Romney VS. Obama

...stick a fork in him....

LAST EDITED ON Oct-03-12 AT 09:13PM (MST)[p]

What a shocker, FAUX and friends think Romney won.

Both took liberty with the truth but Romney didn't even seem to know where to draw the line win he was called on it. hold your glee until factcheck gets done, Romey was in cartoon land, Obama fibbed.

Romney didn't make Obama look bad in any way shape or fashion, what he did do is issue a performance that gives him the credibility to keep the game in play. if he hadn't the race was over, he did what he set out to do.

Two things that can't be overstated, what is Obamas biggest weakness? the economy. that was covered tonight. where is Romney's biggest weakness? foriegn policy, that's next debate. so odds are Romney just had his best showing, it gets tougher from here and Obama will too I think he tried to look too relaxed.

The polls will tell the story in a few days, doubtful they're going to show much change.

.Stay thirsty my friends
MSNBC is golden right now....Fukking Comedy! They are $hitting bricks in disbelief that obummer just got the spanking his momma never gave him!

Romney just made it a race...Whether you want to believe it or not.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Wow 440, Obama got Rominated, but you somehow saw it differently? Talk about you only see what you want to see. It was clear that Obama wasn't clear or concise. He fumbled all night long. Romney was confident, strong and concise. No other way to see it, Obama was unprepared and got worked over.
...don't worry Tonto...obama will look way stronger on foreign policy...lmmfao....just look at his middle east

That's what makes this site so much fun, the clowns. you can't find a concentration like this at the circus.

Romney held his own, I guess your bar was so low that's a shutout.

So who wants to predict the poll shift from this biblical magnitude victory?

Stay thirsty my friends
Chalk this one up for Romney and the polls will reflect that.

Ryan vs Biden next...More bad news for the limp wristers.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Worse than Bush's ? Romney's plan of bomb everyone doesn't seem to poll very well .

But it is simple so you mexicans can understand it.
440 The liberals talking heads have pretty much concluded that Obama got whipped pretty bad CNN, MSNBC, CBS all gave it to Romney. The excuses have started and Chris Mathews looked like he was going to cry the looks on their faces said it all and they weren't smiling. They both took liberty's with the facts but Romney took it to him. Biggest audience for any presidential debate in history and the President gets beat....... not a good sign and many viewers polled liked Romney by a wide margin. We now have a contest.
I wonder if that tingle running up mathews leg is now piss running down his leg!!!

biden will do his usual comedy act I'm sure.
If you take out everything both said that wasn't true Obama wqas even , if not the winner. this is infact supposed to be a nonfiction event.

The contest is not over Romnry's performance prevented that, but it's not going to be turned in Romney's direction by this either.

What matters is what new information did undecided voters hear ? will Romney's performance make them think he's a better leader? will Obama not being as tweaked out as Romney make them not vote for him? there is a reason both sides say the election won't be decided by the debates. this is why.

It's good to see you cry babies filled with a little confidence in any event, you were starting to be a real drag. now your hopes are built up and we can watch them crash again, it's a gift that keeps on giving.

For the record I liked Romney's tax crap even if it doesn't add up whatsoever. millionaires can't go wrong when a billionaire is setting tax policy, when you don't have kids to worry about it's all the sweeter. me like, bring it on.

Stay thirsty my friends
You morons make it sound like romney is going to save us. What a bunch of fools.

If I remember correctly w never did win a debate. Don't get your hopes up.

The economy is Barry's biggest flop......I mean w's but Barry is holding the bag.

You guys are so fricken stooopud you keep me hanging around.....and I thank you for that.

So thanks....
Dude, only a $hit stirrer like you can come on here and try to say that Obama won the debate. As several of us mentioned, Romney saved the specifics of his plans for this debate. He took that message and slapped Obama in the face with it until Obama became flustered. Even old Bill Mayer, Obama's bosum buddy in the press, admitted that Obama should get his teleprompter back as he did so poorly.

Obama really showed his true self when Romney was hammering him on his dismal record of creating jobs, failure to lower unemployment, and Obama's reply was to ask if they could go on to the next topic.

