Quitting my job and migrating


Very Active Member
Put in my notice today , my families migration to greener pastures will start in early May . Anyone else done it ? I'm still fairly young and don't want to be sitting in CA when Im 65 wondering , "what if".
Put all my worldly possessions inn a Ford ranger when i was 22 and me and my lab drove to colorado from Minnesota and I've never left. No regrets other than colorado has been Californicated over the last 25yrs. If I was 22 again tomorrow I'd aim a little further north.
When we were young and first married, my wife graduated nursing school and had several offers from places in Alaska. We thought about it and decided against it. I have certainly wondered what if over the years...
12 years ago I packed a backpack and jumped on a bus from Salt Lake to Western Wyoming...now myself, wife, and 2 kids are living comfortably and enjoying the laid back mountain lifestyle every day!
Um....I'm the big loser here.
I live about 5 blocks from where I was born and have never lived outside my town.
I've traveled far and wide but this has always been home.

I made a big move for the outdoors and A better lifestyle when i was 30. I got the school Dist i was working for to grant me a one year leave of absence, rented out my home, and had the bills paid with a hundred bucks in my pocket when i moved from the East Bay Area to a couple hundred plus miles north, the Lake Almanor Area, that i've been ever since. Same State, all the difference in the World.

I had no wife and kids so It was easy to give up the security and what i did, trade that for where and how i wanted to live my life.


Keep your slimy Paws Off My, Yours, Our,.. Public Land!!!
>Um....I'm the big loser here.
>I live about 5 blocks from
>where I was born and
>have never lived outside my
>I've traveled far and wide but
>this has always been home.

Haha. Maybe you just got lucky and got it right from the start.
We have friends and family in Idaho , that's the destination . I have been contemplating this for years and the time is now . We are debt free , the whole family is on board and ready to go !
A fellow MM'er is also leaving Southern California after 34 years working in Los Angeles. "Bruin4life" and his wife are heading to Idaho as well. They have had it with the madness in this state. I know of two other families heading to Idaho as well. It seems Boise is becoming the place to go. Good luck!
Sure have. In 2008 when wife and I were 37 with our 2 sons ages 10 and 17. It was a family choice to move on as we all had enough of Iowa life. We lived 37 years in NW Iowa participating and watching the agriculture industrial revolution along with the demise of many of the states natural resources. Had seen enough degradation and wanted a better life for us all while also showing my sons another part of the great county opening their eyes to possibilities. We choose NW Colorado as our home and have felt blessed since. Vast open spaces, great natural resources with hunting and fishing in abundance, and dreams that reach further than the sunset. It was hard for all of my family but worth every bit of it and we would do it again. Takes guts to venture out like this and Gods blessed me with a strong adventurous wife and 2 sons. The journey still hasn't ended and I hope it never will. Good luck with your quest.

"Courage is being scared to death but
saddling up anyway."
We moved away to the San Joaquin Valley at age 21. We stayed less than 1 year. When it was 93 degrees on opening day of duck season, I loaded the wife up and moved back home that week.

I've had a lot of friends and family move to Idaho. They all say to change out your CA license plates ASAP.
I made a post in the Idaho forum along such lines after reading another post there. I wanted to move there in the mid 1970's but was told it's a depressed economy. I let others sway me. There's about three similar posts.

By the late 1980's I was fed up with Deaths and Violence at work and took the wife and then two children up into Oregon then Washington seeking Mayberry RFD Law Enforcement. I failed to find the magic City/County and returned to, what I was very good in. I again allowed friends to sway me. Now a very large number of them are retired and, in Idaho. Their retirement income is far above what a Chief or Sheriff earns. They say the youth leave and head to other States.

I have no regrets and have lived a blessed life/career and have a family that is beyond wonderful. I suppose I am saying, it's not where one lives but how one Makes Successful steps up the ladder of life, that matters. "Making Things Happen" is the key. I even wanted to join the Mormon Church (never arrested a Mormon) and move to Utah but the wife, did not agree. I'm not a Bible Thumper but having Jesus on your shoulder sure helps (My opinion).

I would say you already have won, due to the support of your wife. If finances allow, be a drifter for 1-2 years and see what each State has to offer. Maybe much is just as it is in Hunting. You can "Make" a number of things "Happen" then the rest simply fall's in place, as if It were "Meant to Be". I've learned from others that going to friends/family is not always best, it may lack a survival element(s) only felt when all alone in a strange land. Carving a life in a place that shall have a future for your immediate family may, in 20-40 years have those distant friends/family gravitating to your location.

Send me a PM, we live close. I will do my best to help.
For us failure isn't an option , we WILL succeed . When Cortez reached the new world , he burned his ships . As a result , his men were well motivated .
Plenty of Californians moving here to Austin everyday. Fastest growing metropolitan area in the country. It was already a little "weird" to begin with. Don't come here though if you don't want it to be 93 degrees on opening day of duck season.


Since I am frequently asked about my religion on this site and others, I have created a profile that explains my beliefs. If you are interested in finding out more about my faith, please visit the link below:

I had hopes of SLO being left like it was.Didn't happen.Far from it.
When the county offered me early retirement 8 yrs ago I jumped at it,sold the Sierra cabin and moved to where I had plan B in place,the largest, least populated county in NM.
Populated by way more elk than people by the thousands.....
No regrets whatsoever.
But why leave now, they just raised minimum wage to $15 per hour, twice as high as anywhere else?
You could always come to Utah where jobs are a dime a dozen and new companies flocking here to pay college graduates $12 an hour!

That's why I told my teachers to pound sound, I'm gonna weld pipe. This minimum wage increase is ludicrous. People that can't cook a pizza without burning it want $15/hr?!?! Wife graduates the nursing program in 3 semesters and were out of CA as well
From the same neck of the woods as Eelgrass. Made the move north to SW Washington three years ago. Best decision of my life. Wages went up by 30%, houses are dirt cheap compared to California, friendly folks, great job opportunities.
I do miss my lifelong friends, amazing saltwater fishing, hunting the Trinity Alps for blacktails. But it took 23 years to draw one elk tag!
Now I hunt elk every year five minutes from the house. If I want to fish the Cowlitz River, it takes longer to put the gear in the truck than drive to a fishing spot.
Have to say the no state income tax is very nice too!

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison
As SlinginLead said, I too am taking the plunge. Grew up in Redding during the 70's and moved to socal for school and ended up staying. I just see it as the time for change in my life. Still young enough to do the things I want to do and a good time to sell the house. The stars aligned and my wife loves Idaho so I'm very lucky. It's really too bad that California is heading the way it is. It is the greatest state in my opinion...it has everything. But like Don Henly sang "call some place paradise kiss it goodbye". Any place you go will have issues but I think the quality of life will be better where I'm going. SlinginLead will be drinking at my house tomorrow trying to figure out how he can come along lol.

Miss humboldt county sometimes. Never thought I would leave, but it opened up so many opportunities. Heck, the drive time to hunt Colorado is exactly the same! We have some smoker bucks and bulls a short drive from the house. River is right across the road. Best thing about it is now my daughter has acreage to run around on ....and clean county living. Those coastal sunsets though....

"Opportunity is missed by most people
because its dressed in overalls
and looks like work."
Thomas Edison

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