RAC Meeting Results???



Does anybody have any reports about what has been said during the RAC meetings that have been held so far? This is a huge issue in Utah going forward with the changes they are proposing. I'm planning on going on Thursday to the central RAC. Just wondering what has happened in the other meetings (hunter turnout, overall sentiment, heated debates, fisticuffs;-).
The one I went to didnt have near the people their I expected. The division had a couple ok ideas, and a bunch of bad ones, and they didnt want to entertain many of the public ideas. After it is all done, if they dont change quite a bit from their proposals, I dont see anything getting better, worse if anything.
And that is a RAC meeting in a nutshell. Were you one of the guys calling out lazy hunters to voice their opinion? You may understand now why there isn't big turnouts at these meetings.
I went to the NE RAC Meeting it was pretty comical some people got up and left cussing swear words all the way out the door and down the hall. I did not expect such a small group to show up you could hear the crickets chirp in there.. The issue of putting a management hunt in the Book Cliffs were a bigger topic than the new actual hunt changes, I did learn quite a bit and I am undecided on what to think still. Something needs to be done but I don't know if this is the answer. Some Good Some Bad One thing is for sure though I can not believe how stupid the public is sometimes
HFoo, no prob, just in a bad mood last night. There have been several threads in the past where such things were said.

southslope, sounds like bess made it to the meeting huh? LOL.
Not a problem, I just wasnt even sure what you were trying to say. I was at the same meeting as SS, and know the guy that stormed out and it wasnt bess, but he is a little crazy. I just wish those meetings did some good, from all the ones I have been to their is never any good that comes from them. It seams like the dwr just says this is what we are doing and if you dont like it thats your problem.
Why don't we get a good deer plan that most of us on MM agree on, print it of and each of us get 20 friends that are hunters to sign it. It could be like a petition. Then lets get alot of us die hard hunters to agree to go to a RAC and present our idea and several thousand signed names on it. That would get there attention. Most of use hate how Utah manages our deer, but very few people really try to help it. Lets all MAN up and get something done!!!!
Well the RACs didn't use to be that way when they were started, cause I know that I pushed lots of issues through our RAC as a Sportsman's Representative. However, I got a lot of crap from DWR over it and they were probably glad to see me go after seven long years--but it takes people like me rather than the ones that just roll over to get anything through that system. In the end, however, the Wildlife Board is the only group that has any real power with rules and regulations.....

Look at it like this, UDWR has been given the task to manage wildlife and set rules and laws to protect those species. The Wildlife Board was formed to pass laws and rules to support UDWR and assist them with their mandate. The only way to have a real impact as hunters is talk to the people who propose those plans that become law. The local biologist gather data and supply input to the Big Game Manager in his region, the the Regional Managers met with other regions and develop plans for the different management or hunt strategies that go into the proclamations. Therefore, your ideas on how a deer hunt should go has to win over the approval of those Big Game Managers......

Good luck guys!

The RAC meetings are a total farce. They have about a dozen members on the stage half of which know little of game management and don't belong there. The committee argues among themselves to the extent that there is no time for public input. Bowhunters found out last year that the main Board can easily ignore the RAC suggestions. That whole system needs an over haul to be effective.

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