I also like the fact when Obama tried to put false facts out about getting tax breaks when you ship jobs overseas, Romney came back at him and basically called him a liar, but did it in a way that was not offending.

Obama really got flustered when Romney hit him with the many millions he spent on green energy and the tax payer's money was lost because Obama had a record of picking losers for his handouts.

Naw! Dude, Obama took it in the shorts on this debate and proved a point. Take way his teleprompter and his debates are like his record in office, a big fat ZERO.

Ziggy, in a way Romney just might save us. Save us from a liberal idiot who will probably go down in history as the worse president in the past century. I think he will even surpass old Jimmy Carter on that point.

Only a knee bending idiot like you is stupid enough to bend over and kiss Obama's butt for a second term of pure failure. I guess you did not set your bar very high at all.

If Romney proves to be a failure, unlike you, most of us are smart enough not to vote for him again. I guess that makes you the outstanding village idiot when it comes to common sense.
Eldorko, I almost forgot you. The enemy of sportsmen hiding in sheep's clothing. Yes he did enough to fight another day. He kicked your savior to the floor and now must commence to use him to mop the floor before kicking him out the door on his butt.

if it ain't white, it ain't right.........

>Ziggy, in a way Romney just
>might save us. Save us
>from a liberal idiot who
>will probably go down in
>history as the worse president
>in the past century. I
>think he will even surpass
>old Jimmy Carter on that
> Only a knee
>bending idiot like you is
>stupid enough to bend over
>and kiss Obama's butt for
>a second term of pure
>failure. I guess you did
>not set your bar very
>high at all.
> If Romney
>proves to be a failure,
>unlike you, most of us
>are smart enough not to
>vote for him again. I
>guess that makes you the
>outstanding village idiot when it
>comes to common sense.

Are you EVER going to get it? When w was elected some of us said he's too stupid to be president........and he was. Did you give us credit for that? No.

When w got re-elected we said he's not smart enough to stop digging........and he wasn't. Did you give us credit for that? No.

Four years ago my neighborhood had umpteen foreclosures and zero construction and three minimum wage jobs in the paper. Now there's over a dozen houses going up TODAY and you've got to be illiterate to not find a plethera of high-tech job openings in the paper. I'm seeing first hand how things have turned around locally but please try and tell me how Barry is the worst president in history with Carter a close second. I'm gonna take w as the worst ever and reagan as a close second. Remember mortgage interest rates during the reagan years? Our economy was strongest under Clinton but somehow you idiots want to pat w on the back for it and think romney is your next hero.

The proof is in the pudding but somehow there's enough of you monkeys to make this amusing. We appreciate it.

If you get a second can you tell me what color the sky is in your world? White perhaps?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-12 AT 05:58AM (MST)[p]Really...what did you expect from 440!

Neither one of these clowns is gonna fix the economy. To address the rest of the issues, your liberal anti hunting, liberty snatching, pissing on the constitution, corporate bailout messiah has got to go!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-12 AT 06:24AM (MST)[p]Romney threw a no hitter last night!!! No, on second thought he threw a perfect game. He made Obama look like the bumbeling idiot he is...440 you are in some kind of denial nobody has ever heard of!!!
2/3 of the country said Romney won....Must have swayed some of those 47%....
This is only going to get worse for Obama....I love it!!!!

27 posts on this subject and only 3 idiots think Obama won...24 to 3...I'm really lovin this. We now have 3 queens of denial.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I think Romney won with most people last night, especially with those with ADD. If you really paid attention the generalities he spoke in did little to answer the question of what he would do with health care, (Yes I know he spoke on it for 12 total minutes and said nothing.) He simply flopped around on his tax plan and never really laid it out. Most people won't catch it so he's safe.

Romney was presidential and looked the part which is probably good enough for the voting public on this debate. I look for him to shift the polls somewhat and possibly jump into the lead. I also look for him to screw it up before long. But congrats to all you Romney lovers he did well. I kind of hope he's elected so I can bust your chops for the next 4 years with some help from Zigga, Piper and Dude it should be some fun.

