Paul Pelosi hammer attack


Long Time Member
Although I'm not surprised someone came after them it is despicable that someone would carry that out. What a crazy world we've in. They are hated by many . Election day is coming so get out and vote. Urge your friends and families to vote.
Militant nudists from Berkley. Whoda thunk.

I remember the good ol days when hippies were pacifists. Next you know they’ll be packin heat and chit.
Sounds like the pelosis have a little san francisco hammer time secret.

Like i said in another post, i dont see how a republic can be sustained under leadership like this.
Sounds like the pelosis have a little san francisco hammer time secret.

Like i said in another post, i dont see how a republic can be sustained under leadership like this.

So, you’re saying that nancy should be DQ’d because she beat her husband with a hammer? Doesn’t that earn her a merit badge around here?

Or are you saying because her husband got picked up in a gay bar by a militant homo, that nancy should be DQ’d?

Accountability for who we have slept with is frankly a bar too high for many.
Another Joocy Smollet style narrative getting pushed hard by legacy media
You’re the one who implied that “leadership” somehow fabricated the entire thing. Smollet has nothing to do with that unless you think pelosi beat himself with a hammer because he’s trying to draw attention to the struggles of old rich white guys(while the cops were apparently there?)

Please clarify your comment. The legacy media excuse is older than biden. Please show us where New Media has uncovered the truth.

If you meant to point out the irony of left wing loons denying responsibility for the consequences of keeping dangerous criminals on the street, well then I join you.
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Didn't imply any of that other than many on the left are trying to attribute this as political violence caused by republican rhetoric before the facts are known, much like Smollet.
I believe an apparently witnessed (?) attack on the Speaker’s spouse is much less random than an alleged attack on some B-list actor nobody ever heard of before.

And nobody in their right mind would deny that the rhetoric from the far right is rabid. You see that every day here. Or we used to anyway.
Funny it’s been debunked as fast as they aired it. The guy has been to the house 3 times and both rump rangers are in their underwear fighting about drugs and one gets the hammer!?? How would you slip by the number 3 persons in the countries security.?? The media needs to be locked up for all the lies they’ve told in the last 6 years.
Reports don't pass the smell test. Some random right wing dude goes all Jason Bourne looking to kill #2 in line to be the President of the United States of America and it ends up as a police observed assault with a hammer? Security of her home even when she's not present? No deadly force applied?
I bet spending the evening with a hammering Nudist Nazi is less painful than a night with Nancy.....
So, to summarize a dude wanders over to Nancy's, across town in his tiddy whities, carrying a hammer. He allegedly breaks into Nancy's house, where no alarm goes off, despite her status, and their wealth. Old Paul saunters down in his skids, encounters the naked Nazi. Naked Nazi allows Paul to grab his phone, and go take a leak. Paul, leaves the room, goes to the John where he calls 911, and doesn't directly ask for help, nor lock himself in the room, but instead tucks the phone in his bvd and heads back out to entertain his guest and secretly record him. The San Fran multicultural scoot over in their EV, armed with harshly worded notes, knock softly on the door of the #3 in line despite a 911 call. While trying to establish pronouns, they witness an armed intruder attempt to kill another man before they pull their harshly worded notes, and stop it?

The entire episode is 100% believable. My only question is why did the cops come? The D have told us for years that cops aren't equipped to deal with crazy folks and that there should be counselors who respond to crazy or drug calls.
Let’s not forget in the original police report it states a 3rd person opened the door for the police ( not Paul or his “friend” ) and the actual 911 call has Paul calling the attacker by his first name and saying he’s an old friend.

The amount of bs in the media and the coverups in this admin is truly astonishing.
Maybe, just like Jan.6th, Nancy refused the extra security, the police escorted the guy to the house, gave him a hammer, and let him in.
Should have said that hoss needs to ADD surveillance by Cap PD to his list. Last I saw, they had cameras there but nobody was monitoring them. You know, the cops who report to Nancy.

But to be honest, I’m not sure what I mean either. I pulled the injector out of my KTM and installed the new pump today. Too many fumes and tiny places. She runs like a champ again :)
According to one report, the police report stated the cops knocked on the door, Paul answered the knock and open the door, did not state he needed help, walked back into the foyer towards the suspect, in his tidy whites, and the suspect hit Paul with the hammer and cops took the suspect down. This report was leaked by someone in the police dept. Was made public by a news agency and then quickly deleted. Nancy may have used her influence to have it deleted, I am guessing.
Very very strange actions by Paul. I wonder if he is AC/DC in his taste for sexual partners.

Jason Whitlock: "I’m outraged for Nancy Pelosi. This woman has taken the hard earned money she’s made from insider trading and invested it on a pair of cans at 82 years old and comes home to find out her husband’s

playing hide the hammer with a Black Lives Matter guy! You talk about disrupting the nuclear family. The black lives matter crew must be ecstatic because this guy’s doing it and so is Paul Pelosi. I’m upset for Nancy on a pair and he’s not interested..."

"Are you suggesting that my information that she spent her money on a pair of cans, are you saying that’s bad information? I’ve seen a lot of evidence I’m feel real comfortable. She’s trying to entice her husband but he’s interested in playing hide the hammer on a Friday night with some weirdo!"

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