Relocating - East coast to Rocky Mountains- Who's done it?


Active Member
Curious if there is anyone here that has made the big move from the eastern half of the country to the be closer to hunting opportunities in the rockies? Pros/cons? Obstacles, the good/bad, I'd like to hear about it.

Some pending personal changes in my life might enable me to have the opportunity to relocate in the next year or so. I'd love to live in the rockies (or nearby) to be able partake in more of what I really love to do.
>Curious if there is anyone here
>that has made the big
>move from the eastern half
>of the country to the
>be closer to hunting opportunities
>in the rockies? Pros/cons? Obstacles,
>the good/bad, I'd like to
>hear about it.
>Some pending personal changes in my
>life might enable me to
>have the opportunity to relocate
>in the next year or
>so. I'd love to live
>in the rockies (or nearby)
>to be able partake in
>more of what I really
>love to do.

The Rocky Mountains are currently full , check back later for availability ! Thanks for your interest !
Reduced rates if you decide on Seattle, Portland, or San Francisco and only come to visit and leave money!
As you can see by the comments everyone is excited to have another easterner come live next to us and tell us all the things we are doing wrong. The first thing you need to do is take a look at the political color of a state. I would suggest you pick one that is already voting the same way you do. Then climate is the next thing to look at. Then you have to decide on what kind of hunting you would like to do. Some states you can hunt lots of animals each year and some you sit out three or four to hunt. Life is different that is for sure. But you can live city life with the Rockies as your back yard if that is what you are looking for. Good luck on your new adventure.

I grew up at the headwaters of the Mississippi then bounced around the East coast in the Navy, which then brought me to CO. It was easy compared to your move I'm sure (secured job) but it was fun!
I spent the first 2 years scouting every available free day I had to learn some areas. Now that I know the areas' where I hunt the need to scout is reduced (more time with my girls).
There is a never ending list of things to do, places to see, hiking etc.... even within a weekends trip.
I still live in the city (sucks) someday I will move back into the country but being right on the front range here in CO, I have easy access to the mountains.
Good luck if you move out here.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
snow and cold is no different, southern part of the state is warmer then the northern part.
If you have kids get as close to the best schools as you can,you can,You can travel to hunt anywhere.MHO

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Appreciate the feedback so far for those that helped!

But for some of the other responders all I got to say WOW! - nice of you to judge someone just based on where they live! I guess prejudice is still rampant in some folks. I'm sure if you actually got to know me you would think otherwise. I'm not a flamming liberal, just another guys that loves the outdoors and especially big game hunting. Plenty of other folks like me east of Mississippi too. Please dont lump us in with the city-living wolf/tree huggers.

By the way I'm 35 years old, will be divorced shortly, no kids. Been hunting out west 1 to 2 times per year for the past 6 years. All public land, DIY. Would love to be able to do more.
If you're a Republican, come to CO! We need more of ya. The Front Range can give you everything you need while the mountains are in your back yard. Take up archery hunting and hunt every year while the quakes are gold. The weather is nicer year round with the sun always shining and NO humidity! Good luck.
I sent ya a PM. Was in a similar situation. The guys that are jackasses in their responses reflect the attitudes you'll run into out here vs. in the Midwest where more people are friendlier and less inconsiderate. Just brush it off and enjoy the mountains!
The guys aren't being jackasses, they are just being honest. Western culture has changed a lot the last 20-30 years, and its because of the flood of Easterners moving out. First they invaded California and ruined it (ie Boxer & Pelosi), and now they're moving into other Western States. Problem is they never changed their thinking/politics when they left the Northeast or Great Lakes region
From the west, after college went to florida for 3 years and thats all i could handle. Back out in the west now and love no humidity

If you relocate to Colorado you will be happier on the side where the water runs to the Pacific ocean.
Don't hold the westerners dislike of the flood of easterners againt them. There is plenty of reasons for this dislike that you may not understand.

Here is a example from today.

