Riding the Plunge


Long Time Member
The Palisade Plunge that is. It’s a new mountain bike trail coming off the side of Grand Mesa and ending in Palisade, CO. We rode from Shirttail Point so it was only 21 miles with 6000’ down and 2000’ up but it’s a vey tough 21 miles. Great day with friends.





A guy died due to dehydration on the hiking trail which is about 30 Miles long in the same area. BRUTAL
The Palisade Plunge is the trail the rider died on due to dehydration/heat. He started the ride too late in the day and gave some of his water away to people whom he thought had greater need. The last 17 miles has no water sources and should not be ridden late in the day or when it is102 degrees out. We started at 0600, carried 1.5 gallons each, and filtered more water at Whitewater Creek. The bottom trailhead is two miles from home.
You’re lucky to have that ride in your back yard! How long did it take to complete the 21 mile, 6000’ down, 2000’ climb?
That sounds horrible Mr Bean!
JK, we all receive joy in a variety of ways. I actually cannot take the pounding on my taint so I'll stick with climbing mountains.

I just got off Lake Powell Sunday night with 3' whitecaps and called it fun. Most guys were terrified in their smaller overloaded boats.
I spoke with 3 of them on the top of the ramp after I had to do some tricky maneuvering to trailer my boat.


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