My guess is if Romney is elected within 12 months most of you will disappear into cyberspace. Either candidate will have a rough presidency.
I said it two years ago. Obama just seems to want one term. He gets to make a fortune speaking and travelling on other people's money the rest of his life and doesn't seem to like the hard work needed to run the country. He was weak, he was arrogant and he was incompetent last night. When Chris Mathews says he got trounced you know he did. Biden and Ryan will do the real mudslinging next week then Obama better have the best debate of his life. If he gets beat in the foreign policy town hall he is toast.
Romney did make the best showing, but it was all fluff you morons are too stupid to see it. nothing but a live TV commercial everyone has seen 1000 times. Romney never slipped Obama up, no new plan, no new information , no nothing .

So other than Romney's tweaker energy level what makes his performance the earth stattering game changer you seem to have seen ? is it really that he did that well or is it everyone expected much less from him?

So who thinks it will turn the election in Romney's favor? and why? now that the oscars have been handed out lets get back to politics.

Stay thirsty my friends
440 you crack me up, let me give you some quotes:

CNN "if this was a football game it would be 40, 0 Romney"
FOX "Romney knew the facts, and Obama looked silly"
THE PEOPLE OF THE US "67% Romney win, 25% Obama"

65% believe Romney will do better on Economic issues
55% believe Romney will do better ON FOREIGN POLICY
60% believe Romney has a better plan for health care

It was a monumental butt kicking!

Of course, with a horrible 4 year track record, and no plan for doing things differently, how could Obama have won.
hasn't "fluff" won nearly all the modern elections?

I don't know that it wins the election for Romney but it gives his campaign hope, remember Jimmy Carter was beating Reagan at this point in the campaign and the electorate broke Reagan's way in the last week of that election.

The problem isn't so much that it changes Romney but it sure made Obama look lost at times or worse disinterested.

Is this debate a game winner? Nope. Does change the direction of the campaign? Somewhat. Did it expose that the myth of Obama being the greatest debater since Alexander Hamilton? Sure did.

The Vice Presidential debate will be more interesting.

If you think these debate didn't breath new life into this campaign, you are misreading the tea leaves. If the next debate goes this way and Obama is as passive as he was last night that will be very damaging to him.

I would recommend you go look at the internals of the swing state polls that all show the race tightening and Romney has some momentum and momentum can kill. I am not saying it is over and Romney wins, but I am saying that Obama has given hope to his opponent when he could have buried Romney with a good performance.

Dude-how about when Obama was trying to get Romney on the oil corporate tax beaks and tying that to teachers and education. "The oil tax breaks have added up to a total of $2.8 billion and you gave $90 billion to green energy companies and 50% of them failed. That would have hired 2 million teachers". That one left a mark.
30 TO 4 fellas...Nice one Gleninaz just the facts baby. Obama is making Bush look like a genius when it comes to debating..GGGGGOVERNOR jjjjust lllet mmmme ssssay tttthis....Guez.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
>Dude-how about when Obama was trying
>to get Romney on the
>oil corporate tax beaks and
>tying that to teachers and
>education. "The oil tax breaks
>have added up to a
>total of $2.8 billion and
>you gave $90 billion to
>green energy companies and 50%
>of them failed. That would
>have hired 2 million teachers".
>That one left a

But.... do you think people that is going to sway people who have their mind made up? Would love to hear the spin 440 puts on that one. Also how about Obamacare? Who wants to go before a "board"
to determine what kind of treatment they get? Has anyone been to the emergency room at a hospital lately? It is hard enough to see a doctor as it is!
Nemont don't bring fluff, logic, & history into this because it will only confuse the libs.

My neighbor who's as staunch a democrat as there is said he looked disinterested and almost resigned. He said he brought a flyswatter to a gun fight!

I'm wondering if Glenn may be onto something, it's the reality of the mess he's in, is finally sinking in. He can't work with the Republican's, knows he can't fix the economy, knows he's made some serious mistakes with the taxpayers money, and knows he can't fix the jobs issue because he doesn't know how. The next debate will show if his heart is really in it, but I think there's some serious reflection going on here.

