Region G point prediction


Very Active Member
I did some looking at the history of region G, because it is the unit I get asked most about when folks are looking at point creep. I found some interesting trends by looking at the raw data from the last 3 years. You can make your own conclusions from the data.

Region G (quotas):
2018 regular-162 tags 2018 special-108 tags
2019 regular- 163 tags 2019 special-109 tags
2020 regular-161 tags 2020 special-108 tags

2018 regular-1110 2018 special-329
2019 regular-1312 (plus 202) 2019 special-428 (plus 99)
2020 regular-1202 (minus 110) 2020 special-540 (plus 102)

Points required to draw (100 percent rate)
2018 regular-less than 7 2018 special-less than 6
2019 regular-less than 8 2019 special-less than 7
2020 regular-8 2020 special-7

The tag allocation has remained stable at nearly the same rates from 2018 to 2020. Applications are increasing each year with the exception of 2020 regular which showed a reduction of 110 applications. What is more important than the number of applications, is how many points are the new applicants jumping into this race with. I looked at the top point holders for Region G in all three years, and both license types. The amount of people jumping in with maximum points on a single application, has not increased at all. In fact the amount of people applying at maximum points has remained static on the regular draw. On the special draw the amount of people that are applying has remained below maximums points with the highest point holder drawing at being less than 9 in 2018, an anomaly in 2019 with 1 person applying with 12, then it drops back to the norm at 9 points and up to 10 points in 2020. Each year the maximum number of points continues to increase, so these are not out of line with this trend of not increasing.

Where the application increase is coming from is right at the point level that it took to draw the tag the year before, plus a half to full point. This trend has played out all 3 years.

What is interesting is in the special draw. The amount of points to draw in the special is trending at 50 % of maximum points.

In 2020 the special took 7 points and maximum points a person could have is 14. In 2019 the special took less than 7 points (so assume 6.5) and the maximum points a person could have was 13. In 2018 the special took less than 6 points and the maximum points a person could have was 12. I believe this is where the maximum point holders are jumping in combining with someone at zero or one point.

If these trends continue in 2021 the regular will probably take less than 9 to 9 points, and the special will take less than 8 points to 8 points to draw.

The only factor that is not considered in this, is the 90/10 conversation that is occurring with folks trying to cash out in Wyoming and the reduction of tags in 87/89/34 which take about the same amount of points. This analysis is also before the hunting magazines come out with their predictions on where to apply. These can influence draw odds also. Tonight I saw a TV news report that Colorado big game applications were up this year by 35,000 applications. I expect Wyoming to get hit by the same increases so plan accordingly.

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I thought the overall hunting population was shrinking.

Oh wait, I get it....apps are up 35,000 this year in one state because
the overall shooting population is up.

It’s the minor details folks....they’re selling more flat brim hats, which equals more sidexsides, which equals more long range weapons, which equals more HUSH stickers, which equals more tag sales.

This is the reason elk tag sales were up in Utah last year.

We need to write B!d3n and tell him to ban all production and sells of flat brim hats. This has got to stop!
You are lucky Blood up in our little valley in Idaho we’ve got First Lite and the Meat Eater the hunting will never be the same, but they keep telling me it’s a dying sport. I have never seen so many people in the mountains in my life
Really interesting data. The difficulty in drawing tags is getting a little depressing as more and more people are putting in. G will soon be a place a guy might be able to hunt 4-5 times in his life as a NR. I remember when G and H started getting national attention in the early 90's the non resident quotas were around 1800 tags in each region. Really sad to see the quotas where they are now.

This is what thru me off,

Region H (quotas):
2018 regular-162 tags 2018 special-108 tags
2019 regular- 163 tags 2019 special-109 tags
2020 regular-161 tags 2020 special-108 tags

Yes, frustrating the difficulty of obtaining tags these days. Some areas, even if you have the points, you're on a 3 year waiting list to go with the outfitter you want. I'm not sure what my kids will do if they want to hunt - I guess own private property?
Yes, frustrating the difficulty of obtaining tags these days. Some areas, even if you have the points, you're on a 3 year waiting list to go with the outfitter you want. I'm not sure what my kids will do if they want to hunt - I guess own private property?
They can hunt every year if they want to. Avoid the hard to draw areas and screw waiting for an outfitter. Just go DIY. It’s not that hard...
There are many, many opportunities to hunt deer and elk in the west. More opportunities than I can take advantage of. You can get a mule deer tag in a several states every year without any points. Elk too.
I like to analyze the numbers too and I agree that it’ll take 7.5 to 8 this year in the special.
I recently looked at G odds and based on trends, it seemed like it was growing 1/2-1 point per year. I'm trying to draw it in 2024. I have 5 as of 12/31/2020. I don't know that I'll catch it by 2024.
I don't think you will catch it by then to be honest. Demand for western hunting continues to climb faster than tags are being allocated. G will soon be a spot where NR might be able to draw once every 10 years or so.
It doesn't take much when over 2,000 people with 9 Deer points didn't apply and only bought a point in 2020.
I think I have 13 deer and antelope points and not sure when or if I'll use them. Too busy hunting elk. :) I probably need to in the next year before I move to WY and lose them.
Guys crying about G going to every 10 years of drawing can drown in their river of tears. It’s one of the best tags in the west. You’re not drawing the Henries, paus, the top tier co az and nv tags every 10 years so stop your bitching.
I think I have 13 deer and antelope points and not sure when or if I'll use them. Too busy hunting elk. :) I probably need to in the next year before I move to WY and lose them.
Use your points the first year you live in wyo...because it takes a year to get resident hunting privileges. If you live here then you can scout and put in lots of effort into some high point tags. Just my .02
I was always under the impression that you had to hunt the high country of G to get a good buck. Talked to a guy last week that has hunted it several time ands said that is not so.

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