People Are Afraid.......


Long Time Member
......and I understand way.

(I like Boskee's post " Dems coming to grips", along this same line of thinking)

I've been afraid for the last 25 years and now I'm hopeful but continue to remain somewhat anxious as to what's coming now that the election is over. While I'm pleased that Donald Trump is President Elect, and relieved that Hillary Clinton is not, as we've all said, simply winning the election is a hollow victory without follow-through and meaningful accomplishments. We've all seen the Republicans win before and gained little from it, after the fact. 2014 being the last but certainly not the only disappointment these last two decades. So......I'm still as nervous as a mouse in a snake pit.

I've seen, through my world view portals, ie: my television and my internet connected devices, that a fair number of folks are claiming to be "afraid", now that Trump and/or the Republicans will apparently soon be in control of the House, Senate, and Presidency.

Some have called the protesters cry babies, coddled, elitists, spoiled brats, sore loser freaks, Trump bashers, and worse. I watched news media interviews with college students, professors, actors, musical performers, sports athletes, news commentators, etc. etc. and read internet forums where participants are ranting, raving, crying, predicting, and claiming, Donald Trump is going to bring devastation or worse. Some wishing they could move to a different county, some clearly fearful, some defiant, some despondent, some frustrated and some just out right angry.

Let me offer this observation to those who are expressing fear, anxiety, frustration and/or despondency.

I know exactly how you feel. It sucks, doesn't it.

The protectors see "their" lifestyles threatened, their values under siege, their incomes uncertain, their principles challenged, their influence diminished, their futures uncertain, and numerous more difficult to define "anxious feelings" in conflict with the forth coming administration. They are extremely concerned that, "their sky is about to fall".

How well I remember the smug and condescending voices admonishing me to "relax", "it's going to be alright". How those voices pissed me off, because I knew that they were really meaning: "grow up, live with it, you lost, we're in charge, you're a relic, living in the past, hanging on to a failed corrupt philosophy and immoral lifestyle". Yep, I remember it well, seems like only yesterday.

So.....I certainly understand how the protestors feel, when they say, this county is "going" to hell. Yes I do.

I empathize with them, because now they know exactly how a whole hell of a lot of us have been feeling, for a very long time.

So....what was I so afraid of, for all those years?

Not in any specific order:

I feared the consequences and the devaluation of human life after the Supreme Court legalized abortion.

I feared that government would continue, and increase, it's habit of ignoring some laws while they continued to make new and more restrictive laws, limiting movement, political decent, and re-defining the meaning of traditional words and terms, giving positive terms negative meanings and negative terms positive meanings. Using political correctness to control communication and ultimately our freedom of speech.

I feared more restrictive arms regulations, that would eventually limit my neighbors and my from protecting ourselves, from an over reaching, tyrannical government.

I feared loosing more State's rights and feared more restrictions on the principles of self governance.

I feared a more government controlled economy and a less market driven, laissez-faire, business environment.

I feared further erosion of the Multi-Use access of public lands in the western US.

I feared unchecked, uncontrolled immigration.

I feared an eventual one payer government controlled medical system.

I could continue but these are sufficient to make my point.

I'm wish to reiterate, I understand every emotion, other than the violence, felt and expressed, by those protecting Donald Trump's apparent political victory. I been there, done that. I went looking for a new country. (I had my wages frozen indefinitely, by a socialist leaning government, and moved here from Canada in 1975, to get away from an ever increasing socialist government in that country, so I've done it before. I tend to put my money were my mouth is. if at all possible.) It ain't no fun, this being on the receiving end of a political movement.

I offer no solution to current protestors, except to say, now that the election is over, I hope Trump's administration is more successful at achieving his objectives, without give the protestors as much of a belly ache as their political leaders have given me, for the last two long decades, or longer. See, I actually go back a little further than 25 years, I had to borrow money to buy my family a home during the Jimmy Carter years (1977-1981), when mortgages were over 14% and other loans were as high as 22%, so my fears goes back a long way. President Carters admonition was, "get used to it".

Sound familiar?

Not so easy, is it. They have my empathy but not my support.

I have lived through all of that as well. The people in the beltway living it up and feeding off of taxpayers and politicians while we were struggling through a depression light. The liberals telling us elections had consequences and we were losers. A POTUS that was like the Jefferson's moving into the WH and spending tens of millions for world travel and golf trips. Black lives matter marching in the streets and killing cops for fun. I have no idea what we did by electing Trump but I like his picks so far and think he could do well to make some serious changes. Bottom line is we rolled the dice.
At the end of the day when Trump is done moonwalking back his promises you're going to be as butthurt as the protesters. you didn't win as much as you think you did and they didn't loose as much as they feared.

we have elections every 2 years to correct mistakes. the hippies need to understand this, be patient and let them have plenty of rope.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
Your right T, and if Trump doesn't walk most of it back, a few in the Rrpubli-can't party will vote with Demo-Ists to make sure he does.

