Proud Dad Moment


Active Member
I can still remember the first time that I was finally able to go hunting with my Dad. My dad had stopped hunting before my brother and I were born due to work and having really no one to due it with. Once we hit 10 my Dad jumped right back into it with my brother and I. At the time It was cold, wet , dark, and didn't seem like all that much fun honestly but it finally took.

Well I got to have the proud Dad moment that my Dad did with me and at the same time got to share it with 3 generations. My Son had been bugging me to go so I made the decision to take him goose hunting. Did we kill a few birds? Yes. the better part was watching how excited my Dad was. I'm looking forward to taking him on summer scouts or the Jan archery hunt so he can experience it and start looking and something a little bigger.

It seemed so easy before to get caught up in the BS or the world and life but in that moment it made everything seem so small to see how happy my Son and Dad were.


Cherish those memories, they do go by fast!! Great write up. Looks like you're saving a crop for the dairy too;)

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