A big part of that is coming to grips with knowing you're going to have to change many pieces in your administration in order to start actually fixing the issues and admitting his green agenda clearly won't fix the issues that are hurting his people.

He knows the reports on Libya clearly show they screwed up and the new mess along the border is showing that their policy has taken a toll. There aren't too many positives to reflect on currently and who knows how that impacts him. That's a heavy burden for any man and he knows that at some point he's going to have to actually step up to the podium and admit what happened on his watch as commander in Chief. He's not going to be able to blame anyone else, especially on the Libya issue and that is a bitter pill but one he has to take. Life isn't rosy at the top right now and reality is much harder than the polls will ever show.
The liberal media and liberals in general are defacating in their pants with Jim Lehrer's moderation. I personally loved that it was more of a mono-e-mono style of debate.It exposed Obamas record for what it is; a massive failure.Last night was more like a cage fight where the ref got knocked out in the first round, and than Romney proceeded to pummel Obama for the rest of the evening. Whats especially interesting is the results of a focus group. They had a focus group of undecided voters who overwhelming voted for Obama in 08 but were still undecided going in to the debate last night. After the debate, the overwhelming majority in the focus group had decided that Romney was their guy. I have said it many times, and I will say it again; take away the liberal medias love affair of Obama, and protective barrier they have provided him the last 4 years, and Romney wins by a landslide.But lets be real! The Liberal media is going to continue to protect and caudle the president, while they vet Romney on every little petty issue. So as it stands, we still have a race on our hands.Obama will be sharper and more agressive this next go around, but rest assured Romney will be relentless.One things for certain, Romney left americans with a whole new impression of him.
Nemont I agree with everything you said, but I really really doubt Obama will let it happen again. Romney wasn't a star, Obama just didn't compete.

I can't lose in this thing I wish Romney luck. if Obama wins I pay more taxes and I have to listen to wingnuts cry about everything Obama does. If Romney wins I keep my money and I get to ask why things aren't fixed and the national debt is still climbing like a rocket.

Dealing with wingnuts is a lot like dealing with my workers, the best way to shut them up is to let them try it their way. after they heal up they figure out they weren't as smart as they thought they were. lucky for me they don't forget in just 4 years like the wingnuts though.

Stay thirsty my friends
>Nemont I agree with everything you
>said, but I really really
>doubt Obama will let it
>happen again. Romney wasn't a
>star, Obama just didn't compete.
>I can't lose in this thing
>I wish Romney luck. if
>Obama wins I pay more
>taxes and I have to
>listen to wingnuts cry about
>everything Obama does. If Romney
>wins I keep my money
>and I get to ask
>why things aren't fixed and
>the national debt is still
>climbing like a rocket.
>Dealing with wingnuts is a lot
>like dealing with my workers,
>the best way to shut
>them up is to let
>them try it their way.
>after they heal up
>they figure out they weren't
>as smart as they thought
>they were. lucky for me
>they don't forget in just
>4 years like the wingnuts
>Stay thirsty my friends

Sounds like a concession speech to me!
440, how in the world does Obama do better next debate when it's about foriegn policy??? It's going to be exactly like this past debate. He can't brag about anything good because there is nothing good to brag about. Just one failure after another with every foriegn country we deal with. Romney is probably chompin at the bit to kick his ass on foriegn policy...This is like shooting fish in a barrel.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
If you're part of the 47%, that the rest of us 53% pay for, then I can see why you'd want Obummer.

This race shouldn't even be close but it is because there are way too many folks on the "take, take, take". They're afraid they'll actually have to work if they want to live!

The only reason someone would want big Government, with it's "tax & spend attitude, is if they're on the teet!

I don't care who won (Romney did it handily) but you'd have to be insane to vote for BO.

I wonder if Jim Lehrer will ever moderate another debate? Looks like the MSNBC crowd is about ready to jump off a cliff together.

I bet the next debate Obama is better, The interesting debate is going to be Joe Biden and Paul Ryan. Biden comes off as the drunk uncle who you love but just want him to be quiet, Ryan comes off as the little guy who you picked on all the time in high school by always giving him a wedgie.

That one should be fun to watch. Don't know if I can sit through another Romney vs Obama snooze fest.