We all know how this works.'s direction son, it's all about direction and which way the ships moving, we're patient, so long as the ship's on course.

The proof will be in the pud'en. But I understand that we can rely on some of our.goid friends to magnify every shot that falls shot of the mark. We did it to y'all, for the last 25 years, so we don't mind if you take a turn. Seems pretty human to me.

Have a great Thanksgiving gentlemen, if you're in the field this week I wish you much success in your outdoor endeavors.

To hit the mark he has to fire a shot and in most cases he won't. you have the right attitude I'll give you credit for that, to reach your objectives lower your goals.

At some point you're going to have to admit you were conned and you bought a bag of lies that Trump never intended to address.

Don't feel bad he fooled me too. I thought he had gone way over to the dark side too but he's still the old moderate liberal Trump we've always known now that he's elected.

He's putting some wingnuts in his administration to toss you a bone but he doesn't give a FF what they say . he doesn't care what anyone has to say he knows everything better than anyone on every subject.

The con continues and I'm thinking I'm not going to mind much of it at all.

Stay Thirsty My Friends
???. You are a very clever gentleman T. You make me smile, in spite of our ideological differences, which seem to be vast and polar. I'd really enjoy spend a week asking you questions and hearing your answers. I would learn a lot. You would make a great attorney or modern news journalist.

We should do a hunt together someday., where you can talk and I'll listen. Seriously.

If you check back you'll see my expectations have been pretty low, from day one. Remember I agreed with you, I never expected Trump to win. So that's where my expectations where. Any progress from here is serendipitous, in my opinion.

I'll jump ahead and admit right now, why wait for evidence, that we were conned. So we now have that behind us.

I don't feel bad, yet, but thanks for encouraging me to keep my chin up. I know you will not hold back if you notice anything that you think might extend my my foolish feelings. Compared to what iIve lived with for the last two decades, I think I'm pretty well trained to deal with disappointments.

One wingnut to another (not you, Trump's appointies) I say, "welcome, now let's see if y'all can get some hay put up, before it rains, again."

Curious, who isn't a wingnut, could you identify someone, anyone?

So, while the real, omnipotent Trump, is working out so well for you, I'll be looking forward to hearing a lot of happy posts about him, from your side of the table. It'll be a breath of fresh air.

Hope it rains cash on you T, I really do. Never have resented another mans good fiortune.

"You would make a great attorney or modern news journalist."

...lmmfao...that cuts clear to the bone, but sounds like a compliment all at the same time.
That was quite a read. You must have had a traumatic childhood. As I'm sure your fears never really materialized. In fact I bet you have far more material wealth than 90 % of the world. Fat and happy if my guess is correct.

I too have been and am still worried. Worried about paying for the most expensive health care in the world. I worry about the right-wing taking away the only true freedom we have by privatizing public lands. I worry about America evolving into a rightwing poverty stricken third world country..

I worry about our hard fought wilderness areas being opened up to exploitation and motorized away. I worry about the Piss poor greedy quality of humans rightwing thinking has quantified. Where all that matters is me, myself and more.

>That was quite a read.
> You
>must have had a traumatic
>As I'm sure your fears
>never really materialized.
> In fact I
>bet you have far more
>material wealth than 90 %
>of the world.
> Fat and
>happy if my guess is
>I too have been and am
>still worried.
>Worried about paying for the
>most expensive health care in
>the world. I
>worry about the right-wing taking
>away the only true freedom
>we have by privatizing public
> I worry about America
>evolving into a rightwing poverty
>stricken third world country..
>I worry about our hard fought
>wilderness areas being opened up
>to exploitation and motorized away.
> I worry
>about the Piss poor greedy
>quality of humans rightwing thinking
>has quantified.
> Where all
>that matters is me, myself
>and more.
You were Traumatized on the evening of November 8th weren't you.
No. 264. Sorry to burst your cute little bubble, but I wasn't, in fact I though it as very humorous. I think it's good
Trump is the poster child of America I believe. Besides I like a few of his ideas, not all though.
>No. 264. Sorry
>to burst your cute little
> but
>I wasn't, in
>fact I though it as
>very humorous.
> I think it's good
>Trump is the poster child of
>America I believe.
> Besides
>I like a few of
>his ideas,
> not all though.

I'm late to the party, but I think that was very well stated, lumpy. Personally, I don't expect much--I never have liked the guy--but if the next four years end up being nothing more than a breather from the suffocating progressive PC onslaught, I'll be the first in line to offer a big THANK YOU, and will hope for more of the same.

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