Return to the PNW


Active Member
Well looks like I am headed back to Chelan County to hunt mule deer this weekend. I know WA is not know as a big mule deer powerhouse like other western states, but I sure like hanging out with my hunting buddies and chasing these deer around the majestic Cascades! I shot a nice four-point last year, and my buddy bleached out the skull for me and did a Euro mount. He mailed it to me and UPS lost it!!!....never to be seen again. I hope the weather turns and you all get some moisture! Good luck everyone!
Helped a buddy yesterday over on the east side of the state yesterday. Good lord I've never seen so many hunters on a little 2000 acre chunk. It was borderline dangerous. Felt bad for the deer, they were running non stop all morning, tongues hanging. We did see a fair amount of deer, but couldn't put three points on any of the bucks that were on ground we could hunt.
They Lost it?

Or Stole It?

Well looks like I am headed back to Chelan County to hunt mule deer this weekend. I know WA is not know as a big mule deer powerhouse like other western states, but I sure like hanging out with my hunting buddies and chasing these deer around the majestic Cascades! I shot a nice four-point last year, and my buddy bleached out the skull for me and did a Euro mount. He mailed it to me and UPS lost it!!!....never to be seen again. I hope the weather turns and you all get some moisture! Good luck everyone!
Well, I am back from my hunt in WA. It was mostly a bust. The air was choked so thick with smoke from the wildfires that it was no fun getting out there. Many of my favorite hunting areas were closed due to the fires, and the rest of my spots had little deer activity. I saw two bucks the whole time...a 2-point, and a 2x3. that two by three was tiny and probably a 2.5 year old deer. I will shoot him in five years, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, regardless of how much I love venison. I am headed to the Kaibab Plateau next month for a premiere hunt. Wish me luck!

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