I still think Obama wins in the end because of PA, Ohio and Florida. Could be wrong but I still see Ohio as key and so far moving the needle to Romney's side hasn't happened.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-12 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]Zeke,

It is close for 2 reason: 1. Romney has ran an inept campaign that allowed Obama's team to define him as a rich, out of touch tax cheat, plus he isn't very likeable.

2. the Electorate remembers the mess Obama inherited and he remains personally popular.

Given the economy, unemployment, the right track/wrong track numbers etc, etc the Republicans should be pulling away by a 2 to 1 margin. The fact that they aren't show the weakness of their argument and poor performance of their candidate other than the debate last night.

The Romney campaign manager should be shot for campaign malpractice.

Obama took an ass whip plain and simple, hell the man could barely look Mit in the eye, he was looking down, allegedly taking notes with a smirk on his face and slumped over figgiting. Plain and simple Obama sucked last night and when Mit hit him with facts on how poorly the economy has done under his reign Obama had nothing to come back with. Obama acted like a whiped dog last night.

"I'll admit it, that's hella funny! Good to see you around 202, I wish you would return on a regular basis there's a lot of bruised low lying fruit on here lately. You should be on here on a regular basis especially since it was your political carpet bombing at the campfire that inspired this forum!"
Thank you Forthewall
I have to laugh, I went hunting last night and now there is a new post with almost 50 replies, every rightwing fruitcake and their dog is excited, even the Texan 202 got a tingle, a little breath of life, glad to see it.
RE: if it ain't white, it ain't right.........

Zigga, your obvious lack of business sense is austounding. I can fill the wall street journal with ads that nobody can qualify for and guess what they still aren't going to work. When you have millions upon millions of bread earners that had blue collar jobs expound on how they're going to fill tech jobs? They need jobs they can actually fill with their skills. Retrain them you say OK but many still won't adapt. The housing market in the country as a whole is barely moving and we still have millions of homes vacant. Clinton was president when unemployment was 4% so it's easy to eliminate deficits in that scenario. That's why Mitt understands that you have to create jobs and put people to work. Problem is industry is holding on to capital because they're not certain what the future holds. Apple iphone is built off shore to save them 2 billion in taxes because our tax rates are so high. Hp produces computers off shore to reduce tax liability not just labor costs.

Obama can't grasp the fact that in order to create jobs you actually have to give business a reason to create them. That takes tax reduction or some other form of incentives. If you want to only tax the rich they'll simply shelter their income and they pay accountants very well to do that. When tax rates increase taxable incomes decrease as a result. You may not agree with this but that shows you lack of understanding about how the system works. Your democratic hero's all use cpa's for exactly the same reason. Think Kerry, Bloomberg, Clinton, Pelosi aren't using tax loopholes to acquire their fortunes, get serious. Yet Romneys wrong what's that say about them?

Now look up how many actual US on shore jobs were created with Solyndra, First Solar, Tesla. When you divide those numbers into the amount spent you're going to see that it wasn't the best utilization of capital from a cost or tax standpoint. Mitt used that against Obama because it's simply true and no amount of spinning can fix it! Each one of those massive investments were abject failures and a complete waste of taxpayer dollars! By the way how many middle americans, do you know that can afford an $80,000 Tesla and that's one of their cheaper models?

That's why you want the private sector to use their funds because you always get a better ROI. So while you think we're nuts it's you that needs to bone up on what makes a business and the economy tick. The government is broke so where are you going to get the money to create millions of jobs? Riddle me that skippy and show us all that vast knowledge you have in business.... I'm sure you can make us understand the when, where, & how all this is going to happen since you've followed him. Then explain why it simply hasn't happened over the last 4 years.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-12 AT 05:02PM (MST)[p]Zigga,

Why were interest rates so high during the Reagan years? You have some memory lapse of the Stagflation of the 70's that Paul Volker had to attempt to tame. The last good FED chairman knew that to choke inflation he had to raise interest rates and help savers out.

