scientific sheep unit choice


Long Time Member
i have been studying the idaho resident sheep odds, harvest records, odds trends, talked to 2 different bioligists trying to study and figure out what unit to apply for for my 32 nd year of trying to draw a sheep tag. after hours and hours of study and thought i had it down to 4 units. so instead of throwing a dart at the unit map i nailed it to a board and took one shot with my 22-250. now i have my unit all picked out. i figure after that many years af picking a unit where i wont draw this new method cant be much worse. ill try this new method of unit picking for 32 more years and see if i can draw a tag . ill be 80 in 32 years by the way.
I hope the areas you were picking from were at least in the same part of the state. Otherwise you better work on your shooting a little. :) So... you gonna tell us what areas you put in for?
with such a fool proof and intellegent method of figuring out what unit, i better wait till after the draw closes to tell you. LB
I have thought of best methods to pick and these come to mind...

Hack all the hunting services and make them all say the unit you will pick is terrible...

Add a crisp picture of Benjamin Franklin to your application envelpoe...

Honestly, if you pick the better draw odds units as a resident, you should draw before you tap out.

Good Luck!

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