Scouting pays off


Very Active Member
Scouting pays off

Some of you may know that I drew a California Bighorn tag this year. I also know a lot of people never bothered reading my HAC story because their not interested in sheep and that's fine. Here's a little more info. about my scouting aventures this summer that payed off big time. I thought it would be nice for you guys to put faces to names that I was using in my HAC story. I knew that my friends and family were willing to help me out as much as they could on my sheep hunt. So with most of them already having Central deer tags, I offered to pass along any information about good bucks I may see while scouting for sheep. I had never spent much time scouting for deer in this area before, simply because the deer numbers are very low. I was able to find a few good ones and we were able to put the hammer down on three of them. Now that the hunts are over, hopefully I can share even more info. about this seasons hunts.
Here's the video of the bucks in velvet I took in July and Aug.

The first buck in the video, is this 4x5 my friend Paul shot on the muzzleloader hunt. He was 22" wide but scores over 150".
Myself, Paul and my cousin John

Here's the kill shot video I took.

The second buck my cousin shot two days after Pauls buck, out of the same bed. In the video, he's the one that goes after the cactus buck. Also, he's the one in the middle of the screen before they turn and run. He's a 26" 3x5. To bad he broke off his upper fork falling down the ledges.


The third scene buck feeding away, is the buck Tom took on the rifle hunt. 25" 4x4.
Myself, Tom and Corby pictured

The last buck is the big three point I named "Lucky" from my HAC story. Which I messed up on more than once.

I took some heat from a few people about taking time away from my sheep hunt scouting, to look for deer but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Muleys are my true passion and it was awesome to help my friends and cousin all shoot their biggest bucks to date and I still was able to find one of the best rams on the unit. As for "Lucky" he may just be my first 30"er. If he comes back next year.
RE: Scouting pays off

Congrats on getting some great bucks. Thanks for sharing them with us.
RE: Scouting pays off

Ridge, For what its worth, I loved your HAC story. It was one of the only ones I consistently checked out... The only pain was constantly checking to see whent eh next update was coming....

RE: Scouting pays off

Ray, it can't get much worse. There was 16 vehicles at the trailhead opening day. As far as I know, our group were the only ones to tag anything. Also, the mountain will be a LE next year anyway. I challenge anyone to figure out where we were. Some place between Deseret Peak and I-80. There's about 10 canyons on each side of the mountain to pick from. Another thing, my group of friends are very loyal, when it comes to keeping secrets.

I'm glad you guys liked the story. I know it was awesome living it.

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