Book Cliffs this last weekend.. and I could post pictures of bucks I saw right off the road that would make people put in for the unit and there are better/easier LE units in the state(my opinion).. The bottom line is... The DWR issues the same amount of tags.. and you do not own the deer... the state does... and if you hunt private... stop b'itchin and call the sheriff's office if you see trespassers... They know the risks. I could b'tch about my dad being a life time license holder and getting a tag every year... while I have to wait... I mean after all it is a Lifetime License... the tag at the time was just part of it...(a whole different conversation) But I know they aren't going to change that just so I can feel better about myself making them wait as long as I do. Jimmy... keep posting... I know it isn't going to piss me off.. just makes me have to work harder to find a picture to one up ya.... cause after all it is a general unit and all general units have bucks in them that can be found with hard work. I welcome PM's and don't wear my heart on my sleeve. I will still continue to be out in the hills even if the masses are trying to shoot the same dinky two point I am, after all it is a general unit.
Very well put JL. I think you summed the whole thing up pretty well and your honest opinion as a landowner about some of the other landowners (even those with minimal property) blocking access to public land is spot on in many cases. I tromped that unit a lot as a kid and it was an issue even then. Hopefully nobody got too butt hurt because "their buck" got his picture posted. If anyone puts up a pic of "my buck", I'll just say I hope you can turn him up during the season because so far, he's been too smart for me.
I used to hunt the Tooele side 40 years ago with a recurve bow back before bow hunting was popular. The compound Bow changed that. We could drive up most canyons on the back side back then. Well this one canyon I liked to go in was a main one but nobody would take the time to bow hunt it. Well I would go to work and start talking about all the bucks I would see running around thinking nobody was really paying attention. Then the compounds plus two deer tags a person back then got a lot of guys out in the hills with their new compound bows. These guys at work remembered all the stories I would come back with and being so close to town they went out there and found the area I was hunting in. And after that every time I went out to go hunting guess who was there the place was never the same. So I have learned over the years if you find a good place to go close to town you better keep your mouth shut or next time you go out you will see more hunters than Game. Some friends and relatives think I am a jerk for not sharing info when I find a good place to go hunt or fish. But I have been burned too many times by guys telling their friends then they tell their friends and next thing you know all you see is trucks and hunters and no game. I won't ask where your honey hole is and I won't tell you mine. It's just the way it is this day and age. I want to go hunt game not hunt for a place too hunt!!! I guess it's old age making me mean and bitter.lol:D Good luck finding your honey hole before somebody else does. lol :D
Some good points have been made.
I posted my 2010 sheep hunt on the HAC. At the time I had a deer tag for the same region, so I decided to hunt the bucks I found while scouting sheep. We found and killed a few good ones but not any great bucks during that year. I had a few guys upset with me for giving away the area we killed the bucks in. I guess I was caught up in the moment and wanted to make the story more interesting but in the end, I wished I never would have brought up where I was hunting. I have now since moved on and decided to hunt other units. Although I will continue to share my scouting and hunting adventures, I won't be sharing which unit I'll be hunting any given year. There's a reason most of the hunting magazines don't share where the animals come from. Probably has something to do with that respect thing people talk about. BTW, nice buck in the photo!

There's always next year
I have a lot to say about this unit. I grew up near it and have a personal relationship, if you will, with the area. I think that some people hunt their butts off for a lot of years and learn how to have success in the face of a lot of adversity. Adversity meaning, not knowing where private property starts and stops, waking up on opening morning to have their "secret" spot filled with hunters, spending days and days scouting without seeing anything, passing up smaller bucks in hopes for bigger ones, spending hours and hours scouting before the hunts start, sticking with the area when you cannot kill anything decent, spending years(10+) in an area learning everything possible about the area, etc,.

In response to your question:

In any public unit that I have been on there are very very few 185"+ deer. I do think each unit holds a few. The Oquirhs are a tough one because as salt lake and its outlying cities grow, it feels like more and more people are trying to hunt there. Also, the landowners are becoming more and more involved as they think their lands are being messed with. I think that posting a picture of a "good buck" gets anyone who is looking for a buck like that excited. The unit really doesn't have too many like that. So I'm sure it pisses people off who are seeing bucks like that through their own scouting efforts because they know how rare hey are. Or they know that there is limited amounts and they suppose that they know where they are. Supply and demand. I'll be honest, my first knee jerk reaction is to get a little pissed off when you share a picture like that as well. However, most people know that if you hunt harder than everyone else then you should be able to kill a good deer on a public unit. I think the Oquirh unit has a bit of paranoia going on all over the place due to land owners and new hunters.
>While I respect your opinion, the
>assumption that I easily found
>this buck is incorrect. I
>put in a lot of
>miles (on foot) and time
>under the stars to find
>this deer.
>If you put the time in
>to research a unit, use
>the technology we have available
>to us, the resources of
>media to connect with others,
>and the rubber off your
>soles, it CAN pay off.
>I agree, a lot of
>people now a days do
>want the handouts, they aren't
>willing to put in the
>time or effort.
>An undeniable reason this general unit
>takes a year or
>three to draw is based
>on its proximity to our
>capital, not because of the
>potential of big deer. Which
>is also why many people
>choose to hunt it year
>after year, its their backyard
>and they have every right
>to want to hunt close
>to home.
>The DWR isn't going to issue
>more tags because I posted
>this picture, which nullifies the
>fact that I "ruined" this
>unit. In fact it should
>make everyone not hunting this
>unit happy because apparently it
>just got easier to draw
>tags in every other unit!
>You're welcome!
>If you're upset about a big
>mule deer picture being posted
>to a website called Monster
>Muleys then I'm afraid you
>have bigger problems to worry
>about. We all flock to
>this site to fulfill our
>cravings for hunting while counting
>down the days until the
>seasons are open.
>Let's be excited (together) that antler
>growth appears to be wonderful
>again this year and share
>some damn pictures!

First of all, much of what you stated in your response is why you don't create threads like this! All the people on here that don't think a stupid thread like this can sway people on where to apply are incredibly naive. The unit is adjacent to the most densely populated area in the state as you stated. Do you truly believe there is nobody that could be persuaded by a misleading big buck post? That goes for archery, muzzy, rifle and dedicated.

Although I 100% don't agree with this thread, I wish you would have originally stated that you worked your ass off to find the buck.

I won't share pics and have never had the desire. Iif I did, it would be done much differently.
Sadly, all the folks that used to hunt the Oquirrhs are now all crowded onto the Stansburys, having lost access to much of the Oquirrhs. Crazy how crowded it has become even deep into the back country.
This thread brought back some thoughts, and is the reason I’m hesitant about giving out information on units… Old nonet received some good information from me in return he was going to give info on an Az unit …
This is what I got, 🦗🦗🦗 in return…
Tikka- I’ve been there too. dm me if you ever want to chat about the Oquirhs. I spent alot of years of my life up there.

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