Proposed Fee Increase



Just wondering what everyone thinks of the proposed fee increase. I heard the ODFW will be touring the state to sell everyone on the increase.

the proposal continues the same management scheme for big game that has been spectacularly unsuccessful for more than 30 years. At the present time, ODF&W is not doing trend counts on many units, has no funds for research projects, is unable to implement changes that elk research at Starkey Experimental Forest shows would help increase elk herds.

My research shows that Mule Deer numbers have dropped from more than 500,000 in the late 60's to around 200,000 now. Rocky Mountain Elk were close to 100,000 in the early 90's, down to around 60,000 today.

Deer tag sales dropped by more than 60,000 between 1998 and 2006, elk tag sales by more than 30,000 in the same time frame, costing the department more than2.5 million per year in income. Given continued very low recruitment rates for calves/fawns in much of the state, those reductions will undoubtedly continue going forward, wiping out any short term gains that would be realized in the first couple of years.

We desperately need a complete change in approach to funding big game management in Oregon. I will be at the Clackamas meeting Monday night. Hope to ask some hard questions.

It is going to take money to fix the mess we find ourselves in when it comes to big game populations, and the only viable option for that money is us.

As long as the money goes to ODFW and governor tax-n-gouge-me doesn't dip into it, I'm fine with the increases.

Maybe I overlooked it, but is there an increase in the big game application fees? (currently 4.50 per app). That's where they could really make some money if they wanted to. Idaho charges $6.50 per app and a couple other states charge up to $12 per app.

iFish sucks and the moderators are a bunch of tree huggers.
As it has been said above, Oregon is beind. I think Oregon needs to model itself after Nevada. I'm fine with an increase as long as it doesn't go to the general fund. Compared to most other states Oregon is cheap.JB

Let me know how the meeting went....I will be attending the meeting in Medford next week with some questions of my own. In my experience in Town Hall formats, reduncy of specific issues usually is the best way to get a point across. I would be more than happy to reiterate any hot topics.

Good luck on your efforts to have F&G make changes. As an outsider that has applied in Ore since 91, I believe your biggest problem is the ban on using dogs on lions and bait on bears. A lil better than here where lions are protected but not much.

Weather=drought is something F&G can't control and your desert units are moisture dependant. But many areas of Ore are way below carrying capacity. If they aren't gonna manage predators better, then they need to limit the ultimate predator.

Good luck guys since I do plan on hunting Ore soon, maybe sheep this year. LMAO

No question predators are the leading proximate cause of reductions in deer and elk herds. Research done at Starkey Experimental Forest shows that having mature bull do the breeding greatly reduces the length of time elk calves are vulnerable to predation, and also results in larger, healthier calves going into winter. I believe the same holds true for deer, anlthough there is no research I can find that has tested that.

Given how liberal Oregon has become, I don't see much chance of ever getting the ban on hunting cougars/bears with dogs reversed. Given that, we are going to have to maximize fawn/calf production, eliminate human interference during the late winter and spring, etc. All of that takes money, which we don't currently have.

Fish and Wildlife is being more aggressive about going after problem cougars, and the new cougar management plan allows the taking of cougars with dogs due to excessive predation by Cougars. Same problem though, do we have the money to pay for it.

I am stubborn by nature, so am pushing ahead. Not a particularly enthusiastic response to start with, but they have agreed to meet with me to discuss, so we will see what happens.

Do you think you will draw Oregon this year? If so, what tags? All you non-residents should be nice to me, since my proposal would increase non-resident tags to 10% of the resident tags. Hey, the money has to come from somewhere.

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