"Colorado Gov. Hickenlooper was born in Narberth, Pennsylvania, just outside of Philadelphia, and today stayed the exicution of some thug who ambushed and killed a 50 year old woman, and 3 teenage girls.
LAST EDITED ON May-24-13 AT 07:12AM (MST)[p]Speaking of Pennsylvania, 82% of the PA counties voted for Romney. The other 18% were the major metro areas of Pittsburgh, Philly and Erie. At election time, CO could use a few more God fearing, gun toting conservative transplants from areas like 82% of PA. You won't see these folks supporting politicians that vote for gun restrictions, legalizing pot and civil unions. Just like in PA, CO is run by the big city liberals who march to a beat much different than ours.

Follow your dream and don't worry about the negative comments. For those that can't see that you are one of the good guys, that is their problem not yours.
I will tell you that I know some guys from back east who fit right in and others who need to go back to where they came from. Wherever you decide to go, keep in mind that you are coming from a different culture. (even if it is a conservative culture it is different than where you will be going) And that is true whether you are going west or south or any other place that is different from where you originate.

The number one advice I can give you is to embrace the local culture and not criticize any local customs. Saying things like "well back home we do it this way.." is the kind of thing that locals don't like. Remember "When in Rome, do as the Romans do".

Nothing makes me want to send an easterner packing more than a guy who has moved west and has miles upon miles of land to roam and hunt but wants to tell me how much better the hunting is sitting in a tree back home. Except maybe a guy that will say he shot a 12 point elk.
Sorry to hear about your divorce.

If you live in the ne, I would move in a ny second. I can't understand why people pay so much money for a third rate life style there. The SE is better, and I think I'd have a hard time leaving as state like NC for anywhere in the west.

I love the intermountain west. I like the weather. I like the cost of living compared to the ne. People are overall nicer in the west than the ne, but not nicer than people from the se or midwest.

If I was divorced and hunting was my priority, I skip the west and go to Alaska - unless you intend to marry again.
Moved my family to NW Colorado from NW Iowa 5 years ago and wished we would have done so sooner. People are a bit more rude around these parts for as I believe reasons as previousl;y stated but I find them to be at least true to themselves not protraying one mindset Monday - Saturday then another come Sunday at least its less noticable. Fishing is way better than Iowa too BUT there's just to dang many trout areas around these parts as I am no trout lover, turd fish IMO :). Thats not to say we haven't found some great warm water lakes to fish just seems a shortage of walleye and musky. We love the peace and quiet, being left alone, more freedoms than ever before even with the latest gun laws, land and range further than I can see to roam and wander without seeing another soul all day long. I can go from desert canyon lands to jagged 12,000 foot snow covered mountain tops in a matter of a few hours. Probably the biggest item we miss is the food like broasted chicken & pork chops and Pizza Ranch pizza!!! For me the mountains bring peace which cleanses my soul. Find an area which meets your likings and lifestyle and move... You only have one life to live and living with regrets just plain suck.

And if your a Conservative Colorado would welcome you and needs you!!! :) :) :)

Good luck!

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Fall Guy..

"Speaking of Pennsylvania, 82% of the PA counties voted for Romney. The other 18% were the major metro areas of Pittsburgh, Philly and Erie. At election time, CO could use a few more God fearing, gun toting conservative transplants from areas like 82% of PA. You won't see these folks supporting politicians that vote for gun restrictions, legalizing pot and civil unions. Just like in PA, CO is run by the big city liberals who march to a beat much different than ours."

FallGuy, I belive what you say.

But these are not the people that are moving west and taking over the voting base. It is just so sad to see place after place fall to their strange, even preverted mentality.
Yep, come to Western Colorado, if you are a good guy. Great place to live and hunt. Montana is another of my favorite states and would be my second choice to live...
If you want a warmer climate and don't have to be in the Rockies, you're welcome in AZ. The northern part of the state is pretty darn pleasant. When there is a "bad" winter, the snow sticks for more than a week. Plenty of hunting opportunities, especially for archers.


