Region G deer help needed


Active Member
Hey guys,

I drew Wyoming region G mule deer and I am in dire need of information on how to approach the hunt.

I realize I'm running way late with my research but when I drew the tag my workload appeared so great that I doubted I would get to make the hunt. It now appears that I may have the time to make use of the tag.

I live in Mississippi and will drive out for the hunt. I have been fortunate to have taken a couple of very nice bucks in the past and would like to pursue a high end animal and enjoy the trophy hunting experience.

I would jump at the chance to use horses if there is an option open to me for this.

I can be reached on my cell at 601-641-0398 or by email at [email protected]

Thanks in advance for your help!
Call the place that advertises horse rentals on this website. The prices are pretty reasonable IMHO and we might use them if our guided hunt doesn't get us good bucks and we DIY it the following week.
Yellowstone Horse Rentals. There's an ad on the left side of the Wyoming forum main page.
Visit Their Site Here

I've used them for horses many times. The photos on the site are from some of my past trips.

Brian Latturner
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Thanks fellows, I just emailed them.

I'm interested to learn what services they offer beyond the horses, if any.
Do they offer camps & guides, etc?

I'm definitely running way behind on this hunt!
He only rents horses. He's not a guide or offer pack services I don't believe. Only licensed outfitters can offer those services.

Brian Latturner
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I am considering going with an outfitter.

If anyone has a recommendation I appreciate any information.

thanks again,
You are probably going to find that most of the outfitters are full for the coming season, but here are a few to try. The other thing you may consider is getting an outfitter to do a drop camp. They may have more availability for that kind of hunt. Good luck.
Non-Typical Outfitters
S-N-S outfitters
Double Diamond
Star Valley outfitters
Greys River Trophies
Trefren Outfitters
Jenkins Outfitting camp
Check these out on the web and see what you think. I have never used any of them, so do think that I am necessarily recommending any, just know they guide in region G. If this doesn't work out, send me an IM and I will give you some areas to go look in.
Thanks boomer!

I have contacted all of those and more, and I'm pleasantly surprised to find that there are actually many openings left. The unpredictability of the draws seem to have created that situation. I hope to nail down my chosen outfit soon.

If anyone has experience with a outfitter that they care to share with me, I am definitely listening...
Tough to beat a guided hunt in G. I'm familiar with all the outfits listed. If it were me, I'd try to book with any of the ones listed under SNS. Double Diamond has a guide named Little Cody. The guy is a deer hunting machine...
>Tough to beat a guided hunt
>in G. I'm familiar
>with all the outfits listed.
> If it were me,
>I'd try to book with
>any of the ones listed
>under SNS. Double Diamond
>has a guide named Little
>Cody. The guy is
>a deer hunting machine...

Trip- don't you go with Salt River Range Outfitters?
I wonder how many fly the area looking for deer. Half, 3/4?? Every time you buy a Stalkups trailer you send a few flights over the wyoming range. Think about that when you shop at Stalkups. When you book a hunt with SnS you help lock up hundreds of acres of non huntable land. The more you spend on a hunt, the more your access is gone. SnS is slowly leasing wyoming that was once accessible. How did Stalkups kill those big deer? airplanes of course. Anyone want to argue the issue?
I have been told that the last few years, the day before the deer rifle opener in G, seeing half dozen planes flying over the mountains is normal. I hear Wiley has a couple monsters found, too.

And GH, last year, everybody's friend Sy from S-N-S, told me he has never once solicited anyone to lease their land. Yep, if you believe that, I have a bridge you might be interested in...
>I have been told that the
>last few years, the day
>before the deer rifle opener
>in G, seeing half dozen
>planes flying over the mountains
>is normal. I hear Wiley
>has a couple monsters found,
>And GH, last year, everybody's friend
>Sy from S-N-S, told me
>he has never once solicited
>anyone to lease their land.
>Yep, if you believe that,
>I have a bridge you
>might be interested in...

That's a good one about Sy, as that guy is leasing every acre he can find in Wyoming and probably Montana as well!

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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