Region h


How is region h in Wyoming? How many bucks can you expect to see in a day of glassing in the summer. Are 160-170 bucks pretty common? I'm from Oregon so seeing 2 bucks in a day of glassing is a good day haha.
160-170 class bucks aren't common in any unit in wy! Yes you can find them but not on every mnt or drainage you look at
A friend of mine hunted H last year (he has hunted it a dozen times in the past) and said deer numbers were the lowest he's ever seen. A couple of hard winters have taken their toll.
A friend of mine hunted H last year (he has hunted it a dozen times in the past) and said deer numbers were the lowest he's ever seen. A couple of hard winters have taken their toll.

I agree with your comments, deer numbers are way down from 2016. There are still a potential for good bucks.

OP, are you interested in just watching deer or are you hunting them? If you are hunting then you would only need to see 1 big buck not 20.
I would expect to see 15-20 bucks per day, with at least one in that 160-170 range every couple of days. I've never really kept track of how many 160-170 bucks I see, it's usually just bucks in total and bucks in that 175-180+ range.
I don't think 160 is a tall order in region H. 170 gets tougher and 180+ is a top 1% caliber buck. I would expect it to take me 5-6 days (average) of scouting to find a 180 buck.


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