Montana's economy is doing well because commodities are booming, oil and gas activity is moving east to west. If western Montana's economy is so great then how come every craftsman, plumber, carpenter, etc, etc, is over here working or in the oil field in Williston. Every person I run into is either from Missoula or Kalispell and were starving to death over west.

On a national level the economy is still in neutral and with the storm clouds looming of the fiscal cliff, the Chinese economy slowing down and Europe having depression level unemployment in many of it's major economies, we are headed for a terrible 2013-14.

Carter was a bad president, W was a bad president. The jury is out on Obama but the first chapter is clearly written the facts are is that he is a very poor leader.

Ben Bernanke is waging war on savers right now in order to try to revive the economy. If high interest rates during Reagan years are Reagan's fault then I am asking you remember that during Obama's time in office the current negative real interest are going to have very, very grave consequences for you economy. Throughout history whenever this situation the occurred it had terrible consequences. So since you think Reagan and W ruled the economy I want to mark down in you calendar that Obama was in office and real interest rates were negative and when that flips it will destroy whatever recovery you think we supposedly have had.

I've watched bits and pieces of the debate. Can someone post the part where Romney "pummeled" Obama? I'd like to see whitey pummel.

Much thanks.

So Nemont, you're saying things haven't drastically improved in my part of the state in the last 4 years?
I thought the debate showed a businessman vs a salesman. Obama probably isn't going to compete with Romney when it comes to number crunching. If there were no questions and just speeches delivered Obama would take that, no questions asked.

In our area I saw a dip in the economy in 06 (aftermath of Katrina/Rita), very few foreclosures.. O&G exploration poured in a ton of jobs starting 07 and was ahead of the election. My main concern w/ both of them is causing a royal cluster w/ healthcare & the tax code and with that being said, I want private/current insurance and I want the businessman to leave open all the tax deductions.
Ziggy-Rasmussen has Romney ahead nationally and he got the lead in a couple more swing states. If Obama is deer in headlights one more debate he is road kill.

Not saying they have not improved, but look at the national economy. Romney won't do any better but I still can't see why Obama should be reelected. He is not a leader, period.

I wish the economy would improve so all these people with 4 and 7 plates would go back home to Missoula and Kalispell.

Zigga when you live in a state that's made up of 89% whites and ranks 44th in population in the nation it's easy to understand why you can't seeem to fathom what's going on. That's why you see things thru a jaded lens. We have more hispanics than the entire population of your state, probably more foreclosures during the last 4 years than f/t residences in your state and certainly more failed businesses than open businesses in your state and just about enough unemployed folks to equal the entire employed population of Montana. So while in your eyes everythings rosy it's time to open the peepers and face reality.

The more people you have the more dependent your economy becomes on jobs for tax revenues to be able to sustain the economic stability and public service function at the state and local level. We paid over $200,000,000.00 just in maternity costs for people that can't afford services and that's just one facet of the red ink. Still think illegal immigration doesn't have a price? They come here to have their kids and we are picking up the tab for them breaking the law and Obama thinks it's perfectly fine.

Montana isn't a snapshot of the reality the other 44 states face with larger populations and more diverse ethnic makeup and the burdens imposed on the states fragile budget by this administrations immigration policy! Hospital's are closing their maternity wards because they're losing too much money!! There's some reality for you that's costing the state money that could be better spent for other services! So think schools and other state funded programs may suffer as a result? They are! There's some reality for you but I doubt it did much to wake you up.
Romney ducks and dodges every question anyone asks about how he'd fix anything Obama has failed to fix. Obama offered hope and change, Romney says trust me I'll let you know later, same thing but harder to put on a button. voters may be stupid, but they may be smartr enough to see this much.

Take away Romney bashing Obama and what did he say in the debate ? what plans did he line out have any independent review will validate as workable? now you're catching up wingnuts.

I'm really starting to hope Romney wins, a year from now I'm not going to know if I should ask "why didn't he" questions or just say I told you so. I also think if Romney wins he's also going to be a one termer, I'll be taking bets on that before the inaguration.

It's a contest again I'll give Mitt credit for that, if Obama lets him run over him without calling him out on his BS he deserves to lose. I don't expect he will.

Stay thirsty my friends

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