It's not all a blazing hot desert.
I've come to realize that transplants aren't to blame for the supposed downfall of Western states. I guess if they are, we local people let it happen, shame on us. I have a lot of friends here in Montana that "migrated". They are stand up folks, hard core legit hunters, and have the same beliefs I do for the most part. Just because an individual is from "out West" don't mean they don't lean to the left. I say if you want to experience the Rockies, get your ass out here. We'll judge you when you show up. mtmuley
Moved to NM about 8 yrs ago into the most southern part of the Rockies. We live at 7300 ft elevation.
I have never regretted it for a second.

We moved to a very rural and conservative area, and I am very conservative myself.

I pity those that are stuck in highly populated states now.
>I've come to realize that transplants
>aren't to blame for the
>supposed downfall of Western states.
>I guess if they are,
>we local people let it
>happen, shame on us. I
>have a lot of friends
>here in Montana that "migrated".
>They are stand up folks,
>hard core legit hunters, and
>have the same beliefs I
>do for the most part.
>Just because an individual is
>from "out West" don't mean
>they don't lean to the
>left. I say if you
>want to experience the Rockies,
>get your ass out here.
>We'll judge you when you
>show up. mtmuley

You nailed it dead center MT!
Thank You!
HFall1, You said you have came out here hunting in the past. I hope you don't use your time here hunting to base what life is like out here. I dont know what life is like outside the west, I dont really want or care to know. If you want to give the west a try, go for it. Just remember that the grass isn't always greener on this side of the divide. Some of the folks on here are giving you a hard time about coming out... well your gonna have to deal with folk like that here. I don't think it matters where you are, there will be good and bad people you'll have to deal with. Myself and my family live in the country. I commute 46 miles each way, to work every day ( $27 bucks a day in gas). We go to the store once a week to get "supplies", the store is 38 miles from our home. We couldn't get television or internet until about 15 months ago, Satellite wouldn't work because we are in between too mountains in a small valley. We have had snowfall from a single storm that was over 48". Have had pets killed by wildlife, gardens destroyed by Deer and Elk. No other homes close to us. Most folk that come live near here, do it in summer , make it through 1 winter and move the next summer. I wouldn't trade 1 week here for a lifetime in a city! If you think this is what you would like, there is a small cabin on 5 acres up for sale about 1 mile from my home. Once in a while someone will stop at our house and ask for directions to where so and so live. My usual response is, sorry I haven't met many people around here I'm kinda new here, only lived here for 16 years,and haven't got around to socalizing yet.If you come out here good luck to ya.
" Just where is it I could find bear, beaver, and other critters worth cash money when skinned?.....
"Ride West as the sun sets then turn left at the Rocky Mountains".

Don't let the negative guys get to you. You aren't the first person to want to come West, and damn few of them aren't immigrants either.

Go for it.

"Being an idiot is NOT an art form. Give it up!"
Yep, I'm a republican, always have been and probably always will be. Grew in in west-central Pennsylvania in the highlands of that state. Gloomy weather and marginal hunting at best. I only go back there because of family and friends. Moved to southwest Virginia in 2000, then to central Virginia in 2003 and been here since. Currently live in the country and commute to the city 45 minutes to 1 hour each way. Hunting is so-so, not bad but not great. Winter is very mild but to be honest summer sucks with 90-105 degrees and humidity. Ticks, mosquitos, poison ivy everywhere around here. Better in the blue ridge mountains but that's a 2 hr drive. I dont physically do well in hot climates I found.

I dont expect I'll enjoy everything about the West. No where is perfect from what I've seen. I've traveled quite a bit over the past 10 years and seen many places too. I'm sure I'll get along with some folks, and not with others - that's the way most place are in fact.

Appreciate all the responses with help. Seems to me that the folks that moved to the West are happy with their decision overall.
HunterHarry, I have been guilty in the past of judging folks solely on their geographic origin. My good buds from all over the place changed that. Being narrow minded and negative is stupid. mtmuley

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