Prayers Please!


Very Active Member
Folks, I need your help. My family owns a small restaurant in Kamas, and we employ several local kids as servers, dishwashers and the like. Yesterday one of our girls, a 16-yr old named Michele, was practicing a cheerleading formation called a pyramid and fell. Her back is broken in 3 places. It is questionable whether her ability to walk is forever lost. She is the cutest, bubbliest little waif of a girl, and I am hoping you all who believe in God or any other power ask for help in her recovery. She has had one surgery already and another today to put rods in her spine. Only time will tell, but I figure a little concerted effort on our part to ask for mercy can't hurt.

Amen!! I'll pray for a full recovery!!!! My daughter was a cheerleader in high school and college. She is a tiny gal, so they used to use her for all the throws. Her senior year they dropped her on the cement part by the edge of the track. Scared the hell out of me, but she was ok. Thank God. Paul
I hope she comes out of it alright. Will keep her in our prayers.

She'll be added to the list of folks in the BOHNTR family prayers tonight. I hope she recovers fully.

BOHNTR )))-------------->
Man, I hate it when kids get hurt doing something they love, my daughter was a cheer-leader also and I can remember feeling the fear while watching them practice all that fancy stuff....

Man too much! but you know God is able, I prayed for a woman a few years back she had terminal cancer well the next week she went to her doc and it was gone, so I have reason to believe God can do it....Prayer sent out Express mail....

You know you got all the help in the world coming from the good people here at MM. The girls here all did gymnastics and cheerleading while growing up, and injuries were always a concern to any parent. If there is any other assistance needed let me know.



Sorry to hear about that Pred, I will include her in my prayers and hope for a speedy recovery.

My prayers are with her and her family too. Have faith.
St. Matthew 17:20 reads,

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Having had 2 daughters of my own also who have been cheerleaders, I understand the possibility of injury.

She will be in my family's prayers for recovery and also will be her parents for peace that everything will be alright.
My family has included her in our prayers , hopefully he hears hounddoggers prayers .
Thank you all so much for your support. Michelle is out of ICU now and into a Rehab unit. The good news is that she is not paralyzed, but she will have to learn how to walk again. Thank God this happened this time of the year over any other, because this way she is not missing any school, she is a top student and we are thankful she has been given the time to recuperate without other stresses upon her.
She has three fused vertebrae and 2 rods to stabilize her spine. Needless to say she will be permanently disabled and probably will not be able to do much cheerleading again, but she will walk and that's what we were hoping for!

Hey ya'll...I finally got a chance to see Michelle tonight. She is doing well attitude wise, but admits she really can't feel anything below her hips. Right now she's about 8 weeks ahead of time for rehab, as she can already get up on her own and into a wheelchair.

However, her insurance only covers 80%. Right now, the families portion of the bill is already close to six figures. So those of you that feel so inclined and live locally, there is a fund set up at the Key Bank in Kamas under the name Michelle Horn. Any little bit will help, so I thank you in advance.

MM rocks!

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